
(Part 2 from 4)

She did not get very far when Scar Face appeared directly in front of her. Failing to stop I time she flew right into his open arms. She could smell his putrid unwashed stench as he pulled her to him, one grubby hand reaching for her bosom while the other seeked out her crotch. But her body and limbs were still slick and slippery with her perspiration, she twisted around and brought her knee upward with all her strength between his legs.

For the second time she was lucky and the stunned poacher let her go, cursing under his breath. Quickly she turned blindly to the right again running on. Again another poacher appeared in front of her and she deviated, the process repeated itself several times over until she lost count of the number of directional changes she made. Realizing she was totally lost only added to her state of panic. They were herding her, running her down much like a pack of wolves would take turn to pace its prey. Each wolf in the pack would give chase for awhile, herding the prey in the desired direction, before a fresh member of the pack took over.

The trees and branches tore at her clothes and exposed flesh, leaving small minute cuts, but she pushed on, willing her tired legs into motion. She felt her lungs sucking in air as her body struggled to maintain her running pace. It was now high noon and her prolonged physical exertion, together with the afternoon heat had drained her body. She could feel the build up of heat and beads of sweat covered her entire body as the cooling system in her fast tiring body struggled to cool it down.

She stopped abruptly realizing that she had stumbled into a small clearing with a ram shackled house directly in front. Looking desperately around she realized she had been herded into the edge of a cliff with only the route back being the only available option. Perhaps there was help behind those doors, she thought as she stumbled up the front door banging on it like a mad woman. But it stayed silently close. Looking back she could see Fatty casually strolling up the path, followed by the other poachers.

“Please help me..” she cried in desperation as she hammered the door again.

At last the heavy oak door creaked open and she was greeted by a huge fat woman with a shot-gun, viewing her suspiciously.

“Please help me, they are after me, please, I have money, there is a reward for me alive” she pleaded.

With a casual waive of the barrel the Fat Woman gestured for her to enter the house.

“Oh thank you so much ma’am, I will reward you, where is your phone please, you have to lock and bolt the door, there are 7 of them.”

“Don’t cha worry sweety, the phone is in the bedroom, you go call them authorities while I hold the pack of them off”. Smiled the Fat Woman.

Denise quickly stumbled into the bedroom. It was dim and musky with a heavy unwashed odor. After a few minutes she spied the phone in a far corner and snatched it up, but the line was dead. She tapped the cradle several times to no avail and made her way again to the living room.

“Ma’am your phone is dead, is there another one I….” Her voice trailed off as she stumbled into the living room. Fatty had deposited his bulk comfortably on the stained sofa, and the other 6 poachers had also wandered in.

“Looks like you got acquainted with our latest guest Meg”….he laughed.

The Fat Woman responded; “Well look at the catch you boys took home today. You were lucky you got here in time, was just about to blow her cotton pickin brains out.”

She realized her position now truly hopeless. She had been herded right into the heart of the wolf’s den, and the pack were all hungry for dinner. She tried to negotiate;

“ All of you think, USD100k is a lot of money…..its not worth it….”

Fatty smiled: “We have been through this before…..poaching is a profitable profession, but in this part of no-man’s land the best whore that money can buy is Meg here..”

Meg shouted: “Fuck you fatty….”.

He laughed and continued: “Meg here has been servicing our boys for a good 2-3 years now. All 7 of us, 3 times a day each, you can imagine the physical toll on her, even for a woman of her size.”

Scar Face chimed in : “Meg’s no woman, she’s a fucking whale….we want a piece of little Miss Mupphet here. In fact, looking at both of them its hard to believe they are the same species, let alone the same sex.”

Meg: “Fuck you too, you certainly had no problems performing this morning.”

Scar Face: “That’s before our little Miss Mupphet paid us this visit, now I just wanna suck-up every drop of fluid from her sweet body.”

Fatty stood-up: “So you see, its not a question of money here, to us, you are priceless coz no amount of money will fetch a prime catch like you…”

Scar Face inched forward eagerly : “Enough talk, want a piece of her now, I can smell her all the way from across the room, yummy…”

Fatty snarled: “You wait your turn….I bagged her first, take her into the bed room and tie her up…”

Denise was determined to resist to the death. She managed to elude or slip out of the first few hairy paws. But they closed in on her together, expertly handling her as they would do for any other life-stock. Fatty finally twisted both her arms painfully behind her back and half dragged and carried her onto the massive bed.

He forcefully brought her arms over her head and handcuffed them to the bed posts. She tried to fight but her body was too tired from the run and her legs quickly gave in as rough pairs of hand parted them and handcuffed her feet to the bed posts.

Fatty wasted no time, “Lets start the ball rolling…” he whispered hoarsely and he quickly tore the silky gown from her body, staring lewdly at her white lithe body clad only in her lacy bra and undies.

He quickly undid her bra, it was damp with her perspiration and he buried his nose in it inhaling; “ahh there is no smell like that of a young lass… is some appetizers for you lads” he flung the lacy bra to eagerly waiting hands amidst whoops of delight.

Denise could feel the cold air making contact with her damp skin and nipples. She flinched as Fatty bent eagerly forward taking her right breast in his mouth and sucking hungrily, while his dirty paw groped and massage her left breast, mauling her and twitching her non-responsive nipples painfully between his fingers.

“God you smell even better then you look…” he grunted, sniffing the length of her naked body like a dog, he slowly worked his way up her side to the sensitive cleft of her left arm-pit and covered the damp area with his mouth and nose, inhaling her musky natural odor.

“Enough with the preliminaries, gotta get me a whiff of your sweet puss and taste the golden pot of honey…” he leered. He roughly reached for her white lacy panties and impatiently ripped the fine material from her. Taking a moment, he again inspected the damp under garment and buried his nose in it. “More appetizers coming up boys, wait till you get a whiff of this fragrant snatch…” he said as he tossed the flimsy material to eagerly waiting hands.

She was totally nude now, tied and spread eagled to the bed, surrounded by the wolf pack. Trembling and feeling vulnerable and exposed, she could feel 6 pairs of eager eyes roaming up and down the length of her naked body.

“Now for the real thing”. As his head disappeared between her legs, Denise could feel her body tense in preparation for the invasion. She inhaled sharply as she felt the tip of his coarse tongue roughly exploring her tender vagina. Fatty was not gentle and he pushed his tongue as far into her small orifice as it would go, before attempting to cover her entire entrance with his mouth and sucking noisily like a dog, trying to capture the accumulation of Denise’s fragrant essence over the past 4 days.

Not content to just subjecting her vagina to his oral abuse, he trusted both hands above his head and cupped each soft firm breast in each hand, squeezing painfully and bruising her tender flesh before seeking out each nipple between his fingers and twitching tem painfully.

Denise tried to twist and turn to toss him away, but his bulk was too much for her slight model’s frame and she was helplessly pinned under his beefy arms. Suddenly, she shuddered as his wondering tongue made contact with the sensitive nub of her clitoris. Fatty sensed her body tensing; “Hey look ladies, I think I found our ice-queen’s G spot, lets see me make her melt into molten lava…”

Relentlessly he lashed at her clitoris again and again with his tongue, teasing it before taking the nub entirely in his mouth and sucking on it. Slowly, he was able to tease the sensitive nub into an involuntary state of arousal. He paused to examine his handy work; “you like it don’t you you fucking whore, come on admit it…” When she did not answer, he took the sensitive erect nub between his teeth and ground them gently. Denise let out an ear piercing scream as the sharp pain brought with it a flood of warm sensations that washed over her loins.

“Ok, now for my grand entrance, that’s what your little puss here is aching for, well its gonna have a lot of company and house-guests pretty soon, starting with me big brother here.” Fatty stood up and tore off his jacket revealing a huge blubber of fat. To her utter disgust she noticed that he had not been circumcised. His foreskin hung over the penis like some diseased, rotting outer layer.

Denise was determined to resist to the death. But she was tied to the bed in a spread eagled position, still, she twisted and turn her body, trying to evade the mammoth phallus. It looked obscene and dirty, seeming to throb in eager anticipation as it moved ever closer to her small sensitive orifice. She realized in horror that the other poachers and Meg had settled around the room enjoying the spectacle. This infuriated her al the more. Gathering a mouth full of saliva, she spat the glob of fluid straight at Fatty’s face. It landed on his face trickling down his right cheek. He paused for awhile, and scooped the saliva from his face brought it to his mouth, sucking on it like a candy “yummy, so sweet, almost as sweet as the nectar from your honey-port below”

“Well you can have some more..” Denise shot back, but before she got any further, a heavy hand slammed into her face. Fatty back handed her face three times in quick succession.

“We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way, you decide. I prefer the hard way so just give me more openings like this….”

As her world stopped spinning, the coppery bitter taste of blood filled her mouth. Still reeling from the blows, she was totally unprepared as Fatty tried to shove the huge phallus into her. The violence had added to his sexual arousal and his manhood was fully erect, emerging fully out of his foreskin. A pungent stench filled the air and she realized that he had probably not washed beneath the foreskin for god knows how long, it was covered with yellow scum and smelled like decayed cheese. The stench was overwhelming. The thought of the dirty disgusting phallus making contact with her and penetrating her filled her with loathing, but her body was too tired and battered in her hazy state to resist.

Using brute force, he was able to get 1/3 of the phallus into the small orifice. The searing pain of the initial entry jolted Denise back into full consciousness and she bucked and rocked her torso violently, trying to vomit him out of her and regurgitate his disgusting appendage from within her. But it was a losing battle as Fatty used his immense bulk to cram inch after painful inch of the dirty discoloured phallus between her legs. Slowly, more and more of the immense organ disappeared into her warm moist recesses.

Denise moaned in pain as she felt her small vagina stretched to its limit to accommodate the invading organ. After what seemed an eternity for her, the entire organ had disappeared within her, buried in her vagina. She felt violated defiled, corrupted by the deformed primitive organ. Through teary eyes, she watched in silent rage and frustration as a look of bliss washed over Fatty’s face. His eyes were closed, shifting his weight for a tighter more comfortable fit, he grunted like a pig as he savoured the delicious tight, warm and moist embrace of Denise’s vagina. His jaws were slack and saliva was drooling from the corners of his mouth.

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