Laura's Sexual Awakening (Part One )

(Part 2 from 5)

Mike had become a regular customer where Laura worked the third shift. She enjoyed working the night shift and over the next few months they had gotten on a first name basis. They found that they had similar interests and both had a love for fishing. They both enjoyed blues music, classic rock and new country and they hated rap music. They were both avid X-Files fans and watched or taped the show faithfully on Friday nights, they also enjoyed bowling just for fun not in leagues. 

Laura's best friend knew of her attraction to this man. They both worked at the same place and she had gotten to see him a few times when she was just coming on duty before Laura left her shift. Sue had to admit he was a handsome devil and could understand her friends attraction to him.

Laura would be going on vacation as soon as she was off work the next day. She usually took vacation over the Fourth of July week but she had to work because they were three employees short for that week. She was looking forward to the time off, although she had no plans to do anything other than going fishing a couple of times.

Sue came over to talk to Laura before starting her shift that morning. She asked Laura if they could meet around 5 instead of six because she had to talk to her about something important tomorrow after she got out of work. Mike had been standing there at the counter when Sue came up. They said good morning to each other and he stood aside while she talked with Laura. "Still no plans to do anything on your vacation Laura?" "No just hang around home and maybe do a little fishing is all." "Well, I'm still pissed they made you cancel your vacation, this was the first time in 10 years we did not get to go to Summerfest together." Sue left to go punch in for work and Laura went about getting ready to end her shift.

Laura had tried to set Mike and Lori up a couple of days ago to go out with each other. Lori was a very attractive young woman around Mikes age who worked in another part of the store. Mike had been talking to her for the past couple of nights when he came in after Laura introduced them to each other. Laura had decided she needed to think about someone other than Mike if she were to get on with her life. She had no false illusions about there ever being a snowballs chance in hell of anything happening between the two of them.

Mike had hung around waiting for her to get off work saying he had a favor to ask of her. As soon as she punched out she met him outside where he was standing talking to Lori. Laura didn't realize just how much seeing them standing there together pulled at her heart until she saw them together.

"So what is the favor you need my friend." "Lori and I are going to go fishing tomorrow when we get off work and we would like you to come with us." Laura was about to decline the invitation when Lori said, "please Laura, we would both feel a little more at ease if you were with us?" "You want me to chaperone the two of you, is that it?" Laura laughed but inside she was about to toss her guts up. "You two go ahead and have a good time, your adults you don't need me around to keep an eye on you and she winked at both of them." Please Laura, I won't go if you don't come with us." Mike was talking to Laura now, "come on you said you were going to go fishing in the morning anyway so you might as well come with us." Oh my God how could she go fishing with them, and have to see the two of them together, it would kill her. Laura finally relented and said she would, praying that she would not have to witness a kiss between the two of them. 

She had called Sue that night and told her about the fishing trip in the morning. She laughed and couldn't stop laughing. "Oh Laura you'll never survive the day with them, girlfriend you wear your heart on your sleeve when it comes to that man," " I can't wait till we meet tomorrow and hear all about it. By the time you get back and meet me at the bar you'll be needing a stiff drink I'm sure. I'll have Karen fix you one up and have it waiting for ya when you get there. 

In two hours she would be off work, starting her vacation and having to spend the first day of it watching the man she had fallen for spend it with another woman. Oh shit she needed a stiff drink right now. A few minutes later Lori came over and told her quickly that she had to go home on an emergency, her little boy was sick. She asked Laura to please tell Mike she was sorry but they would have to reschedule. " Lori don't you have his number, can't you call him first," Laura asked her? "No, we never got around to exchanging numbers," and out the door she went. 

Great, this was just perfect. Laura was going to have to tell the man who had just driven 26 miles that he had made a wasted trip. Mike arrived at a quarter to 7 but Laura was to busy to talk to him till she had punched out. He was standing by the time clock waiting for her when she got there. 

"Mike, Lori had to go home early, she got a call that her little boy was sick so she can't make it. She asked me to tell you she was sorry and hoped that you two could reschedule it for another day." Inside Laura was ecstatic that she would not have to spend the day watching them together. 

"OK, so where is your car parked and I'll put your fishing things in my truck. Look before you say anything and politely decline look at it this way. We had planned on going fishing anyway, we have all our fishing gear ready to go, and I just drove 26 miles so you don't want me to have to drive all the way back without a mess of bluegills in my bucket do you?" How could she refuse, he was right and she would get to spend the morning with him and just fantasize about him one last time.

They had a great time. The laughed at each others small catches, joked over who the better fisherperson was and just generally had a nice time fishing. When they got back to town later that afternoon he helped her load her things back into the trunk of her car and thanked her for spending the day with him.

She went home, took her shower and got around to go meet Sue for their weekly Friday night girl talk, have dinner, shoot a couple games of pool and have a few drinks at their favorite little bar.

Sue was good as her word and had a stiff Black Velvet and diet coke waiting for her when she got there. "Well, you don't look like it killed you to spend the day with them, although you are a bit sunburned girl," she said. When Laura told her that it was just Mike and her who had spent the day fishing she busted out laughing. "That must have drove you more nuts than having to watch them together would have." "Sue when it started warming up while we were out on the lake and he started taking off his shirt I was about to have a damn heart attack." Just then Karen came over to tell Laura that her friend was in and he said to tell her he would be back right after he had went home to take a shower. 

Sue and Laura figured it was one of the guys who they usually shot a couple of games of pool with when they were in there on Friday's. They were just finishing up their first game of pool and Laura was about to sink the eight in when Sue said, " well, well, well, guess who's here?" Before Laura could turn around to look, Mike was standing beside her putting his two quarters on the table, telling her he would shoot the winner and went to get a drink. 

Laura just looked at Sue, with amazement on her face. Mike came back, she racked the balls and he preceded to whip her butt in short order. He told them he remembered her saying how the two of them would meet every Friday here. He didn't have anything else to do so thought he would stop by, shoot some pool with them and just hang out for a bit. Laura had gulped that first drink down while he had went to the bar to order his first one, she was in shock at seeing him there.

He had ordered her another when he saw her glass empty and Sue ordered them all a round as well. Two hours later, Laura was feeling pretty damn good and a little more at ease having Mike around again. Someone had been playing the juke box and the Mavericks new song had just started, "Oh What a Thrill," Mike pulled her to her feet and led her out onto the dance floor where there were three or four other couples dancing. He pulled Laura close and began slowly swaying to the music. Are we moving she thought, she felt more like she was just being moved and pressed against, it was very erotic and she was getting very worked up. 

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She was the sexiest bombshell I ever met. Dark brown hair, black eyes, full red lips, a symmetrical figure : 36-34-36, smooth fair skin and at the age of 19 this combination could be deadly. She is 5 ft. 2 in. in height, as one of my friends in the army always told me, 'compact bombs carry a deadly payload.'