He started to tug down my trousers and I helped him by easing myself off the
sofa. Throwing the trousers to one side he looked down.
“Oh, nice!” he murmured. He ran his hand up the inside of my thigh, starting at
the top of the stockings and moving on up, until he reached my naked flesh. The
feel of his hand approaching my cock was enough to complete my erection and my
cock bulged inside the silk thong. Gently he brushed against my cock, then
pulled the thong to one side, allowing my cock to spring free. He scrambled
backwards off the sofa and knelt down on the floor. His head went between my
thighs and I felt his tongue licking my thighs, first one side, then the other.
His tongue moved upwards until he reached my balls, still half inside the thong.
He licked them gently, again and again and my cock trembled. Kenny pulled aside
the last part of the thong and cupped my balls in one hand as his tongue began
to lick and probe at my cock. I felt his finger exploring beyond my balls, round
behind them towards my ass, stroking and teasing. He looked up at me without
stopping the movements of his hand and finger for a moment.
“Desi!” he whispered. “Lovely Desi! Tell me what you want! I want to make you
cum first! What do you want me to do?”
My voice had a croak in it as I answered him.
“Suck me till I tell you to stop. Then stand up again so I can put my cock
inside the front of those lovely trunks. I want to cum inside them, all over
your cock before I suck you.”
He nodded and bent his head again. His tongue continued to tease and lick round
my cock and then I felt it sliding inside his mouth. His soft lips massaged
against my rod. I wanted this boy so much I knew I wouldn’t be able to wait for
long. My cock was quivering and straining inside his mouth and still his tongue
was circling around it and teasing it. He released it from his mouth and
immediately licked the full length of the back of it before taking it deep
inside his mouth again. I realised that his own hand was inside his pants,
moving gently and that he’d put his own cock back inside them and was wanking
himself even as he was sucking me.
I felt the tremor inside my balls, and hissed “Stop!”
He let me go at once and stood in front of me, his hand still inside the
waistband of his pants. He moved close to me and I stood and thrust my cock
inside that open fly. I felt his own hot cock, still as hard as before, and I
felt his own hand as it left his own rod and circled mine, stroking me once,
twice and then I couldn’t hold back and my cum shot from the end of my cock over
his hand, over his belly, into those lovely pants. He didn’t falter for a second
but kept stroking me up and down and with each stroke I felt more hot cum shoot
out from my cock. I was trembling all over and my legs were shaking with the
force and strength of my orgasm. Finally I felt the spasms dying away and I put
my hands round his ass and pulled him to me. I could feel my own warm cum
running over my cock and his as I pressed against him and kissed him urgently.
I was still shaking with the aftermath of my orgasm, and Kenny gently eased me
away from him and sat me back down on the sofa.
“Kenny!” I managed to finally gasp out.
“Sshhhh!” he murmured. His hand went into his pants again and came out with cum
on his fingers.
“Sshhh!” he repeated, and gently massaged my lips with his fingers, spreading
cum over them. Twice more he did this, and the third time he put his fingers
between his own lips and gently sucked the cum from them.
“You taste nice!” he murmured.
I had recovered my breath somewhat, enough to speak more clearly.
“Kenny, sweet little Kenny, what do you want? I want to give you as big a
climax as you just gave me. Tell me what you want me to do.”
The boy regarded me thoughtfully. “Do you know what I would really like?” he
asked. It was a rhetorical question and he went on, “I’d like you to suck all
that cum off me, and wank me at the same time.”
He started stroking himself inside his wet pants again.
“And where do you want to shoot your own cum?” I asked him.
He considered this for a short while.
“I think,” he murmured eventually, “I would just like to cum over your cock,
but inside my pants, like you did. It would be nice,” he continued dreamily, “to
wear them again tomorrow knowing that your cum and mine was in them.”
I nodded and leaned forward. He pushed himself close to me and I reached inside
his fly and brought out his rock hard cock. It glistened with the cum
surrounding it. Gently I took it into my own lips and sucked the cum from it. I
licked round it and made sure I’d collected every drop before I took him into my
mouth as deeply as I could. My hand was grasping the base of his cock and I
began to stroke him as I sucked at him. I could hear his breath coming deeply as
he thrust forward into my mouth at exactly the same time my fingers were sliding
back down to the base of it. His thrusts became more urgent and his gasps
louder. Suddenly he pulled away from me.
“Change over!” he gasped. Quickly he pulled down his trunks and I removed my thong. I pulled on those delicious, warm, wet pants and felt my cum warm against my skin. I lay back on the sofa and Kenny lay naked, half on top of me. Gently he pushed his thick hot cock into the open fly of the trunks and I slid my hand down into the waistband of them. His cock was hot against mine and against my belly. My fingers circled it and I began to wank him as he moved backwards and forwards slightly. His shaft pushed and strained in my hand and I felt a tremor in it. His movements became more urgent as he thrust himself against me.
He thrust forwards twice more, his breath gasping louder and louder and then
he cried out.
“Now!” he cried. “Now! Now! Now!”
And I felt his cock shudder against me as he spasmed, each breath a gasp as his
muscles shot his hot cream onto me and inside his own pants. Jet after jet
spurted onto me and ran down my belly, over my balls and under them towards my
ass. He was still thrusting against me and I felt his cock become deliciously
wet and slippery in my hand as his cum became its own lubricant. Finally he
stopped moving and sagged against me, his warm body lying against mine, his hot
cock resting against my own and his cum still slowly trickling over my skin.
His gasping slowed a bit, and slowly, with a slight stagger, he pulled his rod
free of the trunks and subsided with a thump on the sofa.
“And you ask me---” he gasped out, his eyes closed, “if I want – to stay here
with you.”
I didn’t think he really wanted an answer. I stood up and fetched us both
cigarettes, then fetched a towel and put that on the sofa before I sat down.
We sat and smoked for some time, regaining our breath and our energy. I could
feel his hot cum in the crack of my ass. It was a delicious feeling. My cock
nestled inside those wonderful used pants of his, and I could feel the warmth of
his cum occasionally trickling down to my balls and onto my thighs.
At one point his hand came across and rested on my thigh. He toyed with the top
of my hold-up stockings. He finished his smoke before I did, stubbed it out and
then rolled over to lay his head on my lap. Tenderly he planted little kisses on
my thighs and on the front of his pants.
“If you’re hoping for another bout,” I said, “you’ll have to give me a little
time to recover. I’m not as young as you!”
“Oh, I couldn’t get hard again yet,” he agreed, his voice muffled. “I’m just
enjoying the tastes, the smells. And I’m enjoying being close to you.”
His arm reached round and he hugged my thigh.
“Desi,” he said after a while, “can we talk practicalities for a bit?”
“Of course,” I answered.
He straightened up a bit but rested his hand on my crotch.
“Well,” he began, “I don’t have a lot to my name, but there are a couple of
things at my plot, and there is my bag at the station locker. Do you have a car?
Could we fetch them?”
“I don’t have a car,” I said. “Sorry. I usually walk to work. It’s only ten
minutes away. But look, it’s only six o’clock. We can stroll round and collect
your bits and pieces if you want.”
I paused and looked at him closely.
“Or would you rather go by yourself?”
His hand toyed with the open fly of the trunks and I felt his fingers curling
round and holding my soft cock.
“Oh, no. I don’t mind you coming too,” he answered. “I’ve nothing to hide. Yes,
we can go for walk and collect them.”
“Anything else you want to ask me?”
“Well, yes. What are the sleeping arrangements going to be now?”
I considered this.
“What would you prefer?” I asked him.
“To be with you,” he said simply.
“Okay. But we’ll keep the other bed made up, and then if either of us wants some
privacy you can always go to that room if you wish. You can treat it as your own
room, keep your stuff there, but sleep with me. How’s that?”
“Super,” he murmured, and gave my cock a gentle squeeze.
“Anything more?”
There was a pause. I sensed that he wanted to say something else and gave him
time to formulate it.
“Desi,” he said at last. “How do I know that you won’t get fed up with me and
just throw me out one day?” He raised his head and once again those trusting
brown eyes searched my face.
“I won’t do that,” I said softly. “As long as you keep me happy, in bed and out
of it, do what I ask, wear what I ask, and give me orgasms like that one just
now, I won’t get fed up with you.”
“And what about food and stuff like that? I can’t pay anything to you.”
“Let me take care of things like that,” I told him. “I’m not asking you to pay
me any money, am I? I just want you to be available for me, however I may want
you, whenever I may want you. I’ll keep the larder stocked up and the cigarette
box full. Don’t worry.”
His eyes stayed on my face, as if he was searching for a hint of a lie or an
evasion in my words.
“If you do,” he said quietly, “one day want me out, please try and give me some
warning. A week, or even a day or two. Not just immediately.”
I pulled him close to me and cuddled him, feeling that supple young body against
me, the softness of his thighs as I rubbed my hand against them, and the warmth
of his soft, wet cock as it nestled against me.
“I won’t throw you out,” I repeated firmly. I let my hand drop to his cock and
held it. The hair round it and on his stomach was soft, as I had thought. Maybe
later it would become harder and more wiry, but I didn’t want that.
“Kenny,” I said, “there is one other thing I’d like from you.”
“Of course,” he murmured. “Just say the word.”
“I’d like you to shave yourself, and stay shaven. I don’t like hair there. I
want your cock and balls to be always smooth and shaven.”
“Of course,” he murmured. “No problem, except that my razor is at the plot. So
maybe we should make a start and go?”
He straightened up on the sofa, and then added, “But right now I need a pee.” He
started to rise but I held his hand and stopped him.
“Wait!” I said.
I got up myself and went to my room. I selected a pair of pants that I had worn
several times. Returning to the living room I gave them to Kenny.
“Put these on,” I said. I watched him as he pulled them up. They were large,
soft, cotton pants and there was a hole at the front to allow my cock to hang
outside them. Kenny pulled his own cock out through the hole and looked at me.
“That okay?”
I nodded and took his hand. I led him into the bathroom. Holding his lovely,
large, soft cock in my hand I positioned him in front of the bowl.
“Okay,” I said. “Now you can pee to your heart’s content.”
Within a few seconds a stream of golden pee shot from the tip of his cock. I
allowed my fingers to get in the way of the stream and as they became wetter I
massaged his pee over his cock and over the front of the pants. I waited
patiently, pulling the pants down a little from his waist so they were loose on
him. As the stream began to decrease, I quickly pushed his cock back into the
“Finish it in there,” I said, and with my hand resting across the hole and
feeling his cock inside the pants, I also felt the warmth as he allowed the last
of his pee to run into the pants.
He smiled at me.
“You like that.” It was more of a statement than a question.
“I like that a lot,” I told him.
He nodded, leaned to one side and kissed my chest.
“Then you shall have lots of it,” he said.
Kenny dressed in his jeans and T-shirt and I pulled on a pair of soft cotton
trousers. I could still feel the wetness inside those trunks of Kenny’s and
there was no way I was going to take them off yet.
We left the flat and started walking. It took only fifteen minutes to walk to
the bridge where he had his plot.
A brazier burned in an old metal drum and three or four lads were either around
it or lounging about nearby. A train rumbled by overhead, then faded into the
evening. Cardboard tents, scraps of rug or carpet, empty booze bottles and quite
a few syringes lay around. It all looked rather forlorn, dingy, seedy and
sordid. And also slightly menacing.
“Lee may not be here, if he’s got a trick,” Kenny said. He went to a pile of
rugs, and extracted a half full pack of disposable razors, an old and dirty wool
sweater, a toothbrush and a bit of broken mirror. He chewed his lip
“Do I really need any of this?” he muttered, to himself it seemed, then he
looked at me.
“Only the razors, I should think.”
Kenny nodded and took the rugs, sweater and broken mirror over to a cardboard
tent that was half propped up against the brick arch of the bridge.
“I’ll leave them for Lee,” he said. “If he doesn’t get a fix in the evening, he
sometimes gets very cold in the night. He could do with these.”
I was aware of someone approaching us.
“Wotcher, Kenny!” came a voice. We both turned and I saw a youth sauntering over
from the brazier. He was almost as tall as me, dirty, unkempt, unshaven and
looked to be in his twenties.
“ ’Ooos this, then? A noo mark?”
“Hallo Jed.” Kenny nodded slightly at the youth and gestured to me. “This is
Derek. He’s a friend. I’ll be staying with him for a while so I’m leaving my
stuff for Lee.”
I fervently wished Kenny hadn’t told him my name, but it was too late now.
“Are yer, now?” Jed glanced at the things Kenny was holding and then at me.
“Stayin’ wiv ’im, are yer?”
I could see avarice in his eyes. He smiled, revealing a broken front tooth
and the others black and discoloured. Seeing the lesions and sores on his face
and neck, I guessed that Jed was slowly dying on his feet.
“Yes,” Kenny affirmed. “He’s offered me a home to live in.”
“Really!” Jed swayed on the balls of his feet and looked me up and down. I felt
uncomfortable and wished we could go.
“Bit of a toff, if you asks me. A sugar-daddy, no less!” He stared at me
belligerently. Kenny ignored his comment and I certainly wasn’t going to say
anything. Jed kept his eyes on me as he spoke.
“D’yer know, it’s funny. I bin ‘ere two years, and I ain’t ever met no
sugar-daddy. I ain’t never bin offered no ‘ome.” He finally swivelled his gaze
to Kenny. “You bin ‘ere a few months, an’ look wot ‘appens to you! A fairy
godfather, no less!”
Kenny stuffed his few belongings inside Lee’s cardboard home and stood up,
dusting his hands.
“Just lucky, I guess,” he said lightly. He motioned to me and we began to move
“Say ciao to the others for me,” he said to Jed, who gave a slight nod and stood
still, watching us leave.
“Not too keen on him,” Kenny muttered under his breath.
“No,” I agreed in a whisper. “He fits my idea of the epitome of a rent boy,
except he seems a bit old.”
“Twenty,” Kenny said. “Looks more, doesn’t he? He’s the one with the gun.” He
fell silent as we headed for the station. As we neared the concourse, he touched
my arm and brought me to a stop.
“Des, can I ask a favour?”
I felt a slight prickle on my spine. Despite our relationship so far, and the
things we’d discussed and agreed upon, my recent encounter with Jed had reminded
me that I still might be making a mistake, trusting Kenny.
“What’s the favour?” I answered noncommittally.
“I just want to make a quick phone call,” Kenny replied. “I just need a few
I brought out a handful of change from my pocket. “Your mum?” I suggested.
He looked taken aback.
“God, no! Why should you think that? That wouldn’t be a good idea.” He selected
a few coins and folded my fingers closed over the remainder “Don’t need more
than that. No, I want to phone Lee and tell him I’ve left that stuff for him.
Otherwise Jed or one of the others may nick it. If he knows about it he’ll make
sure he gets it back if they do.”
“Lee has a phone?”
Kenny nodded, and gave his dry laugh again. “He needs it to keep in touch with
his supply! And he has a few regular marks who call him up when they’re horny.”
He disappeared into an open phone hood and dialled. “If he’s with a trick he
won’t answer, it will go to his answerphone,” he murmured.
It seemed Lee was with a trick after all, as Kenny gave a shake of his head and
then dictated his message without any response from the other end of the line.
Kenny quickly explained the barest details, without mentioning my name again for
which I was profoundly grateful, and told him to make sure he got the sweater
and rugs and to take care of himself and hopefully he’d be able to visit Lee
again one day. He replaced the phone on its cradle and ducked out from under the
hood. His extended arm offered me the unused coins.
“Kenny, I don’t need them. Keep them.”
He nodded and dropped them into his pocket. “Thanks.”
“Kenny, did you eat anything all day?”
“Well,” Kenny said slightly guiltily, “I made myself a sandwich earlier. You
weren’t there to ask,” he added defensively.
I grabbed his arm and swung him round to face me. Lowering my head close to his
I allowed my voice to become angry.
“Kenny, when are you going to get it into your head that you don’t have to ask
me for a sandwich. Or a glass of milk in the night. Do you think the idea was to
lock you in the house all night or all day and starve you?”
I let his arm go and saw the shock in his face.
“D- Des,” he stuttered. “I’m really sorry. I mean, I thought I should ask……you
have to remember I’m not used to this. I’m not used to people giving me the run
of their home and allowing me to help myself to food and drink. So I am sorry if
I’ve made you angry. Don’t be angry with me, please. I don’t like it. I won’t
ask again if I’m hungry or thirsty at home.”
He looked shocked, worried and upset, and my heart went out to him. I put my arm
round his shoulders and gave him a squeeze.
“I’m not really angry,” I told him. “I just wanted you to get the point.”
He looked immensely relieved. “I’ve got it, Desi, don’t worry. I don’t ever want
to make you angry.”
“Talking of eating,” I said, “I haven’t eaten since lunch time either.” I looked
at his trusting face for a moment. “My opinion is…..we could have a little
celebration together. What do you think?”
“Celebration?” he repeated blankly.
“Yes, why not? We’ve made our understanding together, and as a result I have
something very nice in my life, and you have a better future than you had when
you asked me for a fiver. Don’t you think that warrants a little celebration?”
Kenny gazed at me for a few seconds and then his face became wreathed in smiles.
“Sounds good to me!” he grinned.
I gestured to one side of the station concourse. There were several food
outlets there, all of which had another entrance from the road outside the
station, and a second entrance inside the concourse.
Kenny’s gaze followed my own. “Do you eat a lot of hamburgers?” he asked me.
“I’m not thinking of a hamburger,” I told him, putting one hand on his shoulder
and turning him slightly to the left. He stared for a minute, then looked at me
“A steak?” he whispered. “A real, juicy, meat, steak?”
I propelled him towards the restaurant. It was one of a chain and I knew we’d
get a damn good meal in there.
“With all the trimmings,” I assured him. Once inside, settled at a smoking table
in a corner, we studied the menu. I knew what I would have, but I let Kenny’s
eyes devour the range of starters, main courses and desserts printed there. Once
or twice he raised his eyes and looked at me over the top of it. I poured him a
glass of the wine I’d ordered.
“I want to order all of it!” he laughed. “I mean – I just don’t know where to
“With a starter,” I suggested helpfully, and we both laughed.
Kenny had his starter, then a huge T-bone steak which overflowed the edge of the
plate, garnished with mushrooms and tomatoes, and added fries and a side salad
to it. Eventually he forked the last morsel of steak into his mouth and slumped
back into his seat.
“I am full!” he stated breathlessly. “I could not eat another thing!”
I nodded. “Good, glad to hear it. So I’ll eat dessert by myself, shall I?”
He gave a slight groan and rubbed his stomach. “Dessert? I don’t know if I
The waiter appeared right on cue and I ordered my pancakes with maple syrup,
topped with cream, and a portion of ice cream on the side. The waiter glanced at
Kenny with a raised eyebrow.
“Same for me, please,” he murmured. He looked at me sheepishly, and I laughed.
The meal was finally over, and we sat with our glasses topped up from the second
bottle of wine. I raised my glass and looked at him.
“Congratulations!” I said quietly. His eyebrows shot up as he raised his own
glass. “Yes,” I went on. “That is the right word. Congratulations on your new
life, and may our – special -- relationship continue for us both, for a long
Kenny nodded and we clinked glasses. “Thank you, Desi,” he murmured. “Thank you
for rescuing me.” And we drank.
Eventually, even the second bottle was empty and I looked at my watch. “I
suppose we’d better get your bag and think about going home,” I suggested.
“I need a pee first,” Kenny whispered, looking round.
“Always the last few drops,” I reminded him quietly, and he nodded.
Kenny went to his locker while I paid the bill. Twenty minutes later, after a
generally silent but enjoyable walk, we were home.
Once indoors, Kenny emptied his bag onto his bed. He was right. He didn’t have
much. Two other pairs of jeans, two pairs of socks, a few T-shirts, a couple of
handkerchiefs and one other pair of well used pants. They were cotton Y-fronts,
and they had been torn at the front and the back. I picked them up off the bed
and looked at them.
“A trick who got carried away,” he said. “Couldn’t get them off me fast enough
so he just ripped them. I’ll chuck them out.”
“No you won’t!” I told him. “You’ll keep them. They’re very sexy and sometimes
you can put them on for me.”
Apart from those few clothes, all Kenny had was a portable CD player and two
CDs, and a fairly expensive looking watch.
“A birthday present from my mum,” he explained. “I kept it locked away in case
it got nicked.”
Another sequel... |
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