“Desi,” he whispered, “Wank me. I just want you to wank me.”
I began to stroke up and down his rod and he lay back and closed his eyes.
“I love the feel of you holding me,” he whispered. “I love the feel of you
holding my cock and wanking me up and down.”
I rolled towards him slightly and continued to stroke at him. His cock strained
in front of my eyes.
“Don’t you want me to suck you?” I murmured. “Or do you want to fuck me now?”
But Kenny shook his head slightly without opening his eyes.
“Just do that,” he answered. “It’s wonderful.”
And so I continued to wank him, feeling the heat of his shaft in my hand,
feeling it twitch and tremble sometimes. My movements were slow and measured – I
wanted him to enjoy it for as long as possible. He made a little ‘Mmmm!’ of
pleasure every now and then. The edge of my hand kept meeting the soft
smoothness of his mound as I stroked him. I leant over and planted some kisses
on his belly and down towards the base of his cock.
“I’m going to cum,“ he murmured, and suddenly he was there, spurting hot
cream up from his cock to land on my hand and his stomach. Once again his cum
became its own lubricant and his cock became deliciously wet and slippery,
allowing me to stroke him even more easily from the tip of his huge pink shaft
right down the smooth base of his mound. He made faint thrusting movements
upwards as he spasmed and because I kept my strokes slow and even, each one
produced yet another spurt of his thick white cream, splashing over him and
leaving white streaks across his stomach. Gently he took my hand away as his
cock subsided and became too sensitive to endure any more. He placed the flat of
my hand on his stomach and covered it with his own, wiping and smearing his hot
cum as far as he could up and down his belly, onto his shaven mound and round
the base of his cock. He was slightly breathless and we lay there together,
saying nothing. I reached down and pulled the bedcovers back up onto the bed and
over us. He turned slightly and lay across me as he had done to begin with, one
leg between mine, his hand resting on my cock. I could feel the wet cum on his
stomach against mine as he pressed close to me.
I leaned over him and just managed to reach his bedside lamp to switch it off,
leaving mine still glowing.
“Do you want a smoke?” I asked him softly, but he shook his head without
speaking and stayed resting his head on my chest with his eyes closed. My arm
was under him as before, resting on his ass and I felt my cum trickling out from
him and onto my fingers.
I lit a smoke for myself and drew deeply on it as I lay there, warm,
comfortable, satiated, and thoughtful.
After a while I could hear that Kenny’s breathing had become deep and even and I
knew he was asleep. But I lay for sometime and smoked another cigarette as I
thought about many things.
* * * *
It was eight-thirty when I awoke. Kenny lay beside me but we had moved apart
during the night and he lay on his side facing me but not touching me. I
wondered whether to wake him, or to leave him sleeping peacefully, whether to
stay there myself or get out of bed and start the day. I reached for my smokes
and the slight movement was enough to make him open his eyes.
“’Morning!” I murmured.
He smiled sleepily at me.
“’Morning Desi.” He yawned and one hand appeared to rub his eyes sleepily. “It
was all real, then? I wasn’t dreaming? I really am here and we did have
fantastic sex last night?”
“Yes, it is, no you weren’t, yes, you are and yes, we did, to answer your
questions in order.”
Kenny nodded and smiled. “Just checking,” he said. I felt his hand worm through
the covers to rest on my chest. He was still looking at me.
“Still find it hard to believe,” he said.
“You’ll get used to it,” I told him. “You didn’t wake me in the night. You
didn’t need the bathroom?”
Kenny gave a slight shake of his head. “Not until about an hour ago,” he said.
I frowned. “But –“ I began.
Kenny moved his hand up to place his fingers on my lips as he had before;- his
way of shutting me up.
“I didn’t wake you,” he said, “because you looked so peaceful, lying there
asleep, so content, I just didn’t have the heart to wake you up.”
“But –“ I tried again.
“But instead I did something else I thought you would like.”
His hand left my lips, and he reached for mine under the covers. He drew it
to himself and carefully placed it on the front of his body, over his cock. He
had put on his own used trunks again, now so full of his cum and mine, and with
a thrill I realised that they were soaking wet. He let me explore with my hand
and sure enough, the trunks were sopping wet at the front and down between his
“I did it straight into them,” Kenny said. “I thought you would like it.” His
eyes were on mine, and I could see that he was silently seeking approval from
“I love it,” I murmured. “Thank you. There’ll be time for you to wake me another
night, but this is a lovely surprise and a great way to start the day.”
Kenny smiled and reached across to give me a kiss.
“I like pleasing you,” he said. My hand was still resting on his pants and I
massaged them gently.
“Wonderful,” I had to admit to him. “You’re going to keep them on all day. But I
think I hear coffee calling, and the cereals leaping about in their boxes
shouting, Give me milk! Give me milk!”
Kenny laughed. “I can hear them too,” he said.
And so we got up, wandered into the kitchen and set about fortifying ourselves
with breakfast.
As we sat and munched we discussed the day ahead.
“Anything you particularly want to do?” I asked him.
“Not really. I’m in your hands,” Kenny said, then stopped chewing and gave me a
mischievous look.
“And a lovely feeling it is too. But no, there’s nothing I need or want to do
specially. What about you?”
“Aahh! Well, actually, I do have some plans,” I said.
Kenny collected a crumb and popped it in his mouth. “Do they include me?” he
asked carefully.
I pretended to consider this carefully.
“Well,” I said at last. “I suppose they could include you. I could re-arrange
things so that they did. Of course it would mean quite a change of plans and not
a little inconvenience, but---”
But Kenny was quick to see the laughter in my eyes and the twitch at the corners
of my mouth as I tried not to smile.
“I’m getting to know you very well,” he said with a smile of his own, wagging a
finger at me across the table. “And I don’t just mean your cock and your balls
and your ass. You’re funning me.”
I held up my hands in surrender. “Okay,” I agreed. “You’ve got me. Yes, I was
having a bit of fun with you. We’re going shopping. Need to stock up a bit.”
Kenny was still smiling, but his eyes became thoughtful. “That’s something else
I haven’t done for a very long time,” he said.
We lingered over our two cups of coffee and smoked two cigarettes while we
discussed what we would buy. In the end we agreed that I would load a trolley
with what food I wanted and anything I knew we needed, and if Kenny saw anything
he particularly liked he could add that to the trolley as well.
“We’ll fill the freezer,” I told him, “so you’ll have plenty to choose from if
you’re hungry during the day.”
Thus decided, it only remained to get dressed and go.
“Should I have a shower?” Kenny enquired.
“Not unless you really want one,” I said. “I would prefer you didn’t. I like
smelling you as you are when I’m close to you. Plenty of time for showers when
they’re necessary. Which reminds me…”
I went to his side of the table, reached down and felt his trunks. They were
drying from the warmth of his body as he was wearing them, and now they were
just a little damp at the front, warm and still wet between his legs. Kenny
squirmed a bit as he felt my hand near his cock and round his balls.
“If you do that, there will have to be a delay before we go shopping,” he said
firmly, but with a glint in his eye.
I stopped the pleasurable experience of fondling him again and went to clean
my teeth while Kenny dressed in a clean T-shirt and jeans. Then he borrowed my
toothbrush while I put on an old pair of hold-ups, selected a pair of loose silk
pants, a T-shirt and cotton trousers to wear. We set out, walking in the morning
sunshine and enjoying the fresh air.
“How do we carry everything back?” Kenny enquired.
“Oh, we’ll get a taxi,” I said.
We went first to the nearest supermarket, and spent an enjoyable hour filling
our trolley with necessities and plenty of goodies. It seemed there wasn’t much
that Kenny didn’t like to eat, which made things easier, and the freezer would
be nicely stocked for a few weeks. I’d told him I would cook something at home
tonight, and we added some fresh meat and vegetables and a nice crusty loaf to
the trolley as well. At the end of an hour it was overloaded with stuff.
Patiently we waited in the checkout queue. I had wondered if we might bump into
one of Kenny’s “clique” of friends, but discarded the idea since it seemed
unlikely that any of them would be out on a shopping expedition.
When we finally got to the head of the queue the cashier took one look at the
trolley and said;-
“You can have this delivered, if you want.”
That seemed like an excellent plan and we arranged to have it delivered after
three o’clock. It also meant that we had nothing to carry and lots of free time.
“What next?” Kenny asked excitedly. He was a bit like a small boy out for a
day’s treats, and then I realised that to him it was probably exactly that.
“A coffee and a sit down, I think,” I suggested. “Us old men, we can’t go
gallivanting about all day without a rest, you know.”
“You’re not old!” Kenny scoffed, then looked at me again. “How old are you? Or
shouldn’t I ask?” he enquired.
I told him and he nodded thoughtfully. “I thought you were about that,” he
confirmed. “Old enough to be wise and sensible but not too old to enjoy –
“Thank you for the compliment,” I said. We chose a coffee bar near the
supermarket and sat outside in the sunshine.
“So I’m not too old for you, then?” I murmured quietly, continuing the line of
Kenny looked round and I saw his hand start to move towards my leg, but he
thought the better of it as the street was full of passers-by.
“Desi,” he said earnestly. “I wouldn’t care if you were ten years older than you
are. It’s the you I’ve come to know that I like, no matter what your age.” He
sipped his coffee. “Only I should be a bit disappointed if you lost interest in
“I hope that won’t happen for some time to come,” I agreed, “but remember also
that I won’t recover as quickly as you do.”
Kenny nodded. “I know,” he said. “I’m cool with that.”
We sat and dawdled until the coffee was finished and another cigarette each had
been introduced to the glass ashtray on the table.
“We could move on,” I suggested.
“Where to?”
“Over there, I think, to begin with.” I pointed.
Kenny glanced across the street.
“Oh, you’re going to buy some clothes?” he said wistfully.
I shifted my chair a bit nearer to his so that I could speak quietly.
“Yes,” I told him. “I want to get some more stockings, a few more pants,
maybe a couple of skirts if I can see any I like. And whatever else takes my
Kenny regarded me with a mournful look.
“Lucky you!” he said, and there was just a trace of bitterness in his voice.
“Lucky that you have the money to be able to go out and choose new things like
that for yourself.”
“Not for me, for you,” I murmured, but Kenny went on as if he hadn’t heard me.
“I wish I could do things like that. I’ve never been in a state where I could.
It must be so nice ---what did you just say?”
I didn’t answer, but just sat and looked at him.
“Did you say what I thought you said?” His head swivelled to look at the three
or four clothes shops opposite us, and then back to me. His eyes were wide and
full of amazement, like a small boy who had just been presented with a
most-wanted Christmas present. For me, the look in his eyes was enough to
justify the impending expense.
“D’you mean that?” Kenny asked disbelievingly.
“Kenny,” I said quietly, hitching my chair even closer to his. “I’ve trusted you
quite a bit up to now. And now I am going to trust you even more.” I paused,
looking at his eyes, still showing his surprise and pleasure.
Now Kenny did lay his hand on my arm, a perfectly natural, brief gesture, which,
coupled with his next words, gave me a warm glow inside.
“Derek,” he began, and I knew he was deadly serious when he called me Derek.
“Derek, I promise you, I swear to you, I won’t betray any trust you put in me.
Please believe me! I will not let you down!”
I savoured that warm glow for a few moments, then reached into my pocket. I took
his hand and placed something into his palm then closed his fingers over it.
“There’s some money for you. We’re going to buy you some new stuff. You choose
it, and you can pay for it yourself. If I see anything I particularly want you
to have--” I winked at him, “—I’ll tell you. Okay?”
Kenny’s mouth had literally fallen open slightly as he listened to me. Slowly he
unclasped his hand and looked at the wad of paper money there. Equally slowly he
raised his eyes to mine.
“There’s four hundred quid there,” I told him softly. “If we find we need any
more, we’ll see what can be done.”
Kenny’s mouth gaped a bit more, and he silently mouthed the word “More?” at
me, then without a word he carefully stowed the money away in his pocket.
I let him digest this development in silence for a while, deciding to order two
more coffees as the waitress went by.
“I have never held that much money in my hand in my life!” Kenny said quietly.
“Desi, thank you. Such useless words, but I don’t know what else to say.”
“Seeing you in some of the things we’re going to buy will be thanks enough,” I
said. We both sipped our newly arrived coffees in companionable silence. I
guessed the money was already starting to burn a hole in Kenny’s pocket as he
considered what he could buy.
“If we’re going to get ---” Kenny glanced up as a group of people passed by our
table, and continued in a whisper, “-- ladies’ stuff, isn’t that going to look a
bit funny?”
I shook my head. It wouldn’t bother me as I’d bought such items for myself many
times. But I thought Kenny might feel less self-conscious if he had an excuse
for buying them.
“We can say,” I suggested in a conspiratorial whisper, “they’re for your
Kenny looked relieved and gave a little nod. Something occurred to me.
“You don’t have a sister, do you?” I asked him.
“No. I’m an only child.”
A thought flitted through my mind and I wondered if this was because his
father had discovered he didn’t enjoy the female body after all and perhaps had
already sampled the pleasures of the male flesh elsewhere. But it was an idle
thought and not important now.
“Like me,” I said. “Well, whenever you’re ready, let’s spend!”
Kenny laid a restraining hand on my arm. “Des,” he said quietly. “Are you sure
about this? That’s a lot of money. A hell of a lot. I haven’t asked you what you
do or anything about you really, but if you’re happy to do this, you must be
very well off.”
There was no greed or avarice in his eyes, just a genuine concern as he watched
me and waited for me to reply.
“I earn very good money as an IT specialist,” I told him. “I don’t have a
family, or any other commitments for my money. I can do what I wish with it. And
as I live alone and my outgoings are minimal, well, yes, I have a few quid in
the bank. But well off? No, I wouldn’t say that.”
Kenny looked across at the clothes shops and then at me.
“We have different ideas about ‘well off’, obviously,” he said. “But as long as
you’re happy about this, okay, let’s spend!”
And for the next hour and a half we wandered from shop to shop, collecting bags,
parcels, and boxes as we went. At first Kenny seemed reluctant to actually buy
what his eye had obviously lighted upon, but with a little encouragement he soon
forgot his inhibitions and collected arms full of things that he liked. In a
men’s shop he paused by a display of shirts and matching ties, neatly folded in
their boxes on sloping racks.
“I don’t really need anything like that, do I?” he mused out loud. I didn’t
reply, so he looked round at me. “Do I?”
I still didn’t reply.
“You think I do,” Kenny decided. “Alright then.” He chose two sets and I
silently approved of the colours and his choices. Threading our way to the pay
desk with our arms full of clothes he glanced at me.
“Curious as to why I need the good gear,” he murmured.
“Who knows?” I said. “You might go somewhere dressy, one day.”
We waited behind two other customers to pay, and my eye caught a promotion the
shop was offering. I wandered over to have a look and then called Kenny.
“How d’you feel about trying this on?” I suggested.
Kenny examined the display. “To go with the shirt and ties?” he remarked.
Thrusting his armful of purchases at me, he selected his size and disappeared
into a changing cubicle. Within a minute or so he was out and went to examine
himself in the full length mirror. I’d guessed that the item would look good on
him, but I was staggered at the change. In front of me now was a young man in a
smart, grey business suit with a slight sheen to the material. He turned to me,
and even with just the T-shirt on, he looked every inch a competent,
professional, sensible and keen young managerial type. With one of the shirt and
tie sets he was buying, the picture would be complete, and I would have given
him a job on the spot.
“How does it feel,” I asked.
“Good,” he replied, looking critically in the mirror. “I must admit, it does
look nice.” He turned this way and that a few times, and then caught the label
dangling from the sleeve of the jacket. He twisted it to face me and pointed to
“Desi, this suit is a hundred quid, all on its own.”
“Reduced from a hundred and fifty,” I pointed out. “If you like it, buy it.”
Kenny shrugged. “ I like it,” he said, “but I’ve no idea when I would wear it.”
I had my own ideas about that. But all in good time.
Kenny changed back and we tried for the pay desk again. Fortunately the girl
there knew her job, and she managed to fold the quantity of items and pack them
so that they were reduced to a manageable two large bags.
Outside the shop Kenny put down his bags and carefully counted what money he had
“There’s still about a hundred and fifty quid here,” he said. “I can’t think of
anything else I want or need, can you?” and he held the money out to me.
I ignored his outstretched hand and said, “Yes. Next stop, over there.”
It took Kenny only half an hour to choose the mobile pay-as-you-go phone that he
liked. While the salesman entered the details on his system and produced Kenny’s
receipt and guarantee, Kenny turned to me with his eyes glowing.
“Now I can call you at work and chat to you,” he said excitedly. “If I’m
“That’s the idea,” I agreed, smiling. “Just not too often. I must be seen to be
doing something other than chatting on the phone!”
Kenny chuckled. “Maybe once or twice a day?” he queried.
“That should be fine,” I said. We moved outside the shop.
“Kenny, although you’re living with me and we have our special agreement about
you, you’re not a prisoner, you know. You do have some mates, back at the plot,
and although I’d rather you didn’t go there, you can always call Lee or anyone
else you know who has a phone.”
“That will be nice,” he said, “and I have no desire to go back there at all. So
don’t worry.”
“Then we have only one more place to go,” I decided. “It’s time to buy some
stuff for your ‘sister’.”
That only took another twenty minutes, as Kenny, nor I, were in a position or
the right sex to try anything on, so size was a matter of guesswork and
calculation. We bought quite a selection of stuff, both for him and for me. By
now I was glancing at my watch occasionally.
“I hope we can get a taxi quickly,” I said outside the shop. “We need to be back
before three.”
We struggled with all the purchases until I hailed a cab, and within ten minutes
we were back home. We dumped the bags and boxes on Kenny’s bed, and before I
could say or do anything Kenny had thrown his arms around me and was giving me
such a huge hug it was taking my breath away.
“Thank you!” he whispered into my chest. “Des, thank you! Thank you!”
I hugged him back and we stayed together for a while. Then I cupped his cheeks
in my hands and looked at him. I thought I saw his eyes glistening wetly, but I
wasn’t sure.
“It was a pleasure,” I said firmly. “Understand, little Kenny? It was a pleasure
for me to buy them for you.”
He nodded and buried his head onto my chest again, refusing to let go of his
hug. What might have happened next was prevented by a ring at the doorbell.
“That’ll be the food,” I surmised, and we helped the driver carry the boxes of
supermarket purchases into the flat.
“Right, we need to put this all away,” I said, “especially the frozen stuff.
I’ll show you where everything goes. The things you haven’t already discovered,
that is.”
There were things for Kenny in there too, more razors, a couple of new
toothbrushes, a bottle of after shave that we’d both agreed we liked on him and
a few other items which Kenny took into his room. Then the food items and
goodies had to be put away and that kept us busy for a while. I said I’d make us
some tea if Kenny wanted to go and unpack his own stuff and try it on?
Kenny certainly did, and with the suggestion that now he should have a shower
before he tried on his new clothes, he disappeared into the bathroom first and
then his own room, reappearing every few minutes with some new items on,
checking whether I approved and if it fitted him alright. When he put on a pale
lilac shirt and purple tie with cross hatchings, and the grey suit, he looked
quite astounding.
“Have you looked in the mirror?” I asked.
Kenny nodded. “Looks okay, doesn’t it?” he said nonchalantly.
“Okay? Is that all?”
And he rushed to me and hugged me again. “It looks super!” he said. “I was
funning you! I don’t look like a rent boy dressed in this!”
I pushed him away gently. “But you’re not a rent boy now,” I reminded him
softly. “You keep forgetting that.”
Kenny nodded. “I know I do sometimes. I’ll try harder not to remember it.” He
reached up and gave me a kiss. “You’re so good to me, Desi. So good.”
“What’s left?” I enquired, and he laughed.
“Only my ‘sister’s’ stuff,” he said, “and I thought you’d want to be with me
when I try those things on.”
“Yes, I would. But let’s have some tea and a smoke first.”
Kenny changed from the suit and came to the kitchen dressed only in a new pair
of satin briefs.
“Shall I chuck my old jeans,” he asked, “ or is it worth washing them?
“Up to you,” I answered, pouring tea. “Nothing wrong with them, is there? But if
they remind you of anything you’d rather forget, chuck them out.”
“No, nothing like that,” he said ruminatively. “I’ll keep them.”
We sat and enjoyed the tea and a slice of chocolate cake, and then a cigarette.
“That was a busy, tiring, but wonderful day,” Kenny decided. “What happens
“Don’t wish your life away,” I told him. “Tomorrow is another day. I dare say
we’ll think of something we both want to do,” and Kenny laughed.
“Before tomorrow, I hope,” he chided me.
“Let’s have a look at this stuff,” I said, and we went to his room.
Having each tried on the underwear, the short skirts and the other erotic
clothes we’d bought, I sat on the bed and looked at him. He was now wearing a
short, white, cotton microskirt, almost a belt, with its own sewn-in pants;- or
maybe it was a set of pants with a sewn-on microskirt, I wasn’t sure which.
“You’ve never worn ladies’ stuff before?” I asked him.
Sarah, the new office junior is caught fondling herself in the office by a female colleague. What could this lead to? |
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