My War
Chapter 8
When he arrived at the Café the door was locked, and as Tony wondered whether he should go to Carols apartment to see if she had gone home early. It was a cold night, and he did not want to spend another night with Rose, and he had just moved down the street to catch the underground train when he heard the Café door open, for some reason he decided to stand in the doorway of an adjoining shop. He saw Carol leave the shop, at first he hardly recognised her. She was dressed in a white rubber mackintosh, with a headscarf and carried an umbrella against the evening drizzle. She looked carefully up and down the street before she started walking quickly towards the nearest underground station..
Dressed as she was, it made it easy for Tony to follow. Her whole demeanor made Tony feel a little suspicious, so he decided to keep at a distance, expecting her to catch her usual train home. Several times she stopped if people were walking close behind her to look in a shop window and it was obvious she was ensuring that she was not being followed. She went by underground to Euston station, and then she walked the short distance to Russell Square where she sat on a bench and waited. It had stopped raining, and he could just see her shape as she sat on the bench as though she was waiting for someone. It was a typical bombers moon, and Tony had no doubt the Luftwaffe would be paying a visit before too long.
Then out of the gloom a man appeared and sat down beside her, and they talked, and she handed over a bulky envelope. They seemed to be arguing and suddenly there was a shot and Carol fell to the pavement. The man got up and just walked away. Tony hurried to her inert figure and had a close look at Carol and he could see that she was dead. He grabbed her handbag tucked it under his arm and he decided to follow the man. He had no thought of attempting to arrest an armed man, but at least he could find out where he lived.
It was difficult in the blackout, and Tony had to catch up with the man after his brief stop to look at Carols body, but eventually he managed to close the distance, but then he realised that they were back at the Embassy - the venue for the previous nights reception. Tony was now absolutely sure that the man who had a very upright bearing as he walked, was the Military Attaché who allegedly was Maria’s father Senor Calverez and the husband of Izzie. Tony was surprised at the nonchalant way the man had walked, he had not hurried and Tony realised, that he thought he was safe and could not be arrested, because he had diplomatic immunity, or thought he had.
Stunned at the evenings events Tony decided to visit the Café and then Carols apartment. In the Café he found that the reserved tables for Ministry staff which were hanging up against the adjacent tables. In the kitchen on the other side, he could see that there were small holes in the wall so that any conversation in the café at the reserved tables could be overheard clearly by anyone listening closely in the kitchen .
Tony now sadly convinced of Carols duplicity decided to go to her apartment. A quick search revealed some notes of conversations that Carol had made, and some diaries. A quick glance though her diaries was damning and Tony had no option but to put a report in on his discovery. Tony however noticed that the rent on her apartment was paid up for a further three weeks.
The next day Tony reported his findings and he reported that he had witnessed
Carols murder. Arthur was very non-committall and in the end he said.
“I think this has to be a political decision, we certainly don’t want a war over
this but I fail to see how we can let this pass without doing something about
it. But you have a good contact with the woman Izzie and we should put that to
good use.
“I wondered whether I should use Carols apartment for entertaining Izzie as the rent is paid up until the end of the month Tony suggested. “ Arthur thought a bit and then said “That seems like a good idea and I think we shall have to provide you with some bait to keep her interest in you. Perhaps a brief case with some interesting papers might be an idea?”
That same Afternoon at the Embassy
Senor Clavarez the Military Attaché was furious with both Izzie and Maria for
not consulting him before they went to met Commander Nash.
“You stupid fools.” he screamed as he struck out at Izzie “You have messed
everything up.”
“No you did that.” She said as she got between him and her mother.
Maria pushed him away. “No you are the stupid fool - we are salvaging the
situation for you and we have arranged for him to meet mother again in a day or
so, if he has not lost his job. I am going back to University and mother has
agreed to meet him again soon for another tete a tete.”
He seemed rather mollified as he left the room “Just tell me what you are up to
in future slut.” he screamed as he slammed the door behind him.
Maria put a cold cloth on Izzie’s face and said. “Do you think we are working
for the wrong side mother, everyone here is so nice to us and that man is evil?”
Izzie looked at Maria ”I have thought that for some time, but what can we do?
“Anyway it’s a damn good job that you never married him.”
Maria grinned despite her pain. “He is a Nazi homosexual and he would not marry
a woman anyway. We just have a forged marriage licence.”
“Well mother we know most of what he does and where he does it, why don’t we write a complete statement, and then apply for political asylum whatever they call it. The worst is that we will be interned but we are both Spanish citizens and we will probably be just deported.”
“How do we do that Maria?” Her mother mumbled as she looked at her swelling face in a mirror.
“Well I can smuggle some of your clothes and jewellery away to University and when you meet Tony again he can find somewhere for you to hide, until he can arrange for us to give ourselves up. No-one will check on how much luggage I take with me to Uni.”
Three days later
Tony had really been expecting a call from Izzie but not from Maria. “Can mother and I meet you for lunch somewhere quiet today and it is urgent, where we will not be seen and where we can talk.” Maria asked. Tony did not query the request he just thought hard, and then he suggested why don’t we meet at Kings Cross Station and I know several small Café’s in the locality. He knew that they would have to come in to Euston on the underground and he could ensure that they were not being followed on the short walk between the two stations. He presumed that something unusual was happening and as a precaution he arranged discreet back-up for himself in case it was some sort of trap.
The arrangements went as planned and he took them to a small discreet Public House restaurant in a side street just off Euston Road. It was not busy and they had a corner table well away from other people. Both Izzie and Maria looked lovely, although he thought they both looked a little tense .
After they had ordered Maria said “We want to defect to Britain, and claim
political asylum can you help us?”
“Yes but why?”
Then Izzie broke in to say “My so-called husband is a Nazi, he has fake
naturalisation papers but he is a native German, a homosexual and a member of
the Nazi party. I am being paid to act as his wife although we have never slept
together. His name is Herr Dieter Neiumier and as you know the Germans have a
lot of influence since the Civil War and the fact that he has diplomatic status
allows him to wander reasonably freely around London.”
“What about you Maria?”
“Oh Maria is my natural daughter, and of course we shall have to consider her
position as well, although she is a student from a neutral country and that is
genuine enough.”
“So what do you want me to do?” Tony asked.
“Can you help us please. We know that you have a lot of influence and that you
are in some sort of secret job or so Julie has told Maria. We know that we are
taking a risk but we do not know what else to do.”
Tony was glad that he had permission to use Carols apartment and now it
certainly could be put to good use.
“Will you be safe at University?” Tony asked Maria.
“I should think so, but it is mother I am worried about.”
“I have a place for her to stay but I want a complete statement from her, and
you on what you know about your friend Herr Neiumeir.
“I have a safe place for you to stay and if you want I will stay with you
tonight, but you will probably be arrested and interned at least for a while,
and I think that may be the safest place when I have had a chance to contact the
right people.
“Maria you should go back to University and act as normal - you don’t know where
your mother is, or you can say you think she has gone away with me for a couple
of days, but I will contact you when I know what is happening.”
Tony spent the early afternoon with Izzie in dead Carols apartment getting all the information she could remember about the intrigue at the Embassy. She had to admit that the Ambassador knew what was going on, but he had to turn a blind eye to Herr Nieumeir’s activities because of political pressure.
He sent a transcript to Arthur and telephoned him to let him know it was on the
way. He said Izzie would stay with him tonight, and she would be quite safe with
Arthur gave a little giggle and said .”Yes but will you be Tony?”
Izzie was even more relaxed after her confession and once they had eaten she made no bones about what she wanted to do with the rest of the evening and night. Her love making was frenetic Tony found himself wishing that she was a little nearer his age. She made all the moves and after two or three bouts of intimate fondling and kissing in the lounge where somehow both of them lost their clothes she eventually got him into bed.
“Tony you are a wonderful lover and I really enjoyed the other night. I expect
my chances of a good fuck will be gone once I am in detention.”
She said as she reached down and started fondling his already aroused erection.
Tony fondly embraced Izzie as he took her in his arms, kissing her passionately,
feeling her breasts pressing into his chest. Tony pushed her back gently on to
the bed. He wanted her so much as I looked down at her as Izzie smiled
invitingly up at him; her beautiful hair was splayed out across the pillow.
She opened her arms in invitation as she said “Come to me Tony dear. Let’s see just if you can live up to making love like you did the other evening.”
Tony could see she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. Her hand unerringly grabbed his cock as she guided it inside her pussy. Tony gently pushed deep inside her.
“No darling, I want to be the boss tonight let me come on top.”
Izzie told him as she rolled Tony on to his back, without losing him. She sat up straight lowering herself back down on to him very slowly bringing a myriad of mind blowing sensations. Then she leaned over to kiss him, behind the curtain of her blonde hair that hung down around their faces, her body swaying slowly and rhythmically as she moved. Her kisses were wet and extremely passionate.
She rode up and down his cock, pushing them both closer and closer to the brink with each careful stroke. Then she leaned right back, her hands resting on the bed behind her and Tony could feel his cock pushing right into her, at a slightly different angle, bringing a whole new range of sensations and responses that raced through their bodies, bringing their climax’s that came simultaneously.
For a few moments they clung on to one another, enjoying the sensations that washed over their bodies. Eventually she slumped forward onto him, smiling and passionately kissing his face, as she tried desperately to get her breath back, while Izzie gripped tightly on to the last inch of his straining cock.
But as she told him that was only to get warmed up, the rest of the evening and the following night was a time that Tony would remember for years to come, as time after time they brought each other to new peaks of passion and to new heights of ecstasy. Time after time she managed to slow them down, carefully prolonging their night of wonderful agony.
It was very late when sleep eventually took hold of us. It was quite late next morning when we woke, as once again Izzie took the initiative. She straddled him, her body covered in perspiration as she sat her weight down on him, forcing him right up inside her as far as he could go, she told Tony that she could feel his cock penetrate her womb deep inside.
She stopped moving, trying vainly herself to prolong their act, but it was rolling on to the inevitable, and another fantastic climax, even as she sat still feeling his cock getting even harder and even bigger inside her. It felt too good to stop and Tony didn't really want to. He looked up at her flushed face and he realised that he was in danger of developing strong feelings for this beautiful lady. When she felt him begin to gush inside her, she had no option but to follow him into the waves of pleasure as her muscles gripped his pumping cock.
When it was done, Tony felt even bigger inside her than when they had started and Izzie was a little sore as she eased up off of him and flopped down again on top of him. She laid contentedly her head on his shoulder.
They were drinking their second cup of coffee as their was a loud banging on the door. Tony rarely carried a pistol, but the nature of the banging made him wary as he unbolted the door and holding the pistol in his right hand he opened the door and stepped back wards, saving himself from being knocked over by the barging body of Herr Nieumier also holding a pistol.
The partially dressed Izzie stood up from the table as he shot her, and Tony in
a complete reflex action shot Herr Nieumeir in the stomach. Dropping his pistol
he raced to Izzie, and was relieved to see that it was only a flesh wound, but
Herr Nieumier was still conscious. Tony told him
“Mine Herr be grateful I have saved you from hanging in the Tower of London.”
Just then Arthur arrived with a colleague and a local Policeman. An ambulance was called for Izzie and Tony bid her farewell, and Arthur told Tony after the formalities” I think that certain members of government will be grateful to you as it has saved the publicity surrounding a trial and a probable political incident.
Next Chapter 9.
Mom and I had been drinking all afternoon and the next thing I was pulling off her clothes... |
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