My War
Chapter 4
Room 44
As ordered Tony reported to room 44 at the War Office on the 5th January. It was a cold January day with flakes of winter snow in the air. Room 44 was more like a department with a large conference room with side rooms. He was a little surprised to be met by a very young and very attractive sexy blonde female Wing Commander in the RAF. He noticed that she wore the wings of a pilot which was unusual for WAAF. They were the only two people in the room and she gave Tony a big friendly smile and invited him to sit down.
“I am Wing Cdr Sadie Rowan and I expect that you are as surprised as I was, when I found myself here It was only yesterday that I found that I had been appointed to command this new unit. I was also surprised, and highly delighted to find that you had been appointed as my second in command, but I don’t think you remember me do you Commander?”
Tony said “No maa’m I am sorry but I must be blind or drunk not to have remembered you.”
“Well I am not surprised, because it was on the Fairy Queen, on the return from Dunkirk that I saw you standing on that open bridge. I was there when you were so viciously gunned down. I saw you valiantly struggle to your feet, time and time again, to try and keep command of the ship, and get us back safely, and when you did finally collapse, I helped the army medics bandage you up when they attended to you.”
“I hope you will excuse my poor memory in those circumstances maa’m Tony said, but I knew I would have remembered you had I been fully conscious.”
She gave a little giggle.” Well Tony down to business. I was only briefed yesterday . This is a new unit set up to search out nasty people, who also came across with us from Dunkirk, and who don’t really want us to win the war, or who in many cases find themselves being blackmailed into working for the Nazi’s and who keep selling our secrets to Adolf. Our new unit will comprise a mixture of both civilian and service people, all with a variety of expertise which should be useful in our task. We do not have any power of arrest, because it is essential we must remain incognito in order to continue our work. In other words we find the nasty people by various devious means, collate what evidence we can, and turn them over to the boys in blue or MI5. You are an expert in signals, and also Business Administration Graduate, and you are also fluent in German. I am a psychology graduate and fluent in French,. tomorrow we will be joined by about twenty more people who between us we have to get organised and get working.“
Tony said “It sounds interesting , but it all sounds as though it could be a bit dangerous.”
Sadie then said. ”That was my first thoughts as well , but on reflection maybe it will be more interesting than dangerous. You see most of these people are not real agents as such, they just listen to rumours or they approach service people, get friendly and probably buy them a few drinks, seduce them, or even blackmail them into revealing little bits of what seems non important information, by finding out what unit they serve in, where they are stationed and what sort of equipment they have. It works like a jig saw with lots of snippets of information coming together to complete the bigger picture. They are also interested in the war factories, where they make guns and airplanes and things.”
We see all the posters about careless talk and its amazing how a number of
rumours can lead to the truth being discovered. For this reason care has to be
taken in various ways. Apparently there was a destroyer in Portsmouth only last
week which was issued with tropical kit, and soon everyone was saying
“Oh they are off to the Med or the Far East, especially when they got jabs for
Cholera. The dockies went home and told their wives, the crew went ashore, and
were talking about what they were going to buy their girl friends in Gibraltar
and so on in the local pub. So you can see how a little thing like that can tell
the enemy a lot, that’s why the government has to clamp down on careless talk.
Our intelligence picked up from an agent, that the Germans already knew that
they had been issued with tropical kit.”
“Did they get to the Med?” “No Tony they offloaded the Kit at Scapa and the Admiralty sent them to Iceland instead. We also know that some of these involuntary agents are required to report back on how accurate the Luftwaffe were the night before in bombing raids, or they are even told to light fires or flash torches near armament factories to guide the Luftwaffe on to their targets.”
We have to do what is necessary to get the goods on these people within certain limits. “Well Sadie my marriage is on the rocks, my wife found another man, and so I suppose it may not be too much of a problem, if I have to put myself out a bit. Some of it could all become a bit boring I suppose “ Tony said.
“We also have to look at one or two so called neutral consulates. If we can prove that they are obtaining information, and passing it on to the Nazi’s, the government will act. But on some occasions we can also use informants by priming them with false and misleading information and so the idea is that we will make them work unwittingly for us without their knowledge. In your case you are going to be billeted with the Second Sea Lord, and you will have a desk in his department at the Admiralty. You will be given a non essential task which is to be made to sound very hush hush as we want to draw some of these people on to you. I will be doing something similar in the Air Ministry. We will be given freedom of movement but we report our movements back through our admin officer here who we will met tomorrow.”
Sadie looked at her watch and then said. “Tony we have a lunch appointment with our titular boss from MI5 where we will be further briefed. Before we go please call me Sadie when we are on our own, we have to work closely together, so to a large extent service formality must go out the window, so at times will our uniforms. We are also free to wear civilian clothes if we consider it helps us in our job, and Tony I for one propose to take full advantage of that concession.”
The gentleman from MI5 who was their titular boss was a typical civil servant. His name was Arthur and he was very pleasant, and very informative, but Tony felt that there was a certain amount of reluctance on his part to give too much away to amateurs like them. It was a pleasant lunch, on completion of their lunch, he handed Sadie a pile of files of personnel and a list of people and places where service personnel had recently reported being approached, or had noted some suspicious behaviour, or perhaps they had been quietly pumped for information in a pub or club somewhere. There were also many reports of people seen acting suspiciously. In most cases there was not enough evidence for the security service, or the police to act, or enough personnel available to investigate all the complaints, and this was where the Room 44 unit came in, your job is to go and investigate the suspicions from members of the public, and to either verify or discount the suspicions. You look listen and report back, on no account are you to take any actions yourselves.”
Sadie and Tony spent the afternoon going through the files of Personnel that had been allocated to them They all seemed to have quite distinguished records, and between them a multitude of skills. He also noticed that most of the service people had all suffered serious injuries of one type or another and were on light duties. The unit was mostly men, but their was a sprinkling of women usually with specialist skills. One woman who was to become very important to the Unit was a civilian lady called Tracy Morgan, a middle aged woman who had been seconded from one of the other ministries. She was appointed to be the executive officer and handle all the administration. She would have two other women and a retired army officer to work with her.
The next morning, they had an assembled crowd of about 35 people from different branches, both senior NCOs’ and officers of the three services plus a few civilians. Between them they had a whole range of specialists. The one thing they had in common was the bewildered look on their faces as they came into the room one by one, especially when they viewed the motley assembly of uniforms from the different services.
As Tony looked round the room it was quite a sight with a myriad of uniforms and personnel, very few of them being acquainted with one another. Sadie insisted the doors were locked and a sentry posted outside before she opened the meeting. She went through the aims of the unit and then turned over the meeting to Tony to cover the administration aspects of the project.
Tony and Sadie had decided that initially he would keep each service in their own service groups. This would encourage people to get to know each other The five civilians formed a group of their own. He explained that later the groups may well be reformed later, but much would depend on the measure of their success. He finished by saying.
“This is a new unit, a lot of us between us have seen a lot of active service, and received some horrific injuries but this is something new, and we will just have to feel our way as we go. We probably will not have a long life, but with the evacuation from Dunkirk and the continual drift of people making their way across the channel in small boats we now have many new people in the country, and we have no means of checking their backgrounds. If we do our jobs properly we will save lot of lives and help to win the war. Mot of these people are being blackmailed into helping the Nazis as they have relatives back home in Europe. The Nazis threaten to send their relatives to concentration camps unless they co-operate”
Sadie pointed out that the following day they would start a training programme which would last about two weeks. She explained how the many agents who had had slipped into the country through the evacuation of Dunkirk posed such a big threat. They were not necessarily professional agents, but in the main their job was getting low level intelligence, and they themselves were still in the process of getting themselves full organised. Four of the civilians attached to the unit would concentrate on intercepting radio traffic keeping a 24 hour watch and would work with the various police, and army signal intercepting units and reporting suspicious radio traffic.
She gave an example of the type of thing they were up against, by describing how an aircraft factory near Birmingham had been earmarked by an agent lighting three small fires in oil drums round the perimeter of the factory which would guide aircraft on to the target. She said fortunately a policeman found them and quickly had them re- sited them round an empty field nearby. The field shortly afterwards was saturated with high explosive and incendiary bombs.
At the end of the meeting she told all of them that they would be billeted for the next two weeks in the Thistle Hotel near the War Office, but further accommodation would be sorted out by the Administrative officer, depending on where they were to be stationed. Most of the service people would be attached or located near to military units or airfields around the country and that was one of the reasons why they had been selected from the different services. You will have virtually nominal duties and will have freedom to enter and leave your duties and barracks whenever the need arrives. This will be arranged with your new C.O’s but that is all they will know. You must resist any discussion of what your real purpose is. It is important that you get to know as many of your messmates as possible and where they go in their free time, because that is where the ‘German nasties” will contact them in their search for information.”
After the meeting Sadie and Tony had a little chat, and they decided that they could continue their discussions over dinner later. It was about 7.30 when Tony opened the door to a ravishing looking Sadie standing there looking seductively at him. She was wearing civilian clothes and she was looking absolutely lovely. She was wearing a long black evening dress with a silver fox fur and she had her hair tied back in a sort of a bun at the back. He got a whiff of exotic perfume as she passed him.
She came in and he closed the door looking meaningfully at Tony as she put the
"Do Not Disturb" sign on the door knob. As he did. Sadie walked over and took
the phone off the hook and said to the operator “Please do not put any calls
through until I call you.”
She was acting very peculiarly and had a very nervous expression on her face The
look on her face made Tony stop short and look at her.
“Tony I know this is an unusual request but I want you to fuck me please, for me it’s a sort of therapy, but I also want you to know I am scared shitless at the thought of having sex with any man. You see what many people do not know, in fact only my superiors know the truth, and that I was raped on the way to Dunkirk by about ten drunken SS Storm troopers, and the thought of having sex with any man since then now scares the shits out of me.”
Tony looked at her he put out his arms and took her in a cuddle.”
I am so sorry and I think I can perfectly understand your fears. But Sady I am
not very experienced in sexual matters.”
They stood there for a few moments as she lay her head on his shoulder. Tony could feel her slim body trembling as she lay in his arms. He released her and stood back and said sit down and I will get you a drink. As he was dispensing the drinks, he asked.
”Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
Sadie just nodded. ”What were you doing in France in the first place, and how
did you manage to escape?”
“Yes Tony you do need to know.”
“I am, or I was a ferry pilot, which meant that my job was to ferry new aircraft from factories to RAF stations. I had to deliver this new Hurricane to a fighter base near Paris, and I suddenly realised as I was coming in to land that there were German planes and vehicles on the runway. I banked away and turned for home, but I was caught with a burst of fire from an ME 109, so I hedge hopped until I ran out of fuel. I managed to put my kite down in a field and set fire to the plane with the help of some Royal Engineers and a few cans of petrol. We had just finished when a Waffen SS patrol caught us. I was held in a deserted farmhouse, but the Royal Engineers were ruthlessly executed straight away. It was that night which became my night of terror. The next morning an officer turned up and had me tied up. They did not know I speak a bit of German, and he berated the men for raping me. He did not mince his words. He told me in English that I would stay there until they returned from their patrol, when I would be taken to a Prisoner of War Camp. I told him that I would be making a formal complaint to the Red Cross about my treatment, as I should have been treated as a prisoner of War as I was in RAF uniform and the fact that I was a woman should not be held against me. He did not argue, but before they left he sent the patrol off with the Sergeant, while he announced that he was going to check my bonds. However, he loosened my bonds considerably, and I think he wanted me to escape. It only took me about five minutes before I was free. From there I made my way on foot towards the coast and about two hours later I came up with a platoon of the Coldstream guards. I told them what had happened and they took me to the beach at Dunkirk. A padre arranged for me to get aboard the first available boat, as a matter of priority, and that was your Fairy Queen.”
Tony sat there stunned as she finished her story, he said quietly “I am so sorry
if I have stirred up any bad memories.
“No Tony as my number two, I think you needed to know.”
“If there is anything I can do for you please let me know?” Tony said quietly.
“You already have Tony. I saw your bravery on the return trip that day, and you and some of the soldiers went a long way in restoring my faith in human nature. I saw you struggle to your feet twice after you were wounded to try and handle the ship, and it was only when an elderly Petty Officer took over from you, that you allowed a medic, and myself to dress your wounds, and try to make you comfortable. When we got into harbour the squaddies all stood and cheered and clapped you as they took you away in an ambulance. You were unconscious.“
I know from my files the state of your marriage, and I know that you have a sort of a girl friend. I hope she does not mind me seducing you? Tony stood there looking down at her, and then Sadie stood up and he took her in his arms. Her arms clung round his neck while her body pressed tightly against his, and he could feel her warmth coming through her thin dress.
“Tony please if you can make love to me, but be gentle. If I tell you to stop - don’t stop unless I get very distressed. I must get through this barrier somehow!”
As she finished speaking, her hands went to the shoulder straps of her dress. She slowly slid them off of her shoulders and allowed them to slide down her arms. A slight tug and the entire dress followed. It slid over her small breasts, down her belly, over her hips and ended up in a pile on the floor around her ankles. Tony realised that she had come to see him specifically that evening with sex in mind. As he could see that she was now totally naked.
She slipped out of her sandals and stood there looking up at him as he stared at her.
"By god you are lovely!" Tony said He swallowed nervously as he took a step forward.
She came close to him and started unbuttoning his shirt, then she started undoing his trousers and pulled them down as well as his underwear at the same time. She gasped when she saw his scars. When his erection came into view Sadie wrapped a hand around the base, and slid the head into her mouth. Tony felt his knees go weak and he had to fight to remain standing.
After a few minutes she stood up, took his hand and led him into the bedroom. She turned and faced him and looked him right in the eye.
"Tony treat me as though you don’t know my story, just make love to me like any other woman. Very slowly, very gently. Can you do that?"
"Sadie I promise, I will do my best" he said.
"That's all I ask!."
With that she raised herself onto her tip toes and they kissed. It was very soft, very gentle and seemed to last forever. It was one of the most incredible kisses he had ever had. She then laid back on the bed and then she insisted that she lay down on top of him. They kissed again and she started moving down his chin, his neck, his chest, she sucked each nipple and then continued down his stomach to his waist and then came back to face him.
"Think of it this way Tony. If this works then you will be restoring one of the most important things in my life to me.” She said.
“The more pleasure you can give me, the more my confidence should return. Please Tony do everything in your power to help me.”
Tony nodded. She then got on her knees and straddled him. She carefully took his cock in her hands and guided it into her waiting pussy. Tony could feel her heat and almost came straight away. She took him inside her totally. She sat there perfectly still, for a moment and then her face broke into a smile as she took his hands in hers and put them over her breasts. He knew what she wanted, and slowly and lovingly he began caressing her. As he did, she closed her eyes and from the contented look on her face he knew she was obviously enjoyed the feelings that were beginning to course through her body.
Neither of them moved for a few moments. Her hands ran over his chest and stomach. They lay there like that for a long time, just rubbing and caressing each other. Tony fondled her breasts and squeezed her nipples. Her tits were so small he could have put both in one hand. Without warning she tightened the muscles at her hips and he felt his erection being squeezed. It was incredible. She never moved. She seemed to be able to relax and then tighten those muscles. It gave him a most exquisite feeling of being sucked and squeezed at the same time.
Gradually she relaxed and before long Sadie was responding with vigor and he was sure that she had several small orgasms. She moaned more and more, louder and louder as she began rocking side to side on top of him; he couldn't stop himself, as he came in a massive explosion as he did, he screamed he couldn’t move until the sensations had passed. Sadie kissed Tony passionately.
"Thank you Tony she murmured. I think I am going to be OK from now on"
Tony managed to wrap his arms around her and then he could do nothing but lay there, enjoying the closeness of her in his arms. She lay with him with her cheek resting on his chest. When he was finally able to move he rolled both of them over. Tony was now on top of her. She looked up at him and smiled. She raised her arms above her head and waited. Tony kissed her soft sweet pink lips as he looked into her eyes.
"My turn!" Tony said with a smile.
He lowered himself down on top of her, his head on her bosom. He took her nipple in his mouth and sucked. The nipple responded as she gave a little moan of happiness Tony flicked it with his tongue and then sucked in her entire left breast. She closed her eyes but didn't move. Once he finished with the left breast, he moved to the right one. Then started building a trail down between her breasts, over her stomach to her navel.
He spread her legs with his knee, then laid down between her thighs. I kissed
her wet hot pussy and slid his tongue in. She groaned out loud. He used his
fingers and found her clit, licked it with his tongue
and then sucked it into his mouth. Her breath got ragged and her moans got
louder. Tony continued sucking and licking her clit until he felt she was about
to cum. Then he released it and slid his tongue inside her.
Her hands clawed at the bedspread and a muffled scream came out of her. Tony moved forward and he felt his erection press against her pussy. He pushed harder, and his erection slid once again into her warm wet love tunnel . Tony pushed his hips forward and buried his erection inside her. He began gently thrusting in and out of her. Her hands frantically clawed the bed clothes and her head tossed from side to side.
Having just come once made it easier for Tony to last longer as he kept up a steady rhythm, in, out, in, out. She moaned, screamed and begged for more. Her eyes looked up at him as he slowly began to slide his cock out and thrust in again. Her eyes closed. and he started thrusting gently.
Somehow Tony sensed that she had relaxed as she slowly moved herself up and down on his cock. Sadie was obviously responding and seemed utterly relaxed and her fears seem to have disappeared. He was doing everything she wanted. Sadie arched her back now she was so horny, but Tony was doing everything just right. Her orgasm ripped through her body and she knew that Tony could probably hear her moaning and know she was OK. Her pussy was pulsing against his cock and it felt so good.
Then Tony said “ I’m cumming” as his juices gushed into her pussy.
Sadie grinned and Tony was lying on his back with his eyes closed. He looked ready to fall asleep but she was just getting started.
Sadie laughed happily. She had chosen Tony well, she knew that he had done the trick. She smiled to herself happily. If only he knew she was just getting started with him. It was early the next morning when they awoke in each others arms. Tony looked at Sadie and he felt slightly guilty for being unfaithful to Tina. Then he thought perhaps not as Tina had specifically asked him to get more experience.
Next Chapter 5
Racheal has to endure a girls night out with the dictators daughter... |
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