the Slave - a First Time Story

(Part 4 from 4)

As the intensity of the stream diminished, it ended on my now drenched midsection. He told me not to move and he carefully climbed out of the tub. He told me to get up and lean against the wall opposite from the fixtures. He explained that now we were to shower, but he was to wash me. I was not to touch him at all. Following his instructions, he climbed back in the tub in front of me. He told me he would adjust the faucets to the right temperature. I heard the strain and squeal of turning faucets and the rush of warm water emitting from the showerhead. Again, he climbed out of the tub and drew the curtains. He told me to stand directly under the shower. The water flowing over me was just the right temperature. It felt great. I heard a rustling of clothes through the rushing water. He pulled back the curtain from behind me and this time climbed in where I had stood. I suspected that for the first time he was completely disrobed in my presence. Suddenly, I felt a bar of soap and his prodigious hands on me. It was thrilling to be attentively washed by another man from head to toe. He even lathered my hard cock and shampooed my adjacent bush. Before rinsing me off, he stuck the bar of soap up the crack of my ass and then fingered around my rectum to insure that I was clean to his satisfaction. When we were both out of the tub, he tossed me the large fluffy bath sheet I had encountered before and told me to towel myself off. When I finished, I was to cross the hall and walk into the bedroom from whence we came and sit at the bedside. I noticed that he did not directly cross into the bedroom but hurriedly walked down the hall presumably to another room. 

Before I was ready to cross the hall myself, he had returned and pointed the flashlight into the bedroom to assist my walk to the bed. Sitting on the side of the bed, I heard him walk up to me. I felt him reach for my right hand and place it on his own fully hardened cock sticking out straight at me horizontally. It was an unbelievably pleasant re-acquaintance. In my other hand he shoved a tube of something. Presumably a tube of lubricant for he insisted that I squirt dabs of the stuff on to my fingers and spread it out over the whole length of his penis. I was then ordered to spread a towel he had handed me over the bottom-fitting sheet of the bed. He told me to climb over the towel on my hands and knees, doggy style. I felt the heave as he climbed on the bed behind me. I dreaded the event that was to take place next, but I believed it to be the ultimate test of my affection for men. I earnestly wanted to pass it. He told me that if I wanted, I could rest my head on a pillow, but the top of my head had to be resting against the brass bars. Instead of greasy fingers invading my butthole, I next felt him spread my ass cheeks with those brusque digits and then the unmistakable feel of his tongue skillfully flicking about that region. Rapturous new pleasures were mine again. I found myself thrusting my hips backward to meet the sweeping licks at such a sensitive spot. I gasped as he prodded his tongue into the bull’s eye, parting the encirclement of my fortunate sphincter. Soon tongue was replaced with coated fingers, and my conditioned posterior greeted the stroking penetration with ease and pleasure. This welcome invasion was short lived. 


The bed shook and strained as I sensed his adjustment of position behind me. My heart pounded with the return of the sense of fear mixed with excitement. In my newly defined sexuality, I knew this was going to be the moment of truth for me. He sternly but calmly instructed me to reach back with my hands and spread my ass cheeks. He advised me to push my ass muscles as if I was going to fart. I next felt the hot fat head of his man rod press against my quivering butthole. With a few high-pressure thrusts he managed to breach my virgin cavity easily enough. I heard the brass bars rattle as I believe he had leaned over and stretched his muscled arms to grab the bars to steady himself as he entered me. What happened next nearly caused me to regret this whole episode. With a single decisive push accompanied by an animal like grunt, he thrust the whole length and width of his prodigious man meat into my visceral tunnel. Tears streaming down my face, I let out a cry as I believed I had been split open from the inside out. For a minute, there was no motion or sound. My head against the pillow, my impaled ass supported by my knees, the pain began to subside. Slowly he started stroking my stretched orifice and the pain miraculously gave way to intense glowing pleasure. If anything, I desired him to increase the pace and depth of his thrusts. Joy of joys, this was the intimacy of intimacies. This was the ultimate in loving bonds between men. I relished his great manly salami ravishing my lust filled bowels with ever-increasing intensity. That a man should have his erogenous internals so primaly stimulated by another man’s inflamed manhood now seemed the most natural thing in the world to me. After 19 years, it was another revelation to me that the butthole is another intensely pleasurable genital. By now, his large hands had slid down the brass bars and his sweating manly scented torso was just above me. At times I thought I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck. He was panting heavily; obviously engrossed in the intense pleasure he was deriving from my tight ass. Suddenly, his strokes stopped as I felt his hot gristle expand against the walls of my bowels one last time. Instantly, I sensed his warm wet syrupy discharge spray over my highly sensitized prostate. This excessively sensual moment brought me over the edge and I effusively squirted out my own building load of cum onto the towel beneath me. The intensity of our simultaneous ejaculatory spasms made us both sing out a litany of grunts and moans in an earthy mating song. In this final moment of passion I had made another remarkable self-discovery. In this latest round of initiation, my cock had never been touched before reaching climax. This night had truly been an education in erotic sensibility. 

He rose out of the bed almost instantly and exited the room with the aid of his flashlight. I lay for a few minutes contemplating the not unpleasant stretched feeling in my backside. Feeling my master’s cum trickle out of my butt hole on to the towel beneath me was oddly comforting. Remembering that he had allowed me the use of the bathroom, I walked into it not needing the aid of any lighting. I turned on the light, used the facilities, and remembered to turn off the light before walking back into the bedroom to lay on the bed once more.

A few minutes later he stood at the doorway. His flashlight beam was directed at my naked body sprawled out on the bed for a few minutes before he spoke. Eventually he made his last declarations. 

“These are my final instructions. When you leave here, you will never return to this house. You are to never attempt to find out who I am. In a minute, I will go downstairs to turn on some lights. Roughly five minutes later, you will come downstairs and proceed directly to the room where you undressed. After retrieving your clothes you will exit this house the way you entered it. Make certain that you do not enter any rooms not mentioned in these instructions.” He briefly cleared his throat and in an almost endearing inflection he said, “you proved yourself an excellent and ultimately willing slave, but we will never meet again. Somehow, I believe this night has changed your life forever.” 

With that, he turned and I heard him descend the stairs, realizing that I would never hear that sexy mellifluous voice again. I honored his final instructions scrupulously. As I walked away from that house of mystery in the chill of the dawn, first light was revealing itself over the horizon. I strolled back to the campus aware that I had been transformed into an aficionado of men and their bodies. Gay pornography became a passion with me. Within days, I discovered that there was a thriving bisexual community in this campus town. It accepted me readily and unconditionally. Girlfriends would arrange clandestine rendezvouses. The reward for their efforts would be to act as encouraging voyeurs to the incessant orgiastic couplings of their committed male companions. The males in turn would enjoy the physical encounters between female intimates. 

At present, I enjoy a full range of gay sexual activity with my lover, sometimes in the presence of good friends. I still sometimes ponder the mystery man who introduced me to the superlative delights of man-to-man sex.

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