Dans le Murs Part 10
I was given the once over followed by a very gentle change of the bandages and padding. I risked a peep and saw a large, blotchy bruise in my side with stitches in the middle. I went cold and shivered. The doctor noticed and smiled. “It look very bad but not so bad as it looks.” he said, “Wound clean but much bruising. It will improve slowly. Other side looks the same. It will heal but you must be very careful for long time.” I smiled wanly.
“How is Nahdya?” I asked when they had finished.
His face dropped and he looked down. “I can do nothing more for her here.” he said softly, “She need hospital. Only gods can save her. I so sorry sir.”
“What the fuck happened?” I asked.
“Movement tear delicate stitching.” he explained, “She bleeding. Need more than we can do.”
I felt the tears welling up. Although she was initially just a business partner I realised I had fallen deeply in love with this beautiful young woman. It was not just sexual and I did not want to lose my second chance of happiness. “May I see her, please?” I asked.
He shook his head. “It not good idea for you. You must take care also.”
“Bollocks to that!” I said sharply, “I want to see her and I will even if you don’t help.”
“Alright sir.” he agreed, “You must not stand but crawl. She in room near. Come, I show.”
I slid off the bunk, noting when the pain increased and adjusted my movements accordingly. Crawling was slow but without stress and we made our way to the next room. I gasped when I saw Nahdya lying on a thick bunk, plasma bottles and drips in her arms, her skin grey and limp.
I knelt close. “Nahdya, Nahdya.” I called softly.
Her eyes flickered. “Colin?” her voice so thin and trembling.
“Yes darling.” I moved closer, seeing her chest move so little and so slowly. “Now don’t you dare go and die on me you silly cow. Between us we managed to get shot up a little but I am not going to suffer while you quietly pop off. Remember we have a job to do and you promised to show me the delights of Thailand before we leave. Also I would like to meet your parents, preferably with you beside me. I don’t want to have to tell them I got you killed. Oh shit, you stupid cow, don’t you know that I love you and need you. Anyway, how will I explain to the Grand Master that I managed to get you killed? Nahdya, I need you beside me, preferably breathing, for all time if you will have me. Take my hand and be strong my love.”
I placed my hand in hers, cold, clammy and limp. She gave a small cough but continued to breath slowly. The doctor tried to draw me away but I refused. “I will stay here.” I said, “In the other bunk.”
He shrugged and sent the nurse for my things. He helped me in and I lay, listening for any change. I dozed fitfully and was awakened by the doctor. I waved him away. “How is she?” I asked, looking at the still form.
“The gods smile on her.” he said, “She lives but just. She is weak and I have no more plasma but I think she is not bleeding so much.”
”Let me speak to her.”
He helped me to kneel close and I took her cold hand once more. “Attagirl!” I said more strongly, “Keep fighting Nahdya, I know you can and when you are well we will make love again my darling and this time it will be for a baby and not simply pleasure. We will be together, you, me and a beautiful baby. I am here with you all the time.”
Her eyes flickered again. “Baby?” she whispered, “Baby? Oh my lover, if only it could be, if only it could be so………” She smiled serenely as her heart flickered erratically and her hand relaxed. “No! No!” I screamed at the silence then at the doctor who moved quickly to the bunk, “No, she can’t die on me. Do something!”
He felt for a pulse on the side of her neck then shook his head sorrowfully at me. “I can do no more.” his voice was calm, “She is at peace and it is in the hands of her god. It was always a great risk so soon to move her.”
I exploded with a stream of expletives that would have moved a Petty Officer to blushes. I cursed everything and everybody as tears flowed freely. The doctor jabbed me with a needle and I felt myself dropping away. When I awoke I was back in my own cabin; my mouth was dry and I called for water. The doctor gave me a glass of juice. I looked firmly at him. “Hear me doctor.” I spoke slowly, “Hear me. I swear on Nahdya’s grave that I will avenge her. I swear that sadistic woman will pay in pain and blood. If I die in the attempt I will punish her for taking away my chance of happiness. Nothing else matters now; my life is over and I dedicate what remains to seeking and destroying that filthy slut. Just get me back to some sort of function doc and I will have my revenge.”
The doctor smiled at me benignly. “Perhaps grave maybe little, how you say, premature.” he said softly.
“What do you mean, premature?” I queried, “I don’t understand.”
“Your woman not dead.” he replied, “She is young, her heart strong. Nearly fail but now much better. Bleeding stop and, long as we keep her still for two, maybe three, days then she will recover.”
“Don’t piss with me doctor.” I turned on him sharply, “You told me she was dead and with her god; now you say she is recovering. That’s bullshit and you know it!”
He shook his head sagely. “I say she in her gods hands not with her god. Very much difference I think. Now, you rest and maybe see your woman tomorrow for short while.”
It was hard to describe my feelings just then. I had lost but now I had a second chance. Tears flowed and I think I thanked her gods. Three days passed and we both improved. On the fourth day we were brought back down with a bump as the skipper rushed in and spoke a torrent of Thai to the doctor as he checked me. His face drained of colour. I looked enquiringly at them.
“Mrs T has found us sir.” the doctor explained the panic, “She is following us with a fast, armed launch.”
The following hours were spent in a cat and mouse game trying to throw off our pursuers. As we got ever closer to Indian territorial waters our spirits began to rise. Even so, we were only just in sight of a Naval vessel when the pursuing launch began closing on us. I then used an illegal radio signal to draw the attention of the Indian gunboat to us knowing they would react quickly.
After a delay of fifteen minutes I was informed that the Indian navy was on the VHF demanding to know what we were doing and warning us of the consequences of breaking Indian maritime regulations. Now was not the time to wilt so I continued. Apparently so did the tempo on the VHF. We were warned that we faced arrest if we continued. I did just that. The captain reported a second S-Band sweep, this time from off our bow. God bless the Indian navy! Making sure we did not respond to the frantic VHF traffic we maintained our course to the nearest landfall and I continued my illegal radio chit-chat. The doctor rushed into the cabin to inform me that the pursuing boat was now over the horizon and closing at about twenty knots, ETA some twenty minutes. Question was, would he simply fire on us as soon as he came in range or close on us to ensure a more definitive end? All I could do was talk into the microphone and put my faith in Indian bureaucracy. As I continued the sweat flowed freely. Then I was told that a fast Indian patrol boat was closing fast and the VHF channel heating up quite dramatically with threats of everything short of death. The pursuing boat approached one thousand metres and we saw small puffs of smoke. About fifty metres from us the sea splattered as the light rounds fell short. The range closed quickly and soon we could hear the singing of the high-velocity ordnance as it came ever closer. Every so often one round hit us but we took only superficial damage. Now the Indian gunboat was also about one thousand metres from us and must surely be able to see our plight. I sent the doctor scurrying to tell the captain to send a Mayday saying we were being attacked by pirates and required immediate assistance. This he did and the VHF signals redirected themselves to the pursuing ship. Like I’d hoped they ignored it. Now, Indian officials, gentle as they are, do not like to be ignored and the commander of the gunboat was no exception. The directions were becoming very terse and acrimonious. From the gunboat we saw a large puff and, moments later, a spout of water about twenty metres off the launch’s bow. The classic Hollywood shot across the bows. Then the goons made their fatal error. Incensed, they turned the automatic weapon in the direction of the gunboat and away from us. There was a second puff and a plume of spray about five metres from the launch. Instead of holding fire, the goons simply continued.
A third puff but this time the projectile caught the launch amidships and it simply disintegrated in a ball of flame and black smoke. As the smoke cleared only debris was visible. I stopped transmitting and suggested to the captain that he now respond on the VHF, offering no opposition to a boarding party. We reefed our sails indicating that we intended no resistance; the gunboat drew alongside allowing us to be boarded and detained. It was soon clear to the party that we were not a security risk and the captain and I were taken aboard the gunboat to feel the wrath of the commander. We were shown to his quarters where we were introduced to a Hindu man of about fifty. He stood to greet us; I hoped a good sign, and then indicated for us to sit. He had been briefed that I was injured, that we had a very sick woman on board and that we were fleeing from what we referred to as bandits and pirates from whom we had escaped. His English was excellent and I retold the story with a few strategic omissions and variations. He nodded periodically until I had finished.
“An interesting tale.” he finally looked at me, “You do not mention how you came to be pursued in any detail. I know it is not drugs because we have searched your ship. It is not smuggling so it is something that may, or may not, be of interest to my Government. You have broken Indian law by using radio apparatus in a banned zone but otherwise I have no reason to detain your vessel. All the papers are in order, you are not armed and, although in Indian territorial waters, you seem to be no threat. Apart from you sir –“, he addressed me, “I will not detain the vessel or its crew. I fear you must accompany me to Port Blair to be investigated.”
I nodded. “Commander, because we have a sick woman on board and the chase has taken its toll on the crew, would it be permitted for them to berth at Port Blair for a short period?”
“Of course.” the commander replied, “So long as all the regulations are obeyed and your ships papers and passports are in order then you may berth for five days without application to New Delhi for a permit. You will remain on board here but the ship and crew may enter Port Blair. I will radio ahead. Perhaps too it might be best if your patient was transferred to this vessel; we have a medical orderly on board and we can get her to a hospital much sooner than under sail”
“I thank you commander.” I smiled at him, “If we can effect a transfer and her doctor approves, then I agree with you. I had hoped that the Indian authorities would understand why I did what I did; I think my confidence is borne out.”
He smiled and issued the order to transfer Nahdya to the sick bay. “I may understand sir, I cannot answer for the government officials and security officers in Delhi. They may see it completely differently.”
I was a bit disturbed. “I have to go to Delhi?” I asked, “Surely this can be dealt with locally?”
The commander shook his head. “Unfortunately this crime can only be investigated in Delhi.” he said sadly, “What you have done is a breach of national security law and can only be investigated by security personnel from Delhi. You will fly there as soon as possible.”
“Will I be able to contact my office in France?” I asked.
He shrugged once more. “I do not know sir.” he said, “I am not permitted to grant you any communication and I cannot speak for the security department. I am sorry. Now I must make you secure.”
As he moved to issue an order I interjected. “Commander, I think you can see I pose no threat to your ship or your crew. You have my word that I will not try to escape; in fact it would be stupid for me to try. You do not need to hold me in custody.”
He thought for a moment then nodded. “Very well sir, please keep clear of all military areas and I will permit you your freedom.”
I offered my hand, which he took. “Thank you commander,” I said, “I will find a sunny spot and relax. My injury is healing but a bit of rest and sunshine will work wonders. Would one of your crew show me a suitable spot please?”
Everything happened smoothly; Nahdya was transferred to the corvette’s sickbay and we headed for port, about fifteen hours away. I spent time in the sun and after dark I was secured in a small cabin. Eventually I was roused and I sensed that we had stopped so I assumed we had arrived. Guessing correctly I was escorted ashore where I asked about Nahdya. She was to be taken to a military hospital on the island and I would be kept informed of her progress. For this I thanked them. I was escorted to the military airbase and locked in a cell at which I protested that I was still recovering from serious injury. Not that it did any good as I was told that was all they had until my flight in two days. After some hours I complained that my dressings needed to be changed and made a real fuss until a doctor was called. As soon as he saw the wounds he demanded that I be hospitalised and, due to his persistence, I was transported to a ward in the local military hospital with a permanent guard by my side.
End of Part X
Look out for Part 11 – Recovery and Renaissance
In which Colin discovers the power of the sect in India and is introduced to the Delhi temple and its delightful pleasures. He finds time for a visit to Nahdya that turns out to be anything but ordinary. During this visit he begins to plan his revenge on Mrs T. Once more Colin saves the life of his love and they are soon to be reunited.
When Rachel and her friends attend a boy in her schools pool party, she ends up staying later and unexpected events occur... |
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