Laura's Sexual Awakening (Part One )
Mike leaned back from her a bit and looked her in the eyes. "Laura please stop trying to set me up with other women, there is only one woman I want to be with, have wanted to be with for the past three months and she's standing here in my arms at last." Laura was in shock, before she could think of a reply he leaned toward her and kissed her in a very soul seeking, deeply erotic kiss. Tongue dancing, she was on fire from his kiss. She had only dreamed about how his lips would feel pressed against hers and now she knew. He was a fantastic kisser and Laura was giving as good as she got. He pulled her tighter into his arms, pressing against her. The kiss went on forever, Laura was lost in the magic of that kiss.
"Finally.....I have been dying to kiss you all day," he was saying to her. "Laura how could you not know for all these months that it was you I was attracted to," he asked her? "Mike, I..ah.. oh shit I'm so confused I can't think straight," she told him. "Laura I have dreamed for months of what you would feel like in my arms, how your kiss would taste against my lips." He kissed her again this time with more passion, letting Laura know exactly what he was feeling. This just couldn't be happening to her, she had to be dreaming. She was telling herself to wake up, you have to wake up Laura! The kiss ended and Laura knew it was no dream she was in.
"Every time I hear this song from now on Laura I will think of this moment" A couple dancing next to them had overheard their conversation. They were near the juke box and the man slipped a quarter in just as the song ended. Oh What A Thrill started playing again, the man leaned over to them and told them to enjoy another dance and told Mike he hoped he could convince the lady he was sincere.
Mike kept her on the dance floor, holding her tightly in his arms as they moved to the music. Laura had glanced over to Sue and saw her standing in the aisle. She waved to her, winked and mouthed the words "have fun" then left. Mike was singing softly, he had a beautiful deep, sexy voice. His breath was soft against her ear as he sang along with the song, it was warm and exciting to feel against her skin.
They had another drink and talked. Laura was so confused, her emotions were going nuts and as far as her hormones went.. they were totally out of control. The bar was closing, they walked outside and Laura started to head towards her car. Mike had taken her hand as they walked outside and he pulled her along towards his truck. "Oh no you don't, I'm driving you home, you've had way to much to drink Laura." "Honestly I'm fine Mike, I can drive home," she told him. "Forget it, I'm driving you home and that's final." He had the passenger door open for her and was waiting to help her into the truck, she could tell he was serious and would never allow her to drive home so she got into his truck.
Laura directed him to her home, when they got there Mike came around to let her out of the truck. As soon as he stopped the truck she had moved to get out and he stayed her hand, telling her not to move, he would open the door for her. She should have remembered that from earlier today when she tried to open the door herself. He was very much a gentleman, something to which Laura was unfamiliar with.
"Invite me in Laura, we have to talk." She opened the door and they were greeted by her dog Hensley. He liked Mike right away, guess he thought he was OK because Mom seemed to like him. Hensley had hated her husband, if her ex raised his voice he would come to her side immediately letting him know that he would not allow him to touch her.
Mike was making friends with Hensley and she told him she would make some coffee. She was reaching for the cupboard door to get the coffee out when Mike slipped up behind her turning her around for his kiss. His kiss was gentle yet seeking. His tongue coaxed hers into a gentle submission, it took control of hers letting her know how deep his passion was. She loved the way it would wrap around hers, getting the response he was looking for. He pulled away from her full lips, letting his tongue lightly trace the outline of her lower lip. He sucked her lower lip softly and Laura's legs almost gave way under her. He pulled her tight against him and kissed her again, this time harder and with more passion. That kiss was one used to illicit a response, it was a very sexual kiss, demanding her submission into accepting his passion.
His hand had slipped inside her loose blouse. His hand was gentle, soft and warm against her fevered skin. She both felt and heard the low growl in his kiss when his hand reached her breast. As soon as he cupped her breast and held it in his hand he made that low growl sound she heard. Her found her nipple through the lace of her bra, his fingertip slowly gliding back and forth over it making it rise and harden at his touch. Now it was Laura who moaned deep in her throat at the pleasure of it.
She could feel his arousal pressing into her as their passion grew within them both. She had to stop this before it went any further, she had to try to tell him why it could go no further. She was losing control and it would not be much longer before her common sense went right out the window.
She pulled away from his deep searing kiss, "Mike you have to stop, I have to tell you something. He didn't remove his hand from her breast, his finger still rubbing against her nipple through her bra, driving her crazy. "Laura I want you, you can tell that. I've needed to be with you like this for so very long, please don't deny me the pleasure of giving you pleasure," he pleaded with her. "Mike you don't understand, it's not that I don't want to," her voice trailed off. "Laura I can tell you want me, I can feel your passion, I can taste it in your kisses. So then what is it?" Mike was looking intently at her, waiting for her response. "Is there someone else Laura, is that it?"
"No, Mike there is no one else, your the only man I have thought of in a very long, long time. It's not that I don't want to be with you, I just don't know how," she tried not to cry, but a tear slid slowly down her cheek at her admission. "Laura what's wrong, please tell me honey?" With tears in her eyes, shame and embarrassment written all over her face she told him of her marriage, of never knowing what real sexual intimacy was like between a man and a woman. She told him she didn't have a clue as to what would be expected of her let alone what to do. The tears were slowly streaming down her face when she finished telling him.
Mike held her tightly to his chest letting her get her emotions under control. Her husband must have been a real asshole to have done this to her he thought. When he had first seen her working behind the counter Mike wanted her. He knew that she would have a hard time believing his sincerity after getting to know her better. He had always been attracted to larger women, even in high school. Laura had both an inner and outer beauty to her that she didn't know she possessed.
He lifted her face to his and kissed her ever so slowly. "Laura, I've watched you for months handle the men who have made passes at you. Putting them in their places, joking with them and even talking very frankly to them when they have made a comment or mentioned something sexual to you. You and I both know that both Pete and Jack would do just about anything to get you into bed." Laura actually smiled at him then. " Well, that may be true but come on, one of them is damn ugly and the other is just a bit to old to my liking."
Now it was Mike who laughed. "OK, so you have me there but what about that Pat guy? He's not ugly nor old, so why do you always refuse his advances?" He was right, Pat was neither old nor ugly but men like him made her sick. "Pat is one of those type of men who feels that a refusal is nothing more than a challenge, to his male inflated ego. Now he feels he has to bed me, just to prove to himself that he could and did."
"My point is this Laura, you know what type of men they are, you know how to handle them, what to say, how to joke and how to tease. You will also know what to do Laura, any man can tell that you have a sexual nature. So it has gone untapped, but Laura, it's always been there, it's a part of you that us men have seen, only your just not aware of it yourself."
"Let me be the one to share in this sexual journey you have been searching for? I will help you discover things about yourself that have always been there, just waiting quietly in the background, waiting for you to awaken them." Laura didn't say anything, but she knew one thing for certain, in a split second she knew that she loved this man, had fallen hopelessly in love with him the first time she saw him.
Mike kissed her slowly, he wanted her badly but he had all the time in the world to convince her of it. Laura didn't know something else about him either, he was going to tell her in the morning after he had made sure that she experienced all he could give to her this night. His kiss deepened, his tongue making love to hers in a sensual kiss. By mornings light she would know just how much of a beautiful and sexy woman she was.
Laura gave up trying to fight the feelings inside of her, she wanted this man with every part of her heart and soul. Mike had pulled her into the living room and down onto the couch with him. He didn't give her any time to think as he began kissing her again. His hand was back inside her blouse moving slowly up to her breast again. He teased her nipple through the lace of her bra again. Laura moaned in pleasure and pressed her breast more firmly into his hand. Still he made no move to lift her bra away or to undo it.
Woman makes sweet deal to save herself from the gallows... |
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