One day We will find each other.

(Part 1 from 1)

Two long years past 
No love making far to long.
Already past the misdemeanor
The meaner I got didn't matter.
Cause no one would talk to me.

So now I'm looking to change my view
Don't want SEX with just anyone.

Decided to change my ways
instead of getting meaner 
I'm going to get better 
Nicer and kinder.

Let him know the tease is not loud 
Let him know I need a friend 
Let him know I need just one man.
When we know each other.
When we see through each other 
With the sparkling in our eyes
For everyone to see.

The tease can rise 
The night will be all mine
With the man that waited 
For true love we both desire
Making love to one another.

It will be better then sex.
I will have one man forever.

With one man to share 
love making with is ten times better
then sex that leads to one night stands
With several different men.
Not knowing where they have been.

That's why I want one man with
honesty and respect and a personality
that can make me smile and laugh
Know I can come to him for comfort 
Know he will be there for me in good times
As well as bad times.

To have a friend 
Someday a lover 
forever is dream 
most want forever

I hear theirs someone out there
For everyone. 
So I go and take care of me 
Someday we will find each other long the way.
Spend a life together one day
We will find each other sex won't matter.
Cause I will be making love forever.

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She seemed to get worst almost everyday! She finally took the big vibrator out of the closet Frank gave her as a present before he left. He told her to use it when the need got bad!