Dans le Murs Part 10
The effect was frightening. He stiffened and screamed as the wire drove through the kidney and he went down. I pushed until my hand touched him then let him drop. He fell towards me and I lashed out with my foot at his head as he fell. I contacted nasal bone and I heard a crunch. Another kick hit him square in the eye and a third broke at least three teeth. Then I kicked hard at his groin, once, twice, contacting his testicles each time. Now he was moaning, disabled but still dangerous. I could see a holster and grabbed it and wrenched out the small automatic. Now what I knew about guns was only what I had seen on TV. I examined it quickly; it said Heckler and Koch. I recognised the name and it looked a fair size then tried to picture the TV cop. What did they do? Somehow prime the device by pulling something. I held it and yanked at the top. There was a click and I pulled against a spring and released. Possible. I knew there should be some form of safety catch and, sure enough there was a little lever. I moved it on the assumption that the goon would have secured it under normal circumstanced. The adrenaline was still flowing and I was not myself. I held the gun in both hands like a good cop and pointed it at the man’s head. My finger trembled on the trigger but I recalled what they had done to Nahdya and what they had planned for her and squeezed. Click! Bollocks! Squeeze; click! Bollocks! I moved the lever to its original position, pointed and squeezed. The gun jerked and my ears sang for a second. Part of the man’s forehead vanished and the floor was splattered with bloody bits. He was definitely out of the game. My throat constricted and I tasted the bile. I doubted whether it would be reported to the police. I groped through the man’s pockets, found another magazine and slipped it into mine. Watching thriller movies can be good for your health. The siren was still sounding as I peered around the door. Nobody in sight. I retraced my steps back to the door where I had last seen Nahdya. Hugging the wall turned the handle and, blessed be, the door moved. There was a siren close by which drowned the sound of the door and I was able to slip in without anyone hearing. Everything then happened very quickly. I saw Nahdya in a chair, her breasts bared, her face and hand bloody with a large man, his back to me and naked from the waist down, pawing lustfully at her.
She was whimpering while he giggled inanely. Nahdya gasped as she saw me making the man half turn. He saw me as I raised the Heckler and Koch and moved towards me. As a non-marksman this helped me and I aimed in his direction from about two metres and fired. The gun jolted and the man looked surprised as the 7.62mm round took him high in the right chest. He continued to move to me, dropping as he did until he fell to the floor, wheezing and bleeding but still conscious. I kicked the door shut, locked it and ran to Nahdya who was sobbing. She was badly beaten, her left hand swollen, black and distorted. There were bruises on her face and breasts and I could see some cigarette burns on her belly. She was just covered with the remains of her skirt.
“Nahdya!” I cried, touching her tangled hair, “I don’t know if we can escape but at least I am with you. Did he rape you?”
Her bloody face dropped and I knew. Red mist flooded my brain and I turned on the goon on the floor. I kicked him so that he lay on his back, blood oozing from the wound, his face pleading with me. Mercy? Not in the state I was. By way of soothing my conscience I said softly, my voice shaking with rage and fear in equal quantity, “You raped my woman, you perverted camel’s bastard. I was going to kill you but instead I will punish you. If you live you will always remember me, the farang who turned you into a eunuch.” I guessed he didn’t understand but it concerned me not a jot. His erection had subsided but his uncircumcised penis was still large and his hairy testicles flopped. I placed the gun where his cock joined his belly and pointed it towards the two nuts, making sure he was conscious enough to realise what I had in mind. His eyes opened wide and he made grunting sounds. The shot went clean through his penis and tore one of the testicles from him leaving the other dangling from the ruined scrotum. He screamed and blood bubbled from the wound as he writhed. I kicked him away and returned to Nahdya.
“Can you move darling?” I asked as the siren stopped, “We have to try and get out.”
“I think I can.” her voice was thin, “He not hurt my legs but my hand it hurts very bad.”
“I can imagine.” I said, “You must try to keep going Nahdya. Just wrap something around you; we will surely have company soon. Nahdya, I will kill you rather than let them torture you if we look like being caught.”
She nodded.
She staggered to her feet and wrapped her torn clothes around her. Leaning on me we tottered to the door, unlocked it and peered out. A lump of wood disappeared from close to my fingers as a shot rang out. I closed the door quickly.
“Not going anywhere Nahdya.” I hissed. “Oh well, we all have to die; at least I am with a beautiful woman.” I think it was about that moment when I realised I was in love with this delightful woman.
She tried to smile but grimaced a little.
Suddenly it was quiet. The door was thick and it was the only one. Our resident goon was writhing and moaning and bleeding profusely. I guessed he was not a bargaining piece. Taking the spare magazine from my pocket I counted 13 rounds. I had used 3 so we had 23 left. I put my arm around the trembling woman. “Sorry Nahdya.” I whispered, “It was all my fault but that woman is an insane sadist. I could not have let her simply kill Tessa no matter how I feel about her.”
“I know my lord.” she whimpered, “You have honour and I am proud to die with you.”
“We are not dead yet my dear.” I said firmly, “I have alerted the Grand Master, let’s hope he is as good as his word.”
Moments later there was a large explosion that rattled the door followed by a second, smaller one. I could then hear what had to be gunfire. A third explosion was closer.
“This could be the cavalry!” I said to Nahdya, “Get down on the floor.”
The door splintered from outside and two men burst in waving automatic weapons. I threw myself onto Nahdya as they fired. There was a burning in my side and Nahdya screamed. Then another burst but this time I felt nothing as the men pirouetted and fell in slow motion to the floor. In the door was a uniformed man, police or something like that. He gestured to us with his small machine pistol.
“Mister Colin?” he asked in heavily accented English.
“Yes.” I replied, not caring whether he be friend or foe.
He grinned and lowered the gun. “You come with me, all okay now.”
I tried to lift myself off Nahdya and felt an excruciating pain in my side. I cried out and rolled to the floor. Nahdya did not move. The man took out a small radio and spoke into it. I could hear the sounds of gunfire in the distance but I was getting very woozy. Moments later two men appeared, one came to me and the other to Nahdya. He lifted me gently as I whimpered, and gently probed my body. As his fingers reached my side I screamed, the pain lancing through me. As his fingers drew away I could see the bright red blood and began to sense the wetness sliding down my side. Slowly the world was getting darker and slower but I was very concerned for Nahdya. To the medic I whispered, “How is she, how is Nahdya?” He turned to the other medic who was examining Nahdya and they exchanged a few words.
“He say she is alive but very sick; bullet still in chest. Need hospital very fast.” he said bluntly.
“Then get her there very fast.” my voice became thinner.
“My orders are to get you out first, woman is expendable.” the officer overheard.
I sat up a little, the pain making me retch, “Fuck the orders!” I spat, “She has greater need than me. I am ordering you to treat her first. On my responsibility.”
He hesitated for a second then barked commands into the radio. Two more men appeared with a stretcher. As they lifted the still form of Nahdya carefully onto it I saw the grey skin and massive patch of red on her blouse. As they moved her she drew a rasping breath and began to tremble. The medics began to shout orders and a large syringe was plunged into her chest.
“No, no, NO!” I whimpered, realising that she was going into shock and I was about to lose her, “Don’t let her die, you can’t!”
I watched in slow motion as she was lifted then the world faded and I lost consciousness.
Slowly the world came into focus; it was a quiet, white world with tubes and wires and a fierce throbbing in my side. I didn’t try to move; I suspected it might be more than a little uncomfortable. I lay there for a while before a shadow followed by a beautiful face gazed down.
“Ah, you awake. Good; I bring your friend.” It vanished. I dozed and was awakened by a scratching of a chair. I looked and saw a middle aged man, portly with thinning hair, sitting looking at me.
He raised his hand in greeting. “Don’t get up Mister deVilliers,” he said in an Australian accent.
“I wasn’t contemplating it right away.” I replied acidly.
“My name is Kevin.” he introduced himself, “Let’s say I am in insurance here in the Far East.”
“G’day Kevin.” I replied tiredly.
He grinned. “Heck, you are one lucky son of a bitch!” he looked at me, “Getting mixed up with the Thai mafia like that and getting out only slightly damaged is pretty rare.”
“You call this ‘slightly damaged’?” I said sharply, looking at all the tubes and technology.
“Jeezus mate,” he retorted, “most folk come out feet first or so damaged they never walk or talk again. Yup, this is slight damage!”
“Sounds like a bit of reputation tarnishing went on.” I chuckled.
“There’s a lot of bad blood around at the moment so we are keeping you very quiet. We did a lot of damage to Mrs T’s reputation, not to mention her nice house, and she is really pissed.” he nodded.
“Fuck Mrs T, oh not literally.” I said, “What about the girl with me?”
“The girl? Oh yes, the sheila; somehow she made it too.” he smiled again, “Touch and go I believe but she’ll be around for a while. Gather she might have a bit of a scar on her boobies but, heck, that’s a small price. Seems that the slug went clean through you before it hit her. If you hadn’t slowed it then it would have hit her heart. Your luck leaked onto her. Hey, she is a looker too, you lucky bastard. Anyway, we have to get you out of here before Mrs T’s organisation tracks you down. As soon as the quacks say so then you are on a jet out of here.”
“Nahdya too.” I said.
“Who? Oh, the chick.” he said roughly, “Yeah, yeah. Maybe later but you are my primary concern.”
“Maybe not.” I winced, “Nahdya goes too or I don’t; simple.”
“Oh be fuckin reasonable.” Kevin raised his voice, “My orders are to shift you ASAP; nothing about the girl. Oh, we are taking care of her but she gets out on her own.”
“So your orders just changed.” I told him.
“Look mate.” his face became ruddy, “We can’t protect you for long. Mrs T has eyes and ears in many places. She wants blood, principally yours and, for some reason, your people want you safely away. The girl makes it ten times harder ‘cos she will not be fit enough.”
“Then you’ll have to work ten times harder, mate!” I mimicked, “There’s no compromise, we go together or we don’t go; understand?”
He put his hands up in surrender. “K mate.” he said, “You said it - you got it. I’ll do my best but if you get terminated then I’m in the clear.”
“No come back.” I agreed, “How soon?”
“Dunno.” he shrugged, “I’ll get the doc, maybe he can say.” He disappeared. I smiled; Nahdya was alive but poorly, perhaps there was a God after all. Kevin returned with a small, grey haired man. “This is the doc.” he pointed, “He speaks pretty good Pom.”
The doctor moved closer after consulting my chart. “You are very lucky man.” he smiled benignly, “Bullet pass clean, only small damage to kidney and intestine. Just touched your pelvis and make bone flake. Slowed down so did not kill your woman. Very, very lucky. You get up maybe two, three days. Very careful but no lasting damage.”
“Yeah, but when can he fly doc?” asked Kevin.
“Fly, you mean aeroplane?” the doctor asked, “Oh, maybe one month, six weeks.”
“Six weeks?” Kevin exploded, “Six fuckin weeks? Shit, we can’t wait six days let alone six weeks doc! Can’t he go sooner?”
“Of course he can,” the doctor said softly, “but I cannot be responsible. The pressure change could start internal bleeding again and he die. I say six week, maybe four if good progress.”
“Jeezus Christ!” Kevin swore, “There is no way we can protect him for six weeks; shit I can’t guarantee six days. What about overland or by sea?”
“And what about Nahdya?” I inserted my enquiries.
“Nahdya? Nahdya?” the doctor asked, “Oh, your woman. Ten weeks, three months; she had much surgery around her heart, damaged ribs, needs dressing changed often.”
“Yeah, yeah, very helpful doc but what about overland or sea?” Kevin repeated.
The doctor mused. “Sea better, maybe one week for him, say two weeks for woman.”
“Doc, patch her up, make it one week – period! Okay?” Kevin demanded.
The doctor shrugged. “I am a physician not your God.” he said directly, “One week yes but I have to send nurse with you for dressings unless you are a trained medic?”
“Whatever.” Kevin accepted the burden, “Just do it and, for Chrissake, keep it under wraps; these guys are in danger!”
“Likewise,” the doctor shrugged again, “I am physician and not policeman either. I run hospital not prison.”
“Look mate.” Kevin rounded on the little man, “You won’t run anything if Mrs T’s goons find out these two are here. They want blood – his ---“ He pointed to me. “--- and yours if you get in the way. They are not here, you know nothing of them and neither do your staff, clear? They do not exist; there is no couple recovering from an accident or any other story, just plain zip!”
The doctor shivered and his face paled. “I not realise they involved with Mrs T. This very serious; many of my people have links with her, some get jobs because of her. It very difficult to keep quiet. I must do all myself but the change will be noticed. They are not safe here.”
“Oh, fucking great!” Kevin put his head in hands, “We can’t move them because they are too sick and we must move them for security. Between a rock and a hard place. Okay doc, if they are not safe here what do you suggest; it’s your call?”
The doctor shook his head a while. “Boat.” he said suddenly, his eyes brightening.
“Boat?” Kevin echoed, “What boat?”
“good friend he have boat in marina. Not big but comfortable. If we get them and nurse there I think much safer. Possibly sail around islands; sea very calm right now. Yes, this we do.”
“OK doc.” Kevin looked slightly less stressed, “Let’s move; the sooner we are clear the happier I will be. The next days were a blur; I lost count of the number. I was moved as gently as possible, by the doctor and a middle-aged nurse, first onto a trolley then into an unmarked, red Mitsubishi truck. The drive was slow and uncomfortable; I wondered how Nahdya would fare and hoped they were not just selling me a line. Then I was transferred to another trolley and bumped onto a beautiful two masted ketch. My space was small but very comfortable and I dozed only to be awoken by the growl of a big diesel. I began to feel the motion of movement and the ocean and the gentle lapping of water relaxed me and I slept again. When I awoke again it was quiet but I sensed the inclination to leeward and guessed we were under sail. Sailing was in my blood and the very situation made me feel better although anything but a passenger was out of the question for a while. The door swung open and the doctor and nurse entered.
“Good afternoon.” he greeted me with a bow, “I check your condition and change dressing.”
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