Lock the Door
All that night I wrestled with the dilemma of having my mother know about
what we were doing. It really bothered me; even though she seemed to accept
it, even in some strange way to be enjoying it, I felt really weird about
it. Doing this stuff was one thing; worrying what people thought about it
was entirely another. Especially since I knew I wasn’t queer. I new there
wasn’t any discrepancy between that fact and having all these sexual acts
with another boy; but it was hard for me to explain, or imagine that anybody
else would be able to understand, since I imagined from the outside it
LOOKED pretty queer.
The next morning after breakfast, I screwed up my nerve and blurted out to
my mother, “You know, Mom, I wanted to talk to you... You know that stuff,
with me and Paul, like we were doing... this is kinda difficult... Anyway,
we were just messing around, I’m not queer or anything.”
My mother looked at me thoughtfully, evidently appreciating how hard all
this was for me to talk about. “Oh, honey, of course not! I understand. You
know, sex is a complicated thing, and when young people are figuring out
about it they try all different things with each other, to learn about it.
Everybody does. I mean different things for different people, but people do
all kinds of things that aren’t necessarily going to be what they do all
their lives. It’s quite normal, and nothing to worry about, and anyone with
their head screwed on right knows this, and accepts it without a lot of
fuss. I’m sorry if my fooling around with you about it made you
uncomfortable. Don’t worry, I won’t mention it again; it’s really none of my
business, and perfectly all right to boot. So we won’t say another word
about it.”
She smiled at me and patted my shoulder, then went about clearing the dishes
from breakfast, as I readied myself for school, considerably relieved by her
speech. As I went through my day I found myself reflecting that in a way
having somebody else know about my sexual behavior was both mildly
disturbing, and at the same time kind of exciting. I felt kind of like I was
being watched doing forbidden things, and that in itself was hot, in a funny
way. But I definitely felt a bit better after my talk with her this morning.
That afternoon Paul came over again, and “came” over is the right way to put
it. He did me very much like he did yesterday, with a bit more jacking and a
bit less blowing. We managed to draw it out a little longer, and when I came
in his mouth it was a pretty big one. My rock-hard erection jumped as each
spurt of come surged through it into his sucking mouth; he gagged a bit more
as my semen flooded his mouth than yesterday, but managed to swallow it all
again, but this time he came a bit before me.
At one point in the middle of our session, he was slowly jacking me off,
taking a break from sucking on it, when he blurted suddenly, “I wanted to
ask you, I don’t know if you’d want to... tomorrow night, saturday, Terry’s
going to have a few friends over to his house for a sleep-over. He really
wants you to come over too. His parents will be gone for the weekend, and
I’m sure that there’ll be a lot of fooling around and stuff. If you wanted
to come over it’d be really cool; you’d be the star for sure, being so big
and coming like you do... If you wanted too...”
He went on to tell me that there would be four or five other guys there,
friends of theirs who had done this a few times before, had sleepovers where
jacking each other off was the major activity. He said they were mostly
younger guys like him and Terry; he said one of the guys was pretty big, but
not like me. He added that they were always very cool about it all, and had
never talked about it except among themselves; and as they were all friends
of Terry’s from his school, they wouldn’t talk about it with anyone who knew
us anyway.
While he continued to do me, in the back of my mind I was considering his
invitation. My first reaction was caution, a reluctance to reveal myself to
strangers in this way; but as deliscious fantasies of what it might be like
played themselves out in my mind, made more concrete by the orgasm building
in my groin as his lips slid up and down on my erection, eventually my lust
won out; and after we came and were cleaning up I told Paul that I thought
it might be fun to go to Terry’s sleepover. He got a grin on his face and
said “Great! It’ll be really hot! You’ll see... By the way; wear baggy
underwear... You’ll need them, you’re gonna be hard in them for a while...”
I showed up at the appointed hour at Terry’s, and was greeted by him and
Paul and two other boys I didn’t know. The tv was on, and Terry had his
electric racing track set up on the living room floor, so in no time
everyone was happily occupied. Within half an hour two other boys arrived,
and settled in to the chaos. After a while some pizza was sent for, which
arrived eventually and was eaten on the living room floor.
After dinner and a lot more excited chatter, one of the boys I’d just met,
apparently one of the older guys there (next to me) whose name I’d learned
was Jimmy, pointedly asked, “So... Who’s first?”
The mood changed in the room immediately, as apparently all the other boys
knew what he was referring to, and so of course I figured it out pretty fast.
Terry answered him, “Well, I thought we’d do the youngest to the oldest; and
there’s a special surprise for last,” he added grinning, “our guest of
honor!”, and be nodded his head towards me. Several of the other boys’ eyes
lit up knowingly, and I gathered from what Paul had told me that Terry had
told a few of these guys about my endowment and performance, and it must’ve
been those boys he talked to.
The mess from dinner and an afternoon of frolicking was quickly cleared up
from the livingroom floor. Then Terry got several of the bigger guys and me
to help him move the barbers’ chair into the center of the room. Meanwhile
everyone was discussing their ages, determining the order of the coming
A smaller boy with red hair was apparently the youngest, so he got to go
first. It was decided that the next older would do whose ever turn it was,
everyone else watching, until the oldest (me) who would be done by
everybody. “And wait’ll you see, he’s got enough for everyone to be doing it
at once, for sure!” Terry smirked.
The redhead excitedly took off his pants and underwear, revealing a very
small hard cock. He clambered up into the chair, while Terry adjusted and
raised it so that his midsection was forced into the air, causing his
erection to be the highest part of his body, at the level of our waists. The
boy who was apparently the next oldest began to feel him up lavishly,
enjoying putting on a show for the assembled audience. He fondled his little
ballsack, and ran his fingers up and down his erection, pausing to tickle
its head with his fingertips while he fondled his balls with his other hand,
and so on.
All the other boys who weren’t involved in the action were crowded around
closely, ogling the show and making comments. I could see good-sized bulges
in the front of most of their pants, and a couple of the boys were feeling
each other’s erections through their pants, their arms crossed over each
other’s, as they watched.
Probably because of the audience, the handjob was done with the flair of a
performance. He did one move then another, moving from rapidly jacking his
hard little shaft with two fingers, to doing its head with the fingers of
one hand and his balls with the other, then jacking it off with his whole
palm, then spitting in his hand and using it as a lube for a full-crotch
feel, and so on.
Several of the other boys started to undo their pants and the rest of us
followed suit, until we were all standing there in our underwear. We were
all hard; and the variety of sizes and shapes of our erections was
tantalyzingly apparent through our tented underwear. It was clear at a glance
that I was far and away the biggest present, but a couple of the other boys
were also good-sized. Terry, apparently the uncontested master of
ceremonies, announced “Ok, everyone feel whoever’s standing to your right...
But no taking them out or coming, until it’s your turn!”
On my left was one of the smaller boys (at least in height; he was one of
the larger boys judging by the tent in his underwear), and I felt his hand
settle on the end of my erection through my underwear and start to work its
way down my shaft, while I reached over and did the same to the guy on my
right, who happened to be Terry. I had felt his cock before of course, his
and Paul’s being the only ones I ever had. Mark, the boy feeling me, had
reached the bottom of my shaft, and pushed it downwards, so that its length
was revealed in the height of the tent it was making in my briefs.
“Wow!” he exclaimed, staring at the size of my bulge, and moving it around
provocatively. Several of the other boys noticed and were watching the shape
in my pants in appreciation also; Terry told them, “Pete’s last, he’s the
surprise, as you can see... Wait’ll you see it in action!”
We were all now feeling each other up while we watched the handjob show,
which was progressing rapidly; his hardon was getting wet, a thick pearl of
fluid perched right on its tip, and the boy doing him was jacking him off
fast now, with two fingers on the bottom of his erection just below the head
and his thumb on top, and softly feeling his balls with his other hand.
Suddenly the redhead groaned and his hardon started bouncing, on the second
bounce releasing a little spurt of come. Two more little spurts followed,
but his cock kept bouncing three or four more times drily as his orgasm
wound down.
Mark was running his fingertips up and down my shaft with little tickling
motions, and I was doing the same to Terry. He leaned forward, forcing me to
stop doing him, and lowered the chair while the youngest boy got off it, and
the guy that was doing him took off his underwear and got in, and was
cranked up. Paul was the next oldest apparently, so I got to watch him start
in on this boy, and see all of the moves he had been using on me being
employed on someone else.
He had a fairly good-sized erection, bigger than Paul’s, and
Paul started doing him with a similar flair for showmanship that he in turn
had used on the youngest boy. His cock had a particularly big head, looking
like a mushroom perched on its shaft, and Paul spent a lot of his effort
stimulating it. it was quite wet already, a big bubble of clear fluid
perched over it’s slit.
It was a dizzying situation; the sensations of a hand tickling my erection,
watching someone else getting jacked off, and a gang of other boys feeling
each other up, was incredibly erotic. I couldn’t focus on any one thing; the
fantastic tickling sensations in my crotch and the many erotic displays all
around me were like a kaliedoscope of sex. I was rock-hard, the feeling of
my pulsing erection straining against my briefs burning like a laser beam.
It was much more arousing having sex with so many other eager boys, it was
as if our individual arousals were adding to each other’s.
The guy getting done was creaming nicely now as Paul did him. He kept
coming back to rubbing the cream around his big cockhead in a slow circular
motion with his fingertips, which apparently the other boy loved. I was
getting wet too, a nice-sized dark spot steadily growing on my underwear
over my cockhead.
The redhead was standing next to Jim, the older boy who had first
suggested our orgy, and he suddenly put his hand inside Jims pants and
started jacking off his sizeable hardon in earnest. “No hands in pants! Do
it from the outside only...”, Terry directed, and the younger boy pulled
his hand out of Jim’s pants and resumed feeling his shaft through his
Paul’s expertise was working its magic, and we could see that the other boy
was close. His dick was swollen an angry red, its shaft shiny, completely
covered in a film of cream, and Paul was jacking the rim of its head
rapidly, his thumb and forefinger encircling it like an “o”, rapidly and
lightly jerking up and down just over the rim, while he stabilized the shaft
with his other hand holding its base. The rapid movements of his fingers was
whipping the cream on his cockhead into a froth, a white foam building
around his hand, producing a wet sound on each quick stroke.
Suddenly the other boy started panting and closed his eyes, his cockhead
swelled visibly, and a jet of semen shot out of it six inches up over his
belly, followed by another and another. The come rained down over Paul’s
hands, and after the first few ejaculations it subsided to a pulsing flow
that ran down the front of his cockhead and over Paul’s jacking hand, to
pool in his pubic hair.
Terry gently pushed my hand away from his erection, I guess he was getting
too close himself. I was very hot also; the front of my underwear were
soaked now, but I felt like I could keep going a lot longer like this.
Having Paul doing me every day like he had been had apparently worked my
sexual stamina up.
The boy’s orgasm finally died down, and Terry again lowered the chair, while
Paul pulled his underwear down and got in, ready to be done himself. Mark,
the boy who had been feeling me up, was next older, so he released my dick
and positioned himself to do Paul. The boy who had just been done came over
and stood to my left, and reached his hand out and started feeling my
hardon. The different touch and technique he used than Mark had been doing
added a new level to the stimulation, and I could feel my erection grow as
hard as it had ever been.
Terry looked at me then pointedly down, so I assumed he was ready for more,
and I started slowly jacking the outside of his shaft off through his
briefs, running the flat of my hand up and down the bottom of his shaft,
pausing occasionally to feel its head. I was feeling very hot under the new
boy’s touch, and I indicated to him that I needed a short break, and he
pulled his hand back.
Mark meanwhile was doing an excellent job on Paul. He had a very effective
technique, moving his hands slowly but very smoothly, never letting up in
the stimulation. Paul’s shaft had already been wet when he took his pants
off, but it was dripping now. Suddenly, with no warning, he started coming,
several good jets of semen squirting into the air over Mark’s jacking hands.
It was the fastest one yet; he had only been done for a few minutes; but all
the arousal from watching the other boy getting done, then jacking the
second guy off himself, obviously had their effect. I expected that as we
went along it wouldn’t be surprising to see it taking less and less time
before we each came.
Paul’s orgasm wound down, then the chair was lowered, and Mark took his
pants off and got in. As I had guessed from the bulge in his pants, he was
good sized, but not quite as long as me, and of course nowhere near as
thick. Terry was the next older, so he shifted over changing places with Jim
to position himself, which put Jim in position to be done by me. As Terry
started in on Mark, I reached out and felt Jims erection through his
underwear, and Jim started in doing Terry while he worked on the current
center of attention.
Jim’s hardon was nice sized, and the front of his pants were as wet as mine,
far wetter that any of the other boy’s pants seemed to be. I anticipated
from that that he would be a big comer; and since he was the next younger
than me, I would be doing him, and would get to experience it first hand.
Paul had cleaned himself up by now, and he came over and stood slightly
behind me, joining in with the boy feeling me up. He pushed my hardon down
from the bottom so it was sticking straight out, and squeezed its base
repeatedly , swelling it even further with each squeeze, while the other guy
felt up and down the shaft and over the head through my soaking briefs. It
felt so hot to have both of their hands on my hardon; I knew I’d come in a
few minutes if they kept it up.
Meanwhile, Terry was doing Mark’s erection very nicely. He was alternating
tickling it all over with long, slow strokes along the full length of his
shaft while he tickled his balls. It was hot seeing a bigger one being done;
I could imagine how it would look to these guys when it was finally my turn.
Suddenly the movements of Terry’s hands on Marks cock slowed and fumbled,
and Terry sighed and closed his eyes, as he started coming in his pants from
Jim’s caressing. Jim quickly pulled his underwear down a stroked Terry’s
erection rapidly as he continued coming, several nice jets of semen arcing
out from his cockhead to the floor, following the few that had filled his
pants. The action centered on Jim finishing Terry for a moment; then when
his orgasm had fully died down, Terry backed off to recover, and Jim, as
next in line, took over doing Mark.
I could see why Terry had come early; Jim was clearly a masturbation addict
like Paul was. He worked Mark’s erection like a concert pianist playing a
concerto, massaging, tickling, applying pressure to it in a constantly
varying pattern. His hardon was soaked with precome, and with each upward
pull of Jim’s hands on his long shaft a fresh ooze flowed out of its tip.
Paul and the other boy were working a similar magic on my erection; I was
creaming hard, my erection throbbing rock-hard in their hands. I warned them
to slow down, and they did, but continued their deliscous stimulation of my
Mark was panting, and he suddenly groaned “Ohhhh!”, and his dick lept in
Jim’s hands and a rope of come spurted out, arcing high over his belly,
followed by another and another. His eyes were closed, his mouth open in a
silent sigh, face blushing, his back arched as he came. His erection,
swollen and dark, shiny with fluids, spurted several more jets of come out
over his belly and Jim’s hands until the flow of semen gradually subsided,
but his hardon twitched several more times as he continued to come drily.
Finally he relaxed back into the chair as the grip of orgasm released him.
Again the chair was lowered, and Jim got in it. I eagerly watched as he
pulled his pants down. and my expectation was confirmed; he had a big one,
as long as mine, but of course not as thick. I was coming to realize how
exceptional my girth was.
Terry raised the chair up, and I positioned myself to work on Jim’s cock. My
admirers shifted around so that they could continue doing me, but I warned
them to hold off, so I didn’t come early like Terry had, and they complied.
I was rock-hard, my underwear barely able to contain my erection, their
entire front dark with wetness from being soaked through with the fluids my
arousal had wrung from my balls. Paul asked, “Can I pull your pants down and
give everyone a preview of what’s next while you do him?”, and not seeing
any sign of refusal he reached out and slipped the waistband of my briefs
down so they were hanging on my thighs, revealing my swollen erection. A
ribbon of sticky fluid trailed from its tip to my soaked underwear.
Several of the boys commented as it came into view. Seeing it a few feet
from Jim’s more normally big one showed off how truly large it was; almost
grotesquely thick, compared to all the other boys’, as thick as a soda can
projecting from my belly. It was swollen tightly, rigid, an angry dark red
from all the stimulation it had been receiving, which emphasized its size.
I was very aroused; I had been close to coming since long before Terry came,
it was so hot having my hardon and balls felt up so thoroughly while
watching each of these boys getting done until they came.
In a trance of lust, I reached out and slid my hands down Jim’s shaft, from
its swollen head to his balls, slowly, stretching the skin as I reached the
bottom of his big shaft, then squeezing it, causing his big cockhead to
swell even further. I held it that way, as he moaned in pleasure from being
stretched out so big.
Then I started jacking him off, excrutiatingly slowly, my hand barely
moving, sliding the full length up and down his shaft. I took care to slide
it well up over the rim of his cockhead on each upward pass, and to softly
slide my circled thumb and forefinger over the stretched, sensitive skin of
his cockhead. His shaft was already coated with a thick film of cream from
all the prior attention it had received, and a fresh flow was adding to it
as a result of my coaxing, getting smeared around and his cockhead and down
his shaft as I slid my hand down it to his balls, when I stretched the skin
on his big erection and pushed the shaft down to extend it to its maximum
length on each downstroke.
Before long I could feel his body tensing up in preperation for his orgasm,
so I allowed my hand movements to come to a stop and just held my hand
around the bottom of his shaft, squeezing it, forcing it to swell even
bigger. I held this for a minute or two until I could sense his urge to come
subside a bit, then I resumed jacking him off slowly and thoroughly.
Meanwhile, several of the boys led by Paul stated exploring my erection,
lightly tickling it, pushing it down to make it stick out farther, squeezing
it, tickling my balls, just generally teasing it. It felt so good to have
the intensely light stimulation on my genitals while I worked on Jim’s big
rod; I wasn’t very far from coming myself.
We kept this up for another ten minutes or so, me pausing whenever I felt
him tensing up, and asking the other boys to hold off doing me when I felt
myself starting to get close. My underwear was around my ankles, my thick
rod continuously dripping cream as the did me, which from time to time
trailed down in a ribbon to the floor, where quite a puddle was building on
the carpet.
After the fourth or fifth near-orgasm, Jim gasped breathily, “Oooh, I need
to come!”; so I speeded up my jacking just a bit, and made the rhythm
rock-steady, sliding my hand up and down the full length of his shaft
without letup, while I started lightly tickling his balls. I had to ask the
other guys to hold off on my rod, as I could feel myself getting too near
the edge again- it felt heavenly to be so aroused and hard in the midst of
all this sex!
Suddenly, without warning, Jim gasped as his hardon jumped in my hand, and a
jet of semen shot straight up into the air and rained back down on my hand
and his erection, followed by another and another. It felt so hot to feel
his big erection pulsing spastically in my hands as he kept coming, spurt
after spurt of semen, that now flowed in a thick rivulet over my hand and
down his shaft, to pool in his pubic hair.
Eventually his orgasm subsided, and one of the boys handed us each a towel
from the stack we had in readyness. Jim sighed, saying “Oh, man, that was
GREAT!”, as Terry moved to lower the chair for him to get up.
Finally, the chair was empty, and I knew my turn had finally arrived. I felt
a tingling in my spine as I stepped into it, in anticipation of what was to
surely follow. My hardon bounced as I moved, and I was aware that everyone’s
attention was on it fully. As I sat in the chair I pushed my hips forward
slightly so that it stuck out as far as possible for their admiration.
I settled back, and Terry raised the chair while simultaneously rocking it
back, lowering my head and raising my pelvis, until my erection was by far
the highest part of my body. I could feel it tingling and throbbing under
everyone’s staring.
“Well, for the finale, EVERYONE is going to get to do Pete- as you can see,
there’s plenty there for everyone!” Terry announced, and all the boys
reached out and started fondling my rod.
The head support was tilted up enough so that I could watch the proceedings
as they did me. Hands were moving all around my hardon, feeling and stroking
its head, circling the shaft, bouncing and tickling my balls; it was
heavenly! Paul wasn’t letting anyone actually jack it off so I wouldn’t come
too soon, and as a result I was immersed in the exquisite slow ecstacy of a
drawn-out sex torture, six pairs of hands fluttering over my erection.
I was creaming heavily, and strings of the sticky pre-come trailed from
their fingers from time to time as they lifted them to move to another area
to do me.
After a while of this Terry directed, “ Now everyone on this side of the table do his cockhead with your fingertips, and everyone on that side do his balls very lightly.” They complied, and after a moment the focussed burning in the head of my erection and balls was excruciating. I had never seen my rod so swollen, and the steady stream of cream that was oozing from its tip flowed down after lubricating their fingertips to coat its shaft in a heavy, shiny film of slick stickiness.
I was right on the edge, my rock-hard hardon beginning its pre-orgasmic twitching, when Terry said, ”Quickly, all hands away from it, he’s about to come!” They pulled away fast enough that I was left on the edge, my cock twitching and oozing, but without quite enough momentum to send it over the top.
The other boys watched my near-explosion with the intense fascination of focussed lust. Most of them had resumed feeling each other up, and several of them had their underwear pulled down and were being jacked off by their partners.
Seeing that my need to come had passed, as they watched my vertical erection bouncing with my heartbeat Terry announced, “Since Paul introduced us to Pete, let’s let him finish him off while we watch, and Jim can do his balls, in payback for the great job Pete did on him.”
Paul gently slid both hands around my dripping shaft, and with exquisite slowness started to slide them up and down it, just catching the swollen edge of my cockhead on each upstroke, while Jim softly grabbed one of my balls with each of his hands, and started very lightly feeling them up, slowly manipulating them through their ballsack.
It was heaven! They were doing me so slowly that I couldn’t come, but just kept getting hotter and hotter, more aroused than I ever imagined I could be. The sticky sounds of Paul’s hands slowly sliding on my shaft, along with my panting and the other boy’s heavy breathing were the only sounds that could be heard in the room for the next six minutes, as the slowly did me.
After about two minutes of watching me getting done one of the boys who was getting jacked off came with a groan, followed by another after a minute, then another. All the boys had been doing each other as they watched the action, each using both their hands to work on the boys on either side of them.
Then, finally, I felt the intense tingling arousal that had been building in my body concentrate itself into that familiar fiery burning pins-and-needles sensation in my palms and the soles of my feet, then build with exquisite, unrelenting slowness towards my crotch. My whole body was on fire and I felt myself falling into a deep swoon as an unbearable knot of fullness built in my groin, balls and cock. My balls tightened into a hard mass as my erection swelled bigger and harder than it had ever been, and as an involuntary groan escaped my lips, I started to come.
Paul kept up his ultra-slow masturbation of my shaft as I came. Again and again my erection leaped in his hands, each contraction sending a rope of semen spurting high in the air, to rain down on my belly. I kept coming and coming; I had never come so hard or so long before. My abdomen was soaked in hot semen, and still it kept spurting out. Two of the watching boys came in sympathy as they saw the violence of my orgasm.
Eventually the jets subsided into a pulsing flow that ran down over Paul’s hands, adding to the puddle that soaked my belly. The violent spasms that gripped my shaft gradually died down to lazy throbs, and finally to sporadic twitches.
I lay back limply, completely spent in total satisfaction. As I came back to myself, I watched the other boys wiping their come up from the carpet, as Terry and Paul mopped at the mess that covered my lower body. We were all dazed, glowing with the total satisfaction that only perfect, intense sex can give.
Eventually the chair was lowered and I staggered out and put on my clothes. Conversation resumed as several of the boys excitedly rehashed the evening’s events, but there was a contented air that pervaded us all as the sex party wound down, and we all found places to sleep on the sofas and in his spare bedrooms; I’m sure that an excited anticipation lingered in most of our minds about what the morning’s activities might bring...
A co-worker makes me and offer I cannot refuse... |
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