the Slumber party accident
Note : this story is completely fictional!
Leila Domingo’s mom and dad quickly rushed out the door. “I’m sorry hun,” her mom said, “but this is the only time me and your father can get time off work at the same time this year. I mean, we already saw your high school graduation ceremony, you don’t need us here for your party. As long as you remember, NO BOYS.”
“Yes mom,” Leila said as she shrugged off her mother’s hug. “It’ll just be me, Patricia O’Reilly, Christina Gomez, Michelle Sumner and Sarah Richardson. Like a slumber party.”
“Sarah Richardson? Isn’t she thirteen?” Her mother asked.
“Yeah, but she’s Patricia’s best friend, and she’s my friend too. Don’t worry, we’ll probably just end up watching movies or gossiping about guys. We’ll keep the noise down, which doesn’t really matter since dad installed the sound proof walls and windows when he put in the stereo system.”
“Alright, we’ll be gone for a week, so try to have your party done by then,” her mother added jokingly. “And you have the number where you can reach us?”
“Yes mom, stop worrying, you better hurry, or you’ll miss your flight.”
Leila’s mother kissed her on the cheek and ran out the door, “we’ll send you a postcard from Hawaii.” Then Leila was alone until ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. It was Patricia and Sarah. It was amazing how close as friends those two were, considering Patricia was 18. They had with them their clothes to sleep over with and they each greeted Leila with a hug. Patricia’s huge double D breasts brushed against Leila’s own c-cup sized boobs. Sarah didn’t really have much in the breasts area, she was just budding, and because she always played soccer, her body fat was lower which may have prevented her breasts from growing as fast as they should, keeping her an a-cup size.
The two friends quickly picked out their spots to sleep in the living room, and just as soon as they set their stuff down, the doorbell rang again. This time it was Christina Gomez and Michelle Sumner. Michelle was 20 and older than Christina by two years, but they looked about the same in body type. Christina was a gymnast with strong, yet smooth and gently sloped thighs, and Leila could clearly see Christina’s c-cup breasts under her pajamas. Michelle was also sort of athletic, she took martial arts, and even though she could be tough, most of the time she was sweet and gentle. Her breasts were the same size as Christina and Leila’s.
A couple hours later the five girls we’re sitting half naked in their bath robes, shaving their legs while watching a movie. Out of the five girls, Christina and Sarah had the nicest legs and largest asses. Because she played soccer all the time, Sarah’s rear end and legs well more well defined with smooth gentle curves and a nice roundness to them that complimented her ass that most guys want to smack. Christina was the same way because of her gymnastics, and most guys actually did squeeze her ass, when she let them. While they were shaving, the bottle of shaving cream was right next to Leila’s inner thigh, and when Michelle reached over to grab it, her pinky brushed lightly against the crotch of Leila’s panties. It wasn’t kept in contact for very long, but for some reason, Leila felt herself moisten at the touch.
She tried to cover up by quickly crossing her leg over the other, and she blushed wildly, but none of the others noticed. Patricia looked at the time and quickly jumped to her feet. “Uh, excuse me guys,” she said, than ran off to the back of the house and into a small room, quickly shutting the door behind her.
“What was that about?” Christina asked. Sarah, who didn’t have much hair on her legs to begin with, finished shaving and stood up. “ I don’t know,” Sarah said, “but I’m going to find out.” And she quickly ran to the shut door that Patricia slammed closed.
While Sarah was knocking on the door, trying to get Patricia to open it, Leila was deep in thought about how Michelle touched her crotch. Maybe it was just an accident, she thought to herself. But she knew, even if it was an accident, she was thinking about this for far to long for it to be normal. Finally Leila stood up and said, “Michelle, can I talk with in private?” Michelle said yes, and they both walked to a separate room and Leila closed the door behind her.
Sarah got fed up with knocking and ran through the living room and out the front door. She ran around the house and tried to figure out exactly which window would lead to the room Patricia was hiding in. She found it, and quickly crawled in through the open window into the darkened room. As soon as she had both feet on the floor, she felt someone grab her shoulders and plant their lips on hers, quickly followed by a silky smooth tongue that slithered it’s way into Sarah’s mouth.
“What did you want to talk about?” Michelle asked Leila. Leila paced nervously back and forth then finally started talking. “You touched my crotch. With your pinky, it wasn’t long, but still. I don’t think I should be obsessing about this for so long, but… Does that mean I’m a… I’m a …”
“Lesbian?” Michelle asked. Leila nervously nodded her head. “Look, why don’t you just kiss me, if you feel anything then we’ll know for sure, ok?”
Leila nodded her head, but then asked, “ Are you ok with that?” Michelle stepped closer to Leila, so close their lips were just an inch apart. “Of course, I’m a big girl I can handle anything.” So Leila slowly pressed her lips against Michelle’s. They were so soft, so warm, and without realizing it, Leila had wrapped a hand around the back of Michelle’s neck, pulling her closer. Michelle said she was tough, but she never expected this. At the very touch of Leila’s lips against hers, she felt her knees go weak, and her pussy moistened.
In the other room across the house, Sarah realized she was kissing this strange person back, using all her tongue, but she felt the stranger move a hand over her breasts, and the kiss immediately broke. The strange person walked back and turned on the lights. It was Patricia. “Oh my god,” Sarah and Patricia said in unison. “I’m so sorry,” Patricia said nervously, “ I was waiting for my boyfriend, he said he was going to sneak into Leila’s house around this time, I thought you were him.” Sarah was to shocked to say anything back, what she couldn’t figure out was if she was more shocked that she tongued a girl, or that she liked it. Little did she know, Patricia was thinking about the exact same thing.
A full five minutes after they started kissing, Michelle and Leila broke it off. It started with a simple kiss on the lips, but quickly evolved into using tongues, and groping at each other’s bodies. “Well I think that answers that question,” Michelle said sarcastically. “What do we do now?” Leila asked, with her arms still wrapped around Michelle’s waist. Michelle had her hands pressed against Leila’s smooth stomach, almost all the way up to her breasts. But she quickly removed her hands out from under Leila’s top and Leila removed her arms from Michelle. “Maybe we should just go back outside,” Michelle suggested. Leila nodded in agreement and together they walked back into the living room. Christina was still oblivious and still watching the movie, but at the same time as Michelle and Leila walked out of their room, Patricia and Sarah walked out of the other one. “What have you guys been doing?” Christina asked to no one in particular. But Sarah, Patricia, Leila, and Michelle all yelled out, “NOTHING!” Christina cast a confused look at all four of them, but then turned back to the movie.
The five of them continued to watch the movie, pretending nothing had happened. But Leila felt as if she had to confess what she had done. The feeling kept eating away at her until finally she yelled out, “Michelle and I kissed!” Four heads turned to look at her. Christina had the most bewildered look, and Michelle looked embarrassed, but Sarah and Patricia had the strangest reaction of all. They blushed and looked at each other. Sarah being to young to have to courage to confess, Patricia, with her 17 year old courage said, “So did Sarah and I.” The group sat quiet for nearly ten minutes when 18 year old Sarah said, “ I think I may have liked it.” There was another paused until Patricia said she might have liked it also. Then Leila and Michelle admitted that they also liked their kiss.
Christina was still in a daze and said, “Wait, so you guys, are like…lesbians?” All four of them nodded their heads. Christina sat back in the couch, still quiet and confused. The she said, “ I think I might be to.”
“What?” Sarah asked. “How do you know?” Christina sighed and responded, “Well, when you guys told me you were kissing and stuff, all I could think about was, I’d like to try that.” They sat in silence again, until Michelle decided to at least try out this whole lesbian theory and stood up, walked over to Christina, sat on her lap, and began to kiss her. It happened so fast; none of the others could react to what was going on. Michelle began the kiss simply by touching her lips to Christina’s, then she slowly started sucking on Christina’s lip, and soon, Michelle felt Christina slide her tongue into her mouth. They started moving a lot faster right after that. They made out heavily, with more enthusiasm, with more tongue. It looked like to Sarah, Patricia, and Leila that the two girls were trying to shove their tongues as far down each other’s throat as they possible could. Suddenly, Michelle began untying Christina’s robe, and massaging her perfect breasts. Christina moaned softly and untied Michelle’s robe. Soon they were both groping and exploring each other’s naked bodies with their small hands, and still kept a tongue in each other’s mouth. Christina was happily rubbing Michelle’s nipples with her hands, and Michelle was busy squeezing Christina’s big, firm ass.
As the other three watched on, Leila got a strange urge. She wanted to see Patricia’s huge tits and hold them in her hands. Without even thinking she jumped over to Patricia and began ripping off her bathrobe. Her breasts were huge! So big it look bigger that Sarah’s head. Patricia’s wide pink nipples were also huge, about the same size and Leila‘s open mouth. Because she wasn’t wearing any underwear, Leila could see that Patricia had a small patch of red pubic hair, the same color as Patricia’s long and beautiful hair on her head. Patricia was a little shocked at the suddenness of all that was going on, but she instinctively lowered Leila’s head over one enormous nipple, and Leila began to slurp away greedily. Sarah was also at first shocked, but she didn’t want to be left out, so she stripped herself, a sight that made all of the other four women instantly wet. Because even though Sarah was only 18, she had an amazing body. Her tits were small, but they looked good enough to eat, in fact the other girls could probably put their whole mouths over Sarah’s breasts. And Sarah had long smooth legs, an ass that rivaled Christina’s in its size, shape and firmness, and because she was only thirteen, she had faint traces of blond pubic hair.
Sarah immediately ran over to her best friend Patricia and began to lick the other huge double D cup breast. Patricia moaned but said to Sarah, “ No, can you…please lick my pussy.” Sarah was at first disgusted by the request, but Patricia looked at her with those brilliant green eyes, and Sarah knew she would do anything to make her happy. Because Leila was sucking on Patricia’s tit, Sarah had to crawl under Leila, and lie down on her back to get a full-face view of Patricia’s wet pussy. Sarah could feel Leila humping her pussy against Sarah’s erect nipple, and the scent of Patricia’s juices made Sarah dive tongue first into her waiting pussy. The taste was amazing to her, even though she was only 18, she had given a few blow jobs to some guys, and she wondered if the taste of Patricia’s cum was better than the taste of the guy’s semen. Patricia wanted to see Leila naked so bad, and immediately began stripping the 18 year old. Being latina, Leila’s skin was the perfect shade of brown, and her breasts looked more like tear drops then perfect orbs. Leila began to massage and pick at Leila’s breasts. With the combined effort of Leila licking at her breasts and Sarah eating at her pussy, Patricia started to cum. It seemed like gallons of cum washed over Sarah’s face, Sarah liked the taste so much, she tried to gulp it all down, but some still trickled out of her mouth.
On couch, Michelle started fingering Christina’s ass, and Christina was moaning so loud, Michelle thought the neighbors might hear them, but then remembered what Leila said about the walls being sound proof. Christina began grinding her pussy against Michelle’s crotch; her firm and smooth legs were wrapped around Michelle’s waist. All Michelle could think of was that she really wanted her head to be between Christina’s legs. So she broke the kiss (they’d been kissing for nearly half an hour), and when Christina tried to protest, Michelle quickly licked at her pussy. Christina reacted in just the way she wanted her to, by wrapping her perfect gymnast legs around her head. And while Michelle had her tongue busy inside Christina’s pussy, her fingers were thrusting in and out of Christina’s asshole.
When Patricia finally finished cuming, she backed up off of Sarah and Leila began to lick up all he excess cum off of Sarah’s face. And while their tongues began to intertwine, Sarah could feel her best friend, Patricia’s head between her legs. Suddenly she felt a hot tongue enter her pussy, and her back arched in ecstasy. Patricia’s hands ran up and down Sarah’s smooth Caucasian legs and ass, wondering why the hell she never squeezed them like this before. Leila began to move her pussy over Sarah’s face, but Sarah’s tongue and jaw were still a little sore from licking at Patricia’s pussy, so she did the next best thing. She started fingering Leila.
Leila sighed and moaned as Sarah tried to squeeze more fingers into Leila’s pussy. Leila wasn’t a virgin and been with a few guys, but they never lasted, and now she knew why, because she was a lesbian. But because those cocks had stretched her out a little bit, and because Sarah’s hands were so small, Sarah could actually fit her whole fist inside Leila’s pussy. She started thrusting in and out, almost going to the halfway point between her wrist and her elbow. Leila’s pussy muscles began to contract, Sarah could feel it, and so she quickly pulled her fist out and put Leila’s pussy over her mouth so she could drink down all the sweet juices.
Soon enough, Leila started gushing, she came a lot more than Patricia, and Sarah noticed that it tasted different too, not bad, just different. The same time Leila came so did Sarah and Christina. If the house wasn’t sound proof, their moans and screams could be heard at least a mile away. Sarah surprised them all, even though she was smaller than the others, and the youngest, she screamed so loud, they thought the windows might crack. Then all five of them collapsed. It was a while later before Christina said that Michelle hasn’t been satisfied yet. So all four of the other girls kneeled in front of Michelle with their tongues hanging out, all of them trying to lick at her pussy. With so many tongues eating her out, Michelle started to cum in less than five minutes.
“That was amazing,” Sarah said, as she lay contently in Patricia’s arms.
“Yeah, and we still have a week before my parents get back,” Leila said. They all smiled at that and unanimously decided to sleep together in the same bed. They squeezed into Leila’s parent’s king size bed, their arms draped over each other, with Sarah nestled against Patricia’s breasts, Christina hugging Sarah from behind, with her pussy pressed against Sarah’s ass. Leila was using Christina’s ass as a pillow and Michelle hugged Leila lightly, their nipples touching each other softly. And together, they all fell asleep. TO BE CONTINUED
How does a man live with both his lovers? |
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