Avasa (Part I)

(Part 8 from 8)

I pretend to consider it. "Well, now, there *was* that chick at the club that night--" But she cuts me off and starts tickling me, making me squeal in delight.

"You're a bad, bad girl," she says, kissing me at last.

"You're the one with a temper problem."

She brushes the hair out of my eyes. "You need to be more assertive."

"Well, YOU need to tone down a bit."



"Okay, then," she says, one eyebrow hoisted in the air, letting her hands wander down to my hips, brushing against them lightly. "Where do we go from here?"

"Well, honey," I say, playing with her shirt collar hesitantly. "We *could* play it rough..."

"Sorry?" she says, almost doing a double take.

"I'm serious," I say, demurely, burying my head in her shoulder. "You, uhhh, you could tie me up...and make love to me...but, uhhh, no name-calling and, uhhh, only spanking."

"Are you kidding me?" she asks, thinking I'm just messing with her. "You, vanilla-dyke-forever, wants to try *bondage*?"

"Do it now, before I change my mind."

She knows when she's been given an offer she can't refuse.


Bhai (pronounced bhaa-ee): term of endearment meaning "brother"
Desi (pronounced day-see): used to describe anything and anyone that is part of Indian or Pakistani culture
Yaar (pronounced yaar): a close friend, colloquially, the Hindi equivalent of "dude"
Beta (pronounced bay-taa): child, term of affection used by parents to address children
Qawwali (pronounced kuvv-aali): a special type of Sufi music
Jori (pronounced joe-ree): couple
Shalwar (pronounced shull-waar): a type of baggy trouser that women wear
Kameez (pronounced kuh-meez): a type of shirt that women wear, sometimes sleeveless, which has slits on the sides and comes down to the knees; worn with a shalwar
Dupatta (pronounced du-putt-taa): a kind of long scarf that a woman wears around her neck; worn with shalwar kameez

Arjun (pronounced Ur-jun)
Avasa (pronounced Uh-vaa-saa)
Deborah (well, you know this one :-) )
Gauri (pronounced Gaw-ree)
Mohan (pronounced Moe-haan)
Nadya (pronounced Naad-ee-yaa)
Nandini (pronounced Nun-dih-nee)
Saima (pronounced Saa-im-aa)
Samir (pronounced Suh-meer)
Yasir (pronounced Yaa-sir)

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