Who do you want to fuck?
So the subject was brought up after we had watched an old movie about truck drivers, bandits and bears. You can probably guess the one, if you’re old enough. Anyway, it had a very young Sally Fields in it being sexy as only she can be, at least in the opinion of many men, not necessarily old. Mary made the remark that her husband, Joe, would fuck Sally if he had the chance. At least that’s what he was always telling her. Joe, putting on his best sad face, admitted that so far his chance hadn’t come up, which is too bad because Sally might not have too many good years left.
“You don’t mind your man lusting after another woman?” Carrie wanted to know,
“Even if it could never happen, I wouldn’t want to think Vic would rather be
fucking somebody else than me.”
Vic, being me, was in the kitchen making a plate of nachos, but I stuck my head
around the corner to say,” Come on, Carrie. I remember very well you telling me
‘I’d fuck that’ when we were watching that guy chop down coconuts in Fiji.”
Carrie coloured as only Carrie can, “That was just to prime you, you jerk. You
know I would never actually do it.”
So the talk carried on and I returned to my labour, but with my ears flapping. More people recalled the time when their spouse had expressed more than passing interest in this and that body. Another Sally, not Fields, began pushing the debate, fitting in that it was her doing that we all felt so free talking about fucking. When Sally met us, Sally was appalled by my casual use of the term ‘bugger’, sometimes almost as a term of endearment. We all knew the origins of the word, of course, but Sally made us aware how cockeyed a society could be that accepted bugger and wouldn’t stand for fuck. So now our crowd used fuck instead, although not as freely as we used to use bugger. Generations of altar boys would approve, I’m sure.
And being outside the circle gave me time to recall the time as kids a group of us (mixed gender) had sat around in the park playing with the F word. As the talk carried on, it was less F word and more fuck, and it was obvious most of us pubescent and prepubes were getting quite stimulated with the novelty. I think we thought we were being very grown up. Presently the talk revolved to who would like to fuck who, fuck being a literal term then. Andy, a slightly older guy, maybe 15, asked a younger girl, my sister Marj, who she would like to fuck. Marjie, could only stammer that she didn’t know, and then came back asking Andy who he wanted to fuck. Andy smiled like he had just won a major coup, and said, ”YOU.” My sister’s confusion was matched by a rather pleased and flattered expression, and , who knows, Andy might have got his wish if I hadn’t been there. But the memory was making me smile as I brought in my creation on a huge platter.
As the new face in the round table, I was pounced on to name my fantasy,
although I knew many had refused to admit they had one. “I don’t waste my time
with fantasy. Besides Carrie being all the woman I can handle, why bother myself
with thinking about what can’t be?
Sally persisted, “Carrie had her Fijian, and few others she won’t name. You
can’t tell us you never looked at a woman and at least wished? Give us a break.”
With the thought of my teenage group still echoing, I weighed my options and
flirted with the fates. “There is a lady who I would like to fuck but I don’t
like to say her name because unlike Sally Fields, she just might be possible and
I don’t want to sound like I’m promoting. So I’ll just admit that there is such
a girl and leave it at that. Frankly, I don’t think you could take the truth.”
That rocked Sally back a bit, but she was not the girl to stay rocked, “With
that you expect us to leave you alone without knowing? Of course we have to
know, and you know it, or you wouldn’t have given us the build-up. Spill it,
stud, who’s pussy would you like to ravage?”
I tried to make the same face Andy had made twenty years earlier, “Yours.”
Carrie was looking at me in mock shock, but relaxed when she caught my wink. “I
told you you might not like to know. You looked surprised. You shouldn’t. You
know I’m a sucker for dimples, especially ones that only come out when you
smile, and except for now, you smile a lot. And my mind goes to mush when I
think of your angelic face in orgasm.”
Sally composed herself in mid-gape, and put her dimples back on, “OK, you
bastard, you got me/. I asked for it and got it. And now I guess we’ll never
know who you would really like in bed.”
“Sally,” I protested, “You forced me to name my fantasy, even though I warned
you. Now at least have the grace to accept what I say. I would fuck you
joyfully, maybe even actively seduce you, if, A. I thought I could win you, and,
B, if I wouldn’t lose Carrie over it. Trust me on this.”
“You want to fuck me? Isn’t this a lot more dangerous than wanting to fuck
Sally fields? Sally was flustered for the first time in my memory. “What am I
supposed to say? What is Carrie supposed to say? This is a real bomb you
I laughed at her discomfort, “You’re supposed to say, and Carrie too, to forget
it, boy. Same as Sally Fields would do if I managed to get the message to her.
But that doesn’t change the facts, Joe wants to fuck Sally Fields, and I want to
fuck you. And you have to admit, as bad as my chances are, Joe’s are worse.”
Much later, safe in our bed, Carrie still chortled at Sally’s shock. “You
really got her good, kid. And you know, I think when she had come to terms with
what you said, she might have been a little pleased. What would you have done if
she had said, ‘Lets go, big boy’?
I shrugged, “ What would Joe do if Ms Fields said lets go? No, forget that, he
would fuck her. Maybe you better be sure we’re not alone for the next little
while. Actually, I think Sally might make sure of that herself.”
It was a good month before we saw Sally again, not because she was ducking me,
but she nipped back to Britain for a visit. And she brought a man with her, an
old friend she had run into and old flames had rekindled. “Damn, Sally, do you
know how unattainable this makes you?” after I had shaken Tim’s hand, “Now I’m
right there with Joe, my dream Sally completely out of reach.”
After Tim heard the story behind that exchange, I thought he looked at Carrie a little appraisingly, maybe wondering what kind of wife would let her husband even talk that way, even among friends. And I thought I saw a sharp little warning glance from Sally to Tim, so I carefully steered the talk away from the subject. We got on famously for the rest of the afternoon. Carrie especially was quite taken with the old world mannerisms of this new man, and he seemed more than willing to stay close to her. So they stayed for dinner, everyone delighted with how well Tim was fitting in.
So it was that Tim and I were left alone while the girls took an after dinner
stroll. Tim barely let the door close behind them before he asked, “Did and do
you really want to fuck Sally? It wasn’t just something you were saying to be
I had to admit that while I would in fact love to fuck Sally, it was far enough
off the wall that I might as well have been passing marsh gas. Tim had a grave
but mischievous look on his face. “It is, actually possible for you to fuck
Sally. After all, I do. She’s not exactly frigid.” I could only look mutely at
him as he went on, “The snag, of course, is Carrie. The only way to take her out
of the equation is that someone would have to be fucking her. And I know an
available and eager volunteer.”
I sucked in more wind, “You mean like swapping wives? I don’t think Carrie would
go for that. Not that I’ve ever asked her.” I paused for reflection, “Mind you,
she does look at other men, but mostly I think its because I look at girls.”
Tim smiled, ”We call it swinging in London. I think they do here too. And I
think Carrie could be brought around. Sally has already said she would give it a
try sometime.”
I thought back quickly at the looks Tim had given Carrie and the warning
glance from Sally to Tim. I was willing to bet Sally hadn’t agreed to try it
with old friends. As tactfully as I could, I conveyed this to Tim, and he
conceded that on the face of it I was certainly right. Still, he reckoned it was
worth keeping the idea on the back burner for when the girls got back, and I had
no problem with that. Actually, the thought of what I had told Sally about her
‘dimples in orgasm’ kept making my cock jump just a bit.
So the girls got back, and thing were cool and mellow, but Carrie managed to get
me alone to help her do something in the kitchen. She had a bee in her bonnet,
not really flushed and excited, but with news she had to pass on.
“Sally told me she met Tim in a single club that is also a swinging hangout. She
says she’s going to try it with Tim sometime, when he finds a club or group that
he likes over here. Can you imagine Sally doing that?”
I sucked in my breath again, “Did Sally say anything about us and them? Are we
in their sights?”
Carrie started, then laughed, “No, I don’t think so.” The she sobered, “You
know Tim had been very attentive.” She paused, in thought. “Did Tim say
“Not much, just that he would love to fuck you, and Sally had agreed to swing
with him. What you think of those apples, kiddo?”
We couldn’t take it further, because we had already been too long, and even
whispering if it got too excited would have been heard in our small house. We
both returned, and found Tim going through our book titles.
“Who reads the Fielding? Both of you? I’ve got every one of his.” Carrie quickly
jumped in. Frankly, I see nothing in his writing to keep me awake, but to each
her own. “It takes a special type to read Fielding, “Tim went on, “Sally doesn’t
like him either. What is it about us that make us different from those two? It’s
obviously not a gender thing. There is no gratuitous sex, no violence at all, at
least physical.”
“Oh, but there is sex, “Carrie jumped in, “Its just that he doesn’t see fit
to describe it stoke for stroke. That’s why the toad over there gets nothing out
of it. He doesn’t like to imagine what can be painted for him.”
“ I don’t know,” Tim countered, “He imagines fucking Sally.” He laughed, “I
sense we’re getting a bit too ripe with the talk. I think Sally would like us to
cool it. I find it highly stimulating, myself, and great fun besides”
The talk stalled, and I was a bit sorry. I guess I found it quite stimulating
and fun as well. Presently, Carrie and Sally were talking about the new clothes
Sally had bought in Soho, and when Carrie would have a chance to see them.
Playfully, I suggested to Carrie she model her new halter top she had got from
Victoria’s secrets. I suggested if Tim found our talk stimulating, he would find
this top doubly so. It was never meant to be worn far from the bedroom, designed
expressly to exhibit ample breasts like Carrie’s. Unless you were going out with
the idea of getting fucked, of course.
Carrie’s eyes were big and round as her mouth as she sucked in her breath.
“Do you think Tim would like it?” Tim quickly jumped it to promise he would.
“Maybe I should ask Sally if Tim should see it. Remember its called the
Firestarter? Come with me Sally, we’ll have a look at it,” She paused, “You’re
sure you want me to model it, darling?” The look on her face was all wanting to,
she just needed the reassurance. “Tim might find it a bit overly stimulating. I
might find wearing it a bit stimulating as well.”
I could feel a bulge pushing at my jeans. “Find Sally something fun to put on
too. Whatever she’s willing to put on. I always thought she was too sexy for her
own good anyway, so blow my mind. And as long as we’re all ‘stimulated’, it
should be fun.”
Sally looked from one to the other, her face in turn doubtful , then a bit
impish, “I wish I knew what was cooking here. How sexy is this halter? Lets have
a look, girl.”
And they were gone. “Its really brief, is it?” Tim wanted to know. I assured him it was, and also told him Carrie might not have the nerve to wear it down. It was never intended for anyone but me. I stopped short of describing it. If Tim didn’t see it, he need not know what he missed. On the other hand, if he did see it, well my cock worked its way to solid boner at the thought. I just hoped Sally was as playful as Tim had said. Five, then ten, minutes passed. The only communication that passed was an odd glance to the hallway. Then a bedroom door opened, and we tried to be as composed as we could.
Sally came first, draped to her toes in a toga that had been fitted for me, completely hiding her form except for a bit of cleavage. She was nervous as a cat as she encouraged Carrie into the room, a light wrap over her shoulders until the unveiling. A tiny kilt covered her middle, like a Japanese schoolgirl in a porn flick. Carrie looked at me and wet her lips nervously but eagerly too, “You guys ready? I can still go back and get dressed, you know” There was silence. Finally Carrie turned to face Tim. “You’ve already seen it, Victor. Tim’s show. You can have yours in a minute. And the veil dropped.
Its not hard to describe the halter. Just imagine taking a yard or two to
see-through net ribbon, pass it around your shoulder blades, bring it around
across you breasts and tie it behind you neck. It would be a loss without big
firm breasts like Carrie’s because half the effect was the half grapefruit below
the gauze and holding it up. Both nipples were proudly pointed and highly
visible, not to mention enticing.
“Wow”, was all Tim could muster.
Have a good look, Timmy, she promised me she would only wear it a minute.” Sally
teased, the turned to me, “Am I sexy in you toga, Victor? Do you think it hides
too much? Do you wonder what I’m wearing underneath?” She played with the broach
that held it in place. “Do you want to see what Carrie found me to try on?”
I tried to suck some saliva into a very dry mouth, trying to remember what
Carrie might have had that Sally would have the nerve to model, hoping against
hope that she wasn’t too modest. She wasn’t. The toga dropped, and Sally stepped
over it to stand before me proudly naked. Both Tim and I gaped at the gorgeous
sight, smiles of delight creeping onto our shocked pans.
Sally soaked in the attention for a short moment, then never taking her eyes
from mine said, “Minutes up, girl, you were only to wear that thing a minute.
You brazen hussy.”
Carrie reached back and pulled the knot, then stood with her arm still up as the
ribbon slithered off her to the floor, touching about the same time as the
heavier kilt. My throat felt so constricted I doubt if I could have said a word
beyond, “Oh, please, oh please.”
Carrie’s voice didn’t sound all that much steadier, “So Tim, You’ve heard al
about our favourite fantasies. Tell us who you would like to fuck. Really think,
who in this world would you really more than anyone else like to cum in?
Tim had recovered quickly. After all, he was the veteran. He smiled broadly,
“Right answer, darling,” from Sally, “And we already know who Vic wants to
fuck. Do you guys plan to fuck in your clothes? Her dimples were as deep as I
had ever seen them. The flush on her face had spread to her whole body, just as
pink and smooth as a baby, set off by a mass of blond curls framing her face.
The thought of that body wrapped up with my black skin, I mean there’s black and
there’s black, and I’m as close as you can get to ebony. Carrie is a lot paler,
not much darker than the skin Tim was now showing. Just so you know, at least in
my case, Blacks do have good honest cocks, and I was very glad to see that Tim
could match me. The other myth people like to pass around is that Englishmen
tend to not have much.
I suddenly realized I was behind in the stripping department, but I made a show
of it for Sally. I mean, I really did feel playful and I put some good moves on
each piece of clothing. Then we were face to face, holding hands, trying not to
pay too much attention to the couple contorting on the couch. Even as we
watched, Tim got his face insinuated between Carrie’s thighs and making her
throw her head back in total abandon.
“So, Sal, who you want to fuck? “
She giggled, turning even pinker, “I wanted to fuck you way back on that day.
I didn’t think I could ever get past Carrie. This is going to be so good.”
And it was. We didn’t go fast, because we had a show to watch right beside us.
We never even considered finding a private space. Carrie never stopped being my
girl and Sally was still Tim’s. In college, before we met, Carrie had a couple
boy friends, and sometimes when I was in her and feeling good I would think of
them and wonder if they missed her pussy. Then Sally was doing things with her
tongue on my cock and I could think of nothing else, except how bad I wanted to
feel the warmth of her cunt and watch her dimples as her excitement built, and
thinking that I had to stop what she was going to keep from filling her face
with the load tabbed for her womb.
I sat her on the edge of the couch, kneeling between her thighs. We were both watching as Tim fucked into Carrie, hogging most of the horizontal space, but it gave us a great view of the union, Carrie flashing pink on the outstroke, then Tim slamming his balls into her bum, pulling little yelps from her each thrust. Then my head was in Sally, black shaft slowly sinking into shaved pink lips, feeling just as warm and pampered as I could have imagined, educated pussy muscles working on me, urging me to fuck and feel good, and it was so cool, to be fucking this lady who was smart enough to teach the gang that fuck was a good word, and bugger not so much, at least in a hetero crowd. Who knew sex could be so intimate? Here I was, fucking a new lady, but watching as my sweety played with a new partner. I knew the moves she was putting on him, and how she was making him feel, and Sally was copying as much as she could and things I thought only Carrie could do were being done to me by this blond vixen….and then out of left field I came, a sudden ecstasy that I knew was a little quick, but I was powerless to stop, but it was OK, because Sally anticipated the heat of the moment and let herself go to. Her dimples disappeared, her face almost ferocious as she clawed my ass trying to pull me deeper still. Then I was digging my toes into the carpet, making her pube take my full weight, just grinding , feeling her convulsions, and then , finally, seeing the dimples reappear.
We were by no means finished. With Carrie and Tim still fucking, the scene
was still too horny for rest. We quickly transferred to the carpet, Sally
mounting my cock again and rocking slowly as we watched the other couple heave
and writhe. When Carrie lifted her knees I could see Tim’s cock thrusting hard
into her as she laughed softly at the sexy sweet nothings he was murmuring to
her. The she was saying how much she wanted to feel his juice squirting into
her, and the tempo became even more intense as Tim turned himself loose, Carrie
began a throaty moan, punctuated as each stroke hit bottom, building to
incoherent monosyllables in response to Tim’s sudden explosive grunts that
seemed to last forever, gradually ebbing to soft laughter from both as they
regretfully let the feeling go, knowing it would come again.
And even as I watched my angel floating by with another man in her, Sally began
to rock more vigorously on my hardened cock. After a minute of two, the dimples
deepened, she suggested doggy and we made a quick change, Sally’s head on Tim’s
still back, me fucking her from behind, fondling her little tits, and her hand
groping the union of their bodies.
Carrie caught my eyes dreamily, smiled and mouthed a ‘wow’ at me. She jumped when Sally touched a ticklish bit down there, then stuck her tongue out at me impishly.. Then I felt Carrie’s hand groping between Sally’s legs, cradling my balls, feeling me slide into Sally’s pussy, then by Sally’s reaction going to play on her clit (almost said work). And Sally was quickly responding, and in answer to her so was I, the my hands were clamped to Sally’s hips as I heaved into her, and she shrieked joyously as my cock and Carrie’s fingers dig their magic, and just for a second I thought of Joe fucking Sally Fields and wondering how that could be better than this.
We didn’t send Tim and Sally home that night. We had too much to talk about with the promise of more action. Actually that didn’t happen except about 3am we heard them fucking in the spare room. We thought of joining in, but went to sleep instead. We had plans for the morning. Tim was going to go online and show us their ad in a swinging site, and he had us half convinced to put one in ourselves. And in fact we did, the ads were so many and so tantalising. We put in two pics of Carrie’s pussy, one with Tim’s white cock in it , and one with my black one. Our headliner read, “WHO DO YOU WANT TO FUCK?”
I run into an old gf, than we run into her roommate... |
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