God is on Our side
Chapter 4
The police seemed very embarrassed at having to take me into the police station. They put me in a room on my own. My family and many of our neighbours were all waiting outside and making their presence felt. They were harassing the police who were nearly all members of the local community and the police seemed to quite openly sympathise with their protest. I could hear a constable trying to explain that I had been arrested on orders of the Military Police and not their own authority...
However about half an hour after I had been arrested the door opened, and a very
stout army major entered the room, together with a young attractive female
second lieutenant. I could see from their insignia and the red caps that they
were military police.
“Stand up when I enter the room.” He shouted at me. I just laughed, I could not
help myself, and the young second lieutenant could not help but give a little
smile of sympathy.
“You impudent young pup.” The major shouted at me as he sat down.
I just ignored him, and kept a smile on my face. I could imagine that a normal
18 year old boy would probably have been utterly fazed by this mans
arrogance, and demeanor, but I had a thirty year old mind and experience inside
my head...
I am Major Stamp and this is Lieutenant Rhodes, we are the duty intelligence
officers at the war office.
“First of all what do you mean by retaining items that you removed from a
prisoner of war?”
“What items?” I asked quietly.
“Sir – you address me as sir.”
“I am not in the army, and I only addressed my teachers as sir when I was at
school.” I told him firmly but quietly.
“The map case.”
“Where were you at ten minutes past three yesterday afternoon?” I asked.
“What’s that got to do with you?”
“Yesterday afternoon at ten minutes past three, I was facing a very frightened
Luftwaffe Pilot with one foot stuck down a loo and waving a loaded pistol. I
took the loaded pistol off him, and then the Home Guard, the police and the
Press arrived. All hell broke loose, and I forgot about the case but I gave the
pistol to the Home Guard and the case to the duty sergeant this morning. But I
expect at that time you were snoring off your lunch”
“Don’t be bloody impudent you……” as he spoke he raised his fist as though to hit
“Don’t sir.” Lieutenant Rhodes said as she grabbed his arm.
“She threw me a pleading look as though asking me to cool it a bit.”
At that point the Superintendent of police came in the room. I think that you
had better go. I have heard enough and I will be making my report to your
superiors Major; this young man is here in police custody. You lay one finger on
him, and I will arrest you. He did a good job yesterday, and he deserves more
respect, than a desk bound yob like you are prepared to give him”...
Turning to me.” You go on home Alan and enjoy your Christmas, pop back in here
in the morning if you would please. The major was very clearly upset and
realising he had lost this round, pushed his way out the door and stomped to his
waiting car, obviously in a foul mood.
When we got outside Lt Forbes asked “With your permission Superintendent I would
like to ask Alan where he learnt his German.”
“I learned French and German myself from books, and listening to radio
broadcasts I told her’ I always had an interest in languages.”
“Thank you Alan I am sorry about the Majors attitude. I will probable be seeing
you again.”
She shook hands with me, and I left to join my waiting family and press outside.
The next morning I reported to the Police Station and the Sergeant said. There are two people from the War office coming to see you, but meanwhile, I have been asked to ask you to give an official statement on what actually happened on Christmas day for the record. He was very nice, and sat with me as together we wrote the report.
We had just finished when Lt Forbes arrived with a civilian, who said
immediately “Guten Morgen Herr Nash. Wie geht es ihnen”. I replied as I assumed
he expected “ Sehr Gut Danke mein Herren.”
He laughed and we sat down in an interview room. He did not waste any time.” I
gather that you work for the Post Office Alan, which means that you are already
a member of the Civil service. Now to put it bluntly we have a big problem – we
have a big shortage of people who are fluent in German French and other European
languages and we wondered whether you would like to come and work for us as part
of government intelligence.”
I said. “Provisionally I am very interested. What would I be doing?”
“At first I am afraid nothing very exciting, but we deal mainly in low level intelligence, you see we analyse everything we get in writing from Europe and we have people who listen to every short wave broadcast from European countries that we can pick up. All this information although initially it may seem mundane and routine, helps us build a picture on what is happening in Europe. You would obviously be taken on for a trial period, and the future would depend very much on where your skills and interests lie. The pay is not stupendous, but it would be a lot better than you are getting now.”
I told him that I thought I would be very interested and he said. “Well we must contact the Post Office first, and arrange the formal transfer and I will send you details in the next few days.”
Department X
It was about a week later when I had my transfer completed. The office of department X was based in central London not far from the Admiralty Arch. The boss was an ex professor from Oxford who was a language expert, and who had been seconded from the university for the war period. At first he seemed very embarrassed to have a mere teenager working in the department, but he soon realised that I had the skills that they so badly needed. It was strange at first for me working in an office, without computers and video screens and calculators and all the other instruments which I had became accustomed to in my previous life. The typewriters we used were very much objects of curiosity in the year 2000 and I had seen them in museums.
The staff was mostly female but we had a few older men who were too old for military service. I was very much the junior by about ten years, but also increasingly very much pampered by the men starved ladies, many of whom came from European countries such as Holland and Belgium. We also had two ladies from Austria and one from Switzerland. For which of course German was a native language. The one thing we all had in common was the ability to speak and or read and write German and other European languages.
We seemed to gel into quite a good social group, and there was very little conflict or jealousy in the office. We frequently would go to a local café run by a lady called Carol, for a coffee and a chat when work permitted or during lunch hours. The section I worked with dealt very much with prisoners of war mail and newspaper cuttings that may have been included in the post. The German censors were variable in quality and sometimes real snippets of information was missed and fell into our hands...
I was paired up with a very slim glamorous blonde lady of about 32 whose name was Heidi and who originally came from Austria. Her family was still in Austria, but her husband was British and was serving in the British Army. He had as far as she knew, been taken prisoner at Dunkirk and was posted as missing presumed killed. She was a darling, and had a lovely personality, and had been a model working for a London fashion house until the outbreak of war
At first Heidi was a bit shy with me, but I soon became aware that not unusually she was missing her husband and male company. At first it was just the occasional glance and a smile, then a little touching and then she started doing little things for me like fetching coffee and giving, me some of her sweet ration, and soon we became quite close, and I became very fond of her.
The only problem for me with this new job was that I had to travel daily to the
office from the east side of London. I was allowed some travel concession plus
free lunches because of my age. I was issued with a little blue ticket that I
could take to a local restaurant and exchange for a meal up to a certain pre
determined value of 2/6d.
The traveling was a bit of a nuisance as it was a long way home from the office especially when there was an air raid on. By the time I had got to Stratford of an evening, my mother and Beanie and perhaps Mandy would already be at the station sheltering for the night. They would usually have my sleeping bag with them.
One night when there was a particularly bad raid and I was hesitating about
going home. I had previously suggested to my mother that I could probably sleep
on the floor in the office, or go to the underground shelter provided by the
government. She had reluctantly agreed that it would be safer, and more
convenient, and save her a lot of worry. Heidi knew what I was considering as we
had discussed my problem beforehand.
Heidi suggested hesitantly.
“Why don’t you come home with me Alan?”
I know she lived quite near in some government owned accommodation.
I hesitated briefly, but I knew that my mother would not be too worried if I did
not come home as she had been warned...
I said. “Thank you. Are you sure it is not too much trouble?”
“No love.” she said. “I would welcome the company on nights like this. I hate
being on my own.”
It was a bright moonlight nigh often referred to as a “Bombers Moon” and quite
light out in the street, with the searchlights probing the sky and the distant
hum of aircraft in the sky, but the local guns were quiet so we did not have the
problem of falling flak. Nevertheless the Air Raid wardens were attempting to
bully people into taking shelter.
I was quite proud to be seen with such a beautiful woman. It had been raining that morning so she was wearing a red mackintosh and a white silk scarf round her neck. She had a black beret on her head which contrasted well with her blonde hair. As we walked she tucked her arm possessively in mine. Fortunately the bombing was more in the East of London, so we made it to her home quite quickly. As soon as we got into her apartment she busied herself getting some drinks and a meal and then we settled down to listen to a radio broadcast. Somehow as we sat on the couch, our bodies seemed to gravitate together and before long we were kissing.
Suddenly, she got up and rushed into the bedroom. I thought I had offended her,
but then she appeared in the doorway stark naked. And said.
“Well are you coming to bed then, or are you going to stay there all night.”
I responded quickly and soon we were lying down just looking at one another, I put my arm round Heidi’s neck and she rested her beautiful blonde head on my shoulder. I was enjoying the feel of her lovely body against mine and the soft feel of her hair on my shoulders. We lay there like that for a long time just enjoying the feel of each others bodies and giving each other little kisses, and gently using our hands to explore each others bodies. I could feel her breasts pushing hard against my chest. Her nipples were hard like a pair of bullets. As we were doing this I let my hands wander down her beautiful soft warm body relishing her softness and the smell of her.
After a while she pulled away and her hand went down and started fondling my cock. We both moaned little happy moans as she massaged my cock. I put one hand on her buttocks and started fingering her rectum. I pushed my forefinger gently into her rectum. She moaned and pushed hard against me.
To my surprise she co-operated and she raised her upper leg and put her knee on my hip. This made it much easier for me. I let my fingers slide forward, until they came in contact with her vagina from behind. She was extremely warm and wet and I guessed ready for almost anything. I started stroking her vagina and she was moving in conjunction with me. I let my finger part her lips and start exploring her; she moaned and pushed harder against me.
At the same time she was gently massaging my cock and I was so hard it was almost hurting. We continued exploring each others bodies for a few more moments. Her kissing became even more passionate, and then Heidi pulled away, she whispered in a loud hoarse whisper “Darling I want you inside me now.” Molly rolled over on her back and she me intently as I positioned myself between her legs.
She looked up at me and smiled. But at that moment we were only considering
ourselves. I pushed gently as my cock started sliding into her love tunnel.
Heidi carefully let me go in as far as she was comfortable, she was holding my
cock and releasing it as she felt comfortable.
“Go slowly sweetie it’s been a long time.” she whispered. .
I kept pulling out and pushing back slowly a little farther each time. Until I was in as far as I could go. I stopped and looked deeply into Heidi’s eyes, she reached up and put her arms round my neck and started giving me passionate kisses as she ground her slim body against mine. All the time she was moving her hips in time with me.
Then her body started vibrating, and then she seemed to go all stiff, letting out a little half screams. I held my cock right up inside her, as her vagina muscles started a vibration on my cock as her body rubbed against me. Finally, her body stopped vibrating and she looked up at me and smiled as she said, “You are one dangerous boy I could fall in love with you quite easily” That was fantastic, and you gave me what I have been missing for a long long time.”
As she spoke I was still moving gently, I knew I could not last much longer, as once again Heidi started moving with me. I could feel my orgasm building and suddenly I started coming. I started spurting into her; Heidi went wild as she also started having another orgasm... Her body was tossing from side to side she was moaning. It seemed to go on forever until we rolled apart gasping for breath. I put my arm round Heidi and she snuggled up to me. I knew that she would only give me a few moments before she would want me again. Then she said. “Do you know I would never think that a boy of your age could be so good in bed!”
The next morning we went into the office together, making no secret of the fact that I had stayed at her flat the night before. But our very open attitude seemed to convince the others that we had not slept together
Our work was at times interesting and sometimes boring. Much of the material was letters taken off dead Germans, or taken from prisoners of war. It was about two days later that I picked up quite a long letter of five pages addressed to a German major who was the senior German officer located in a prisoner of war camp in Scotland. As I read the letter carefully I became suspicious of the grammar being used. Gradually it dawned on me that there was a code being used in the letter. It was quite simple, with the second letter of every sentence making the spelling of a word in German.
The inference of the message when I unscrambled the significant letters was that an escape plan had been formulated by the prisoners, and the reply was confirming that a U Boat would be waiting at a designated beach to take the escapees back to Germany. I called the Boss over and he was highly delighted. While we awaited personnel from intelligence HQ to arrive, I decided that we should re-examine further letters which could possibly contain messages. We discovered two more messages addressed to other officers which linked to the first, made more sense and gave us much more information.
The officers from the Counter Intelligence department were amazed to find that a 18 year old boy had discovered the plot. They were not quite sure how to handle the situation. They were highly surprised and delighted to find that a mere juvenile like me had made such a discovery left them as it were “all at sea” The one man whispered to me. ”The boss does not know whether to give you a medal or buy you a bag of lollipops.”
Eventually the whole apartment was called to a brief meeting and congratulated about the find, and I was singled out and given public praise. However, we were given a warning about leaks from the department which had recently been discovered, and we were all warned that we should not speak to friends or family or any strangers. Discussions were underway to give the department a good cover name.
A class of bored high-school class, spice up a gap between lessons... |
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- xxx
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- moral
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- facesitting