training a slave part three

(Part 3 from 4)
The room had gone silent, Andy, puzzled at the way in which she had taken his request,
the rest of the room waiting to see what would happen.

"I've, got a better idea," I began turning to my slave,

"Why don't you climb up on this table, and remove ALL your clothes?"

It was Andy's turn to go pale this time. He was normally a chivalrous man, opening
doors, that sort of thing, but his testosterone prevented him from intervening on Debbi's
behalf. He wanted nothing more than to see the body he had been sneakily glancing at all
night in the flesh, and unbelievably, the chance seemed to be looming.

"How about it?" I addressed Debbi, coolly

With a furtive, desperate glance at me, she clumsily climbed on to the table, a perverse
centrepiece, and her bare feet leaving footprints in the polished surface as she shuffled to
the middle.

Six pairs of eyes looked up at her expectantly, silent, hardly daring to believe that she
would comply. Andy in particular seemed to be literally holding his breath.

I watched the tears prick her eyes, gazing hopefully at me, desperate for a reprieve.
She was met with a cold stare as I, like the rest of the crowd, waited for the show to

She sighed, resigning herself to her task, and closing her eyes in an attempt to pretend
that she was alone she tentatively began to lift her t-shirt over her head.

Instantly, freed from the restraining material, they fell forward, full and round, her pink
rosy nipples pert and slightly erect with embarrassment.

There was a sharp intake of breath from around the table as she let the garment fall to the
polished wood, and an audible gasp from Andy.

It was not unusual fir women to become partially naked at my parties, but it was usually
under the influence of a great deal of alcohol, fleetingly temporary, and always but
always done voluntarily.

Even those guests who were aware of Debbie's status were shocked at her level of
apparent obedience, and they remained silent, expectantly waiting for the next move.
Slowly, almost imperceptibly, my slaves' hands moved to the waist band of her jeans,
gently unbuttoning the fly and with reluctant limbs, every instinct telling her that this was
wrong, she began to pull her denims over her round smooth buttocks and across her
thighs, painfully aware that while bending, she was offering Graham a close up view of
her bottom and plump labia, and Andy the benefit of the sight of her swinging breast,
inches from his face.

I smiled, her face had reddened to a deep scarlet, which was spreading across her neck
and shoulders. Her eyes damp with tears she hung her head in shame, desperately
humiliated by her incongruous position on the table, surrounded by so many fully clothed

Over the brief ripple of applause and wolf whistling that had broken out, Andy shouted
"Best tenner I ever spent!"

"And look at those piercings" noted shona excitedly.

"Is that a padlock between her legs?"

"Never mind her piercings, look at those tits!" shouted Andy gleefully

None of them seemed to have noticed her embarrassment or look of abject humiliation,
distracted by her young firm body so extraordinarily displayed on the table they had eaten
they're dinner off minutes earlier.

"Almost makes you want to join the other team!" quipped shona, fascinated by the sight
of another woman's body in such close up,

"I know what you mean!" chuckled Chris, reaching forward to slap Debbie's buttocks

At this I held up my hand

"Hang on, hang on, " I cautioned

"I've got to give Andy a chance to win his money back"

Andy dragged his eyes away from Debbie for a moment to look at me
"What did you have in mind" he grinned

"Another command?" I offered

He pondered for a moment,

"O.K. Although I can't see what there is left for her to do, I think we've seen just about
everything" he smirked, returning his eyes to my slaves chest and pubic area, drinking in
her body, oblivious to her, obvious reluctance.

Her face burning, she stood with her hands by her sides, terrified of the turn that this
game might take.

"Andy, push your chair back from the table", I ordered. He shuffled his chair back,

I looked at my shaking slave. Now was the moment of truth.
"Debbie, my friend would like you to relieve him"

She choked back a sob, her mind racing, desperately thinking of away out of the
nightmare she seemed unable to wake up from.

"Now there's no need." began Andy, expecting once again to be insulted in some way.
I held up my hand once more, silencing the party.

Her movements stiff, Debbie climbed reluctantly down from the table, and moving as if
sleep-walking, she walked falteringly round the table, standing between Andy's splayed
thighs, her shaved mound inches from his face, mortified and looking at me with despair
in her eyes.

I remained silent, watching her as she slowly turned to face the crotch of Andy's trousers,
too ashamed to look him in the eye, and to Andy's disbelief, sink to her knees in front of

It seemed that the ticking of the clock had increased ten times in volume, and the sound
of his zipper coming down was deafening, as Debbi rummaged in his open fly, pulling
out his semi-erect member, the evenings events having already produced a tell-tale trace
of pre-cum on its purple head.

With a final sigh she resigned herself to her task, and trying to mask her look of disgust,
she lowered her head onto his shaft, allowing the stranger into her mouth bit by bit, as if
it made the act easier to accept.

An astonished smile began to spread over my friends face as she began to stimulate his
glans with her tongue, using the well-practiced methods she used on me with such

She began to warm to her task, presume ably to end the humiliation as soon as she could,
taking his length into her mouth as far as he could, gagging as it hit the back of her throat
and slurping loudly as she moved her lips up and down its gnarled shaft.

The assembled audience began to recover from they're initial disbelief, and woken from
their revere, shouted words of encouragement to my friend, slouched in the high backed
chair, his face a picture of sexual contentment, the naked girl lapping reluctantly but
persistently at his manhood.

I smiled at the image. She was fighting with every resource in her body not to take the
strangers manhood from her mouth. Every principle she had been brought up to believe
was right and decent lay in tatters, her mental anguish equally as painful as the burning of
the crop

"What's it like Andy!"

"Is she any good?" this from Graham, understandably feeling little jealous, but kept in his
seat by the ever-watchful Chris

"My turn next" shouted Mike hopefully, all his adolescent dreams coming to fruition on
one night,
"Leave some for me!" shouted Shona, jokingly

"Shona!" reproached Chris, smiling despite herself.

Straining to retain his composure in front of his friends, but unable to control himself,
Andy began to ejaculate, his face contorting as the tiny jerks of his hips grew rapidly to
violent thrusts and his hot semen spurted from his glans, flooding Debbi's mouth with his
bitter, unwelcome seed.

She withdrew, pursing her lips as she forced herself to swallow the salty fluid, her neck
muscles tight in an attempt to prevent herself from gagging.

A she licked her lips to collect the slippy sheen of cum from around her mouth, she
replaced his rapidly shrinking member back in his trousers, the way she had carefully
replaced mine so many times before.

There was one thing left.

"Forgetting something?" I inquired, sarcastically.

Desperately she sneaked a glance at me, hoping to see a smile, hoping I wasn't serious.
She was met with an icy stare; I needed to ensure that her humiliation and feelings of
abasement were compounded.

Reluctantly she turned to Andy, his face a mask of contentment,
"Thank you sir." She almost whispered.

At this the guests applauded, shocked but nevertheless entertained by the incongruous
show they had just witnessed.

As I looked round the room, noting the look of glee on my assembled guests faces, my
eye was caught by shona. She was applauding mechanically, her eyes glassy, as if
thinking about something else entirely. I wondered if she had been offended by the way
that I had forced another woman to perform in such a degrading way. I didn't think so, as
far as my experience told me she was as broadminded as the rest of my friends.

Suddenly she shrugged, as if waking from a daydream. She immediately detected my
stare, smiling self-consciously and blushing slightly.

I was beginning to get the inkling of an idea, and vowed to test my theory later that night.

Her duties over, I led the unresisting Shona to the cellar steps, the assembled audience
shouting mock farewells as she disappeared from view.

As we entered the relative gloom of the cellar I led her to the angled whipping table I had
installed, placing her pelvis against the lip of the highest end, pushing insistently on the
small of her back, causing her to bend at the hips, her torso laid down hill, the smooth
unyielding surface of the table flattening her young breasts under her weight.
As I began to bind her, I began to speak,

"You performed well tonight, slave." I began, straining slightly as I pulled her arms down
the sides of the table, binding them to the legs with the leather cuffs.

"Th.Thank you Sir." She stammered, appreciating the unusual compliment,
nevertheless worried that she may be being trussed to receive a thrashing.

"The first time is the hardest" I commented, kicking her ankles apart to align them with
the two rear legs of the table.

"Y.Yes Sir." she whispered, suddenly struck with the notion that tonight was not to be a
one off.

"I intend to reward you, slave. Would you like that?"

"Oh... yes Sir" she breathed, relived that the expected whipping was becoming less of a
likely hood

"Good" I beamed, absentmindedly slapping her raised proffered cheeks with the flat of
my palm as I headed back toward the living room.

"Ill see you later then."

She made no reply, doubtless distracted by the thought of what it was that I would reward
her with.

Back in the warmth and comfort of my lounge, a few of my guests were preparing to

Graham had to be up for work in the morning and so had pre-booked a taxi to take him
and Chris home.

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