Black Isn't so Bad After All!
Once he made sure that the door was locked he went to the seat opposite of
DeeDee and looked at her, speaking only one word.
DeeDee sank back into the soft seat, her eyes glazing over and looked straight
ahead. She listened to the doctor as she spoke to her.
"DeeDee, it's almost time to go into my office for your part of the dual
therapy. Before you go in there though I want you to remove all your clothing
and give them to me. I want you to remember everything that happened in my
office the last time you were here, I want you to witness what is going on in
there and you'll participate in it, as well. You will not be shocked by what you
see. In fact, you'll be turned on by it and wish to take part in the activities,
which I heartedly encourage you to do.
"Once things really get started I'll have Eddy join you all and things can
really begin to happen, and I'm sure that both you and John will have an
enjoyable time in there.
"Are you ready?"
DeeDee stood up and began to disrobe. It somewhat surprised the doctor to see
that DeeDee didn't have on any underware, mainly because he had not instructed
her to appear that way, but he was also encouraged by what he saw. This meant
that she still remembered her previous time with Eddy and himself and he was
glad to see that she'd taken the initiative to do something like this on her
He couldn't help himself, as he approached the woman and grabbed her ass,
squeezing just a little bit. His cock reacted immediately with an erection, as
well as a bit of leaking of precum, which he felt in his underware.
"Before we go into the office, DeeDee, I want you to do something first."
Without even asking what it was the doctor wanted, DeeDee bent to her knees in
front of him, pulled down his zipper and withdrew his hard cock, his foreskin
still covering his head, and dropped her mouth to the hard organ, taking as much
as she could into her warm mouth. She sucked and licked his excess skin, probing
her tongue beneath the skin and against his tender cock head and began to to bob
up and down, wanting to once again taste the juices that she anticipated
spurting into her mouth and down her throat.
She pulled off his cock once, to lick his entire length and to concentrate on
his balls for a moment, then she returned to his cock and sucked on him until
she felt his load emptying into her mouth, where she eagerly savored the taste.
Once she was done she stood up and faced her doctor.
"Is that what you had in mind, doctor?"
"Yes, it most certainly was. Thank you so much for your attention."
"You're welcome."
Dr. Grosman reached for the door knob and opened the door into his office.
When DeeDee entered the first thing she heard was the moan of an unknown person
and, as she looked around the room, she fastened her eyes on her husband, who
was kneeling on the floor, between the wide-spread legs of a black woman, with
his mouth plastered to her pussy. She could see that he was sucking her juices
from within and a strange thought entered her mind.
"I wonder what it would be like to have a woman lick my pussy like John's doing
to her?"
Little did she realize that the thoughts had been put there by her doctor and
that in a very few minutes she'd not only be eating out the black woman's pussy,
but the woman would also be engaged in eating her out as well.
She crossed the room and sat on the couch, next to the woman, and caressed her
small breast. After a few minutes of that she tweaked the woman's nipples, which
were already erect about a half inch, and pinched them to an even more sensative
hardness. Next she leaned over and took one of those hard nipples into her mouth
and started using her tongue to wash around it, nibbling with her teeth on it as
well. The moans of the woman let her know that she was doing the right thing. At
least that's what DeeDee took it to mean. She never entertained the thought that
it might be John's oral manipulation that was causing the reaction. She reveled
in the thought of having this strange, black woman's tit and nipple in her mouth
and was pleasantly pleased to discover that she was enjoying this very much
From the corner of her eye she noticed that her husband had finished with this
oral feast and was sitting on the floor on his haunches, as if waiting for the
next round to begin.
She realized the time had come for something else to happen and she immediately
knew what that something was to be. She got up, knealt down on the floor in
front of this black beauty, and pressed her mouth to the gapping hole in front
of her face. She could see the glistening of the combined juices of both the
woman and those of her husband, and this just sent a thrill throughout her body
as she realized that she was about to experience something that her dear John
and recently enjoyed, so without further hesitation she pressed her mouth to the
opening of the woman's pussy and probed her tongue as far into her as she could.
The first taste of a pussy somewhat startled her. She'd never expected it to
taste so......... different! That was the only way she could describe it.
This was much more different then the experience she'd had earlier in the day by
sucking off her husband and, just a few minutes ago, sucking off the doctor as
well. This was something more delicate, more femine and much more pleasing then
she'd realized it could be.
Somehow it was amazing to have a pussy in her mouth and not a hard dick.
The smoothness of the hairless pussy lips also surprised her somewhat. Like her
husband before her, she'd expected to have her tongue meet some sore of stubble
on the outer lips, but she was so surprised that there wasn't any that she began
even more to enjoy the hole in front of her.
With her mouth she sucked on the outer lips, savoring the taste of the black
skin, then went to work on the inner lips and, finally, on the enlarged
This woman's clit was much larger then hers was. In fact, it almost resembled a
small penis and she found that she could almost suck on it like she would a
small cock. The only difference, besides the size, was the fact that there was
no foreskin to suck on. True, each clit had it's own hood, but she couldn't find
on here and soon forgot all about it as she concentrated on the chore before
her, and felt the gyrations of the woman as she continued to suck and drink the
juices that were presented to her. She hungrily drank it all in and then, after
the latest orgasm, sank to the floor, dragging the black woman with her and they
soon settled into a '69' postion, with each woman sucking on the others pussy,
with her being on top.
The whole time all this was happening John stood there and watched his wife. It
was hard to believe that this was the woman who had, for the first time in their
marriage, had sucked his cock earlier in the day for the first time. Now, here
she was, gyrating around on the floor of the doctor's office, her head burried
in a black woman's pussy, while the same black woman munched on her pussy as
well. His cock was hard and he was pumping away, feeling the loose skin move
back and forth on his cock head, causing an even harder erection. Without
realizing it, he'd reached for the nearest cock to him, which turned out to be
Eddy's, and was also stroking it with the same rythum he used on his own cock.
He'd not seen the doctor motion for Eddy to join the festivities, but he was
glad to have an extra cock in the room. As soon as he realized what he was doing
he sank to his knees and took the hard, uncut cock, into his own mouth and began
to suck on it.
DeeDee noticed that Eddy had joined the group and had watched as her husband
took his cock into his hands and began to pump it. She was somewhat surprised
though when she saw John get on his knees and take the huge, black cock into his
mouth. While she continued to use her mouth and tongue on the black woman over
her, she occasionally glanced towards her husband, whom she loved very much, and
watched him suck on a cock, a black cock no less.
"I guess we've both gotten over our aversions to black people," she thought as
she watched her husband.
John wanted to suck Eddy until the black man shot his load into his mouth, but
the man pulled out and moved in the direction of his wife and the other woman,
still eating out each others pussies. He watched as he knealt behind his wife,
straddling the black woman's head, directing his hard cock towards his wife's
pussy. He knew what he was about to witness and he could only smile. He was
about to watch his wife get fucked by a huge, uncut black cock. Somehow he felt
that this would not be the first time she'd experienced this man's cock.
DeeDee felt the first penetration of Eddy's cock into her extremely wet pussy,
and she was glad to finally have Eddy fucking her again. She moaned loudly as
she felt his cock head penetrate her again, and his width soon filled her pussy
as she remembered it had earlier. Now not only did she have Eddy's cock in her
pussy again, but she had the black woman sucking on her clit as well. Now she
knew what heaven really felt like, and she never wanted to leave.
The doctor went to the threesome and politely tapped Shearon on her shoulder.
She knew what to do next and reached out and grabbed John by his ankle. As he
got closer to them he had to kneel on the floor. In fact, he had to lay on his
side, to enable the woman to suck on his rigid cock, which he gladly let her do.
He felt the need for another release and was only happy to let this beautiful
black woman use her talented mouth for that release. In only a few minutes she
had sucked his entire length down her throat and was busy devouring it for her
pleasure, as well as his.
All this time the doctor sat in front of his desk, his cock in his hand, jacking
off to the sight before him. Yes, he wanted to participate in this office orgy,
but he also knew that this was the time for John and DeeDee to come to terms
with what was happening to them, so he relented and satisified himself with only
his hand. He knew that as soon as this 'appointment' was over that he'd enjoy
himself with both Shearon and Eddy, so it was easy for him to just sit, observe,
and wait.
Eddy came deep into DeeDee's pussy and pulled out, his juices running out of her
stretched hole and into the face of Shearon, who pulled John's cock out of her
mouth, dripping with the man's own cum, and began lick up the cum from Eddy and
then plastered her mouth once again to DeeDee's pussy and sucked out all the cum
from inside her.
When they had all finished they sat on the floor and just relaxed, catching
their breaths, enjoying the feeling they all had, of being well fucked and
Without being missed, Dr. Grosman went to the outer office and turned on his
"When the Wilsons first came to me I didn't realize just how much time and
investment lay ahead of me. I'd always wanted to use my hypnosis to help someone
overcome their 'fears' and 'dreads', but I never imagined that it would come to
such a successful conclusion. What I've witnessed over the span of the past week
has really amazed me. I never thought I could help someone overcome their
prejudices, especially one that involved black and white issues, but I think
this has worked out quite well.
"What happens now is up to DeeDee and John. Will their lives be any better? I
cannot say. I can only hope that things will improve for them in the long run.
Will they ever be able to look at a black man or woman and not think of their
past fears of them? Again, it's too soon to know.
"What I've introduced to this couple is something I'd never have imagined doing
only a year or two ago, but I do not regret doing this at all. As a member of
the human race, I realize we all have our prejudices, but I feel that those
prejudices are something we call all overcome.
"I don't necessarily condone the use of sex to cope with these differences, but
I can honestly admit that I tried to introduce something into a couple of lives
that would've never entered their minds. Perhaps they can use this to get along
with their neighbors. Perhaps they'll get into something they never dreamed of
in the past. I don't know.
"I want the Wilsons to realize that they have to live in the world as it is now,
blacks living next to whites and vice versa. We all have to get along with each
other if this world is to be a better place. If they can do that by using sex as
an end to the means, then who am I to say any different?
"Perhaps they'll get more sexually involved with someone of the black race, or
perhaps they'll be more tolerent of the black race. Again, I cannot say. I can
only hope that by introducing them to this different lifestyle that they will
learn to lead a more tolerent life and live with what they have and make the
most of that as well.
"As I've already said, I cannot profess to have actually changed the lives of
DeeDee and John, but I hope they've learned something. What that might be, I
have no idea. If it's only tolerence, then I've accompolished something."
The doctor turned off his recorder and re-entered his office.
As he entered his office he found that all the participants were now seated on
either the sofa, as were John and DeeDee, or on other pieces of furniture, as
were Eddy and Shearon.
"I want to thank you all for working with me today. I only have a few more
things to say and we'll conclude this therapy session."
One by one he said all the key words for the people in his office, and all four
of them went into a deeper trance then they were already in.
"I will now call out a name and only that person will remember what I'm about to
tell them.
The black man raised his head and faced the doctor.
"Eddy, you came to me wanting to get over your hangups of having a huge cock,
which you though no woman would ever accept. You've found out how wrong you
were. I hope you enjoy your life after you leave here and will be more at peace
with yourself."
Shearon also raised her head and faced the doctor.
"Shearon, you came to me with your false sense of failure. You thought your body
was something to be ashamed of and just today you've found out that that is not
the case. There are indeed others who appreciate your body, your appearance, and
your sense of self worth. Thank you for allowing me to help you."
"John and DeeDee."
The couple looked at him, attentive.
"The two of you came to me to overcome your fear of black people. While this is
not the standard proceedure for something like that, I felt that this was a good
place to start, and I belive it also helped you to over your objections to sex
with each other as well. You both let me know how you thought you sex live with
your mate should be and wondered why it wasn't. I want you to know that you were
not being selfish. You love each other and the times have changed and you both
realized that you had to change with those times. I honor your encouragement and
committment to go through with this.
"While you were unable to talk to each other directly about what happend in our
sessions, I now encourage you to talk to each other and let your feelings be
known. If you'd like to continue with this lifestyle, let your partner know. I'm
sure that after these sessions you both have a lot to think about and talk over,
so I encourage you both to do just that.
"There are no longer any restrictions on either of you, so feel free to talk
about what's happened in the past sessions, as well as what happened here today
and I do hope you'll learn that you're not alone with your prejudices and that
you can change them for the better."
He looked at all four of the people seated around his office and was pleased to
see that they were all nodding in acceptance of his words.
"I want you all to retrieve your clothing, get dressed and then return to your
homes. I've finished this therapy with you and I hope you'll put it all to good
"Thank you for your trust and I hope you'll all be happy with the results."
All four got dressed and prepared to leave the office, stopping only to shake
hand with the doctor before departing and heading to their respective homes.
Eddy and Shearon met with the Wilsons in the lobby of the building.
"Mr. and Mrs. Wilson," began Eddy, "I hope you don't think that I did this for
personal reasons only. I honestly had no idea that Dr. Grosman would do this to
any of us, and I want to apologize to you both if you felt offended with any of
"I want to agree with Eddy on this one," Shearon said to the couple. "I had no
idea this would happen. But I also want you both to know that I did enjoy
"The same goes for me," Eddy told them.
John and DeeDee looked at each other and then to the two people in front of
them. DeeDee nodded to her husband and he was the one who responed for the two
of them.
"I harbor no ill feelings to either of you, and I'm sure DeeDee doesn't, either.
We came here trying to better ourselves and I think we accompolished just that.
To deny what happened would only mean that we've not learned anything that
happened here the past week. If it means that we have to truly look at ourselves
and what we've done here, then I welcome that.
"I, for one, think the two of us learned something valuable here and I hope we
can continue with that. I think that both DeeDee and myself would be happier."
Eddy and Shearon looked at each other and nodded in agreement.
"Thank you, Mr. Wilson," Shearon told them.
"Please, it's John and DeeDee," he told them.
Now it was DeeDee's turn to speak, "Would the two of you like to join us at our
home and continue with what we've learned tonight?"
"Are you serious?" Eddy asked.
"Yes, I am," DeeDee answered, as she reached out and squeezed Eddy's soft cock
through his pants. "I think John and I would love to continue this relationship,
if you two have no objections, that is."
They all shook hands, hugged each other, and set up a time for the next day for
them to meet again and to continue with what had happed in the Dr. Gosman's
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