Sharing Black (part 1)
He spread kisses across the length of my neck, as he raised my shirt and pinched at my nipples. He went down and wrapped his beautiful lips around my nipples. His hot tongue sent my head whirling. He put his other hand between my legs and started rubbin my muff through my pants. My panties instantly caught fire.
He slid his hands down my pants and started fingering my wet muff. Shit, it was feeling damn good, then, just as I was getting’ into the heat of things, there was a knock at the door.
“Black,” I heard Ronda call .
“Be out in a minute,” he yelled back and turned around to start kissing me again.
I pushed him away and his hand slipped out my pants.
“Yo girlfriend wants you!” I put my tit back in my bra and pulled my shirt down.
He started to laugh. “Ha ha ha, the girl got jokes.” he replied and looked at me with disgust.
“She ain’t my gal no more Jori,” he said turning to walk out and paused. He turned to look at me, put the two fingers he fingered me with up to his nose and took a deep whiff. He winked and smiled at me, then left the bathroom.
I began cleaning again after I caught my breath and my heart beat came down to normal. I tucked my shirt in and finsihed my last urinal. Just as i finished, I saw Ronda stepping past the stall door.
“You bitch, what the fuck is you doin’ with my man.” she spat in my face.
“Yo man?” I laughed
“Yeah my man, BITCH, you got a problem …”
I interrupted and put my hand in her face, “Look bitch first of all you need to get you smelly breath ass out my damn face, cause if you don’t I’mma whop yo ass ho.”
“I ain’t outta yo face yet am I,” she challenged and stepped closer. “Now what, BITCH!” she threatened. Aahhww shit, this bitch wanna throw some.
I chest checked her ass and knocked her against the wall. The fight begins. She bounced off the wall and grabbed me around the shoulders, pushing me back against the mirrors. After a little struggle I pushed her arms from around my body and checked her in her chin. She started falling back against the wall and, grabbed my shirt to catch herself. As she fell back she ripped my shirt down the middle. I looked down at my shirt “Bitch you toe my shirt” I yelled and I rushed her again. As I got close to her, her fake finger nail hit me in the mouth and cut my bottom lip. I grabbed a fist full of her hair again and started slammin’ her head up against the wall.
She pushed her foot in my gut and kicked me off top of her. I fell back and hit the floor hard on my arm. I saw her skinny ass get up and come after me. She kneeled down and grabbed hold of my bra for leverage as she continued to smack me across the face. I managed to get my arm from pent under her and I put all force in the punch that landed on her chin. She fell off me and still had hold of my bra. I stood up and grabbed her hair again then swung her around and threw her on the floor again. I ran over to punched her in her face. I saw her weave dangling off my class ring. Damn I pulled that bitch hair out. I took her hair off my ring and commenced hittin’ her skinny ass in her face. With every blow I landed on her face we were screamin’ obscenities to each other. I guess that is what drew the crowd. Black dashed in and pulled me off her. I didn’t realize my tities was hanging out until I felt his hot hands cupping them as he pulled me off up just before my boss came in.
“What the hell is going on in here.” Robert yelled at the crowded
“I was in here minding my business, cleaning when she came in and started with me,” That bloody bitch stood up and said through her swollen lips, “She was in here fuckin’ my man so I had to set her straight.”
“That’s a lie bitch, and who set who straight HO!” I replied and reached out for her again. Black’s still had his hands cupped to my titties and pulled me back further. I wanted to add 'and if he was yo man, the why's he here holdin' my titties instead of yours,' but my boss was standing right there.
“Let me the fuck go!” I snatched myself out of his roaming hands and my titties plopped out.
With my titties bouncing I walked over to my bra and snatched it up.
I picked her hair up too, “There bitch, put yo hair back on ,” I said and threw her weave in her face. Ronda lashed out at me again, and I defended myself. She scratched me down my neck and I slammed my fist into her jaw. Ronda hit the floor and I attempted to jump her ass again. Antwon pulled me off her, and pushed me back, but not before he too, got his feel of my titties.
“LaJoria I need to see you in my office.” he stated the rest of you I want you out of this establishment, it‘s past closing time.”
The crowd dispersed and I went into his office. Sarita stuck her head in his office and asked me what happened.
“That bitch Ronda came in the bathroom and started shit with me that’s what.”
“Damn girl you should let me have at her when I wanted to cause, I wanted a piece of action too.”
It took Robert a minute to come to the office and, and when he did he had a first aid kit in his hands. He began to clean up my scratches. Every now and again I felt his hands run across my nipples as he reached for another cotton ball. I'm guessin' he had his feel of my titties and handed me another shirt.
"Well of course you know I had to call the police." he stated as he watch me take off the torn shirt and put on the other shirt.
“Are you going to tell me I’m fired?”
“No, if what you are saying is true.” he asked. “Tell me what happened.” .
I told him everything but the part about Black feeling me up in the bathroom and he believed me. The police came in and I told them the same story. They were going to take me to the station but Black, my knight in shining armor, came to my rescue again. He told the police the same story that I told them and said that he was a witness to the whole thing. The ambulance took Ronda to the hospital and offered to take me but I said that I was fine. Everyone left even Black, after the police left. I talked with Robert some more and he told me that I was on suspension for one week without pay and told me to go home and rest. I like Robert, he was cool and he liked me too. I clocked out and got my shit.
I waited for Sarita but she said she have a ride and to go ahead.
“Are you sure girl?” I asked. She grabbed my arm which was sore and pulled me over in the corner.
“I’mma ride home with Robert.” she smiled at me and I looked at her and she winked. “You be careful now, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“You got condoms,” I whispered.
“Well here is one,” I said and pulled one out of my purse.
“What is a virgin doing with condoms?”
“Well I won’t be one forever.” I replied thinking and hoping about Black . “And besides a woman have to be prepared for anything.” I put the condom in her pocket and walked out.
Day 5 12:23a.m. (at home) Saturday
I pulled in front of my house and saw a familiar car in my parking spot. I pulled next to him in the drive way and walked up to the porch.
“You ok?” Black asked as I walked right past him into the house and closed the door.
I was so tired I just went straight up stairs and ran the bath water. I got out my night gown and got into the sudsy bath and soaked my body.
I closed my eyes and scooted down into the tub. When I opened my eyes I saw Black sitting on the toilet looking at me, then my tits, then my pussy.
“Why the fuck are you here?” I questioned him not bothering to cover up.
“I wanted to apologize about that incident at your job, and I hope it didn’t get you fired.” “Apology accepted now get out.” I said and closed my eyes again and ran the soap over my extremities.
When I opened my eyes again he was still sitting there watching me.
“Is there anything else Black,” I said and stood up, crossed in front of him to get the towel and left the bathroom.
I wrapped the towel around myself and turned to him and asked the stupidest question, “What?”
“I wanna be with you!” he said then proceeded to tug at the towel.
I pushed his hands down and walked away.
“No, we can’t be together Black, anyway what about Ronda?”
“She ain‘t my girl!”
“Then what is she!” he paused for a second…
“She ain’t my girl.”
“Alright Black, I see you play games, is there anything else?” I said and turned around to face him again.
“I don’t play games, I play sports,” he said and started laughing.
“Ah hee hee, Ah hee hee hell!!” he stopped laughing and gave me a strange look. “Alright smart ass, I’m tired, I need to sleep, is there ANYTHING else?”
“I wanna be with you, fa real!” he said and started kissin’ me. I pushed him back again and said
“Look I’m tryin’ to be a friend like you asked me to be and be nice Black , what is it going to take for you to leave me alone, huh?”
“I told you, I didn’t wanna be with you, what, you wanna Fuck Me Black ?” “Is that it, you wanna Fuck?” “After you fuck me will you leave me alone then?” I drilled him.
“What?” he questioned.
“You want my pussy or not” I interrupted and dropped my towel.
“Come on Black,” I snatched his arm and pulled him into my room and closed the door.
“LaJoria, wait…” I laid upon the bed.
“Black will you just COME ON AND GET THIS OVER WITH!!” I bellowed.
“You want me to fuck you?” he threw back. I saw a furious glare in his eye as I laid back confused as to if I wanted him or wanted him to leave. “I ight then!” He slammed the door to my room and walked in.
He had a serious stare on his face when he climbed on the bed. He threw his hot lips roughly on my face and ran his hot hand across pussy. I felt his long, fat finger run across my clit and down my pussy to my love hole. My heart started beating so fast I thought it’ll pop loose from it’s blood vessels. He played forcefully around the opening and then pushed two fingers in. He stopped kissing my face and went down to my titties. He continued to push two fingers into my pussy as he sucked, licked and bit on my nipples until they were burning with desire. My breathing became deep, fast and shaky as he fingered my pussy and sucked my nipples. I was so scared I almost wet myself.
“Damn girl you tight and wet.”
“You a virgin huh?” I didn’t respond.
“Yeah I thought so.” he said and started kissing my chest down to my belly. His hot tongue ran over my belly button then down to my hairless pussy in which he was so diligently fingering. He opened up my pussy lips and saw the hymen still intact.
“Yeah, that pussy still fresh!” he said and smiled at me.
“What are you doing, Black, I though you were going to fuck me?”
“I am!” he respond agitatedly.
“Black!” I He plunged his face in my pussy. His tongue lapping around my pussy felt so good.
“No Black, please don’t, don’t.” I said uncontrollably gyrating my pussy on his fingers and face. Ooohhh shit I’m finna cum.
“Uh, uh, mmmm,” I enjoyed and arched my back as orgasm rocketed through my body. It scared me for I have never experienced such a large orgasm.
“I said STOOOOOP DAMN IT!!!” I growled and forcefully pushed his mouth off my now very sensitive clitoris. I came so hard and fast I felt dizzy. He laughed.
He sat up to pull off his clothes and I reached up to help him. He had me so hot my pussy ached. As he took off his shirt I pulled at his belt loop. He just watched me as I unbuckled his belt and smiled. His face glistened with my cum as he watched me open his pants. I got a look of his dick in the bathroom earlier but it was hard and I wasn’t sure what boiling blood filling it up would make it look like now. I pulled it out, and when he stood up to pull his pants off, his hard dick sprung free. That mo fo sprung up like diving board.
“Damn!” I said not knowing it was out loud.
“What?” he laughed.
“Um… I I was just wondering, where the hell you finna put that?” he looked down at his swollen 12 in length and 7 in width steel rod and shook it up and down.
“What Berg…”
“Berg?” I questioned.
“Yeah Iceberg!” he said.
Why do mutha fucka’s name they shit like it’s they kid or something.
“Well, there’s one of three places I could put it, two I know I won’t have a problem getting into.”
I used his saying back on him. “Ha ha ha, the boy got jokes”.
He smiled and shook his head.
“What do you want to do Jori if you don’t want to do it just say so!” he said and wiped his face of my cum on my sheets. I turned my head in embarrassment
“Let‘s do this.” I returned. I laid flat on the bed with my hands to my side when he climbed between my legs and opened them wide. He put the head of his manhood against the opening and started to push in.
I felt the head of his steel rod bounce pass my hymen. Then the shaft started pushin’ in at it.
“AHHHH!!!” I screamed and I dug my nails in his biceps as he pushed deeper into my pussy.
“AAAHHHH SHIT Black that hurt, take it out, take it out now!!!” I screamed not knowing it would be that bad.
“Wait I‘m not even in yet!” he said and continued to push.
“IT AIN’T GOIN’ NO FURTHER, NOW TAKE IT OUT!!!!” The next thing I knew I felt the most painful pinch when he hammered his plug into my pussy.
“AAAAAHHHHH MO FO YOU TORE IT!!! I screamed into his face, I started pounding him in his chest with my fists. I hit him harder as he continued to penetrate my stinging pussy. He had no remorse as he continued to deflower my delicate cunt. I could feel a trickle of blood roll down my ass cheeks onto the bed.
“STOP!!!” I screamed again and punched him dead in his mouth. My ring clipped his lip and made it bleed.
“AAHHH” he moaned and sucked his bottom lip into his mouth. He reached his hand to his lip and pulled back blood. He looked at the blood on his finger and then at me and his face and stare became furious.
“Girl why the fuck you…” he trailed off. “You almost made me call you something.” he said and smeared his bloody finger into my face.
Daughter gets in on mom's action... |
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