Double Trouble for the Teacher
"Yes," I said matter-of-factly, "but there's somewhere we can put it so that it will be real comfy."
Sam looked at me questioningly, and then understood. She moved back, rose up slightly; then, used her hand to guide my stiff cock to her entrance. As she slid down upon me she gasped in shock, and then moaned, "Oh my that's heaven! Oh, yesss!"
I could not disagree. I held her broad hips as she rode up and down my manhood. In seconds she was kissing me more passionately than ever; I gave as good as I got.
"Oh this is wonderful!" she cried softly,”
Finally Sam shuddered, saying, "Tony! Tony, I think I’m coming!"
"Yes! Yes, do it! I'm coming too!" I said fiercely, savoring my own bliss. From my cock surged a wave of cum that flooded into Sam’s pussy. My words sent her over the edge in a powerful ecstasy of moans and oh yeses. For a full minute she held me like a vise, the heat of her body pressing into me, the exotic smell of her perfume.
So it was with me. For long minutes Sam kissed my face, my lips, my chest, any
part of me that her lips could reach. Her eyes glistening with tears, she said,
"Oh honey, you don't know what that meant to me! You just don't know!"
“I can guess.” I whispered as I grinned, and started fondling those wonderful breasts again.
We both missed dinner that night and when I awoke at 7.00 am the following morning I found that she had left me during the night at some time.
Next Chapter 4
Chapter 4
The birthday party
I settled in very quickly with the family Christmas was a lavish affair, and my parents came to visit. Lady temple and Fiona behaved impeccably and my parents went away very impressed. I quickly became used to having everything done for me in the way of washing and cooking and my apartment cleaned every day. Most nights I was joined by Fiona, but every time I raised the question of paying rent. It was totally ignored and I was told to leave it for the time being.
By way of repayment I started doing little jobs around the house such as decorating and minor repairs. The twins identity problem was very much on our minds, and every time I entertained them the fact that the one who should have been just watching seemed to be having the same orgasm as the sister being mounted was at time a little disconcerting.
I raised the question with Fiona one night. “What happens when they marry, will they both suffer labour pains when one has a baby? Then just consider the very big problem of one making love and the other one may start having an orgasm when she is in an embarrassing situation with her husband or entertaining guests? The only reply I got was from Fiona saying “Well darling you will have to tell me when you make up your mind which one to marry”
The whole problem came to a head one afternoon just after I had returned from
school a bit later than usual. I arrived home just as Fay was walking past on
her way to the lake. I asked her where she was going and she told me she wanted
to go and see if the nesting swans wee OK, before darkness came...
I arrived indoors just as the dinner gong went and Fiona was a bit annoyed that
Fay had decided to go out just at that time.
We had just started dinner when Misty started to double up in pain and cry out. I immediately knew that Fay was in trouble and I shot out of the house towards the lake as fast as I could go. It took me about three minutes to cover the distance the lake and as I got near I could hear some youths laughing and I heard Fay cry out, I cam on the lads almost by surprise in the twilight and I hit them at full speed, when they fell flat into the lake.
Fay was covered in mud and very wet and clung to me crying profusely just as a massive explosion rang out and I felt buckshot hit my rear end. Luckily I had Fay covered and I heard Fay shout out “No Grandma stop you have shot Tony.”
A very muddy Lady Temple came running up to me and she said as she tried to recover her breath. “I fell over and I was just about to shoot as I thought you were one of the trespassers and was assaulting Fay”. I replied through the waves of pain that were wracking my body. “No I was being assaulted by Fay: Her assailants are in the lake.”
She murmured “Thank the Lord no-one was hurt.”
I remained silent, although my body was wracked with pain as I did not want to cause Lady Temple to lose her shotgun licence. Although on reflection, I was beginning to realise that life would be a lot safer for me if she lost her driving licence and her shotgun licence as well.
We gradually recovered from the shock of the last few minutes seconds to see two terrified youths standing up to their chest in the muddy water and two very angry Swans with their feathers fluffed up not at all amused by the interruptions round their nest site and debating whether to leave the nest and attack the intruders..
Lady Temple waved the gun at the youths and told them to come out of the water and when my old mate Jack Dempsey the local policeman turned up having been called by Fiona they were arrested for trespass and for attempting to steal the eggs of a protected bird. They in turn said they did not know that Swans were protected by a royal warrant.
They in turn complained they had been shot at but everyone scoffed at that idea as Lady Temple had hidden the shotgun in a nearby bush. I meanwhile was wondering how I was going to sit down for meals in the next few days. I could feel the blood dripping down my legs.
As jack took the two intruders away in handcuffs I felt myself go dizzy and that was the last I remembered until I came to my senses a few moments later, having been loaded into the Landrover by the girls, with Fiona saying. “I thought he was tougher than that, and now I am not sure whether I want to marry a man that faints at the slightest upset.”
I realised that no-one had gauged the full extent of my injuries and I could not help quipping. “I am not sure whether I want to marry a woman whose mother knocks him off his bike and then fills his ass full of buckshot.”
After a horrified silence they seemed to move together to turn me over and remove m y pants to examine my injuries. They were horrified as my blood stained anatomy was revealed to all the waiting females, which now included the two maids that were on duty. Misty was the first to react and fetched some cotton wool and started to wash my rear end. Fay said enigmatically “I told you Grandma that you had shot Tony”
Their then took place a very disconcerting conversation as they discussed what they were going to do with me. Lady Temple then said. “When you see these western films they get a pair of tweezers and remove the buckshot one by one.” Fiona went on “But surely we should give him an anesthetic. It will be a bit painful.” Then one of the girls piped up. :”Don’t they usually give them a few slugs of whisky or something, until he passes out and then they take them out.”
To cut a long story short I insisted that they take me to hospital where I was put to sleep and the offending pellets removed. The story I gave the doctors was that Lady Temple was putting the gun away in the cupboard when she dropped it. Once again my old pal jack Dempsey came to Lady Temples rescue and accepted the story.
I had to have a couple of days off from school and for a week or so I sat down very gingerly. I took a lot of ribbing at school, when the facetious rumours carried storied about, how I had been caught with another woman’s husband and another story that was eagerly retailed was that it was Fanny Fortescue’s revenge. The family after getting over the shock treated it as did I, as just one of those things. The only exception was at school when Misty spoke up and said with a smile one day.
”Why don’t you sit down sir – you are looking tired? Of course she knew full well that I could not sit down and the reference to being tired was probably due to the fact that I had spent the previous night with her and Fay
The incident brought to the fore the problem with the twins and Fiona decided to take the girls to Harley Street for some medical advice. None of it was particularly helpful, with one eminent surgeon suggesting that surgery may be an option but their were risks. In the end we concluded that the only opinion that made sense was one psychiatrist who said enigmatically. “Let them alone, they may lose some of this ability as they get older. So what if they get two orgasms for the price of one. They should be so lucky.”
However a family conference took place and the girls unanimously agreed that they both wanted to marry me. But as I could only marry one Misty asked which one did I wish to marry? They were a bit shocked when I replied neither. “I want to marry your mother and if she agrees we can all go on sleeping together and living together as we do now.
Fiona did not seem at all surprised at my answer. She said “Think of the problems that would occur if you two were to have to marry two different men. Just think of the occasion when one of you decides to have a bit of midday nookie, and the other one has an orgasm at the same time in the middle of Marks and Spencers or somewhere similar
Now at the beginning I told you that life is very funny. So now here I am just turned 25 with six babies on the way – you see twins run in the family, and Fiona and the twins are all expecting twins, So in a very short period of time I will be the father of six bouncing babies all due roughly within seven days.
I just can not wait to see the registrars face when we register the births and I have to declare myself as the father of all of them. I hope that they are not all girls!
We are now in the process of trying to hire three nurses to look after the children after they are born
Fiona brought up the question of relationship after the births. We came up with these thoughts. The children born to Fiona and myself would be our daughters, and Lady Temples grandchildren. But those children as well would be Aunts or Uncles to the children of Fay and Misty, as well as being half brothers and sisters because I was the father. They would also be the great grandchildren of Lady Temple. They would also be cousins to the other twins children.
The End
PS Lady Temple has not yet declared that she is pregnant – yet.
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