Black Isn't so Bad After All!
The woman had been widowed for almost 10 years and found it difficult to
accomplish an orgasm, even though she masturbated regularly. She'd never taken
another man to her bed, ashamed that she would dishonor the memory of her
husband. She'd come to the doctor to try hypnosis, hoping that she'd be able to
get over her hang ups, but in the end had been unable to. The memories of her
husband were just too much for her and even the hypnosis that Dr. Gosman used
was unable to over come her fears. In the end he'd gotten Eddy to fuck her while
she was still under and had given her the same instructions, that she'd always
remember what had happened. He felt that she used those visions like he did,
while she fingered her pussy and came by herself. He'd never seen the woman
again after that.
Before he had time to think about other encounters, he found himself ready to
unload his cum. Try as the could though, he was unable to stop himself and his
load felt like it was coming from the tips of his toes, as he had the most
powerful shooting experience he'd had in a long time. He just knew that the
man's head would jerk back, so powerful was that shot, but John impressed Eddy
by keeping his cock in his throat while he continued to work on it.
The first blast took John by surprise. Over the years he'd gotten to know when a
man was going to unload on him, but this time he was caught by surprise. The
first indication he had was when he actually felt the first blast erupt into his
throat, and what a blast it was, too! One of the most powerful he'd felt in ages
and each eruption after that was less and less powerful until, finally it
stopped and he was able to pull the huge cock out of his mouth and lick and suck
on the man's balls until he was sure the older man was finished. Then he took
the excess skin into his mouth and stabbed his tongue between that skin and the
cock head, laving his tongue all around the inside, licking up what juices
lingered, until he was sure there was no more to be had.
He pulled the spent cock out of his mouth, still gripping it with both hands,
jerking it, hoping for more juices. When he realized that no more was forth
coming he released the cock and leaned back into the soft, satisfied with what
he'd done. He leaned back into the sofa, closed his eyes, and relived the event
in his mind.
He was taken completely by surprised when he felt a mouth on his own cock,
opening his eyes to see that the black man had knelt down and now had his cock
in his mouth. The warmth of that mouth felt good and he wanted to keep his cock
there forever. He watched as the black man took his complete length into his
mouth, and could feel his teeth working on his foreskin, then felt the man's
tongue slip between his cock head and the loose skin. He knew that in a minute
or two his cock would be at rock hard attention and that he's be unable to keep
from blowing his load into that mouth.
Eddy loved to suck cock, almost as much as he loved having his cock sucked and,
while the white man wasn't quite as large as he was, the cock felt good in his
mouth and he used ever technique he knew to get the man to unload his cum. He
didn't know that the good doctor had already gotten John to empty his balls
already, but that didn't stop him from trying.
He bobbed his head up and down, taking the full length into his mouth on each
down stroke, feeling it scrape against his throat with each lunge. He could feel
the skin retract with each down stroke, as well, and he enjoyed the feeling that
the skin made on the back of his throat with each up stroke.
After about 10 minutes of sucking he was rewarded with a small amount of cum,
not as much as he'd expected, but it was enough to satisfy him, so he
concentrated on getting every drop and then licked the cock clean. Once he was
done he got up and crossed the room, retrieved his clothing, got dressed, and
then left the way he'd entered, through the back door.
"Once Eddy was finished with John he got dressed and left, as he'd been
instructed to do. I knew that he'd be back tomorrow though, because I'd already
told him that I had an appointment with the man's wife at the same time, so I
knew he'd be expecting my call. John represents a change to get a couple to
compete with each other over one man's cock. While I have no doubt that John
still has some strong feelings about being around blacks, I feel that his
memories will temper those feelings. I know he'll have a hard time reconciling
his feelings for the flashbacks and memories he'll carry when he leaves the
office, but in the end I think he'll be a better person for it all. I can hardly
wait to get his wife in here tomorrow and see what happens then. After that, my
meeting with both of them at the same time, should produce some startling
revelations for both of them."
Dr. Gosman finished his entry and leaned back in his chair. John had been gone
for almost an hour and the feeling of what had transpired was still fresh in his
mind, as well as the taste of his cock on his taste buds.
"Yes," he said out loud, "tomorrow is going to be something else."
Chapter 2
While DeeDee Wilson sat in the waiting room Dr. Gosman re-read her files, which
were spread out on his desktop.
Occasionally he would reference the files from her husband's, John, office visit
the previous day.
DeeDee also had problems dealing with black people. It seems that it originated
in her earlier years, just about the time her father died and her mother had to
take the responsibility of raising her by herself.
From what he was reading, DeeDee's father had died in a hunting accident and her
mother had to hire outside family in order to harvest the crops that year. All
she'd been able to hire were some 8 or 9 black men, who readily harvested the
corps and then waited to be paid for their efforts. Once they had been paid one
of the men had demanded more pay, saying that the woman had promised them more
then they received.
DeeDee had been 15 at the time, so he was quite certain that her memories of the
event were as accurate as they could be, considering the trauma she'd suffered
just after that demand.
It seems that once the men realized their demands weren't going to be met, they
broke into the house and proceeded to rampage through the dwelling, taking what
they wanted, after they'd tied up the two women. At one time DeeDee's mama had
to be gagged, as well as herself, too, when the men could no longer put up with
her shouting obscenities at them. They just wanted her to be quite while they
got what they 'deserved' for helping her with the crops.
It was sometime later that the 'leader' of the group decided that what was at
the house wasn't enough to settle this debt and he proceeded to untie with older
woman and then forced her to the floor, in front of DeeDee, and raped her. It
didn't take too much from the other men to get excited at the scene and once the
first one was finished they took turns with her, using every available hole, to
force themselves upon her.
DeeDee had been forced to watch as her mother was fucked by each of the black
men, then she was forced to suck them all off and at times she had three of them
at once, one in her pussy, one in her ass, and sucking off another one. They all
took 'turns' with her mama and once they finished they all started over again.
It wasn't long before her mama was asking the men to fuck her again.
Little did they know that the woman had formed a plan while all this was going
Once it was time for the ring leader to assault her mouth with his cock she
opened her mouth, begging to let her suck him one more time, which he readily
agreed to do.
None of the men knew it, but the woman had kept a very sharp carving knife just
under the corner of the well-worn carpet, in case she ever needed to find a
weapon that no one suspected would be there. She had already retrieved the knife
and hid it under her body, where no one could see it. Once the black man got
close enough to her, she grabbed his limp, coal black, cock and took it into
mouth once again. After giving it a few quick licks and sucks she bit down as
hard as she could, completely severing the head of his cock, which she promptly
spit out, drawing the knife from beneath her and, in one quick upward motion,
stuck it right between the man's balls, driving it deep into the lower part of
his body.
At first the black man couldn't believe what had happened. The bitch had bitten
him! He still didn't realize that his cock head was now gone, and while in a
state of shock didn't feel the knife enter his body.
Then the pain hit him like a ton of bricks.
He screamed, grabbed his balls, with the knife still stuck in him, and fell to
the floor.
Blood was spouting all over the floor before any of his friends realized what
had happened.
One of them had already untied DeeDee and was busy raping her when it all
happened and he was stunned to hear his buddy scream like a stuck pig. His cock
deflated immediately and he turned to see what had happened.
What he saw was his best friend on the floor, blood spreading in a growing
circle around the man's loins. His other buddies had already grabbed the older
woman and punched her in the face, blood and broken teeth scattering across the
"Ok, BITCH!! Now you die!"
While one of the men grabbed her and held her in front of him, the remaining men
took turns punching her, in her stomach, her chest, her face, wherever they
could land blows. One of them pulled out a switchblade and sliced off her
nipples, listening to her scream with each cut. After they fed her her own
nipples another man took the blade and rammed it into her chest, stabbing her in
the heart and killing her.
All DeeDee could do was scream at the sight.
She fought her way to her feet and began to beat her fists on the back of the
man in front of her.
The man simply twisted around and slapped her in the face. The force of the blow
sent her across the room, where she smacked her head against the wall and was
knocked unconscious.
The men tried to do what they could for their stabbed friend, but it was already
too late, he'd bled out and was laying lifeless on the floor in front of them.
One of them kicked the body of the dead woman and cursed her, then they all
turned their attention to the unconscious girl across the floor.
"What we gonna do wit this one?" one of them asked.
"Don know," came the reply.
"I's says we do way wit her, like we done to her mama and scram."
"We's gotta do somethin though. To let dis chile know what gonna happen if she
talks to anyone."
"Like what?"
The one who wanted to do something took the switchblade off the floor and walked
over to her. He sank to his knees and ripped off what was left of her blouse,
exposing her bare tits.
"She sure has a lot a tits for a girl her age," he told his buddies.
They all nodded in agreement. They'd never seen a white girl with titties so
big. Only big titties they'd ever seen had been on black women, usually mamas or
With one quick movement of the blade, the nipple of the left breast was cleanly
removed and placed in her hand, which was then closed around it, holding onto
the severed nipple like it was a treasured gift. Then he took her blouse, put it
in her other hand, and pressed it to the spot where her nipple once was. After
all, he didn't want her to bleed to death.
"She'll know what that means when she sees it. It'll keep her quiet."
"You sure," asked the youngest of the group.
"Yeah. I's sure."
The all talked for a few minutes and agreed to clean the house as best they
could and to take their friend's body with them. They didn't want to be
connected to any of the events that happened here. When the police arrived, and
they would, they wanted it to look like a random robbery. The police would
figure that the woman had been raped and then killed and her daughter mutilated
as a random act of butchery.
They all took a final look and left the house.
DeeDee never saw them again after that day, but she carried a permanent reminder
of the event and, like the black man had thought at the time, it assured her
Until she was much older and was about to get married.
The only other person she'd ever told of the incident had been her husband, and
then it wasn't until a day before their wedding that she'd told him. She felt he
should know why his wife was disfigured the way she was and, to her surprise,
John had taken the news better then she'd expected. It made her love him much
more then she already did.
Until today, when she had written it down on her forms, she'd never told another
soul about the incident.
"Well, that explains a lot," Dr. Gosman thought to himself. "Now I know why she
has feelings of justified hate towards black men in general. Well, I think I
know how to go ahead with this."
He got on his phone and called Eddy to his office.
Fifteen minutes later the plan was in place and Eddy stood in the other room,
behind the closed door and recently installed two-way window, and waited for the
doctor to make the next move.
* * * *
DeeDee sat in the waiting room for what seemed like an hour.
The secretary had already left, explaining that she had an appointment to keep
and that the doctor would be with her as soon as he finished reading her files.
Looking at her watch, DeeDee could see that the young lady had left almost 20
minutes ago. She was beginning to get impatient with the waiting and wanted to
get this over.
As she looked at her watch a second time, the inner office door opened and Dr.
Gosman appeared.
"Welcome, Mrs. Wilson. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long, but I had to
review your files, as well as those of your husband, to make sure I was properly
prepared for our appointment today." He ushered her into his office, offering
the comfortable seat on the sofa against the wall behind the door, and then
excused himself, "I'll be right back. Since my secretary had to leave early I
want to make sure the door is locked, so that we're not interrupted."
In a flash he was gone and she could hear him clicking the lock into place,
before he returned to the office, closed and locked the inner door, and then sat
on a seat directly in front of her.
"Now, Mrs Wilson, I'm so glad you were able to make it today. I had an
interesting session with John yesterday and, while I obviously can go into
details with you, I want you to know that anything that's said or done in this
office remains here. I strictly adhere to the doctor/patient policy and your
secrets will remain your secrets. Nothing that is said in here, or written in my
files, will ever be shared with anyone else."
"Thank you, doctor. I appreciate it."
"Are you nervous, Mrs. Wilson?"
"Please, doctor, call me DeeDee. All my friend do, and since I'm here for your
counseling, I think it would be ok for you to use my first name."
"Thank you, DeeDee. Would you prefer to call me doctor, or use my first name?"
"I think I'll stick to doctor, if you don't mind."
"Of course. It's no problem at all. Whatever makes you the most comfortable.
After all, we're here for your benefit, not mine." In his mind a smile creeped
across his face, but outwardly he remained as emotionless as he professionally
"Now, DeeDee, did John tell you anything about his appointment yesterday?"
"Only that he thought it went well and that he felt better afterwards."
"Is that all?"
DeeDee was quiet for a few minutes.
"Well, it seemed like he wanted to tell me more, but he easily distracted, and
we got to talking about other things and the subject didn't come up again."
"I was hoping he would give me some insight as to what to expect, but he swore
that he couldn't remember a lot about his session. He did tell me that he felt
better though, and I guess that was something of an improvement for him, so I
let it drop."
"Ok. John didn't tell you then that I used hypnosis on him."
"No. He didn't."
Gosman could tell that she appeared nervous, so he asked her about it, "Does
that bother you, DeeDee?"
DeeDee was thinking and he could tell by the way she rolled her eyes that she
was really thinking about the question.
"If it bothers you, please let me know."
"I've never been hypnotized before," she finally answered.
"Are you afraid?"
"A little bit."
"Well, let me assure you that you will not do anything you normally wouldn't do.
You have to be open-minded with all this, and you have to trust me, as well."
"And you say John let you hypnotize him?"
"Yes, he did."
DeeDee thought about it. John seemed ok to her after he got home last night.
Sure, he was distracted a bit, but he was always like that whenever he did
something for the first time. And he hadn't seemed to have been bothered with it
at all.
"Ok, doctor. You can hypnotize me, too."
"Very well, DeeDee.
"Now, I'm going to put you in a mild trance to get started. You'll be fine and
I'll be as gentle as I can."
"Thank you."
"Ok, now I want you to lie back against the sofa and get comfortable. When
you're ready let me know and we'll begin."
After snuggling into the back of the sofa she let the doctor know she was ready.
"Good. Now listen to the sound of my voice. My voice is all you can
In just under two minutes, DeeDee was fully under his control.
"Now DeeDee, I'm going to give you a word that you'll immediately remember
whenever I tell it to you. When you hear that word you'll go into a deeper
trance and will listen to only me. Do you understand?"
"Good. Your keyword is going to be 'tomorrow'."
"Tomorrow," DeeDee repeated.
"That's right. Once you hear me, and only me, say that word, you'll go into a
deeper trance and listen to everything I have to tell you. Understood?"
DeeDee nodded in response.
"Tomorrow," Gosman said.
DeeDee instantly slumped further into the back of the sofa, relaxing more and
looking like she was trying to melt into the back of the sofa.
"Now, DeeDee, you're going to listen very closely to what I'm about to tell you
and you'll never forget it. You will be able to remember everything that happens
in this office today. You'll have a startlingly clear memory of all the events.
You will not, though, be able to talk about them. You'll see every action
clearly in your mind, but whenever you try to talk about those events, you'll
lose your train of thought and go on to another subject. If you husband should
ask him about your session you can tell him anything you want to about the
things we discuss regarding your therapy, but you will still be unable to tell
him the thoughts you really want to. Do you understand these instructions?"
"I need to ask you some questions and you'll answer them honestly."
"Honestly," she mumbled.
"Yes. Honestly. You'll have to be completely truthful with me and answer each
question I give you.
"First, do you like sex?"
"Does John satisfy you sexually?"
"Honestly now, DeeDee."
He could see a struggle on her face.
"Does John satisfy you sexually?" he asked again.
"In some ways yes, in other ways, no."
"How does he satisfy you?"
"He's great in bed, but he won't use his mouth on me and refuses to let me use
my mouth on him, too."
"Does that bother you?"
"Yes, it does. I love to have my body licked."
"What part of your body, DeeDee?"
"Between my legs."
"What's between your legs, DeeDee?"
"My private place."
"Come on, DeeDee. You're in your middle 60's. Surely you know what that part of
your body's called."
"My vagina," she finally answered.
"Yes. Your vagina. Do you know what else it's called?"
"Then say it, DeeDee."
Hesitation again.
"It's not proper."
"It is when we're alone in my office, DeeDee. Go ahead, say it."
"Pussy!" she finally answered.
"See! That wasn't so bad, was it?"
She shook her head, "No."
"I want to take his penis in my mouth and suck on it."
"His what?"
"His penis!"
"You know that's not the word I want to hear, don't you?"
"So tell me what it is you'd like to suck."
"His cock!"
"Thank you, dear. Continue."
"I want him to suck on my ......." a slight hesitation on her
"Tell me, DeeDee. Are you getting warm in here?"
"Yes, I am."
"You'd feel more comfortable if you got out of your clothes, wouldn't you?"
"I believe I would, doctor. Would you mind?"
"Of course not, DeeDee. I want you to be comfortable while you're here and if
that means you want to get naked, then please do. I promise you I won't object
at all.
With that, DeeDee began to remove her clothing. First she took off her shoes,
then her stockings (She wore the knee-high nylons popular with women of her
age), the dress she wore. It buttoned down the front, so it was easy to remove.
Then she sat there in just her underwear, panties and bra.
"Go ahead, DeeDee, take it all off."
She slid her panties down her bottom, lifted herself up and then eased them down
her legs and finally kicked them off completely.
"Now, your bra."
"Do I have to?" she asked, somewhat embarrassed.
"Yes. You have to."
She hesitated yet again. Then she reached to the clasp between her breasts and
undid it, pulling it off her shoulders and from behind her, then tossed it on
the floor with her panties and other clothing. She immediately covered her
breasts with her hands.
"Why are you embarrassed?" he asked.
"I've never been comfortable exposing myself to anyone. Other than John, that
"And why is that?"
"Because of what happened when I was 15," she answered.
"I know what happened to you back then, DeeDee. It's all in your files. You can
be sure that I won't think bad of you because of it. You were a child and were
unable to do anything. It wasn't you fault."
"I know."
After a few minutes she did lower her hands, exposing her ample breasts. He
immediately noticed that her left breast didn't have a nipple. He could tell she
was still embarrassed.
"Don't be embarrassed," he again emphasized. You're just fine and you've nothing
to worry about."
"If John were here right now, what would you like to have him do to you?"
"I'd love to get him to use his mouth on my pussy," no hesitation this time.
"Have you ever had your pussy licked?"
"But you want it done, right?"
"Ok. DeeDee, I'm going to help you here."
"Close your eyes, DeeDee."
She did.
"Now, when you open them again, you're going to see your husband, standing naked
in front of you. You're going to see his hard cock standing in front of your
face and you're going to use your mouth on him. Once you get done letting his
shoot his load down your throat you're going to beg him to lick our pussy until
you cum in his mouth. Do you understand?"
Dr. Gosman stood up and quickly undressed. He folded his clothing across the
back of his chair. He realized that Eddy was watching what was going on from the
next room, but he didn't care at all. This was just the first step in his plan
and, for that plan to succeed, he had to take on the role of her husband, John.
She had to believe she was sucking on John's cock and then letting his eat her
"Ok, DeeDee. You can open your eyes now."
As soon as she did, she recognized her husband and then focused on the hard cock
directly in front of her face. He may not have been the biggest cock she'd ever
seen (and she had seen pictures of bigger ones), but it was the only cock she
was familiar with and she craved to suck on it, as she was going to do now.
Dr. Gosman stood there and watched as his patient grabbed his 6 inch, uncut cock
and pulled it into her mouth, which was hot and wet, and sucking on him as soon
as she'd gotten it into her mouth. He didn't say a word as she used her tongue
to swirl around his cock head and then eased her tongue between his cock head
and his foreskin. Good thing her husband was also uncut.
He stood there and let her do what she wanted. For someone who had never had
oral sex before, he was surprised at just how good she actually was.
"I guess she's imagined this for a long time," he thought.
He cleared his mind though and let her continue to use her mouth on him. He
watched as she began to bob her head up and down on his cock, watching as she
thrust down, taking him entirely into her mouth, sucking with everything she
had. She smoothed her tongue around his cock head, licking into his hole, almost
like she was drilling for oil, but getting ready to take his hot load of cum
instead. It wasn't too long until she got just was she was hungering for, his
load. The first shot felt like it was coming from the bottom of his feet, it
felt that good. Much better then the last blow job he'd had.
As she sucked his cum he watched and could see small rivulets stream out of the
corners of her mouth, but she continued to suck until he had no more to give
her. When she finished she used her hands to gather what had dribbled down her
chin and then licked it all up. Only when she finished did she lean back into
the sofa, a smile on her face.
"Was that as good and you imagined it would be, dear?"
"Yes, John, it was. Thank you so much for letting me do that for you."
Continuing his charade as John, he replied, "I'm glad you liked it, dear. Don't
know why I didn't let you do that a long time ago."
"Neither do I," she answered.
DeeDee closed her eyes and settled back into the sofa, a broad smile on her
face. She would always remember this first time sucking off her husband.
"DeeDee," she heard a voice again. Not John this time, but Dr. Gosman.
"Yes," she answered dreamily.
"Did you enjoy your first blow job?"
"Very much."
"Tell me. What do you want to happen next?"
"John told me he would use his mouth on my pussy. Is he?"
"Yes, he is. All you have to do is lay there. Keep your eyes closed and enjoy
As he spoke to DeeDee, Dr. Gosman was busy getting dressed again. Now it was
time to implement this part of the plan.
"I want you to spread your legs as wide as you can get them. I want you to
looking inviting to John, so he can get deep into your pussy with his tongue and
make you feel good."
He watched as DeeDee did exactly as she'd been asked. She spread her legs
towards the opposite ends of the soft, actually using her hands and arms to open
herself as wide as possible.
He motioned towards the two-way glass, indicating to Eddy it was now time for
him to do his part of the plan.
Eddy opened the door and for a moment took in the site of the elderly white
woman spread eagled on the sofa before him. White pussy had always been his
favorite and he was going to enjoy eating this one out, especially since she had
no idea that it was actually a black man doing it to her, and not her dear
husband. Yes, he was going to enjoy this very much.
Gingerly he crossed the room and knelt down before this white pussy, gauging his
distance quickly and getting into the proper place and position. Then, checking
with Dr. Gosman, he lowered his head toward that gaping hole and slowly ran his
extended tongue up the entire length of that gash, enjoying his first taste of
white pussy in almost 2 years.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggggg........." came the noise from
DeeDee's mouth."
All she'd ever done was imagine how it would feel once John finally got his
tongue into her. It was everything she'd dreamed of. It felt wonderful to
finally feel something like that on her most private of places. Her pussy! John
was actually using his mouth and tongue on her pussy!!
While she lie there, she could almost feel every inch of her husband's tongue
and it once again moved from bottom to top of her slit, moving inside her,
lapping at her clitoris, moving further into her hole and sucking at her juices,
drawing them into his mouth. She could almost picture those juices as they
slipped over his tongue and down his throat. It seemed like she was watching a
movie, with the point of view coming from inside his mouth, and she was watching
as his tongue extended further from his mouth and dug deeper into her pink, wet
hollered into the room, almost at the top of her voice. The pleasure she was
feeling was so intense she thought she'd faint dead away.
Dr. Gosman watched from his vantage point as Eddy once more pried her outer lips
apart with his tongue, driving deeper into her pussy and pulling out all the
juices that tongue could gather. He watched as the black man licked and sucked
on those outer lips, licking the nectar from them, using his black hands to
further open the white pussy bared in front of his mouth. At one time he watched
as Eddy sucked DeeDee's clitoris into his mouth and he could tell that Eddy was
sucking her clit and lavishing it with his tongue, triggering an orgasm from
deep inside her body.
"DeeDee," she heard the voice of Dr. Gosman. "What was he doing here while John
was eating her pussy?"
A question this time.
"Can you hear me, DeeDee?"
Between gasps of breath, she answered him, "Yes, I can hear you, doctor."
"When I tell you to, I want you to open your eyes and look down between your
"Ok." She already knew in her mind what she would see.
Eating her pussy.
"DeeDee," the doctor said again, "When I count to three, you'll open your eyes
and look down between your legs," he told her again.
On the count of three, DeeDee did open her eyes. For the moment it took for her
eyes to adjust to the lighting, she stared at the head between her legs.
almost bald!
Then Eddy looked up at her......................and smiled!
She almost passed out right then.
A black man was between her legs, and he was smiling at her!
Then that black head disappeared once more between her legs and she felt his
mouth working on her pussy!
She tried to close her legs, but the man held them open and continued his
assault on her gaping pussy, licking her and making her cum into his mouth.
She tried in vain to close her legs again, but he was too strong for her.
Then she began to feel the effects his tongue and mouth were having on her hot,
wet, hole. She tried to resist those feelings, but soon had to admit, even to
herself, that his tongue and mouth felt quite good between her pussy lips.
Gradually she started to spread her legs apart once more, to the point where
Eddy didn't have to hold them open any more. She was quite willing to let him
continue with his oral assault on her body. She was enjoying this too much to
get him to stop.
Part of her was still ashamed to admit that it was a black man using his mouth
on her, but a part of her also didn't want him to stop, either.
"DeeDee," came the doctor's voice again.
"Yes," she answered.
"Do you really want to feel something good?"
"Yes," she answered again.
"I think you know what I'm referring to. Don't you?"
"I think so."
"What is it?"
"I want him to put his cock in me now!"
"Are you sure?"
Hesitation. Not as long as it was earlier in the appointment, but it was there
just the same.
"DeeDee? Do you want this black man to fuck you with his black cock?"
"Yes. But................"
"But what," Dr. Gosman asked.
"I want to see it first."
"See what?"
"I want to see that black cock, doctor."
"And what will you do when you see it, DeeDee?"
"I'm.....I'm.....not sure."
"I know better than that, DeeDee. You'll want to suck that black cock, won't
"So, tell me. Will you want to suck that BLACK, UNCUT, COCK?"
"YES!" she practically screamed at him.
Eddy stood up, revealing is lower body to DeeDee for the first time.
What she saw amazed her.
Sure, she'd seen pictures of big cocks before. After all, she did have Internet
access and had gone to plenty of sites where she could look at pictures, but
she'd never actually seen a cock this big before.
And soooooooooooooooo Black!
The man was as close to coal black as she'd ever seen and his cock was the same
She did notice a small pinkish spot at the end of his cock though, and soon
realized that it was his cock head, which was hidden by the large amount of
foreskin that covered it.
John had a lot of skin covering his cock head, too, but this man's skin made
John's seem like a small amount.
She reached out and grabbed his cock, amazed at just how good it felt to hold in
her little, white hand. For something so hard, it felt almost velvet-like with
its softness. She played with that skin, pulling it up and down over his cock
head, and she could see his cock head as it was fully exposed to her for the
first time. Compared to his cock the head was rather small and rounded and she
knew that she'd love to feel it in her mouth, so she wasted no time in doing
just that.
She leaned forward and encased the cock head, exposed, with her mouth and ran
her tongue over the know, poking it between the skin and the cock head itself.
The man's taste was quite different from John. He had a smell of soap and
cleanliness about him, so she guessed that he'd recently showered.
Not wanting to dwell on this cock too long, she sucked as much as she could into
her mouth. While she was enjoying sucking on this black shaft, what she really
wanted to do was feel it in her pussy. Her husbands cock was as large that this
one, and she wanted to know if she could get it all inside her. He just had to
know. She'd worry about the conquences later. Those conquences being how was she
going to explain to her husband how her pussy was suddenly too big for him?
"Would it really stretch me open to wide?" she thought to herself.
She'd worry about that later. Right now all that mattered was that huge, black
cock standing at attention in front of her, craving her attention. She wanted to
shower all her attention to that cock and to feel it between her legs.
With that thought fresh in her mind, she lay back into the sofa once more and
looking Eddy right in the face.
"Fuck me, black man."
Eddy dipped his fingers into her pussy, gathered some of her abundant juices,
and applied them to his cock, which he then started to rub against the open hole
of her pussy.
"Are you sure, white woman?" he asked.
"Yessssssssssssssssssssssssss," she practically hissed at him.
"Fuck me! Fuck me, NOW!"
Eddy pulled back slightly, just enough to allow his cock head to settle between
her outer lips, then he pushed forward, starting to plow his big, black cock
into her. He watched her face as he pushed further and further into her, and he
liked what he saw on her face.
First he saw astonishment. Astonishment that a black man was actually sticking
his cock into her white pussy.
Amazement. Amazement that it appeared that it was going to fit into her.
Son and friends fuck slut mom. Dad catches them and leaves. Boys want slut mom back... |
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