BBWs triumph in special Royal Rumble

(Part 3 from 8)

The gorgeous ring announceress Bambi again rose to the apron and began
to address the capacity crowd, while Suzy continued to sit and bounce on Raul's face with her ass and Charlene continued to step on more bits of the QB that were not yet part of the canvas. "Well done, girls! Keep the good work going! I see you have found a use for these wimps after all, one as a bouncy ball and one as a carpet ... how do they perform ladies?" Both gave a thumbs up. The crowd applauded

"Excellent! Tonight you will see twelve more foolish 110 lbs fools enter this royal rumble pitted against our four glamorous super warrior queens. The 20 man Royal Rumble will end when ALL the males have been defeated. We have inserted our gorgeous BBW gladiatrixes in 1st, 4th, 8th and 15th positions. Entry positions 5, 7, 14, 16 and 17 are all aspiring male wrestlers from the light weight and fly weight divisions. The rest of the entry positions 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, are what we love most to play with: are all slender whore men in their best suits and groomed hair who think they are here for a blind date game in which they will pick up some sluts for one night stands."

"There will be one more entrant into the ring every two minutes, next up is a wrestler, followed by a mega-girl!" Big cheer.

"So please all give a warm welcome for entrant number 7, the 54 lbs UltraFlyweight challenger who will take anyone and everyone on, Sharkboy!"
Striding down the entry way walk along a flowery and romantic red carpet with candles, statues and fountains on either side and a giant red curtain at the end of it came Sharkboy in his home-made blue bodysuit with a fin on his back.
He thought the large cheer was for him, but in fact it was for the puny weight he had.

He took the three downward steps toward the curtain,they look like the first three of a longer sequence, then fell through the curtain and landed in the middle of the ring.

Immediately the 647 lbs Charlene leapt into the air in an elbow drop move that would almost certainly have killed Sharkboy. But he was not there when she landed. He rolled aside, bounced onto his feet and did a drop kick that may have slightly slowed Charlene's advance as she got back up again.

He threw a few puny arm blows vaguely over her shoulder, making no difference at all, then leapt up onto the top turnbuckle. Charlene advanced towards him, ready to catch him in the air if he leaps towards her. Sharkboy did a dummy leap, stayed on the top turnbuckle, saw the human stain in the canvas that had been the entrant before him, then leapt out onto the ringside, strides ahead of Charlene, who came out between the two top ropes and slowly stepped towards him.

Sharkboy then leapt over the metal railing and into the crowd. This was a mistake. All the girls in the crowd started pummeling him and piling up on top of him. Five to eight girls came down on Sharkboy, leaving a collective imprint on the fool. Then they pulled him up by his hair, collectively, between seven hands lifted him up, and handed him over into the waiting arms of Charlene.

"Thank you girls" - but then he somehow managed to kick one of her arms while being held up, and landed on his feet, running for his life, down the mega-girls's aisle and through the curtain. There were massive boos, as the crowd united in condemning his cowardice.

Charlene climbed back into the ring to the chants of "squash the wimp"
Big Suzy Roundass climbed up off Raul and pointing offered his head to Charlene as a cheer-me-up present to her. The crowd got louder and louder, with their chants of "squash the wimp" and Charlene responded with a butt-to-the-face landing on poorold Raul, who only just managed to survive this in tact, though that nose of his will never be quite as long again.

Then the countdown started again, and this time everybody knew it was going to be a girl joining the action. Raul had no hope now!

10 - 9 - 8 - 7 6 5 4 ....

What the crowd got was a double reward. They got Jennifer Anniston, the wily babe Monica from friends who was known in the BBW world as Ballcrusher Jennifer.
She had only managed to put on 7 lbs so far since filming friends, and was still a massively underweight 69 lbs, but boy did she have eyes that could stare down a man and a hand that could claw into a man's package of ballmeat and squash everything in one go. And the other treat was that she was not alone - in her right hand she held none other than the lunatic escapee Sharkboy by the nuts, and she was walking all the way to the ring with Sharkboy in tow.

Sharboy's hands were held high in appealing for mercy from Jenifer, and once she got to the ringside, he fell to his knees, briefly pulling Jenifer Aniston down to her knees too.

That's when the big womanly hand of Charlene came down onto Sharkboy's head.
He looked up in shock as she pulled him all the way up the apron and then up and over the top rope by his hair, making him fall into the ring.

There, it was the mighty knee of Big Suzy Roundass that sent record levels of paine through his body as she got him right in his little nutlets. He was still being held held up by his hair in Charlene's big hand.

Jennifer slaped him in the face SMACK! THEN SHE REACHED FOR HIS UNPROTECTED BALLS and enclosed the sack into the tight squeeze of her five fingers. As he fell back, she followed him down, squeezing harder and making him scream. Chants of "squash the wimp" were turning into "squash his balls!"

With Jennifer Aniston squeezing the life out of Sharkboy's balls, and Big Suzy kneeling on his arms, leaving him completely unable to defend himself, it was now Raul's turn to try and escape.

But unfortunately for Raul, during a three-on-two situation, he had not noticed Charlene grabbing his leg and pulling him back into the ring by it. Charlene held him by both legs, stepped over him, did a cocky butt-wiggle that truly pleased the audience, and then threw herself down on him, crushing a couple of ribs.

The countdown began again 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - .... and when it his 0, a lieing womanizing sleezeball called Mr Romance came striding down the walkway of flowers and fountains, entrant number 9.

What he couldn't see is that there is a big drop as you step through the curtain and fall off the third step and into the ring, and so he fell.

The big screen shows this approach as the entrant would see it, suspecting nothing until it ends with a fall into the wrestling ring. The crowd errupts with laughter, which evolves into a chant of "squash all men, squash all men!"

So we now have six ... three boys against three girls.

Mr Romance saw a human shaped crushed in stain in the canvas. Then he saw the beloved, the fantastic, the sweet, the amazing, the man-crushingly vibrant, vivatious and ever so beautiful curvy blonde 647 lbs Charlene The Squashassassin!

She was doing a number on Raul. Alternating between rib-crushing chest landings Crrrrunch! Ughhhh! and the deeply humilating and butt-cheeky ass-on-face landings. Wham! Urghmmmmmpyh! While breaking him down bit by bit she was telling him that her hobbies are "squashing men, crushing men, sitting on men and treading on men until their demise."

A HUGE cheer goes out to the biggest star of them all and the biggest and deadliest girl of them all, as she puts Raul in his rightful place. She is loved, adored and admired by all, so the cheers are immense.

The stunned Mr Romance turns 180 degrees and runs, hoping to escape all this, but in his haste he bounces off the shoulders of Big Suzy Roundass who is holding Sharkboy down and lands on the canvas, right next to Mr Romance.

"Perfect!" rejoices Jenifer Aniston as her free left hand reaches for and sullenly wraps its fingers around Mr Romance's balls. Big Suzy Roundass gets up long enough to leap in the air and land with her heavy legs on Mr Romance (pinning him in position) and with her ass on the head and chest of Sharkboy, which suffers its first few rib fractures from the landing.

"Suck that ass! Suck that ass! You .... suck!" is the chant that instructs Sharkboy what to do - this is just about all he can do, and while both men are having their balls squeezed to mush, both must also suffer the weight of the gorgeous Big Suzy Roundass.

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