Mom at the Roxy
I couldn't go to the theater the next weekend. Friday evening was spent in rehearsals for my drama class' new production, after which I was going to my Mom's condo for dinner. Angie and I had plans for Saturday night, so it looked like the Roxy would have to wait for another weekend.
The rehearsal was the last practice performance before our premiere the following weekend. It was a full-costume dress rehearsal, which was very exhilarating for me - I especially liked the period-piece costumes and makeup. I was accomplished at that element of the theater, and even though we had specialists in costuming, my director often asked me to provide assistance in applying the make-up effects to my fellow actors.
The play was set in the late 1960's, and my role was that of a hippie musician in San Francisco. My costume consisted of the tie-dye and beads of the period, plus I wore a long brown wig complete with short ponytail over my natural close-cropped blond hair. A false beard and moustache completed the look. I was entirely unrecognizable, even to my closest friends, when I was in costume.
The rehearsal went reasonably well, and I knew that we were as ready as we would ever be for our premiere the following Friday night. We ran a bit longer than planned, and when we completed the final scene, I quickly removed the costume and make-up and dashed off to my Mom's condo for dinner.
As usual, I was a bit apprehensive about visiting my Mother - I had seen her so seldom these past few years. But my anxiety was gradually lessening with time, and I was more becoming more enthused about re-establishing my relationship with her. Now, with my Father dead, and she having moved back to Southern California, I had seen more of her this past year then I had during the entire time since she and my Dad divorced.
That was nine years ago, when I was twelve. I never understood the divorce, and my Dad didn't talk much about it. He did the best he could as a single father, raising me during my difficult teenage years. I was an only child, which I suppose contributed to my wayward youth. I always wished I had a sibling to talk to about it, but in the end, I survived the trauma.
My Dad and I had a decent relationship I guess, but I don't think he was ever the same after the divorce. He was distant, and buried himself in his work. It was never clear to me why my Mom - her name is Joan by the way - had left town, and why Dad raised me instead of her. I do know that they divorced on grounds of her frequent infidelity, but I didn't know the details. All I know is that my Mom moved to Texas, leaving me to live with Dad.
My relationship with her during that time was kind of rocky. I did go out to stay with her in short stints during summer vacation a few times, but the visits were always awkward. I think she felt a little guilty about the divorce, but it wasn't something we could openly talk about.
Now though, things had changed. My Dad's long hours at the office finally caught up to him, and he had died of a heart attack the year before. Mom moved back to Southern California shortly thereafter, at least partly, she said, to be near me. I was 20 years old at the time, and well able to take care of myself. Still, I was appreciative that she had uprooted to be near me again. Now, a year later, we were well on our way toward ironing out the problems with our relationship, and I was able to love her like a son should love his Mother.
Dinner tonight was a special occasion, because I would be meeting the new man in her life, some guy named Hank. I would have liked to see her get married again after all those years alone. Maybe Hank was the one? I was optimistic that he was good enough for her, but I didn't raise my expectations too high.
I arrived at my Mother's small condo in the suburbs shortly after eight, just a few minutes late. Hank opened the door, and welcomed me in with a hearty handshake and a twinkle in his eye. He was a big, strapping guy, quite a bit younger than Mom. He had a dark tan and looked more like a surfer than the real estate agent that I knew him to be.
I stepped inside while Hank closed the door behind me. The aroma of chicken dinner permeated the condo - Mom had been busy in the kitchen. I wondered if her cooking had improved over the years. Her culinary skills were not a pleasant memory from my youth.
Mom came out of the kitchen to greet me with a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. "Oh, Troy, so nice to see you. How are you? I see you've met Hank?"
"Yup, sure have. And I'm doing fine. I brought some wine for you. It's white, because I know you're making chicken."
"Great!" She took the proffered bottle from me and inspected the label. "Ah, good choice."
I held her hands in mine and inspected her up and down. "You're looking great Mom!" And she was a very attractive woman. Slim and fit, with a pretty, lightly tanned face and big brown eyes. Her light brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Only a few gray hairs revealed her age. "And I like your perfume."
"Oh stop it Troy." She lightly slapped me on the arm. "You'll make me blush!" She looked at Hank. "See how he spoils me?"
Hank chuckled. "Oh, I don't know if I'd call it spoiling you. Anyway, I agree with everything he says."
Mom reached up to tousle Hank's blond hair playfully, and then the three of us walked together through her tastefully decorated living room toward the kitchen.
Despite feeble protests from Hank and me, Mom insisted on completing the dinner preparations herself, and ordered us to sit at the table and relax. We took two chairs at the small oak dinette table in the kitchen. I sniffed the air appreciatively - dinner smelled great!
"So your Mom tells me you're a drama student," Hank said to me as he poured me a cup of coffee from a flowered carafe. "I was in a few plays when I went to UCLA." He chuckled. "Time flies. That was almost ten years ago. Do you have a production in progress?"
"Yeah, we just had final dress rehearsal tonight. The play starts next Friday and runs for two weekends. Then we're off for the summer."
"Splendid! Best of luck."
He took a sip of coffee. "Any big plans for the summer?"
I shook my head. "Not really. I've got a part-time job as a waiter lined up to get some spending money. I plan on a pretty quiet summer."
Hank and I chatted about his experiences in the theater, as my Mom scurried about the kitchen preparing dinner. She interjected a helpful comment now and then, but otherwise she let Hank and I break the ice on our own. I quickly grew to like him. It seemed to me that Mom made a good find.
As Hank and I talked, I discreetly watched my Mother with admiration as she flitted about the kitchen with boundless energy. I guess I hadn't really noticed before how fit she was - she must have been exercising. And, once again, I reflected on how pretty she was for her age, hell, for any age. Only a few laugh lines at the corner of her eyes and the few gray hairs revealed any signs of the onset of middle age. The wore her hair kind of long for her age, and the ponytail made her look almost girlish, further hiding the fact that she was 40 years old. I wondered, not for the first time, why she never remarried after the divorce.
Hank and I hit a brief lull in the conversation, but my Mother picked up the slack from her position at the kitchen island. "So how's Angie?" she asked me. "Sure would like to meet her sometime. I mean, now that you two are getting so serious," she added with a wink.
"Serious!" I said in mock horror. "I am NOT getting serious. Anyway, you did meet her once."
"You mean that time at your apartment a few weeks ago? That was hardly meeting her - I only saw her for a minute when I was on my way out. I hardly even got to talk to her."
"Okay, okay I surrender," I said with a grin. "I'll have you guys over for dinner real soon. You too Hank."
My Mom looked at me sternly as she dumped some lettuce into a big salad bowl. "I'll take that as a promise." But there was a twinkle in her eye as she said it. She began to peel some carrots.
I rolled my eyes at Hank. A knowing smile spread across his rugged face.
"Troy, I saw that!" scolded my Mother. She tossed a piece of carrot at me, hitting me in the leg.
Hank winked at me, then excused himself to go to the bathroom.
"Angie sure is a beautiful girl," my Mom continued after he left. "And so slim and fit, as I recall. Does she work out?"
"Yup, lots. She does aerobics three times a week." I stooped down to retrieve the carrot from the vinyl floor.
"It definitely shows." She began humming softly to herself as she began slicing the carrots.
I watched her from my perch at the table as she continued preparing dinner. Once again, I marveled at how good she looked. She seemed to realize it also - her clothing seemed almost more appropriate for a slim teenager, rather than a 40-year old woman. I could understand why a young, handsome guy like Hank seemed so smitten with her.
She was wearing a form-fitting peach-colored blouse that accentuated her breasts. Odd, but I had never noticed before how big chested she was. I wondered if my dear Mother had a boob job when she lived in Texas. I sipped my coffee and pondered.
I snapped back to attention with the realization that she was talking to me. "...You know Troy," she was saying. "I sure am proud of you for having such a big role in that play."
"Thanks Mom. I've really worked hard at it."
'Now that's a big difference between her and Dad,' I thought to myself. He thought going into drama was a waste of time.
I continued my musing. Even more remarkable, though, were her legs and butt. She was wearing white cotton tights that clung to her legs. Her legs were slim - not skinny, but mature and shapely. Her butt was full and rounded, maybe just a tad wider than when she was young, but still... No sign of panty lines either - she must have been wearing thong underwear, I guessed. 'Do 40-year old women wear thongs?' I asked myself whimsically. Her smooth rear flexed sensuously as she reached high into a cupboard for some salad dressing.
Yikes! I realized where this train of thought was taking me. 'Troy, you stupid horny bastard,' I scolded myself. 'Knock it off!
Hank returned from the bathroom, and he and Mom began to set the table. I put my weird thoughts out of my head for the rest of the evening, and the three of us had a great dinner and pleasant conversation. I got home after midnight, exhausted after a long day, and slept like a baby.
I had my planned date with Angie the following evening. I was excited about
seeing her. We had met at a campus fraternity party a few months before, and had
been dating ever since. I didn't envision a serious, long-term relationship with
her, but I definitely enjoyed her company. First of all, we had a lot of common
interests and her cheerful, easy-going personality was so refreshing.
Not only that, but she was gorgeous, by far the best-looking girl I had ever dated. She had medium length blond hair, just a bit lighter than mine, and beautiful big, blue eyes. She was short and petite, which isn't usually the body type that I'm most attracted to. With Angie, though, I wasn't complaining. She was an aerobics fanatic, and had the tanned, muscular body to prove it. The complete package was so sexy, with her small but pert tits and tight little ass.
Perhaps the best part of our relationship was the hot sex. We had sweaty, uninhibited sex on our first date, always a bonus as far as I'm concerned. Her sexual appetite matched mine, and the sex had done nothing but improved since that first time.
Unfortunately, she did not live full-time in Southern California. Angie was from Boston, and was only attending school here. She would be heading back East for the summer, which was going to leave me high and dry for three months. Just when things were really heating up too.
A few weeks before, I had discovered that Angie liked anal sex almost as much as I did. Her asshole was so small and tight that it's fortunate that my prick is only of average size. Any bigger, and I'd never fit. The tightness and sensation was unbelievable - when I slid my prick into her rectum that first timed, she clenched her muscular asshole in a way that drove me crazy with lust. I was coming within minutes.
Despite all that, I wondered just how wild Angie was capable of getting. I didn't know if she could keep up with my unusual needs. My visits to Roxy Video sustained me partially, but I was coming to the realization that my erotic tastes quite possibly had no bounds. The voyeurism and exhibitionism, as well as the wanton group sex I had seen, and now participated in, at Roxy were stimulating me to a level that Angie might not be able, or willing, to satisfy.
The group scene, in particular, was so exciting. Every guy fantasizes about participating in a threesome. Well, I had experienced pretty much that very thing the week before. The big question was whether or not that was a side of my sexuality that I could ever get Angie to understand. I fantasized about bringing her to the dark theater and watching as she exhibited herself to the other men there.
But, I decided that I needed to take it slow and gradual to determine the limits of Angie's sexuality. I might totally screw things up if I rushed her into something she wasn't ready for. So I formed a modest plan for this evening to explore those limits. Prior to picking her up for dinner, I stopped by the Roxy to select some video entertainment for later in the evening.
Angie and I had a festive dinner. We decided to avoid talking about the fact that she would be heading back to Boston soon. We chatted and laughed merrily at the restaurant table, but I was so horny that my mind wasn't completely there. I was eager to get back to my apartment to put my plan into action. The main "problem" was with what Angie was wearing. She was never shy about showing her body, but her clothing selection was more revealing than anything that I had ever seen her wear in public. She wore a short, clingy black skirt, which revealed her slim, tanned legs up to a point only a few inches below her crotch. She was wearing no nylons or pantyhose, and with those legs, none were necessary. She had on a matching black tubetop, which revealed a bare washboard midriff and golden-brown shoulders. I didn't think she was wearing a bra underneath, since I could clearly see the outline of her nipples pressed against the tight fabric.
I had to hide my erection the whole evening, and I obviously wasn't the only one who was titillated by her - our handsome college-age waiter was being particularly attentive to us.
At one point, I pointed this out to Angie. "Our waiter sure is checking you out," I said with a smile. "Every time he comes to the table, he's looking at your legs. What's he seeing down there anyway?"
"What's the matter Troy?" she asked teasingly. "Jealous?"
"No not really." Then I continued with a wink, "You can let him have some if I go first."
She looked at me with smoldering eyes, and licked her lips with her pink tongue "Well you know what they say - two are better than one." She started giggling, and I laughed with her, unable to continue the charade. Soon, the moment passed. But I thought to myself, 'Hmm, that was an interesting comment. What did she mean exactly?'
Finally, we finished dinner. I hurried Angie through her third whiskey sour of the evening, and we left the restaurant. I tried to stay near the speed limit as I drove her to my apartment, but it was difficult - my erection was throbbing, and the sight of her smooth legs stretched out next to me wasn't helping the situation.
When we arrived at my apartment, I mixed Angie another whiskey sour to keep her mellow buzz going, and brought it to her as she sat on my overstuffed sofa.
"I've got a surprise for you," I said, as I walked to my entertainment center. I inserted a tape in the VCR, the one I had picked up earlier at Roxy Video. "Just a little something to spice things up."
"What is it?"
"You'll see," I replied with an evil grin. I grabbed the remote and clicked the
play button, then joined Angie on the sofa.
Angie poked me on the arm. "You dirty little devil. This is a porn tape."
She was stating the obvious. Explicit ads for phone sex numbers were starting to roll across the television screen.
"Yeah well, what can I say? I don't know if you like them or not, but I thought I'd take a chance." I watched her carefully for her reaction. Her eyes were fixed on the television. I don't think she even heard me - a good sign. So far so good.
"Have you ever seen a porn video?" I asked.
She hesitated a moment. "Sure, I've seen a few. They're okay. What's this one?"
"It's um, The Best of Amateur Adventures, or something like that." The movie was a good one. I'd actually seen it before, and picked it out for this evening because the scenes were hot, and the amateurs were good-looking and really into the action.
"Amateurs, huh?" she smiled. "I think all the X-rated videos I've seen before had porno stars."
We nestled down side by side on the couch, watching the video. I sat with my arm around her warm shoulder, idly stroking her shiny blond hair. I interrupted our viewing only occasionally to keep her drink filled.
The movie consisted of various erotic couplings - with lots of threesomes and foursomes, and even one orgy scene thrown in for good measure. There was a variety of sex - anal, oral, lesbianism... I wanted to get Angie's reaction to all of it.
"How do you like it?" I asked at one point.
"Mmmm, this is hot," she murmured. She seemed transfixed by the erotic scenes on the television.
"The movie is hot, or you're hot, or both?"
She laughed. "Both. Definitely both." She glanced down at my lap. "Looks like you're getting there too, tiger."
She was right there. My erection had tented out the front of my slacks in pretty obvious fashion. Angie snuggled closer against me and reached down to begin rubbing my crotch.
I reciprocated by massaging her erect nipple through the tight fabric of her top.
"Ooh, that's nice," she whispered.
We continued to watch the video. The current scene was set in what appeared to be a seedy motel room, and featured a young Latino couple and an older Asian woman. The man was lying on his back, while the Asian squatted over him, leaning backwards toward him with her weight resting on her hands. Her legs were splayed open, knees bent. He was fucking her ass in this position, as the Latino woman kneeled between her spread legs and licked her gaping pussy.
"Oh wow," said Angie, as she shifted on her seat. "Check that out." She arched her back slightly, pushing her breasts into my roaming hands. I was still massaging them through her blouse. I figured it was time to get a little better access to her small, shapely tits, so I tugged and stretched the front of her top up and over the pert tits, exposing them to my wandering hands. My observation during dinner had been correct - no bra.
She was right - it was definitely a hot scene. "Yeah, pretty wild," I agreed. I decided to risk it a little. "I wouldn't mind being that guy. But I've never done anything like that."
I began rubbing her exposed nipple in small circular motions, coaxing it erect.
I paused. "Have you?"
"Oh, well..." Angie blushed a bit. "Sort of."
My heart began to race. This I had to hear. But I had to prompt her. "What do you mean, sort of?"
"I don't know if I want to tell you. I mean, it's kind of embarrassing."
She tried to distract me by unzipping my slacks to free my cock. I helped her out a bit by sliding them down and off my legs. Nothing now between my erection and her wandering hands but a pair of cotton briefs.
"Angie, when it comes to sex, nothing can embarrass me. You can tell me." I gently squeezed each of her nipples in turn, exactly how I knew she liked it.
She softly sighed with pleasure, then continued. "Well, it was a couple of years ago. It was right after I graduated from high school. Anyway, me and my boyfriend at the time went out on a double date with his best friend and a girl he was seeing." She paused. "Oh gosh, I don't know if I want to tell you this."
"C'mon," don't be embarrassed. Tell me." My hand began wandering down her flat stomach. I could feel her skin tremble beneath my touch.
"Um, we went on a date, and ended up back at my boyfriend's parents house. We'd had a lot to drink, and ended up playing a game of strip poker." She paused and took a long pull from her whiskey sour. "Anyway, one thing led to another, and we all ended up naked together. Another thing led to another thing, and we eventually ended up having sex."
She had begun tugging my underwear down my legs. My prick sprang free, and she cupped my hairy scrotum in her hand, caressing it lightly. It tickled, and my balls quivered.
I swallowed hard. "You mean, all of you?"
She nodded. " wasn't that big of a deal. We were drunk and just having a good time. It was kind of fun though." Her red polished fingernails were brushing through my pubic hair.
My hand wandered lower. I lightly caressed the soft, supple skin of her upper thigh, just beneath the hem of her miniskirt. She closed her eyes and focused on the sensation of my soft touch on her leg.
"So, like, what did you do?"
"Well, both guys fucked both girls, and then..." She gulped, debating whether or not to tell me more. Her cheeks flushed a deeper pink, and her eyes were still closed, as if in a trance. "Then me and the other girl kind of got it on."
Oh my God! This was like a dream come true! I never knew this about Angie. "Did you like doing that?" My voice was quavering slightly with the shock of her statement and my own lust.
She grasped my hard cock and began to delicately stroke up and down.
"Oh, kind of. It was fun, I guess. We didn't really do all that much. We licked each other's boobs some. I think I was a little bit braver than she was - I licked her pussy a little bit. She didn't do the same to me, but that was okay." She giggled a bit. "I know the guys liked it."
Angie's cheeks were now apple-red, whether with embarrassment or lust or both, I couldn't tell. My hand traveled up the warm, satiny skin of her inner thigh, under her skirt, until my fingertips came into contact with her panties. I brushed across her mound, feeling the damp warmth emanating from her pussy beneath the thin fabric.
She slumped down in the couch and spread her legs to give me free access to her hidden treasure. With one hand, she pulled the hem of her skirt up, wiggling her butt as she did so, until the skirt was bunched up around her waist. Her black silk panties were exposed to me. Her other hand continued to softly massage my erection.
She resumed jacking me off as she completed her narrative. "Anyway, that was that. We never did it again. That's the only time I ever did anything like that."
I was stunned by the story. When your girlfriend tells you she's licked another girl's pussy before... I was so horny I thought I was going to faint.
"Angie, I've gotta tell you - that is so hot!" My fingers were wriggling beneath the elastic leg band of her panties, trying to gain access to her pussy.
"Yeah, I know that guys really get off on that."
I began to kiss and lick her ear lobe, something that I knew drove her crazy. She shivered, and gasped with pleasure, cocking her head to one side to expose her long neck to me. She was still holding my erection, but she wasn't jacking me off any more. She was too focused on the pleasure I was giving her.
"Have you ever considered doing it again?" I whispered into her ear.
"Oh, I don't know. Who knows? Anyway, you're all I want and need right now."
Well, not quite the answer I was hoping for, but on the other hand, she didn't completely close the door to the idea.
My fingers had finally made it beneath her tight panties, and reached the smooth, wet folds of her outer pussy lips. Her cunt was sopping with juices, and I began to circle around her clit with the tip of an index finger.
"Ohhh," she moaned. "I don't know if I can stand it. You're teasing me."
I grinned. "Tell you what. That girl didn't eat your pussy, but maybe I can make up for it." My pants and underwear were bunched around by ankles. I kicked them off and knelt down on the living room carpet between her legs. Angie spread them further apart, and placed her feet on my shoulders to support herself. Her panty-clad crotch was spread wide open to my smoldering gaze.
Her panties matched her black skirt in color. I immediately saw that she was actually wearing a thong. Only a narrow strip of material covered her pussy, the location of which was revealed by a faint wet spot that had soaked through the silken fabric. Several blond pussy hairs peeked out beneath each elastic leg band. The material narrowed to a thin string where it disappeared into the crack of her ass. With the fingers of each hand, I spread her butt cheeks apart to inspect her tight little asshole, half hidden by the string.
But first things first. I pulled the taut fabric to one side to expose her wet, shiny cunt lips. Her pink clit was protruding slightly from beneath its fleshy hood, providing an inviting target for me. A small drop of pearly cum was seeping out of her cunt. I watched, fascinated, as it oozed downward, and disappeared into the crack of her ass. I breathed deeply of her pungent aroma, then extended my tongue and touched it to her clitoris ever so lightly. I was rewarded by a soft groan from Angie.
I slowly licked up and down her pussy lips, lapping at the musky liquid as it flowed from her dark tunnel. I only infrequently stopped to lick at her clit, because I could tell that Angie was already close to coming - I think the movie had really had an effect on her.
"Oh God Troy, you're teasing me. I need to cum. Please!" She clutched the back of my head and pulled it into her pussy. My mouth and nose were buried in her aromatic crotch.
She sounded so pitifully desperate for release that I had to oblige. I took her clit between my lips and sucked lightly, while at the same time stabbing my tongue against it. That was all it took.
"Oh yes, oh yes, OH YES!" She cried over and over with each thrust of my tongue. Then, with a sharp breath, her body tensed, and she was lost in the throes of her orgasm. She moaned loudly, as she frantically bucked off the sofa to slam her pussy against my face, smearing my chin and mouth with her warm juices.
I held on for the ride, and tried to maintain contact with her heaving pussy. Her spasms gradually subsided as she came back down to earth.
"You lick me so good," she murmured, staring at me with glazed eyes, "but now I want you to fuck me!"
I didn't need any more invitation than that. Kneeling in front of her, I placed my cockhead against her sodden pussy lips, paused briefly, then plunged to the hilt in one slow, smooth motion.
"Oh yeah, that's it," she encouraged. "fuck me hard!"
And so I did. It was an awkward position, kneeling on the floor like that, but I pistoned in and out of her slippery pussy like I had never done before. I was so charged with lust after watching the movie with her that I cared about nothing but coming as quickly as possible. I slammed in and out of her pussy with fury, desperate to achieve my orgasm. My balls made a liquid slapping sound against her as I thrust back and forth.
Angie bucked her hips off the couch, matching me stroke for stroke, hoarsely whispering encouragement to me. To aid her, I grabbed her firm ass cheeks and pulled her into me with each thrust of my hips. I curled my fingertips into the sweaty crack of her ass.
The intensity of our bucking increased rapidly. With a final cry of pleasure, I savagely pushed my cock deeply into her liquid cunt and held there, as my cock erupted its semen deep inside her in spurt after spurt.
I fell forward onto her, breathing heavily with exhaustion. Not for the first
time, I said a silent prayer of thanks for my luck in finding this hot woman.
An encounter with a stranger... |
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