God is on Our side
Chapter 6
Time moved on and once again Christmas was fast approaching. I had recovered a
little more enthusiasm for my work and I had found lodgings not to far away from
the office. I steadfastly refused to consider what I would do at Christmas. But
on the fateful Sunday 7th November 1941 the news broke about the attack on Pearl
Harbour. The free world was stunned, however the fact that America was now in
the war was a devastating blow for Hitler, and a terrific boost for British
It was two days later that I was called to see the Professor and a civilian intelligence officer who went by the title of Colonel Nene. The civilian was not at all keen on having the Professor there, but I insisted I needed him there as I trusted him.
The Colonel commended me on my actions both by capturing the Luftwaffe officer. Breaking the codes in the letters, and by discovering Carol’s part in recording conversations in the café and passing them on to the enemy. Apparently there were hidden microphones under the three tables used by the MOD staff, and all conversations were recorded. Unfortunately some MOD staff did talk about their work among themselves, and inadvertently passed on vital intelligence to the enemy. Carol later admitted that she was an active member of the IRA, and came from Dundalk in the Republic of Ireland, and not Newry in Northern Ireland. I believe that she was later executed as a spy.
The Colonel then said. “However, you are displaying a level of intellect and maturity far in excess of your age, but we are still concerned that you should be supervised in your private life by an adult who can look after your physical welfare. The Professor says you want to join the Navy, but you will serve your country better by staying with us. So we would ask you to reconsider. We can apply for you to be exempt”
“We have a solution which we think will allow you to be looked after properly, and also carry out an intelligence assignment for us at the same time. You see you are still technically a junior. Now we have a proposition for you, that we would like you to consider. We have a lady, who is German born, but she is also an American citizen and she is married to a Colonel in the British Army serving in Burma. Now under normal circumstances we would either send her back to the USA, or intern her, because she still has parents and brothers in Germany.
“She has agreed to take you to live with her, and I am sure that you will be very comfortable. We don’t want you searching her private possessions or anything, but just keep your eyes and ears open. She is a lovely woman and she also is my sister in law, but that apart, we still have to screen her. The decision not to extradite her or intern her has been rather controversial, but this way we can always say that we have kept her under close observation.”
She has done nothing to make us consider interning her, but we have a few lingering doubts because of her family connections. We would like you to lodge with her, and at the same time you can either confirm, or allay our doubts.”
I looked at the professor and he said. ”Sounds OK to me and you would continue to work with us here.” The Colonel said quietly. “No the estate is near Bletchley Park and we think it is better that we transfer you there, but you will be doing similar work. You are being moved up two grades so you will get a significant increase in pay, and we are also recommending you for a bravery award”
And so two days later after finishing work and after saying goodbye to all my work colleagues I packed my few remaining possessions, and I was taken to meet Lady Elizabeth Nene. I had been given basic information about her in a three hour briefing and shown photographs, but I was in for a massive shock when I arrived. The photographs did not do her justice.
My MOD car dropped me at the front door of this massive house at Himley Park
which was the estate of the absent Colonel and their country home, and I waited
with some trepidation for the front door to open. The door opened and I was
faced with one of the most beautiful ladies I had ever met.
She stood there looking at me for about thirty seconds and then she said “Yes:”
I came to myself with a start as I gazed at this lovely apparition that had
opened the door for me. She was not at all what I had been expecting, and had
left me a little speechless.
“I presume that you are Alan, if so please do come in.”
She said a trifle impatiently. “Don’t stand there like a love struck teenager.”
She stepped aside and opened the door fully. I did not hesitate, but entered quickly, very aware of the blackout regulations, as I gazed at my future landlady. I thought I had better check that I was in the right place and talking to the right person.
“I presume that I am talking to Lady Elizabeth Nene?” I asked quietly.
“Yes dear boy you are.” She replied as I followed her into a large well lit,
well furnished lounge.
A coal fire burned in the large fireplace and their was soft music playing in
the background.
“I only had a small suitcase with my very few possessions in it.
“It is nice to meet you Alan. I will take you to your room and you can have a
shower and change.”
“I am afraid that I have nothing much to change into.” I told her.
“We were bombed out and I lost all my clothes I have been given some extra
clothing coupons, but have had little time or money to purchase new clothing.”
“Yes I know, and I am truly sorry for your loss. Well shower anyway, and I will
find you something you can change into, and I will drop them on your bed and
then I will see you downstairs.”
After the shower I went back into the bedroom, and all I saw was a large fluffy
bath towel on the bed, and the lovely Lady Elizabeth still there standing by the
window in the shadow watching me...
"A large part of the house is closed down for the war period and my husbands
clothes are all packed away, so you will have to manage with the towel tonight.
Go on, I wont peep much, and I warn you I lie" she gave a little laugh.”
She gave a rather salacious laugh “Anyway if a woman wants to interrogate a man, the first thing is to get their pants off you have them at a psychological disadvantage. I must admit that you are not what I expected, and I do intend to interrogate you.”
I blushed, but I dried off without exposing too much of me and tucking the towel round my waist, I followed her downstairs to join her in the lounge. I had naturally assumed that when the Colonel had given me this assignment that my landlady would in all probability be an older woman. I must admit I had a funny feeling of anticipation when I gazed at this beautiful lady.
Her black satin robe was partly open, showing clearly the black nightdress of the same material underneath, both of which contrasted wonderfully with her dirty blonde page boy cut hair. I noticed that she had lovely blue eyes that I guessed could on occasion look like splinters of ice to anyone who crossed her...
She was not wearing any make-up, and in this setting and this environment I was
already beginning to think that this assignment may well be beyond me. I was
being really affected by her, as I sat waiting for her to speak.
“Are you shy Alan/”
“I don’t think so my Lady.”
“Call me Elizabeth Alan please, or Liz I don’t really mind...”
“I live here on my own and I have two young ladies who are daily helps and come
in every day. My husband is in the Army in Burma and I spend most of my time
helping in local charities.”
“I must admit that I am a bit shy at all of a sudden having a handsome young man
in my house, and I must admit that when I heard of your tragedy, and the fact
that you do such an important job, I volunteered to have you come and live here.
You see I wanted to meet this teenage hero.”
“I am only seventeen.” I replied shyly.
“But you do a really important job so I am told, and you recently captured a
German airman.”
That is why I was approached, because they felt that you needed a responsible
adult to help you until you are a bit older, which is a bit of a laugh as I am
only five years older than you.”
She shifted her position on her chair and her robe her robe slipped open and
subtly displayed her smooth, shapely legs. The neckline of her gown was
disconcertingly low, and contrasted strikingly with her milk white bosom. I
realized I was staring, and jerked my eyes up to her face. She saw my confusion,
and smiled again.
"It is all right," she said quietly “I want you to feel comfortable here. You
might as well get used to me now."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare," I stammered, trying to cover my
"It really is all right," she assured me "I like men to look at me. Don't worry,
if looking at me helps you relax and feel comfortable, be my guest. “I have not
had an eligible man look at me for months now and I am going to enjoy it.
She gave a low musical laugh and moved over to sit next to me on the settee. I
could feel myself blushing as erotic thoughts ran through my mind, and my cock
became erect under my covering towel... She gave a low laugh and placed her
right hand on my thigh.
"Alan I dressed like this especially for you tonight. I enjoy having men look at
me. I like to see their reaction. I especially wanted to see yours, if you are
going to be living here with me.”
“I was very conscious of the hand that was now resting on my thigh and I saw
that she was gazing steadily into my eyes as she said.
"And I expect that you would like to look at my breasts wouldn’t you?”
Boldly I replied. Liz I think you are trying to seduce me, and if you really
are, I will admit I would.” I replied.
"Of course you would" she repeated with mock coyness.
"I can tell, with that reply that although you may only be seventeen, you do not
lack experience," she went on as her cool fingers started boldly fingering my
"But Alan I believe that you are already turned on without looking at my boobs.”
My eyes dropped to her lap in response to the implicit suggestion.
"Are you trying to see if I have any panties on?” she teased.
I could feel myself blushing.”” Yes I did wonder.” I responded feeling a surge
of confidence flow into me.
“Well I don’t. So now aren’t you at all worried that I may be trying to seduce
you Alan and trying to take advantage of you? After all, the lights are dim; the
room is warm and cozy. I have you all alone with no one to see what I am doing
to you. I could caress you and you might become hopelessly aroused?"
I gave a little cynical laugh.
“You know Liz that I am hopelessly aroused, and I don’t mind you taking advantage of me unless of course you are just teasing?” I replied. I could feel her hand slowly caressing my cock. Her actions were begging the question.
I said. You are a beautiful woman, you have me aroused, but I can not imagine for a minute why you would want to make love with me a mere teenager.
“Here Alan lets get more comfortable, and I am not teasing. I know a lot about
you. You are young fit and everyone speaks well of you. You are an answer to a
frustrated maidens prayer.”
She pulled my arm round her shoulders and laid her head on mine, her hair tickling my bare skin. Her hand was almost bringing me to shooting my load.
"Are you afraid then that I might make you have sex with me against your will?"
"No" I answered” I am more worried that you might not want to have sex with me
after getting this far.” She slid her hand up to my waist and pulled the towel
free. She smiled as she dropped her hand once more to my cock.
.”Ok, so all I have to do is take you to bed with me. I promise I’ll make you
enjoy it so much, that after a while, you will never want to leave this house
Alan. But if we go to my bed tonight, you are committing yourself to me for the
immediate future. I am not into one night love affairs. You must promise that
you will not walk out on me in the morning. You will become my full time live in
lover as long as you are here and you do not talk about it to anyone. Is it a
I could only give one answer in view of the task that had been assigned me.
“The answer is yes Elizabeth, I am really enchanted by you, but you are already
“Yes Alan, but my husband is in Burma, he is posted missing and the chances are
that he may never come home, or if he does, what then? I am not much older than
you, and now I need a man in my life. I want sex. I want some sort of affection.
I want someone to love me. I am not a prude. I know we have only just met, but I
have already taken to you.”
I nodded, as I gazed at this lovely creature. Then she said.
“I want you to become my passionate live in lover. You have what I need, and
soon I know that you will need what I have, what I can give you. A home and
affection and stability and good sex.”
Not waiting for my response she leaned forward and planted those luscious lips on mine. The coolness of her satin robe pressing against my bare skin, and the way she was keeping hold of my cock plus the way she kissed was enough.
She stood up and let her robe slip to the floor, followed quickly by her nightdress. She stood in front of me, and pulled my face down and in to her vagina... I knew exactly what to do and she came quickly and filled my mouth with her cum. I licked every drop, but I didn't stop! I did not want to stop as I brought her to a second and a third orgasm. I looked up and she had closed her eyes and was letting the waves of pleasure flood over her.
At last her breathing returned to normal and she pushed me back on the couch, and moved to straddle my hips. She took my face in her hands and kissed me again, and then she said. I am a passionate woman and I have a passionate woman's needs.” As she spoke she guided my cock between her vaginal lips.
She was an expert and the flexing of her lower abdominal muscles, was mind
Then she whispered “Just lie back, my darling, and feel my pussy close around
your cock. Feel it riding up and down your cock, taking you deeper and deeper
into me each time. From now on, you will sleep with no other woman – you are
mine. I will manage your sex life, and you will love the way I fuck you. My
pussy goes up ... and down ... up .and down ... deeper and deeper.
Close your eyes and let me fuck you...fuck you..."
Suddenly I felt myself cumming in long surging bursts "Now, my precious! Now!" I
found that I came at her command, and her own orgasm enveloping and absorbing my
cum. Only when she felt me slow down did she allow a her own fourth climax to
wash over her. I don’t now how I got to bed that night, but I did, and I awoke
in the early morning to Elisabeth’s luscious naked body enveloping mine, as once
again she demanded my attention.
I was glad that I was free on the Saturday and Sunday which was the following two days and Elizabeth soon had me completely under her spell. During those two days she produced a whole range of nearly new clothes for me to wear, the quality of which I could never afford myself, and I guessed rightly that they belonged to her absent husband.
Liz and I quickly became inseparable. Sunday was a lovely early spring sunny day and she produced two bicycles and we rode through the estate to a large lake, where we had a picnic and made love, without the fear of anyone catching us. The sun was shining and we lay naked on a blanket and made love time after time. We went home and after an early dinner we again went to bed.
The two domestic staff was two quite attractive young married ladies, and Liz made no attempt to hide our relationship from them. By Monday morning our ardor had cooled a little, and in a sense I was relieved to report to Bletchley Park. Liz was looking after me really well and refused to take any rent off me. When I persisted in asking she replied.
“Put it this way darling boy, you are working your passage in my bed. It’s so good I ought to be paying you” She would not listen to my protests so I reluctantly had to agree. I must admit that our life together was very sexually active, but I was not complaining.
My first day at my new job was May 10th. I knew but of course no-one else knew
at this time, that this was an important day in the war. It was a day which
would certainly help to turn the war in our direction. Today was the day when
U110 was forced to the surface by some convoy escorts and boarded by seaman from
HMS Bulldog. They captured the famous Enigma machine and stacks of secret
The U Boat was taken in tow but sank on the way back to the UK. This news would break in Bletchley Park but would not become common knowledge until after the war. Within a short period of time the people at Bletchley Park would be able to read the German Coded messages with ease, and direct convoys away from the U Boat wolf packs.
The fact the we were able to warn convoys about German movements, and numbers of U Boats in an area meant that many lives were saved. The Germans on their part never found out about the capture and just assumed that we had got a lot more canny in defending our convoys.
Bletchley Park was a big disappointment to me. I was treated very much like a junior and during the first few days spent a lot of time running senseless errands and carrying bits of paper around. When I protested, I was told quite bluntly I was doing what juniors do. I met Heidi again, and it was only after she intervened on my behalf, and told them what I had previously accomplished that I was taken much more seriously, and given more responsible work in monitoring German wartime broadcasts.
Heidi lived on the site and we went to her room and spent some time holding each other and kissing. I fondled her breasts and I could tell that Heidi was anxious for us to make love. I was glad to see her again and I owed her a lot for what she had done for me. I felt very guilty at cheating on Liz bur as usual Heidi had the knack of making me feel very relaxed and very horny.
“I know its crazy Toni darling but I think I am in love with you. I‘ve missed you so much” She said. As she spoke she was straddling me positioning herself in her favourite position. So my cock was just pressing against the opening to her love tunnel and I felt her soft fingers fumble around my cock. I gasped as she rubbed its sensitive head against her moist slit.
"OOOoooohhhhh!" I moaned as I felt the intense sensation of my hard cock being inserted into her warm, tight, love tunnel. Heidi smiled down at me as she wriggled her shapely hips from side to side, inexorably sliding my cock deeper and deeper into her. Love tunnel. Gradually letting the weight of her body do the work. I lay back watching her beautiful firm breasts with bullet hard nipples ripple slightly in time with her movement. I knew what she liked so I reached up and started fondling them gently. Her eyes closed and she shuddered. "Oh, yes-s-s, darling, this is nice. Better than I remembered. Lie still darling let me do the work, just lie there and let it happen."
Heidi tossed her head her beautiful long blonde hair, letting it fly erotically round her face. She moaned “Oh darling it feels fantastic” For my part once again I was immersed in an agony of pleasure. Heidi was creating all sorts of sensations as she rode me, she felt fantastic, and she was so tight, warm and slippery. My head moved from side to side, as I tried to match her movements thrusting my hips upwards into her, as she increased the tempo of her hips bouncing up and down on my cock.
"Ohhhhh!" she gasped. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh
I felt Heidi begin to tremble as she started to come. She gave one particularly hard thrust of her hips as she stopped pressing her body against me to get the maximum penetration as she ground her hips against me. Trying if possible to get me even deeper inside her. We were coming together in a grand passion as we ground our bodies against one another. In an agony of passion.
She flopped don on top of me her blonde hair floating across my face, her
breathing hard and erratic; her lips just touching my throat, and her hot breath
on my face, as she lay on my shoulder recovering her breath . I was till inside
her and I could feel her still twitching slightly around my cock. We
made love again and it was almost two hours later when Heidi decided that she
should shower and dress she bent over and kissed me on the lips and I made my
way back to Liz.
We got a refridgerator box and turned it into a glory hole suck station... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting