Sharing Black (Part 4)

(Part 2 from 5)

I noticed, when I was fuckin’ Sarita’s face that I had an audience. Shauny and her friends, was standing in the living room doorway watching us. Shit, I enjoyed the fact that I was being watched , so I gave them something to SEE. I slammed my dick in forcefully hoping to gag her and pulled her hair hard. The crowd started to grow. It didn’t even faze her, she just moaned, squeezed my balls and deep throated my shit. When I came, I came hard in her mouth and over her face. The crowd applauded and cheered 
“Me next!” Her drunk ass just wiped her mouth and smiled up at me. 
“Bitch you nasty!” I told her, pushed her head back away from my dick, and walked away. I went into the bathroom and wiped myself up. I instantly became worried about LaJoria again. Maybe she went home I convinced myself and rejoined the party. 

3: 40a.m. (Party)
I joined Jay at the bar, for I didn’t see Twon for a while. 
“Did you see where LaJoria went?” 
“I seen her over in the kitchen talking to Twon about a hour ago but after that I don’t know.” I grabbed my beer and went looking for him. 
“Yo Twon!” I called from the end of the hall to the kitchen. There was no answer. I walked down the hall and he was slumped over the table doin’ a few lines threw a dollar. 

“Yo Twon I’m goin’ outside and get some fresh air.” 
“I ight, I’m comin’ too dog.” The air began to stink as people began having sex around the house. Twon stumbled to catch up with me. I opened the door and stepped out in the cold air. 

Twon and I started passin’ the joint and reminiscing times when we did a threesome together. 
“Sarita was always good to us huh?” Twon reminisced. 
“Yeah dog!” we laughed and passed the joint again. I looked over at where I was parked and I saw movement. I tried to focused my eyes on the object but it was not enough light. I saw someone dragging something. I was hoping Floyd’s ass wasn’t fuckin’ with my shit again. It didn’t faze me at first until I saw the glimmer of something. My eyes focused better on them, then I saw someone dragging another person on the ground. I watched as the man laid the person on the ground and opened the door. 
“Someone must’ve had too much to drink dog.” Twon said, suckin’ on the roach. “Lets go back inside, I’m freezing my nuts off!” 
“Yeah, alright!” I couldn’t move, I continued to watch as the person try to put the other person up in the car. I then saw the face of the person being dragged. It was LaJoria. She looked like she was out cold. Then I saw the face of the person taking her. It was Floyd. “What the fuck,” I jumped off the porch and ran over to the car. Twon followed suit. When we got to the car, Floyd saw us and ran back in the house. 
“I’ll take care of this nigga Black, you need to get her home.” he said and darted after him. 

“LaJoria!” I called to her with no response. My heart pounded out my chest. I picked her up and carried her to my car. She still was unresponsive to my calls. I looked at her and saw that her clothes were coming of her, her titties were hanging out. Her hair was all over her head and she had no shoes on. She had thick wads of white fluid on her neck and chest, face and hair. Damn why didn’t I check upstairs, I grilled myself. This mutha fucka raped her!!!! I need to take her to a hospital. I sped off the parking lot and floored the gas. All while I was driving I occasionally glance over to her and see if she was still alive. She just sat there slumped over in her seat. 

Ever since we were kids I always tried to protect her. She always started fights with her big ass mouth. Some of them she didn’t have due to me secretly interceding. Some of them fights I knew she would’ve gotten her ass beat. She was as skinny as a rail and always picking fights.

I saw her body start to shack and vomit bubble out of her mouth. “Shit, Jori don’t you die on me!” I cried and drove threw another red light.

5:22 a.m. (hospital) 
When I woke up I was being wheeled into the hospital emergency room and tons on doctors over me. They asked me a lot of questions that I don’t remember answering before I passed out again. When I woke up the next time I was in a white room alone, machines were beeping to my right and I was hurting all over. My arm was in a cast and my neck had a brace on it. I tried to sit up but my nurse told me not to. 
“Ma‘am, what happened, where’s Jori?” I questioned. 
“I don’t know honey I just got here myself.” 
“Son are you alright?” she worried. 
“Yes ma’am I’m fine I need to find out where LaJoria is!!” I said and hopped out the bed. I pushed passed her and hobbled out the room. I saw her look at my naked ass through my opened gown as I stepped out. I went straight to the info desk. 
“I need to know what happened to LaJoria Richardson.” I told the attendant. She typed in her name. 
“We don’t have anyone here by that name.” she said. 
“Yes you do, she was in the car with me when I came in.” I told her. 
“Well the woman that came in with you is still in the emergency room.” she told me. 
“Are you family?” she asked. 
“No!!! I need to find her.” I told her and walked back into the emergency department. A guard came out and stopped me when I came through the door. 
“The waiting room is right through the door to your left” he told me. I went directly to the phones. I called Big Momma. 
“Hello?” “Big Momma come to the Mercy hospital quick LaJoria’s in the emergency room!!!!” I screamed and hung up. 

I sat there and waited until Big Momma came in about 20 minutes later. 
“Big Momma!!” I cried and she ran over to me.
“What happened Rell?” she cried hurting. 
“We were at this party and then she left me… then she went um… then I brought her here… Big Momma, I’m so sorry!!” I cried. Men don’t cry, I know, but I had to break down this time. 
“Rell SLOW DOWN NOW!!” she yelled. “Tell me what happened!” 
“I think I saw him put something in her drink but I wasn‘t sure. She left and I didn‘t see her anymore until I found her on the ground.” 
“I brought her here as fast as I could Big Momma, I‘m so sorry!” She stood up in fright. The doctor came out and Big Momma walked towards him. I followed. 
“How’s my baby?” she questioned him. 
“Ma’am we have a lot of peoples babies in here can you be more specific.” Rude bastard. 
“LOOK MOTHA FUCKA…” I interjected but was pushed back and cut short. 
“TYRELL SIT DOWN NOW!” I backed off as Big Momma described LaJoria to the doctor and he began to tell her the extent of her injuries. 
“There is some slight brain swelling due to the head injury she sustained, a punctured lung and a few broken ribs. Her right thigh bone is broken and there was some internal bleeding which is now under control. Well we are still waiting for the blood test results but we feel confident that she will pull through alright.” 
“May I see her now?” she said nervously. 
“They are still performing minor surgery on her right now but she will be in her room in about 20 minutes then you can see her. Come over here and let’s talk. I need to ask you a few background questions first.” The doctor proceeded to ask her some personal questions then the question of drugs came into play. 
“Ma’am I need you to be totally honest with me about this…” Why is he talking to her like this… “Do you know if she is doing any drugs?” 
“Hell naw, she ain’t doin’ no drugs!” Big Momma spat in his face. 
“Are you absolutely sure she haven’t done any drugs.”
“TYRELL, PLEASE!” Big Momma begged, and I sat back down. “Go call yo’ momma and tell her you are O.K.” I did just that. 

My mind whirled around a million miles a minute. I didn’t know where to begin to think or to end to think. I looked over at Big Momma and tears was poring out her eyes. “Big Momma, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” 
“I know baby, I know!” she said and pulled my head down to her chest and held it there.
“Are you the one that came in with her?” the doctor questioned me. 
I sat up and responded “Yes I was bringing her in when I guess someone hit us. I don’t remember anything after that.” 
“Do you remember anything about before you tried to bring her here?” he asked suspiciously. 
“Yeah, I think so!” 
“Ok well I will be right back.” he said and walked away. I looked back at Big Momma and she had her hands in her face crying hard. I walked over to her, kneeled down and held her until the doctor came back.

He came back with a uniformed officer. They proceeded to ask me my name and questions about the party and I answered them. 
“Would you be willing to give a sample of blood? If needed I mean?” he asked. 
“What do you need the blood test for?” I questioned. 
“Sir you don’t have to get upset we may need to get one in this case.” he said. 
“What case?!!!” I questioned. 
“Right now I am not at liberty to say.” he lied. 
“Yeah, what ever you need man.” He took my name down and my address and walked away. 
“You can see her now Ma’am,” the nurse said, tossed me some scrub pants to put on and rounded the corner. Big Momma took off and followed her and I followed Big Momma after I struggled to put the pants on with one hand. 

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Juli is a cute 18 y/o who wears tight jean shorts with a visible panty line across her bottom, that makes you want to spank her with a paddle. Plus she shows half her butt cheeks, which makes one want to pull them apart and give her a humiliating enema with a fart filled release before plowing deep in her fragrant ass field. Revenge for treatment of a classmate, that make's her see the need for his forgiveness through her ass punishments...