Lock the Door
Jet after jet of semen spurted from my cock, arcing down over his chest and
thighs. I had never come so hard before; it was difficult to remain standing
as the dizzying sensations swept through my body, a tingling fire centered
on the incessant spastic pulsing of my painfully-stretched erection; so much
come was surging through my urethra that it felt as if I was pissing, as
each crushing contraction gripped my groin. His hand hadn’t moved on my
shaft since before I had started coming, and somehow that made the orgasm
even more intense, sustained by its own inevitable pressure.
Paul was obviously enormously turned on by this display; he had let his free
hand move to his own erection, and was jacking it between his thumb and two
fingers; and as the spurting of my rod slowly subsided into a pulsing flow
dripping from its tip down onto his lap, I noticed several small spurts of
semen arc from his little hardon to merge with the erratic pools of my come
that were splattered all over his thighs.
The last few pulses of orgasm dwindled, and my erection started drooping in
his hand. I was dizzy and my legs felt weak; I backed away from him and sat
down on the edge of the bed. Looking over at Paul and the extent to which he
was covered with the result of our activities, I said, ”Looks like you’ll
need the towel today!” He looked down at himself, holding both hands up for
inspection also, and smiled a private smile, obviously satisfied in some way
by what he was seeing.
I saw he couldn’t get up without dripping all over the floor and making a
further mess, so I got up and got him a towel from my bathroom, and started
dressing as he cleaned himself up. We didn’t speak while we got dressed,
until, as he went to unlock the door, he turned back to me and said, “I
can’t come over tomorrow afternoon, I have guitar; but I think I can sneak
over tomorrow night after my folks think I’m in bed... if you wanted me
to...”. I was surprised how strong the surge of disappointment that welled
up at his first words was, but it was short-lived, quickly replaced by
anticipation as he finished his statement. I answered him, “Yeah, I guess
that would be ok, you can climb in through my window, just come tap on it.”
The rest of that day I reflected on this strange arrangement I had gotten
myself into. On the one hand I felt like I should be shocked by the
perversion of blatantly having outright sex with another boy; this was
ordinarily unthinkable to me, and I should be horrified at having allowed
myself to become involved in anything like that; but somehow the fact that I
could totally trust the secrecy of our situation and Paul’s obvious
commitment to it, doing anything it would take to get me to acquiesce in his
obsessions, freed me from needing to think of it as perverted. It seemed
that I was actually only concerned about what other people would think of
me; and freed from that concern, my values seemed to actually be total
hedonism, pure amoral pleasure-seeking.
But the clincher was the sensation! I came so hard when he did me, I’d never
experienced anything like it in my life! The sensation of someone else’s
touch on my cock, magnified by their eagerness and the background sense of
the nastiness of violating a taboo, sent my body into such incredible
explosions of release! It was so powerful a sensation that I was totally
addicted from the start; it felt so good that I would have done anything to
repeat it. Even though it was Paul who was being my “slave”, in actuality it
was I who was enslaved, by the attraction of my own intense lust for the
incredible release that the huge orgasms he wrung from me brought.
The following day I again felt free and happy, ecstatic that the normalcy of
my life could coexist with such secret indulgences with no repercussions.
After school and into the evening I found myself growing more and more
aroused in anticipation of Paul’s visit later on. As my normal bedtime
approached, I said goodnight to my parents and went into my room like I
usually did; but tonight as I entered my room, I locked the door.
I had a hardon as soon as I entered the room; I took off my pajama bottoms
and lay back on the bed, gripping and squeezing my cock. It was burning with
eagerness, rock-hard already. I didn’t do anything more than squeeze it; I
wanted to be able to last as long as possible with Paul, to have the biggest
come I could; but cream was already flowing down my cockhead in
Before too long there was a tap at my window, and I got up and went over to
open it. Paul clambered in without too much commotion; and when he noticed
my condition, that eager glazed look that I was coming to recognize came
over his eyes, as he stared hungrily at my huge erection.
I went and lay down on the bed and he knelt at its side, as he had the first
time he did me. Seeing how wet I was already, without instructions he
reached over and cupped the tip of my cock’s large head, smearing the cream
that had built up there around it and down its thick shaft. He then
continued to glide his hand up and down my shaft extremely slowly, letting
his hand slide in the fluids that were shinily coating it, producing a wet,
sticky sound with each slow stroke.
“Is that ok?”, he asked quietly. I told him to go really slow, or I’d come
right away; I was really hot tonight. “Yeah, me too! I was thinking about
this all day...I bet I’ll come just from seeing you shoot off!” Then he
added, “Let me try this- my friend and I discovered it and we really liked
it- it makes you really hot, but won’t make you come.”
As he spoke, he moved his hand down my shaft to its bottom, so he was
loosely encircling the base of my erection, his fingertips in my pubic hair,
and he carefully started to work his thumb down along the shaft behind my
balls. It felt a little weird at first, but it was ok. I was surprised how
far down behind my balls he was able to get his thumb; then he started
feeling it around, until he found a swelling bulge at the base of the shaft,
and started to push on it, slowly massaging it with a bit of pressure.
It felt delicious! Not quite like being jacked off, but the pressure was
hitting some very sexual part of my anatomy; I felt more cream starting to
ooze up my urethra, as if the pressure he was exerting was milking it out,
and it made my erection swell even harder. “Is that ok?” he asked; and as I
felt the cream flowing thickly up through my erection from my balls under
his milking, all I could do was groan, which Paul understood.
He did me like that for maybe ten or fifteen minutes; he had me creaming
steadily, but sure enough I didn’t feel like coming- or rather, I felt like
I was coming the whole time, without the urge to shoot off. He didn’t touch
my shaft the whole time, which was rock hard, sticking straight out swollen,
shiny with the cream that was flowing in a steady stream from its tip,
waving slightly as he wiggled his thumb. It was incredible, being so close
to coming for so long; pure paradise!
“Oh man, that’s really incredible! I feel like I’ve been coming this whole
time! Why don’t you go back and jack it really slow for a while for a change
of pace?”
Obliging, he slowly withdrew his thumb, and slid his hand up my thick shaft.
It was so wet with the cream he had been milking from my balls that there
was almost no friction at all, and his hand moved wetly up to and over my
cockhead, then back down. It felt incredible; he really had the knack, if he
had done me any faster I would have come, but he did it just slow enough to
keep me on the edge.
He kept it up. Several times I had to make him pause for a minute while the
urge to come subsided, then he would start in again, working me to the edge.
The last time we had to wait almost two minutes, I was so hot! My prick
throbbed over and over, giving a little jump with each pulse, but I didn’t
Then he started in again, moving so slowly his hand almost didn’t seem to be
moving; but even so, I felt my erection swelling even more, as the now
inevitable grip of impending orgasm seized my body.
We were both watching my soaked shaft intently, and he noticed the
additional swelling at the same time I felt it. “You’re going to come?” he
asked intently; I gasped “Yeah”. He slid his hand down to the bottom of my
shaft and just held it firmly, pointing it straight up.
I felt the pre-orgasmic paralysis wash over my body, more slowly and
inevitably than I had ever felt it. Then my vision receded as if I was
watching from a long ways away, dizziness welling up in my head, as the
fiery tingling started to build in my hands and feet, slowly building in to
the center of my body and my groin.
Paul hadn’t moved his hand as my orgasm continued to build, which even added
to its intensity. I felt as if a volcano was building in my body, the
sensation getting stronger and stronger, way past what I had ever felt
Then, I felt as if a flash of lightning went off in my head, and I came.
I had never come so hard before: the first jet of semen shot like a cannon
three feet straight up into the air, followed by another and another,
raining down on my cock and belly and Paul’s hand and arm.
He started jacking me furiously as I shot off. More and more come surged
through my throbbing erection, more than I had ever seen before in all my
life. It was splattering on everything, raining down all over us. My
erection leaped with each contraction, bouncing back and forth comically as
I continued to come.
Gradually the jets started subsiding into a thick, pulsing flow of semen,
running down my cockhead and shaft and over Paul’s hand as I continued to
come, pooling on my belly, swelling the puddles already splattered there.
Paul sensitively was slowing his jacking as my orgasm started to lessen, and
as the last few spasms gripped my groin, he slowed to a stop, then gave my
well-worked cock several long, milking strokes to get the last of the fluid
I collapsed back, completely drained. I’d never experienced anything close
to this before; I’d had many great orgasms of course, but nothing this
total. I felt completely fulfilled, entirely drained of any tension
whatsoever, afloat in a sea of ecstasy. I lay back and breathed, enjoying my
newfound completeness, as the room slowly came back to my awareness.
Looking up, I noticed Paul, still holding my cock, as it was slowly losing
its erection. He also looked totally happy; and as he saw me looking at him,
he pointedly looked down at his lap, which was wet too, and, smiling, said,
“I came too.”
As we used the towels I had layed out earlier to mop ourselves up, we agreed
how awesome that had been. He told me how he couldn’t believe how much come
I had shot off, and how I just seemed to keep coming and coming, and how he
had come just from seeing the thick ropes of semen arcing up into the air
again and again from my hardon; and I told him how incredible it had felt,
how I had never come like that before. He told me how when he had first seen
me come with his brother, he had been amazed, and had vowed right then that
he would make me come even harder; and now he had.
He got dressed as I put on my pajamas, and after I helped him out the
window, I unlocked the door and went back to bed.
We had agreed to take the next day off, to recover a bit, but to meet again
the following day after school. All that first day I felt light and relaxed;
it was so fulfilling to have such an incredible sexual outlet in my life,
and I felt so lucky to have it in such an uninvasive way. My life didn’t
need to change in the slightest; then, once we got behind locked doors, the
best sex I’d ever experienced was mine, no strings attached.
By the second day I could feel my sex urges building; I was becoming used to
an incredible orgasm every day, and a day off felt like an interruption. All
during school I was distracted, replaying our recent escapades, and
fantasizing about what I would get Paul to do next.
By the time I got home I was in a state of steady arousal; my partially
swollen cock was barely contained by my pants, and I had to keep shifting it
around to try and get it to be held in and concealed. Coincidentally, my
mother told me she noticed I’d been seeing Paul several times; I told her
that I’d been helping him with his math. She seemed satisfied with that,
then she was going out shopping.
She hadn’t been gone very long when there was a knock on the back door, and
Paul was there. I opened the door for him, and as he came in, I told him,
“Man, I’m glad to see you . I’ve been swollen all day looking forward to
getting together with you...” He got that glassy look in his eyes, which
told me he was as eager as I was. We went to my room, and I locked the
He asked me diffidently, “How would you like me to do you today?” My cock,
which was already swelling rapidly in anticipation since I locked the door,
surged to full erection with those words, as I undid my pants revealing the
huge bulge in my briefs. As I pulled down my underwear, allowing my hardon
to spring free, I told him to sit over here.
I had put a chair in the middle of the room, with a footstool close in front
of it. I sat down on the chair, my legs spread, and I directed him to sit on
the stool. His eyes had lit up as soon as my hardon was revealed to his
gaze, and his eyes stayed glued to it as he eagerly sat, right between my
legs, facing me, my upright erection pointing at the roof a foot from his
face. I slumped down in the chair and straightened my legs, making my hardon
stick out rigidly.
I was overcome with lust; my erection was stretched out to its fullest
degree, its skin stretched shiny purple, its head swollen shiny red, a drop
of cream already building on its tip. I was ready to get jacked off. I lay
back and tightened my butt, causing my rod to tighten even harder, as Paul
reached out his right hand for it, obviously entranced at its size and state
of arousal. He softly slid his hand up and down its skin along its full
length, while he reached to tickle my ballsack with his other hand.
The feeling of his hands on my swollen genitals was electric; the softer he
touched them, the more intense it felt. Suddenly I could feel myself
starting to come, and I warned him to stop a minute. His eyes widened and he
said, “Wow, already?”, as he realized how aroused I was, and he complied,
stopping his movements for a while. My erection throbbed as I coasted past
the edge, narrowly missing a huge orgasm. We watched it bounce repeatedly,
as the throbbing seized it, then gradually diminished without the
ejaculation we hoped to avoid for as long as possible.
As soon as I felt safely over the danger zone I told him ok, and he started
back in doing me. He was holding the base of my shaft, jacking it off very
slowly by pulling the skin halfway up it, and back down, staying away from
the head, while he slowly rubbed and pulled on my ballsack. He asked me if
the way he was doing me was ok, and I moaned my approval, adding that I
should be able to hold out a while this way. He said, “Man, you’re really
hot today! It feels great to be doing you when you need it so bad- Look how
hard it is!”
We watched him jacking off my huge erection. Cream was starting to trickle
down its head under his expert treatment, and he paused from time to time to
smear it around the head, giving it a few quick strokes on the rim before
moving back down my shaft to resume his slow masturbation. Each time his
fingers touched its head an explosion of fire surged through my groin, but
he was quick enough to avoid pushing me over the edge.
Several times over the next twenty minutes or so I warned him to stop, as I
neared the edge of orgasm; each time he stopped and waited as the urge
passed, each time taking longer than the last. We watched my hardon throb
with each close approach- It was so hot to see my huge, thick erection
straining so close to orgasm, now shiny with its own pre-come. Paul had his
pants down, and even though both his hands were busy, his little hardon was
straining up, also wet with juice. Every few minutes he let go of my balls
and felt his own hardon for a few seconds before returning to doing my big
The arousal was building powerfully between us as he did me. We were both
panting now unconsciously, both our eyes glazed over in a film of lust, as
we watched my large cock oozing and twitching involuntarily under his
fantastic handjob.
Then I felt the orgasm building again, and warned paul; He stopped right
away to let it pass, but it was almost too late. My hardon swelled even
more, and I strained with all my might to hold off from coming; I felt it
building and building, and just as I was about to come, I felt myself turn
the corner away from total release, and just barely avoid coming. I came so
close that my hardon started bouncing in a faux-come, and several thick
spurts of white semen oozed out of its tip; but it subsided without going
into its full explosion. After letting it pass for several minutes, Paul
smeared the semen back up over my cock, and resumed jacking it off.
It was dripping wet by now, and he was letting his hand slide up and back
down its full length, sliding in the thick film of shiny fluid that was
coating it. This was a dangerous technique sure to push me over the edge,
but he held it at bay by moving his hand excruciatingly slowly, which kept
relief of the intense erotic tension he had been provoking in me at arms
length. His hand was making a slurping, sticky sound with each stroke as it
slid through the wet film coating my hardon.
I was on fire; panting, moaning, hopelessly enflamed by the tormenting
inevitability of his hand stimulating my swollen cock. It had started to
twitch involuntarily, jumping spastically in his hand every few seconds; but
he kept up his inexorable jacking, slowing down even more to increase the
torment he was inflicting on my burning dick.
The twitches started coming closer and closer together, and Paul stopped
moving his hand; but it was too late, and I finally started coming. I
involuntarily yelled “Oh!”, as my erection started pulsing intensely, on the
second throb sending a thick rope of semen shooting two feet into the air,
followed by another and another, falling back down over my groin and paul’s
arm. He started jacking my involuntarily jerking rod furiously as I came,
holding me in the grip of ejaculation.
I shot stream after thick stream of come through my cock as he jacked me off
furiously. It seemed like it lasted forever; but eventually the intensity of
the squirts lessened, until finally they subsided to a white rivulet of
fluid flowing down my cockhead and shaft, surging slightly with each
remaining throb of my groin. He slowed his jacking to long, squeezing
motions, milking the last of the semen through my cock as the orgasm
It was one of the biggest orgasms I had ever had. “Man, you come so hard!
Did you see how high your first shot went? Halfway to the ceiling! I came as
soon as I saw how hard you were coming, and it made me come real hard, too.”
I looked, and sure enough, his groin and hand were wet, a big one for him.
And as for me, my belly and thighs were pooled with semen, some dripping
down the sides of my thighs to the floor. I usually come a lot, but this
time it was Niagara falls!
We toweled ourselves off and put our pants back on. While we dressed, we
talked, and he seemed to be working up to something. Finally, he shyly told
me, “I’ve been thinking about something... There’s something I’d like to try
tomorrow, something a little different, if it’d be ok...” Then, looking at
the floor, he said softly,”I’d like to try making you come in my mouth.”
Then quickly,”That is, if that would be ok with you.”
All the rest of that evening I wrestled with the bombshell Paul had dropped
on me as we had finished up our session that afternoon. I had controlled my
reaction to his revelation, letting him out noncommittally, but I was
seething inside.
I was completely split at his suggestion. I was horrified at the image of my
dick in his mouth; it was so homosexual- somehow that crossed some line in
my mind that the handjobs he had been giving me didn’t. It seemed so queer,
and I was horrified at the thought of being queer. I had been able to accept
the handjobs we had been doing since for some reason I could pretend they
were impersonal, at arms length so to speak, but his mouth...
Then, on the other hand, I was incredibly aroused by the thought. I knew I
would come harder than I ever had from what I imagined the feeling of being
blown would be like, and I was carried away on the wave of hedonism that our
sexual activities were unleashing- I knew I would do anything for a good
orgasm. I had become a slave to my hardon, and I knew in my heart that if he
would be willing to blow me, I would certainly allow it, even beg for it.
The nastiness of that thought was a huge turn-on, and all that night and the
following day was the obsessive beacon for my thoughts, in spite of my false
moralistic pretense of being “good”.
The following afternoon finally arrived, and I waited nervously for Paul to
arrive. My mother was home, but I had told Paul about the math pretense, and
so when he arrived with a math book under his arm she told us, “Don’t work
too hard, boys”. I thought, if only she knew how “hard” things were going to
We went to my room, and I locked the door. I was a little nervous due to all
my obsessing about what I thought was in store, and as I slipped my pants
down, I wasn’t hard. I took down my underwear, and my dick was hanging
softly down over my balls. Paul sat me down on the edge of the bed, urged me
to spread my legs, and then knelt down between them, facing me. Then,
looking up at me as if to give me a chance to disapprove, he slowly leaned
forward and took my soft dick into his mouth.
I could not believe the sensations I felt; I’d never had anything like this
done to me before. The warm, wet feeling of his mouth on my sensitive cock
was delicious, and then he started sucking on it. My god! That was
incredible- it started to harden immediately, and I watched as it seemingly
grew out of his mouth; he could only fit so much of it in his mouth, and as
it swelled its girth expanded out beyond his lips, until only its head was
still inside.
He grasped my shaft with his hand, then took it from his mouth with a slight
popping sound, looked up at me, and asked tentatively if it was ok. I told
him God, it was incredible; at that reassurance he put its head back in his
mouth and started sucking on it and licking it while he sucked, jacking off
the shaft while he blew me.
I had never felt such an intense barrage of sexual sensations before. My
erection was now rock-hard and swelling even more, and a burning-tingling
was radiating out from my cock, filling my groin and midsection. I was
starting to feel dizzy and weak in the knees, and my vision was receding
into tunnel vision; I couldn’t believe it, but I knew I was about to come. I
had gone from soft to almost coming in about a minute and a half!
I was 18 and my friend Jame's mother was 42. It had been my dream to fuck her and with a trip to Florida it all came true!... |
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