Double Trouble for the Teacher
I had arrived at the school at the beginning of the autumn term after a previous appointment at another school near my home in the Midlands. The staff at the school was largely aged between 50 and the graveyard. The staff room smelt of embrocation, full strength mints, and stale sandwiches. Apart from Freda, and one or two young married teachers there was no other real female talent available. Most of the staff seemed to be approaching retirement age, and spent half their non-teaching time snoring away in arm chairs and sucking peppermints. The staff room had that kind of smell associated with an old persons retirement home.
Fanny very kindly took me under her wing so to speak, and helped me get established. It is a daunting prospect starting at a new school and you are expected to perform in the class room as a new teacher from day one. The Head was a nice elderly lady of about 60 who pointed me in the direction of Mrs. Grimm’s lodgings, something for which I will never forgive her. I later found that Mrs. Grimm was her aunt. In the following three months I tried my very best to find alternative lodgings, but this was a very high class neighborhood, and affordable lodgings were not easily available. The only offer was from Fanny herself, who indicated her parents had a spare room which was available, but my inbred caution kicked in and I decided I should not get too involved there.
Indeed it became clearer as time went on, that Fanny was desperately looking forward to Holy Matrimony, and so any half eligible male that crossed her bows was considered a possible target. One of the elderly male teachers in his waking moments briefly opened his eyes one morning and succinctly told me. “Keep clear of that one sonny or you will find yourself in deep shit.” A warning that I should have taken to heart.
The local talent was very thin on the ground and so as Fanny was very friendly we got on OK. However in desperation and in need of some out of work female company we started dating. We had several excursions to the local cinema and we went to one or two Saturday night dances, where Fanny after imbibing one or two drinks became very giggly and very passionate. In the cinema she obviously expected me to do more than I was prepared to do and on a couple of occasions I had to move or go to the toilet to prevent her very active hands straying in places where my mother always told me nice girls never played.
But Fanny was undeterred and one night after the dance she insisted that we go to a local beauty spot some three miles out of town on a hill overlooking a large lake... It was the sort of place where the local authority went around twice a week gathering up and recycling discarded condoms. Going there was a big mistake as I soon found that she had a well equipped car with a ground sheet and rug in the boot and the overwhelming determination to cement our relationship further than casual snogging.
I am not quite sure how it happened but within about five minutes or so, I was naked on the groundsheet with a naked Fanny leaning over me raining my face and lips with passionate kisses. Her nipples hung down from her very ample breasts and had become large and swollen, and her eyes had a determined look of passion in them as she gazed down at me. Then she sat across my thighs as she sat their in the moonlight with her hands were busy pinching and squeezing her swollen nipples.
Her tongue licked her lips and I guessed that she was nearing the point where I must satisfy her or face the consequences of a long lonely walk back to my lodgings. The look of unbridled determination in her eyes, or perhaps passion, was almost frightening in its intensity. Then she rolled over on the ground sheet pulling me on top of her. Her arms were tight round my neck. While one hand started working between her thighs to fondle my rampant cock... Her eyes remained focused on me and reflected the sheer pleasure she was administering to herself. As far as I was concerned, common sense went out of the window and I was prepared to do what she wanted me too, at the same telling myself that one piece of nookie did not make a marriage proposal.
"You have lovely breasts I murmured!" as I leaned forward to her so I could kiss and fondle her enlarged nipples. And you have a bloody enormous cock Tony “Her eyes stared at it. Then I leaned forward and we kissed passionately, our naked bodies enjoying the feel of each other and her bullet hard nipples pressing into me. She locked her legs around my hips. Her breasts pressed heavily against my chest.
I heard myself say “Fanny I want to make love to you, here and now"
I moved my hand down so that my fingers could penetrate her pussy. Her tight pussy responded at each thrust causing her to jerk with pleasure. Her juices flowed copiously and began to run down her legs.
I pushed one finger home and rolled my knuckles against her engorged pussy while my other hand furiously rubbed her clit. She moaned loudly and then her thigh muscles began to ripple. Her body thrashed as she orgasmed. I kissed her passionately again, sensing her growing impatience. Her tongue pushed into my mouth and we tongue-fucked for several minutes. I had a whopper of an erection and she used one of her hands to rub my erection against her vagina .My hands held her close as she gently pointed my cock against her pussy .She expertly guided my hard cock into her warm, wet pussy and I pushed in gently as she started to move slowly at first and then increasing the tempo gradually. Her vagina muscles working on my cock like a veteran. It was not long before I was pumping my juices into her as she came time after time.
We lay back gazing up at the moon and the stars as I metaphorically kicked myself for not using a condom. My only excuse was that I had been taken a bit by surprise I resolved then that the first thing I would do on the following day would be to go to the local pharmacy and get myself kitted out.
From that day on Fanny changed in a not too subtle way decided that she wanted sex with me whenever we had half a chance, and above all she wanted me to ride bareback, insisting that she was on the pill, but I insisted that I must wear a condom, but I had to fight her all the way, and she was not at all happy with my insistence..
I did not really mind her desire to have sex as often as possible being a randy and usually very willing male, although Fanny was not the sort of girl that I had in mind for marriage or a long term relationship. Fanny was the most enthusiastic or vigorous girl I have ever had sex with. Almost every time she took control and in my not so limited experience I concluded that sex with Fanny was the nearest thing to male rape.
Another change that occurred with Fanny was in her daily behaviour, she started treating me like her fiancé, but marriage with Fanny was definitely a no-go for me. In the staff room she would insist on getting my coffee and of sitting close to me, and then she started bringing extra sandwiches for lunch for me, and gradually we began to get a little teasing from other members of the faculty. Fanny was good company socially, but for me she was not my idea of the ideal marriage partner. I sensed her determination to push our relationship to its utmost, and I was beginning to get more than a little anxious.
Her parents were very strict Methodists and I later found that they did not allow TV or Radio to be played on a Sunday unless it was for a church service, and that grace had to be said before all meals.
Well I did not mind that but on the one Sunday when I was induced to go there for tea her father introduced me to the local Methodist minister who was also a guest as “Fanny’s intended.” When the minister promptly offered congratulations to the happy couple as he put it, and brought the subject round to asking whether we had a date in mind. I had to firmly point out that Fanny and I were just teaching colleagues, and friends and that we hardly knew each other well enough to consider marriage at this time.
This brought a distinct chill into the conversation at the meal table which became very stilted, and obviously their was some embarrassment in the air. After about ten minutes I excused myself and said.” Thank you for your hospitality, but I think you will enjoy the meal better if I go now.” No-one, not even Fanny tried to stop me and I got my coat and left.
I expected that Fanny would ignore me the next day, but to my surprise she only redoubled her efforts to win me over. She apologised for her parents, saying that they had got things all wrong and it was her father “jumping the gun.” But despite this apology, I did my best to cut down on dates and tried very hard to cool our relationship. Without a lot of success.
That was the state of play on the Friday when Lady Samantha Temple abducted me after our on purpose accident to get me in the tender clutches of her daughter and granddaughters. The only thing being that was, I had promised to take Fanny to the Saturday night hop at the village hall, and with everything that had happened to me, I had forgotten to ring her. You will recall that at the time I was busy with twins, so when Monday morning came, and once again it was school time I was dreading the worst, as I drove my new car into the staff car park.
As luck would have it I parked right next to Fannies Escort and she was sat waiting with a face like thunder as she glared at me through the tinted glass. I got out of the car waved to her and made my way into the staff common room. Fanny followed a few moments later and totally ignored me. The frosty atmosphere between us was the talk of the common room, and some of the old elderly dears deliberately stayed awake to quiz me at lunch time as to their delight conjecture and gossip abounded.
My second period that day was the Math’s session in which I had the twins in my
class. I gave them due credit, as they behaved towards me impeccably, and by the
end of the lesson I felt quite relaxed and quite happy that my new accommodation
could work out OK.
It was lunch time when Fanny decides to first approach me and chide me about my
missing our date. “I went to your lodgings and Mrs. Grimm said you had not been
home, and I was worried about you.” She said.
I apologised to her. However, I was not in a very forgiving mood and having
explained that I had been knocked off my bike the previous Friday evening on the
way home from school by Lady Temple. I went on to explain that her daughter had
offered me accommodation at their home. I told Fanny, that I was not at all
pleased to hear that she had been discussing my personal attributes like the
size of my cock, with colleagues in the refectory.
For the very first time since I had known her, Fanny was at a loss for words. She apologised, but I made it clear that I did not wish to have any more dates with her, as I did not feel that what had happened between us should be a subject for gossip. She was in tears as she left me, and for a brief moment my heart went out to her, but I knew that I should not give in, as I had no intention of pursuing a permanent relationship.
It was the next afternoon that the Headmistress sent for me. As I entered her
room I knew something serious was in the air.
“Sit down Tony please.” She said with a steely look in her eyes. Miss Fortescue
has just been in to see me and she has made an accusation that you raped her.”
For a moment I almost burst out laughing and then I could see she was absolutely
“She what?” I said as I tried to come to terms with the implications of her
“She has accused you of rape.” She replied.
“What a load of rubbish, perhaps you would care to fill me in with the details.”
“Everyone knows you have been dating, but she said that on your first date you
raped her and then promised to marry her, that is why she said nothing.”
“It was about our tenth date that we had sex for the first time – she initiated
it, and she had a groundsheet and a blanket already in the boot of her car. She
was the one that took me to a popular courting spot, and she was the one who
initiated the whole proceedings. If I raped her why did she not resist, their
were plenty of people in the vicinity? We have had sex several times since and
it was only when I heard from two students that they overheard her talking about
the size of my penis in the refectory that I stopped dating her. ”
“Well Mr. Nash, Miss Fortescue has been at this school for a long time and I
must do something about this accusation, so I am recommending to the governors
that you be suspended.”
At this comment I felt my anger rising apace and I said.
“Headmistress if you have any common sense you would realise that this is a
totally unfounded accusation. If you persist in suspending me and this faulty
accusation becomes public knowledge. I will be suing you, the school and Miss
Fortescue as well. This woman is desperate to get away from home by marrying
someone. She even told her parents that I had proposed to her which was totally
Just then the door opened and Lady Temple entered the room. I have been listening outside. “I quite agree with you Mr. Nash and I support your action in every way, you will not be suspended, so return to your class.” Turning to the Headmistress she said. I heard her say as I was leaving the room. “Please ask Miss Fortescue to come here immediately, as it happens Headmistress, Mr. Nash had already previously told me about his relationship with this lady. I think it is about time that we put this young lady straight.”
The staff room was all agog when I returned, but when I was quizzed I said “It’s just my bad administration with the class registers and I got a rollicking that’s all.”
I went home that night I was furious and very much considering the possibility
of resigning immediately from the school, and leaving teaching altogether, and I
was packing my bag and waiting to see Fiona to make my apologies, when Lady
Temple came to my room. She locked the door behind her she was just dressed in
her bathrobe and smelt strongly of talcum powder and had obviously just come
from the shower. “Where are you going?’ She asked.
“You can not possibly want me to stay near your family after such an accusation.
As you well know mud sticks.”
But then Lady Temple quietly said “Miss Fortescue has withdrawn her accusation, and I have threatened the Headmistress with instant dismissal if the story becomes public knowledge. I have arranged that Miss Fortescue is transferred to another school the other side of the county so she can get away from her parents and you. – so you are completely in the clear.”
My relief must have shown as Lady Temple approached me, she murmured "Now is payback time Tony!" and let the robe fall to the floor. Now totally naked, she adroitly pulled me down on to the bed. She helped me slip off my track suit; we both caught our breath at the feel of our warm naked bodies touching.
Now we were at the point of no return, helpless to avert the inevitable. Tony you can not keep calling me Lady Temple, so from now on when we are at home or alone call me Sam which is short for Samantha which is my real name
"Yes Sam."
We lay back on the counterpane enjoying the warmth of each others bodies
"Do you know why you're here?"
"I have a pretty good hunch."
I saw that Lady Temple's blue eyes were now quite full and expressive. Her blonde hair was splayed out over the pillow and framed her face most charmingly. Yes, I thought to myself, she is a real; the woman is just as pretty as I remember. Rising up on her knees and moving her face closer to mine, she said, "Tony I have left you for my girls until now. You're a part of this household and this family. But now do you have any objection to being my lover occasionally as well?"
"No Sam I would be honoured." I replied.
"Tony, I want us to do everything tonight. There's no part of my body I won't give you, nothing I won't try if you ask me. I guess that’s how I am and what I want."
Looking at me fondly, she went on. “My daughter is in love with you and the girls are mad over you and we all want you to stay, but you must be prepared to be shared. I know we are a funny family, but that’s the way we want it."
I was speechless, a few weeks ago I was a penniless teacher and now I was being put in the position of family stud to four very glamorous women – three generations of the same family.
I took her shoulders and drew her to me, our lips joining for the very first time, tasting her for the first time. Once we had settled into a comfortable smooch, I gently eased my tongue into her mouth, finding her tongue. I felt as much as heard her moan as the kiss became more intense. Then I slid my hands down to cup her full breasts. Her nipples were long and firm. Squeezing her breasts, I noted that they were more soft and pliable than Fiona.
After a moment Sam murmured, "Tony, that's the sweetest kiss I've had in years! Give me more, darling boy give me more!"
For the next few moments we savored the taste of each other, our passion now
melting away the tension in the room. Soon Lady Temple was in my lap, pressing
me as close as she could get.
"Am I mashing you’re ..... cock down there?" she whispered, a playful smile on her lips.
Raven takes control of the situation... |
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