Sharing Black (Part 4)
When we got to her room I looked in at her and her face was all bloody and beat up.
Tubes were coming from every orifice of her body seems like. She was practically bandaged from head to toe. I broke down again when I saw her. Tears fell from my eyes. I looked over at Big Momma and she was crying too. She reached over and grabbed her hand and kissed it. I stayed in the door.
“Rell?” I heard my mom call.
“Ma,” I called to her and went to embrace her. We hugged for ever.
“Baby I thought you were hurt bad when the hospital called.”
“No ma I’m fine, but LaJoria is in intensive care.” She peeked in at her and Big Momma and said a little silent prayer.
The doctor came in and walked over to Big Momma.
“Ma’am, did you know that she was…” What I was hearing was cut short by the door closing in my face. I looked through the glass through the door and saw Big Momma fall back into a chair as if she was about to faint as he told her some news regarding her condition.
“Let’s go back to your room, you need some rest!” Ma said and I followed her around the corner to my room.
“But what about LaJoria!” I cried.
“She’ll be just fine son!” she said and pushed me around the corner.
Later I was released and went home.
4:15p.m. (state pen H.U. 10-B) (Tuesday) eight months later.
It has been the longest eight months of my life since I was arrested and charged with assault on Floyd, Ronda, and Ebony. I was only sentenced to do three months. I did get my revenge on Floyd though. They brought him up here about 2 months ago and he was charged with rape, assault, and attempted murder. He was sentenced to 15 to 25 years so I was lovin’ it. I had one of my lifer homeboys take care of him in the shower. He shall never be the same.
Twon came in about a month after that. I saw him in the mess hall and stepped up to him. “Sup Antwon!” He just looked up at me and began to laugh. “Damn dog I thought we was cool, you did all this cause of some pussy!”
“Get the fuck out my face man!” I slapped his tray over. I’ve been wantin’ that ass ever since he raped Shauny. Now he tried to kill me cause I fucked all his gals! This nigga got ta pay. “Bitch!!” he yelled and dove at me like he was a line backers and knocked me against the column. I took all my might in pounding him in his back with my fists. He dropped to his knees and I kneed him in his face. He flipped back and I dove forward and wrapped my arm around his neck in a chock hold.
All during my free time I pumped iron so I could‘ve killed him with one twist of the arm. Murray, my celly grabbed me around the neck and pulled me off Twon “NIGGA WHEN YO LIFE SENTENCE IS UP, I’LL FIND YOU AND KICK YO ASS AGAIN!!!” Murray jerked and pushed me behind the crowd before the guards got there . I knew what to do then although I was pissed. “Black you finna get out any day now, don’t fuck that up!” I had an argument ready but I kept in focus, for he was right. After free time I went back to my cell and started a long letter to ma.
“Yo’ Jordan, you got a visitor.” Gordy the guard said. Yeah, a visitor. The only person that came to see me was Ma. Occasionally she’d bring Terrance too. Although I haven’t seen her in two months, I was about due for a visit from her. When I entered the visiting booth, lawyer Mr. Hobbies came in.
“I’ve got good news.” O.K. the last time he said that he told me that I was only going to get three months and I’ve been here eight.
“Today is your lucky day my man!” he said excitedly.
“Alright, get to the fuckin’ point. How much longer do I have to be up in here?”
“I talked with some of my friends who are friends of friends in high places.”
“Yeah and…” I chased.
“And Jordan, you are out of here as of tomorrow!” he said and jumped up and down. I couldn’t believe that he was saying that to me.
“I’m a free man?”
“Yes!” I said and stood up and shook his hand.
When I got back to my cell, I started to think about LaJoria and how she was doing. I was wondering if she was ok, lived or died, or anything. I asked moms about it before but all she knew was that Jori was still in the hospital. I started to reminisce about what ma had told me that night of the party. She did see me in jail. Not all her visions came true though. She said that I would have a kid soon but I didn’t.
The day drug on and on and on. Eventually I called ma.
“Ma !” I said when she came to the phone.
“Guess what?”
“What baby?” she asked in a sad voice.
“I’ll be out tomorrow!!” I told her.
“That’s wonderful baby” she cheered.
“Yeah ma, I’m gone need a ride, you gone come get me?”
“Yeah I’ll be there at about 9 waiting for you.” I hung up, retired early and dreamed of the things I would do the next day.
An older man encounters a young runner on a woodland trail... |
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