
(Part 4 from 4)

She realized quickly that Baldy could not resist increasing his tempo again, as he approached the edge, he again started to pull out and slow the tempo as he had done in the past 3 occasions. This time however Denise did not let him do so, she willed her tired battered body forward and moved her vagina to quickly swallow-up the retreating penis. Baldy was taken by complete surprise; “What the fuck are you doing…” He did not finish as Denise started rocking quickly back and forth, she could feel his dick quivering as he strove desperately to back away and bring it under his control. It was now or never, she moved downward powerfully and trapped the quivering penis completely in her warm wet prison. The delicious sensation quickly overwhelmed Baldy and she smiled in quiet triumph as she felt his warm jets shooting thickly into her.

Baldy’s face was a mask of anger as the entire act had lasted barely 20 minutes. “You just wait you bitch, I will have a second round with you that will last all day…..” But he was interrupted as yet another beefy brute took his place between her tired legs.

Number 5, Denise mentally counted, only another 2 more after this and she would at least have won the first round. It was the only remaining shred of satisfaction she could muster for herself. She shut her eyes as she felt the now push of the phallus between her lips. Excess sperm trickled down her crack as the faceless brute pushed himself in without any resistance. Denise could sense the pent-up desire that she had denied her hungering body stirring within her. It was like a time bombing ticking away and she knew that the longer she kept the raging torrent boxed-up within her, the stronger and more urgent the need became.

And so the sexual marathon continued. A fifth, followed by a sixth faceless assailant. Each slowly wore down her resolve. The tension within her grew and grew until she was like a tightly wound-up spring coil, quivering and ready for release at the right touch. Her whole body ached from the constant prolonged assault, but was also on fire, unable to rest as it looked for the sweet release she was denying it. At times she almost thought she would lose control as her sexual tormentors teased her fevered body into a higher state of sexual frenzy. But each time, she bit down hard on her lower lip and the jolt of pain disrupted the inevitable allowing her to seize control of the raging monster within.

As the sixth poacher blew his load into her soaking vagina, a ray of hope filled Denise. It was the last mile of the marathon, she could see the finishing line, all she had to do was to last the distance within the final seventh man. He was a tall muscular black Negro. She had heard stories about the size of the black man’s penis, and her worst fears were confirmed when she saw a fully erect black phallus. It was as thick as Fatty’s penis and also as long as Scar Face’s phallus.

Blacky was the seventh and final man in the pack, she noted. The bed sheets were now soaked in a combination of sweat and semen and clung wetly to her back and sides. He said nothing as he quietly inserted the monster into her. She moaned as her small orifice was stretched beyond its limits to accommodate the mammoth phallus. It was huge and filled her to the brim. So tight was the fit that the pressure squeezed excess sperm out of her vagina.

As he began to slide wetly in and out of her, the initial pain of the entry was quickly replaced by the familiar stirrings of the beast within her. Denise’s defiant body relished the delicious urgent sensations. Bloody Tongue moved forward to get a better view of the big black phallus as it slid in and out of the white, pink orifice. “Come on, the bitch is almost there” he cried as Denise was unable to contain a shudder that broke the surface of the raging storm below.

The tide grew again within her as Blacky picked up the tempo. On and on he went, but she held on at the very edge. The minutes became an hour and she was amazed by his amazon like stamina. As the delicious sensation threatened to overwhelm here again, she bit her now broken and bloody lips, but this time the pain only added to the intensity of the need as her body was reduced into a quivering mound of pleasure. She shut her eyes trying to block out all sensation.

Blacky blurted out: “Guys I cant last, oh god….its gonna happen soon.” Encouraged she again tilted her orifice to receive him more fully attempting to trigger his orgasm sooner. But the act also brought her closer to her own release.

Suddenly her eyes snapped open as she felt jolts of electricity engulfing her bruised nipples. Bloody Tongue had returned with two small pink vibrators and had anchored each to her erect nipples. He smiled at the look of surprise on her face; “You were not expecting this were you, well there’s more to come.” He touched a button which increased the intensity of the small humming device, sending a surge of pleasure through Denise’s body.

Taken off-guard, Denise had no time to mentally prepare for the delicious wave that engulfed her upper torso. They had found a back-door in and the bolts of pleasure spread swiftly to merge with the pent-up desire that had accumulated between her legs, merging into a mammoth tidal wave that could not be contained, tipping her finally over the edge.

She let out a cry of hopeless frustration as every muscle in her tired body tensed, almost gratefully receiving the release that she had denied it in the past hours. The build-up to her second climax for the day had been slow, which added to the intensity and length of the final release. Fist clenched, her back arched as the wave of fire and pleasure surged forward taking her. Her Vagina walls contracted in spasms around Blacky’s huge phallus, milking it as it sent warm jets of semen into her in an apparently never ending stream.

Damm, damm, damm she cursed herself as she could here the room erupt in peels of laughter and claps. She was still caught in the throes of the wave of pleasure when Baldy clamped a third vibrator onto her swollen nub. Denise gasped sharply as the first wave was immediately replaced by another of higher intensity. Blacky had removed his now flaccid phallus and all eyes were focused on her still convulsing pussy as it tried to grip a phallus that was no longer there.

She realized with a shock that this was the first time she was experiencing multiple orgasms as each wave of pleasure was replace by a higher more intense wave. The vibrator on her clitoris hummed at a higher pitch as Baldy switch the device to maximum setting, sending it into a final series of quick convulsive spasms. So intense were the contractions that excess semen and vagina fluids sprayed from the petal like lips as they opened and shut on their own.

It seemed an eternity before her sweat slick body finally came to rest on the damp mattress. She felt a warm thick wet substance on the mattress. As Denise opened her eyes, a scene of chaos and death greeted her. The headless body of Blacky lay between her legs, she could see bright red blood spurting from his severed carotid artery, onto the bed. The other members of the wolf pack were in a similar state and the room was a slaughterhouse. As her eyes adjusted to the chaos, she noticed 3 tribes men standing with bloodied weapons at the door. She recognized the small skulls they wore around the neck, which were identical to the ones in her earlier encounter with the natives.

One of them came forward towards her and again she closed her eyes waiting for the end to come. At least it would be a quick release from this living hell, she only prayed for a quick and painless execution.

Instead, she felt gentle hands untie her shackles, helping her up. A water bottle was presented to her chaffed lips and she drank hungrily. She was too tired and exhausted to walk, and was vaguely aware as the natives placed her on a make shift stretcher, before she drifted again into oblivion.

Next she awoke, Denise found herself on clean sheets in a hospital. She was suffering from prolonged exposure and dehydration, as well as the severe trauma she had suffered at the hands of the poachers. But she had survived. She found some comforting satisfaction in the fact that they were all dead. It was also ironic that the very people she had thought would be her enemies (the tribesmen) had turnedout to be her saviours. It now remained for her to pick up the pieces of her life and move on with her career.

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