Mom at the Roxy
The premiere of the play the following Friday night went pretty well. I screwed up a couple of lines, but all in all it wasn't a bad performance. I was pumped up and a little horny afterwards, but Angie was studying for final exams. So, with nothing else to occupy my time, I decided to check out the Roxy.
The theater was nearly empty - there were only about half a dozen men scattered about. One guy in my row, and about five seats to my left, had his prick exposed and was lightly rubbing it up and down. Out of the corner of my eye, I could occasionally see him spit on his fingers, then rub the spittle on to his dick to keep it lubed. I could hear the wet sticky sound his hand made as he masturbated.
He was a young, good-looking guy, and his prick was enormous. I couldn't help but look, but I tried not to be too open for fear of enticing him to come over and join me.
The movie was making me horny, and I desperately wanted to masturbate. But I was afraid that would provide encouragement to my neighbor down the row. That, plus the fact that there were no couples tonight, helped me make up my mind to leave. I was just about to get up from my seat when I heard the back door of the theater squeak open behind me. I (and every other man in the place) glanced over my shoulder, and saw a couple enter the theater, silhouetted in the glare from the brightly-lit hallway outside.
'Hah', I grinned to myself. 'Finally, some action'.
Other than the fact that he was a big guy, and she was a little shorter and dressed in a short skirt, I couldn't get a good look at them. I hoped that they would sit near me, but no dice. They paused in the back of the theater to allow their eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness. Then, as I watched with disappointment, they slowly made their way down the aisle, halted about midway, and consulted each other on where to sit. They picked a row that was occupied by a very lucky guy about my age, and began to shuffle down the row of seats toward him.
At that moment, the scene from the movie brightened, and I could get a good look at the couple in profile.
My eyes widened in shock, then closed tightly in disbelief. "It can't be," I muttered to myself.
Cautiously, I opened my eyes again, and squinted through the darkness toward the couple, as they chose their seats next to the lone man. I saw the woman's brown hair shine in the glare from the movie screen. She briefly looked toward the back of the theater. There could be no question. That was my Mother and Hank!
My heart was pounding wildly in my chest. "This just can't be!" I thought. "My Mother goes to porno theaters?!"
But the more I thought about it, the less unlikely it seemed. Here she is, divorced and single, with a new hunky boyfriend, still young and sexy. Why not?
'Okay, I can accept this,' I thought, 'but I really need to get out of here, before it gets too freaky.'
But for some reason I couldn't move. The whole notion of this had me too blown away. I did, however, have the presence of mind to slouch in my seat so that they wouldn't see me. They were about 20 feet away, and almost directly in front of me, so the chance of them spotting me was slim. I had to be careful though.
My pulse was slowing considerably as I settled back in my seat. Although I was beginning to accept the fact that my Mother and her new boyfriend go to porn theaters, a new question was creeping into my mind. What exactly were they doing here? All of the couples I'd ever seen in the theater were there to have sex in front of the other theater patrons, or even to have sex with them. Could that be what my Mom and Hank had in mind?
I realized now that my Mother was sitting right next to the only man in their row. It HAD to be!
I was totally oblivious to the movie. My eyes were glued to the scene toward the front of the theater. Mom and Hank snuggled together, his arm around her shoulders. The man next to them openly looked their way, wondering if this would be his lucky night. Others in the theater were wondering the same thing. A man in the row in front of them slid down a couple of seats so that he was directly in front of my Mom, hoping to get a peek at some live action. I knew exactly what was on his mind - I had done the same thing many times before.
I sat there pondering this weird turn of events for about ten minutes. So far, nothing was happening, and I breathed a little sigh of relief. Apparently, they were just checking out the movie. I decided I needed to make my escape before they decided to leave. They would discover me for sure if that happened.
But wait a minute! There was something going on! I leaned forward, tightly gripping the armrests, and tried to penetrate the gloom.
Once again, the screen brightened, casting a harsh light throughout the theater. Mom was leaning her head against the back of her seat, with her face pointing upward toward the ceiling. Hank was partially turned in his seat toward her. He still had his left arm around her shoulders, but his right... Yes! I could see that his right arm was extended toward my Mother. The upper part of his arm, I could see, was jostling to and fro. I glanced to their left, and the guy in the seat next door was ogling my Mom. The man in front of them was turned around in his seat, gawking at the debauchery.
Hank was frigging her! He had to be! My aching cock was bent painfully inside my jeans. I plunged my hand down my pants to adjust it toward a more comfortable position, and kept it there, idly stroking my erection as I watched the unfolding scene.
They didn't continue for long though. They apparently had a lot more in mind. Soon, Hank stopped his probing and eased his arm away from her shoulders. Immediately, my Mother leaned down to her left, and her head disappeared behind the seat. She was blowing the stranger next to them!
Oh shit, this was too much. My Mom was no different than all the other horny sluts at the theater. Just like me and everyone else, she and Hank went there to get their kicks in front of, and with, other people.
I wanted to bolt from the theater before it was too late, but my raging hormones were begging me to pull out my cock and jack off to the hot scene. My sensible self finally won the internal argument though, and with sheer force of will, I tore my eyes away from them, left the theater, and raced toward my car. As soon as I was sitting behind the wheel, I unzipped my pants and pulled my throbbing erection through the fly. With five or six quick strokes of my fist, I shot my hot cum in several powerful spurts onto the dashboard of the car.
I thought almost constantly the following week about what I had seen at the
Roxy. I hoped to have one last sweaty fuck with Angie on Friday night, but she
was having her period - just my luck. She was heading back to Boston for the
summer the next morning, so it looked like I had a three-month wait.
On the bright side of things, we knew that our relationship had progressed far enough that there was no danger of our three-month separation coming between us. Nevertheless, I was saddened by her impending departure.
I drove Angie to the airport the next morning, then spent the rest of the day moping around the apartment. I already missed her. I threw on a pair of old shorts and a tattered tee shirt, and started to do my once-per-year dusting of the apartment. I thought the mindless tedium might help ease my depression, but it didn't really work out that way. I couldn't understand why I was in such a funk - three months just isn't that long, and we would, after all, be able to talk on the phone as often as we wanted.
I think I knew why my mind was playing games with me. It was my Mom. I came to the realization that I did have a problem with what I saw her and Hank doing. Was it jealousy? Anger? I couldn't sort it out. I kept conjuring up the vivid image in my mind of her sucking off that stranger in the seat next to her. That's NOT what Mothers are supposed to do!
But I also knew that she needed to live her own life however she saw fit. Anyway, what gave me the right to have public sex with strangers but not her? Or anyone else for that matter? She was after all, a beautiful woman with a zest for life. What's the problem?
'Yeah, I can deal with this,' I thought to myself. I took a deep breath.
I actually smiled as I thought more about it. It was just so wild! I half-wished that I could have been closer to see it. And what happened after I left? Did she let him cum in her mouth?
Hank must have felt pretty lucky to have such a lusty woman. I could now fully understand the age difference. With her looks, plus the fact that she was obviously into pretty wild sex, she could have any man. I was glad that he was a nice guy - someone could really take advantage of her if she wasn't careful.
I felt a glow of protective love for her. She was my Mother, and I loved her dearly, regardless of her sexual habits.
I wondered if she had developed her kinky side before or after my dad and she divorced. It had to be after - I just couldn't imagine my Dad getting into that scene. He was a conservative corporate bigwig before he died, for God's sake. No, this must be a relatively new phenomenon.
I swabbed some lemon Pledge onto the entertainment center, and wondered what kind of sex she and Hank were into, other than their little sojourns to the Roxy. They were obviously into some kinky stuff. I ticked through my mental list. Let's see, public sex, exhibitionism, oral sex. Every thing else was a mystery, but who knew where it ended? Anal? Group sex? Orgies?
I finished the dusting, and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. I lay down on the couch, turned on the television for some background noise, and let my mind wander.
Probably just about all the couples at the Roxy were into group sex or swinging or something like that. I mean, that's kind of what the theater scene there was all about. Could it be that Mom and Hank had sex with other people regularly?
My mind drifted. I sipped the beer and pictured my Mother. I thought back to dinner at her condo a couple of weekends before. Yep, she was definitely a sexy lady. Those white tights she had been wearing! I remembered the appreciative looks that Hank kept throwing her way.
And the way they were molded to her ass! I knew a good butt when I saw one, and hers was as fine as they came. And another bonus - no panty lines whatsoever. The sexy clothing was kind of a new thing with her too. She didn't exactly dress conservatively when I had seen her this past year, but nothing she wore was really very provocative either. The white tights were definitely meant to flaunt her body.
What, I wondered slightly guiltily, did she look like underneath? It would be nice to see, I mean even if was my own Mother. No harm in looking. Doesn't every boy fantasize about seeing his Mother naked?
I guzzled the rest of the beer and set it down on the floor next to the couch. I put my hands behind my head and gazed at the ceiling.
The peach blouse had been something else too. I thought back to how large her breasts seemed, unlike what I remembered from the past. At one point during the evening, I recalled seeing the sharp points of her nipples pressing against the fabric, despite the fact that she was obviously wearing a bra underneath. She must have long, firm nipples. I bet Hank has a great time sucking on them. Did I breast-feed from them when I was a baby?
The front of my shorts was tenting. My dick was getting hard from all these thoughts coursing through my brain. I shook my head with exasperation. Better get a grip Troy, I told myself. Don't be a jerk!
I ambled to the refrigerator for another beer. I thought briefly about going to the Roxy, but that was out. What if my Mom and Hank were there again? It wasn't likely that they'd go two weekends in a row, but you never know. Then I had a rueful thought. I might not be able to go there ever again. Maybe that was the first and only time they went there, but I couldn't take any chances. Fuck! With a heavy sigh, I sat forlornly on the sofa.
I glanced over at the television. A shaving commercial. I reached for the remote to find something better when, like a flash, a wild thought came into my head. Shaving. Moustache! The play! Why not disguise myself, like I do in drama school? With a wig, beard and moustache, plus my makeup, I'm unrecognizable. That way I could still go to the Roxy, and if Mom and Hank were there, I could just leave. They'd never know it's me.
On the other hand, I wouldn't really have to leave if they showed up. Wouldn't it be fun to watch them? I shook my head, and took a swig of beer. 'No Troy, put that thought out of your mind right now,' I scolded myself. 'If they're there, you need to split.'
But I could watch for just a little while, just to see what happens, couldn't I? I screwed my eyes closed in frustration. Fuck it, I told myself, whatever happens, happens. Take it one step at a time.
It seemed crazy, yet plausible. Hell, I had to try it. I leapt off the couch, threw on some Dockers and a dress shirt, and headed for campus.
I spent about two hours in the makeup room. Usually, I can put on the disguise and makeup in half the time, but there's a big difference between effective theatrical makeup that's worn on stage, versus makeup that needs to work in close proximity to other people.
I used a similar getup to what I wore in the play, except for the wig. The one I used on stage was kind of ratty, and didn't fit me quite right anyway, so I took some time to rifle through the wardrobe room until I found a better one. It was long and dark brown with a ponytail, and fit perfectly. The moustache was a little easier, and I carefully applied it with adhesive. I would have gone with a beard, but we didn't have any that fit properly. They were hard to do well anyway. I opted instead for a little dark makeup on my jowls to give the appearance of faint five-o'clock shadow. I used a dark pencil to color in my eyebrows. Finally, for good measure, I inserted some colored contacts.
I gave myself a critical once-over in a full-length mirror. Awesome. "Man, I'm good at this," I said out loud. No one, not even my own Mother, would be able to recognize me.
I was no longer a clean-cut, blue-eyed blond. I was now a more rugged looking guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes. The wig, moustache, razor stubble - it all worked perfectly together. And the baggy cotton slacks, which I rarely wore, completed the disguise beautifully.
I said a silent prayer of thanks that our director bought good stuff. A cheap wig and moustache wouldn't have worked at all, but the costuming that we used was professional-grade.
At last, I was ready. I closed and locked the wardrobe room and left for another night at the Roxy.
Unfortunately, it was a slow night, and I left after a couple of hours of sheer
frustration. There was a fat couple up in the front row, but they were quickly
surrounded by too many onlookers for me to find a closer spot. Besides, they
weren't exactly attractive. Even the movie was shitty.
Not that there weren't any "opportunities" to get off though. At one point during the evening, while I was idly stroking my semi-erect cock, an older guy in a business suit approached me. He sat two seats away, promptly pulled out his dick and began masturbating.
I could see out of the corner of my eye that he frequently looked in my direction. Finally, he leaned closer to me and whispered, "Hey buddy, want me to help you get off?"
I glanced his way, and watched as he licked his lips, all the while shaking his short, but thick, cock.
Not a bad looking guy, but I still couldn't bring myself to do that.
"No. Sorry," I mumbled. "I was just getting ready to leave." And with that, I tucked my cock into my slacks, and left the theater.
I reflected on the visit on the way back to the campus. I was pretty disappointed with the Roxy tonight. No couples, no decent action - getting made-up had been a waste of time. At least the makeup seemed to be working, I thought. I apparently didn't look like a weirdo, or that guy would never have propositioned me. I vowed to try again the following weekend.
And so I was back in the theater, in disguise, the following Saturday night. The place was hopping - when I got there, there was a knot of about six to eight people huddled together near the middle of the theater, a sure sign of some hot action. A few of them looked toward me as I walked in to make sure I wasn't a cop, then went right back to their activity. I watched them from the back of the theater for a while. I could see a longhaired blond kneeling in her seat as she sucked off some lucky stud sprawled in the seat next to her. Another man had her ass cheeks spread open as he licked her ass. The rest of the small group was watching and masturbating.
I considered joining them for awhile, then decided to take a seat in the back row of the theater. I wanted to know if Hank and my Mother walked in, something I might not be able to do if I sat in front.
Despite the fact that I was sitting in the back, I had a pretty good view of the action. The blond was obviously enjoying the attention - I could hear her soft moans of pleasure during the quieter scenes in the movie, along with the licking and suctioning sounds of her tongue on the guy's prick. I unzipped my slacks, pulled out my hard-on, and alternated between watching the movie and the live orgy.
Man, they were hot! The man who had been licking her ass soon stood up behind her, dropped his pants and underwear to his ankles, and pressed his erection into her. I was amazed - I had seen people fucking before in the theater but never quite so openly. I picked up the pace of my fist as I jacked myself off.
"Looks like they're having fun, doesn't it?" My God, that was a familiar voice! I looked up to my right, and there standing at the seat beside me, and looking down at me, was my Mother, with Hank in tow right behind her. I hadn't heard anyone come in, and now here they were! And about to sit down next to me! Oh fuck.
I was paralyzed in my seat, and I'm sure my face went white. My heart raced furiously, and a cold sweat broke out on my brow. I wanted to bolt from the theater, but I was frozen in place. Here I was, jacking off in front of my Mother!
What to do, what to do? Now she's sitting down next to me! Fuck, fuck, FUCK!
'But wait, she doesn't know it's me,' I thought, my mind racing furiously. Relax Troy, dammit!
I realized that she was waiting for me to respond to her question, but I couldn't even remember what she asked. In any case, I don't think I could have spoken.
She waited momentarily for an answer, but when it was obvious that none was forthcoming, she shrugged and said, "Well, it seems like the cat's got your tongue. That's okay. I'm going to take a seat if it's okay with you."
"Uh, sure," I finally managed to croak. I quickly realized that I'd better not talk too much, or she would recognize me for sure. Damn, this was one eventuality I hadn't considered. But how was I supposed to?
I watched, mortified, as she settled in to the seat next to me. Her eyes flickered toward my crotch, where my fist, now white and sweaty, was tightly clenched around my erect prick. Her lips curled in amusement. "Looks like you're having a good time too," she said slyly. "But you must be lonely back here by yourself. Hank here," she paused as Hank waved by way of introduction, then continued, "Hank and I thought you might need some company. Hope you don't mind. I'm Joan by the way."
I had to respond somehow, but I'd have to disguise my voice - should be no problem with my theatrical training. I searched my mental catalogue of voice coaching I'd received, and decided I'd speak in a low voice with a slight drawl, something that was easy to do.
"Uh, not at all Joan," I said in my new low voice. "Nice to meet you." I was relieved that I was able to speak, even though my voice was a bit shaky with nerves.
Hank and my Mom settled in to watch the movie, and the erotic display by our fellow moviegoers down front. They began whispering to each other, and I was relieved that they appeared to be ignoring me. Time to make an escape out of this awful situation.
My cock was softening, thank God, and I began tucking it back into my pants. But my Mom had other ideas. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her head turn toward me.
"Oh, don't go," she whispered. "We didn't mean to scare you away! Sit here with us for awhile." Her voice became soft and conspiratorial as she looked into my eyes. Thank God for the darkened theater! "Maybe we could have some fun," she said huskily.
And with that, she reached over and began to softly rub my crotch, all the while looking at me pointedly. I closed by eyes in sheer terror. This was going all wrong! I silently cursed myself for being so stupid as to allow this to happen. 'If I just get up and run right now,' I thought, 'I can put this behind me and never think about it again. No one will ever know.'
But I couldn't move. Down in the prehistoric depths of my brain, raw hormones had taken over my horny, wired body. My cock responded to her gentle touch, and I was utterly helpless, overpowered by the sensations in my groin. Encouraged by my response, Mom unzipped my fly and gently pulled my erection into the open.
"Ooh," she whispered. "No underwear. I like that."
My mind raced. I couldn't let this continue. But I knew that I was powerless to prevent it. My emotions were reeling with thoughts of love for her, like a son should love a Mother, versus the sexual thoughts I had about her a few weeks before. Ultimately, though, the sexual feelings won out, and I told myself that I would just let it happen, and that would be that. I could just watch to see what happens, maybe get a voyeuristic thrill, and then leave. Eventually, I'd forget about it, and my Mom, and no one else, needed to know.
My prick grew to full size in her soft hand. "There, that's better," she whispered. "You have a nice cock."
I closed my eyes briefly, desperately wanting not to look. But I couldn't resist - I quickly opened them again to watch her play with my erection. Her fingers were warm and soft, and she touched me with a feathery stroke, first around the head, then lower down the shaft, and then up again. My cock was turning deep red and was pulsing in sync with my heartbeat.
Hank was not idle through all this. His excitement quickly grew as he watched his partner play with a "stranger's" erection. His right hand was soon wandering up and down her tanned legs, gradually pushing her black leather skirt up her bare thighs. She spread her legs slightly to allow him freer access.
Mom and I were not being ignored by the other theater patrons either. Like circling vultures, first one, then two, approached us. One sat down a few seats to my left, and one brave soul sat in the seat directly in front of my Mother. He was a big black guy with a shaved head and a diamond stud glinting in his earlobe. He was half-turned in his seat. His eyes darted back and forth from my cock to my Mother's legs. I could see over the seatback in front of me that he had his own cock out of his pants, and he was stroking it up and down as he watched the view with a look of raw lust on his face. His head dipped a little lower in an effort to see up my Mother's skirt. It was almost comical, but I knew that I had been in that same situation many times before.
My Mother seemed more than happy to accommodate his wandering eyes. She tried to open her legs further, but the skirt was too tight - she could only get her knees about a foot apart. Hank whispered something in her ear. She nodded and scooted her hips up off the seat. I gasped as she and Hank, working together, tugged the tight skirt all the way up her legs, and over her hips, all the way up to her waist. My eyes boggled out of my head - she wasn't wearing underwear! I knew I shouldn't look, but I couldn't help it.
She settled back onto her seat and spread her legs wider. My cock jerked with lust at the sight. Her dark curly pubic hair was fully exposed, although only partially discernible in the shadows of the darkened theater. The black guy smiled appreciatively - apparently he could see enough, and imagine the rest. "Oh yeah, baby," he said admiringly. "That's a beautiful pussy."
Hank said to him, "You can touch it if you want. She'd like that, wouldn't you honey?"
"Mmm hmm," my Mom murmured. Her hand continued to massage my erection.
The man turned completely around in his seat, and tentatively reached out to stroke my Mother's slim leg. There was no protest, and he became bolder. His long, dark fingers danced lightly up her smooth thigh. Hank, meanwhile, lightly stroked her other thigh. I could imagine, if not see, goose bumps forming there, and her legs trembled with the dual sensation.
The black guy glanced at Hank, and an unspoken go-ahead was given. He continued working up my Mother's creamy thigh, until he reached her dark pubic mound. He began to rub delicately, stroking his fingers through her fur. She shivered with obvious excitement. Maybe I imagined it, but I thought I could smell her excitement too. I faintly detected a whiff of musky aroma emanating from her aroused pussy, competing with her delicately scented perfume.
Mom's legs were now splayed open in invitation, as the man continued his groping exploration. Hank pulled his own hand away, and began snaking it up the outside of her blouse. He cupped my Mother's right breast in his hand and began gently squeezing and massaging her tit. I watched, fascinated, as her nipple hardened and strained against her blouse. She moaned with pleasure, and he pushed the blouse up over her breasts. She was braless, and her glorious tits were exposed to my wide eyes, mere inches from my arm.
The sight fascinated me. They were tanned and full, soft and yielding in Hank's strong hand. Just as I expected, the pink nipples were stiff and unusually long.
My own hands were idle, but Mom corrected the situation. She momentarily released my prick, reached for my hand, and pulled it to her left breast. My heart raced, and my mouth was dry as I began to timidly massage her tit with the flat of my hand. I could feel the pink nipple responding to my touch, and it grew and poked against my palm.
"Ooh, that feels good," she murmured, but whether she was talking to Hank, the black guy, or me I couldn't say.
Hank whispered softly in her ear. I couldn't hear, but she responded with uncertainty - "I do if you do. Both of them?"
I saw Hank nod in agreement, and soon Mom turned to me and said "Meet us in room four in five minutes."
I didn't know what she was talking about. "Room four?" I asked quizzically.
She nodded. "Uh-huh. We'll have a good time." She winked at me, then leaned forward to offer the same invitation to the black guy. He grinned and nodded eagerly.
Then I remembered something a fellow patron had told me a few weeks ago, about joining a couple in a private room down the hall.
Oh, no! My mind raced. This was getting way out of hand. I needed to leave before it was too late.
I was about to protest, but before I knew it, Mom tugged her skirt over her hips, pulled her blouse down to cover her breasts, and stood with Hank. Before I had a chance to say anything, they walked up the aisle and ducked through the back door of the theater.
"Shit," I muttered.
The black guy looked at me as if I was crazy. "What are you talking about?" he scolded me. "Are you saying you don't want to go to their room? That is one hot bitch."
I didn't know how to respond, so I shrugged.
He grinned. "You shy, or what? She invited us to go and fuck her! Don't be a dumbass. C'mon man - to room four we go!" And with that he stood up, at the same time tucking his enormous prick back into his open fly. He didn't immediately leave though - he kept standing there and looking down at me with that horny grin on his face.
I just sat there in a daze, absent-mindedly stroking my fake mustache. I knew I needed to leave the theater, right now! I couldn't go to the private room! This had gone far enough. I gazed toward the front of the theater. The little knot of people had dispersed, and suddenly the theater seemed quite empty.
He was still looking at me. "Let's go my man, before they change their mind and leave us out in the cold." He laughed and pointed at my crotch. "Your cock's gonna explode if you don't get some sweet cunt, and fast."
Finally, with my mind in a fog, I tucked in my erection and stood up
uncertainly. The black guy laughed again. "That's my man!" He slapped me on the
shoulder and we left the dark theater together, in search of room four. I tried
not to think about what I was about to do.
Colin and Nahdya become embroiled with a powerful and demented Triad. They manage to escape but are hounded... [Part 11 will published tomorrow] |
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- facesitting