Sharing Black (part 1)
3:00p.m. (after school)
I dropped Sarita off at home and I drove in the drive way. I jumped out the car and ran upstairs. What am I going to wear, I questioned myself. I took out my tommy jeans that hugged my hips and ass tight, and my tommy bad girl shirt that accented my titties well. I pinned my hair up and took a shower. When I got out I splashed on some body spray and lotion of the same fragrance from head to toe. I put on a pair of thongs and my 24 hr bra. I painted my nails and did something quick with my hair. I threw on my robe and walked to the phone. I called Sarita.
“Was sup girl?”
“Just getting ready to go to the movies.”
“Did he tell you what one you were going to?” she asked.
“Naw he just said that he was coming to pick me up at 8:30.”
“I guess you are going to the drive in.”
“The drive in?”
“Yeah the drive in!”
“How do you know?”
“Well, Antwon asked me to go with him to the drive in and he will be picking me up at about 8ish.”
I guess that’s ok then I won’t have to worry about nothing poppin’ off. What about LaShaunda and Ronda I thought, what are they doing while their men are out with other people.
“You riding with us?” I questioned her. “Naw he’s picking me up and I have to finish getting ready so…” she ended,
“See you there then!” I hung up.
I sat at my vanity table and started my makeup, it was light but I looked good. I called Malinda who had, previously during the week, asked me if I would switch off days with her and told her that I will switch her Thursday for my Friday. She went into work for me and I was free to do whatever. I put on my clothes. I took a look once over and liked what I saw. I sprayed my neck with the body spray again and walked down stairs. The door bell rang.
“LaJoria!!” Big Momma yelled as I descended the stairs.
“Hey Big Momma!” Black said as he entered the house.
“I’ll just get my jacket!”
I listened in as Black and Big Momma exchanged pleasantries.
“Big Momma I’ll be back later.”
The ride to the movies was relatively quiet, idol chit-chat here and there. He smelled so good. His black Impala was clean and drove like a dream. The music was low and playing soft rock. He kept his eyes on the rode only to steal a glance at me when he had to make a right turn or change into his right lane. He looked so good I could eat him.
8:54p.m. (The drive in)
We pulled up next to Antwons jeep.
“Be right back, you want something from the snack bar?” he asked before opening the door.
“Yeah, some pop corn and a soda.” He got out.
I watched him set up the speaker and knock on Antwon’s window. Antwon got out and walked with him over to the snack bar. As they stood there I saw Sarita and she was putting her sweater back on as she stepped out the car.
“Hey Jori!”
“Hey Rita!”
“It’s cold out here!” she said and got back in Antown’s jeep.
After a few minutes Black and Antwon walked back to the car with the eateries. They passed some dap in front of his car and parted ways.
“Here.” He handed me the popcorn as he shut the door. He sat the soda’s in the cup holder and climbed in the back seat.
“You coming?” I handed him my popcorn and climbed back with him.
The movie started. We had to sit real close so that we didn’t have to look over the front seats to see the screen. He crunched on his nachos as I crunched on my popcorn.
“You want some?” he asked handing me his tray.
“Sure!” I said and took two nachos and stuffed them in my mouth one by one.
“You got some cheese on your face!” he said and reached up to my face to wipe it off before I got the napkin.
I paused to stare at him just as he did me. We stared at each other for about thirty seconds, then we came to our sinces as the movie got louder. I returned to my popcorn and he finished to his nachos.
He reached in the back pocket of the drivers seat and pulled out a refill pack of baby wipes.
“You got a baby?” I asked.
He looked at me like he smelled a skunk.
“Hell naw I ain’t got no baby!” Wiping his hands of the cheese. “This is for when I can’t get to a sink and wash my hands.” He threw the wipe out the window.
My body started shaking it was so cold.
“You cold?”
“Kind of!”
“Here!” he covered me with his coat.
He leaned over in the front seat and turned the key so he could let the windows up. His ass looked so good in his corduroy pants and a polo shirt to match. He sat back and pulled me close to him. I leaned my head on his chest as his arm wrapped around my shoulders. We sat like that for the first hour.
My eyelids felt heavy. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. The next thing I knew was Black had my face in his hands kissing my lips. I jumped up so fast I hit my head on the window behind me. He leaned forward, pulled my legs out from under me and leaned on me to kissed me again. Why did I let him get this far I don’t know but I know it’s time to stop now. “No!” I murmured from under his attentive lips. I pushed him back.
“Please, I don’t want to do this!” I said and pulled myself up.
He sat up and looked at me.
“I thought you said that we were just going to see a movie?” I fired.
“We are just seeing a movie!” he fired back.
“And nothing else” I spat and pulled his jacket up to my neck to cover my hard nipples. “Well can I at least get under my jacket with you then?” he asked and pulled on the arm sleeve. I allowed his warm body to come under his warm leather jacket with me. He rested his head on my shoulder. A few minutes later I felt his hand embrace mine. His soft hot hand enveloped my cold fingers and kept them warm. Antwons car caught my eye, for it was moving up and down, side to side. Everyone within a foot radius knew what they were doing. I could hear suttle noises coming from inside the jeep.
Without warning I felt Black’s hands caressing my protruding nipples through my shirt. His hot hands sent hot sensations down my spine to my clit. At first it was so soft, hardly detectable. Then when he got into it, he began roughin’ it. He squeezed my nipples and kissed my neck.
“Black!” I called to him. He continued to kiss my neck.
His wandering hands went up my shirt and under my bra. His filthy hands were all over my tits. “Black!” I screamed and pulled at his hand. He was strong but my persistence paid off. He snatched his hands out my shirt and sat up.
“Damn it girl, what’s wrong with you!” he screamed at me.
“What’s wrong with me, you NASTY BASTARD!” I screamed at him kicking over the popcorn as I jumped out the car.
As I ran towards the snack stand I heard him call to me.
“LaJoria!” he’d call. I didn’t answer. Lucky I had some money, I called a cab to pick me up. I got in the cab and rode home. The last time I saw my birth mom she told me never go anywhere with a man without cab money, I’m glad I listened. When I got in the house I went straight up stairs and cried myself fast asleep.
Next day Friday 12:15p.m. (School hall)
I went through all my classes like I was a zombie, or something. I didn’t want to do anything. I’m not sure how I got to all my classes I was so bummed out. The day went slow as usual, I didn’t see Black none during the day. I didn’t eat in the lunch room today I just ate my peaches and drank my milk outside. I sat there the whole lunch period. “LaJoria… I’ve been looking all over for you this morning.” Sarita said as she came running in my direction.
“What Sarita?” I said tiredly.
“What happened to you last night?”
“Nothing, look Sarita I really don’t want to talk about it.” I told her and headed for my next class.
“We were looking for you all night! Black was worried!!” she kept going.
“I SAID I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT SARITA!!” I barked in her face, and walked in my class.
2:34p.m. (School parking lot)
For some reason coach called off practice today so I went straight to my car. Sarita caught up with me on the way out of school to go home. .
“You still coming to the game tonight aren’t you?” she asked.
“No Sarita I have to work.
“Aww come on please!!!” she begged. I told her that Melinda and I switched places and so I have to go. I turned and walked away to my car. As I rounded the school building I saw Tyrell and his team mates gathering their football stuff and loading it in their cars. He was parked in the space right behind mine. I tried to creap to open the door but…
“Jori, I looked for you all night. Where did you go?” he questioned me as if nothing happened between us. I turned around and faced him.
“Leave me alone!”
“What?…What’s the matter?”
I gave him a nasty glare and jumped in my car.
“LaJoria?!!” I let down the window…
“I said to leave me alone Black!!” I pulled off.
10:00p.m. (at work)
The day went like any other Friday went busy from around 6 to around 9:30 or so. Just as I dumped a batch of fried into the grease, I heard another group of people coming in. One more hour and I’m out of here I thought to myself. I turned to take their orders and stood face to face with Black. He and his team mates and a few cheerleaders came in after the game. It took me a minute but
“May I take your order.” I asked with an attitude.
He looked me directly into my eyes and asked, “I would like to talk to you.”
“Well I don’t have time or desire to talk to you, nor is talk on the menu, so…”
“So what,” he replied just as sarcastically as I did.
“So if there’s nothing else you want, move to the side so that I can help the next person.” Antwon and some of the other football team was standing in line talking about and laughing at the our conversation.
“Cum’mon Black man let her alone, let’s get something to eat I’m starved.” Antwon said and pulled Black’s jersey shirt.
Number 8, my favorite number. Damn he looked so good in that number 8.
My pussy got wet just listening to him order for the team. I repeated his order to him and he acknowledged it.
“Twenty-nine seventeen is your total.” He pulled out thirty dollars out his wallet and placed it on the counter. As I grabbed the money he reached over and grabbed my hand.
“Alright dogs find a table I’ll bring the food.” and with that they all left.
All except for Ms. Ronda. Ronda was skinny from top to bottom, no ass and a pair of oranges for titties.
“I’ll wait with you!” she said.
He let go of my hand and looked at her with utter disgust. She stood behind him while he talked to me.
“Please Jori I just want to tell you something,” he begged as I turned around to fill his order.
“Listen Black can’t you see she don’t want to talk to you,” I heard Sarita say.
“Bitch you can shut the fuck up and get outta my face” he spat at her and then …
“Yeah bitch!” Ronda followed.
“I got yo bitch, bitch!! Sarita replied taking off her apron.
“Sarita, Sarita, this shit ain’t even worth getting work up about let’s just get his order and then he will leave us alone.”
“Naw cause I wasn’t talkin’ to him I was talkin’ to that skinny bitch behind him.”
“I’mma kick yo skinny ass when I see you next, that‘s fa show!” she yelled at Ronda and walked into the back to complete Black’s order. I gave Black the first part of his order and he gave it to Ronda to take to the table.
“What is it Black, why you up here bothering me?”
“I’m just trying to talk to you.”
“What part of I don’t have time, don’t you understand.” “After yesterday and the day before that, I don’t have nothing to say to you!”
“But…” he trailed off.
“Here’s the rest of your order sir and enjoy your meal.” I added and walked away.
I began to cut off the fryers and clean up the front area after Black left to go eat. I couldn’t help but to glance over to the group talking, yelling, and, cheering about their victory over the Tigers. I finished my cleaning in front and went to clean the bathroom. I first cleaned the women’s bathroom. Once I finished with that I started on the men’s. I cleaned the two stalls and then I turned to urinals.
“Damn men are so nasty.” I said.
“Not all men.” Black’s deep voice thundered from behind me. I jumped.
“Oh, did I scare you?” he asked sarcastically with a smile.
“I think you’re the nastiest of all men Black .” I replied in the nastiest voice I could muster and rolled my eyes.
“Ah fa real, you think I‘m nasty?” he grinned and walking towards the urinal next to where I was standing and undid his pants. “Well at least I could say you think about me!” He pulled out his dick and started to pee. I stood there beside him trying not to look at it as he held it in his hand and streams of pee came out. I couldn’t help myself I had to look. He limp dick looked hella fat. I’d say about 6 in. around. It was thick and coal black a with a pink head. It looked nothing like it did when we were in Sarita’s closet after we played spin the bottle.
“Who’s the nasty one now?” he laughed.
“What?” I questioned.
“You heard me!”
“I ain’t nasty like you.” I threw back.
“Well I ain’t the one who's standing here watching you pee am I?” he laughed
“Well, I was here first and then with no regard to my presence you just whipped yo shit out and peed.”
“I wouldn‘t call this shit.” he said still holding it and turned to face me. “and anyway you could’ve turned your head,” he fired back. I had no reply.
“You finished now so leave.” I stated and crossed my arms over my swollen nipples. His dick was like a magnet, I couldn’t keep my eyes off it. His dick was still hanging from his pants. The front view size of it caught me off guard and I gasped. It looked even bigger face on.
“What’s wrong?” he asked in his sweet concerned voice as he stuffed that massive hunk of skin back in his pants and washed his hands. I was stuck for words and my throat was thick as he walked over to me.
He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my face into his lips. It really didn’t register that he was kissing me until I was kissing him back. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. His tongue danced in my mouth when he backed me against the wall and again his hands began their exploration of my body. This time I let him.
Isabella's car broke down in the middle of a snow storm...find out who rescued her... |
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