My wet hot summer
100% fiction!
my name is Amelia and i'm 19 years old my best friend Hale is 22. We have always been really close and growing up together we did everything together. When he went away to college, i only got to see him on holidays. We would chat online at least three or four times a week and i would send him "care" packages. Hale is always so sweet to me, he is the best friend any girl could ask for, he is like my brother in a lot of ways.
When his Father died he actually stayed at my house and slept in a tee-pee he insisted we build a few days before in my room. After that his and my family became very close and he eventually just moved into the guest room (his room) and his mother sent his things.
we think that Hales mom couldn't take losing his dad and just wanted him to be happy where ever he could be, My parents took care of the adult things and we spent an entire summer trying not to grow up or be serious. I don't think any two friends could be closer than Hale and i. My parents were always so supportive of Hale and his decision to go to a different college than me, i wasn't i was ton to bits by it.
After a while i realized that we both just needed that space to grow as people. When we both went to schools Hale at Duke and myself at stanford. Hale called me at the end of this last semester (and my last week of school) and said he wanted to go on a camping trip to the lake. I wasn't exactly thrilled till he said he would put up the tent and do the "harder" stuff. Im the most accident prone person i've ever met. Growing up i was picked on a lot because i didn't want to play and run around like other girls in my classes they would steal my books and call me names.
Once i reached junior high i developed quickly and started to fill out more, i was taunted as being weird because i was well endowed. Hale was always so nice he never picked on me like other big brothers he said that i wasn't clumsy, i was delicate. I wasn't Amelia big boobs i was just beautiful smart amelia.
I knew that i would have fun with Hale no matter what we did plus the lake was going to be amazing, sun bathing everyday snuggling up to a camp fire every night so it caught me by surprise when i tuned back into Hale and he's saying" yeah Ames we'll fish everyday, go hiking, jump off the bluffs, and catch our own food!" i started laughing and said "whoa there bubsi (i call him bubsi he calls me ames) i'm not into all that, maybe we can try some of that stuff but take it easy. I'll be packing plenty of food and supplies. You may be a mountain man with your first aid skills and living off the land but i am not. "
He started laughing and said yeah your right i forgot , my little delicate flower, i wasn't sure if you'd changed while i was away all that much. i laughed with him then, we wrapped up the details pretty easily he was coming in on friday night and we would leave on sunday morning to get an early start. I packed everything i could think of from toiletries, food, first aid kits, sleeping gear, fire starters, and all the other stuff our father used when he and Hale would do their "man thing" when we were growing up.
I was so excited to see Hale for the first time since we went away to separate schools i threw on my my cute shorts and tank top and did my hair its sandy blonde and about to my waist i always braid it to keep it out of the way but tonight i curled it and threw on some cute earrings so hopefully Hale would see i wanted to go grab some food or do something fun before our parents made us go to a boring dinner with the neighbors. I was on the couch when Hale came in and tossed his bags on the landing. I squealed and did a small jump as i stumbled around the couch he caught me round the waist just before i actually fell i was all too aware of how, well, big he'd become!
My brother has always been big and tough looking but he's never been really buff he looked like he had grown a few more inches, which put him at around six foot two inches. Compared to my five foot three i was a shrimp! This semester he was into working out and weight lifting. So when he caught me around the waist and he pulled me up into a big bear hug i thought i was going to burst. It wasn't the fall that had me flushed though, it was how my breasts pushed against his chest before he let me go. He must have been aware of it as well, because he sort of looked anywhere but at my face for a second.
I knew i must look different because i had been working on my body all semester. I was thinner and firmer than id ever been but i couldn't get rid of my chest or my butt. When i was measured for a bra this last time i had her measure my hips and waist too just out of curiosity 38chest 22waist 33butt/hips. how the heck does that work? Really! I do crunches sit ups jumping jacks and i run every, single, day. Yet he goes to the gym twice a week as he proclaims every time we would chat and he explodes! That is so Hale. After the odd hug he told me to go change because we were going out for burgers. i said what no i just changed i like this outfit ! He looked abashed and said oh, well, you look nice.
He turned and walked out to the car so i grabbed my bag and ran after him. when we got in the car the conversation felt pretty normal we chatted about school and mom and dad what we were looking forward to about our trip and what we were gonna do first. When we pulled up to the drive in i asked if we could put the top down on the way home.
He smiled and asked me how old i was, and we laughed. we both had burgers and fries and sat chatting and eating hale pushed the button on the dash to let the top down. was so excited i was bouncing when i realized i must look like a goofball because Hale was looking down at me and he was smiling at me in the oddest way when i turned around to adjust i decided it would feel nice to step out of the car and stretch while Hale ordered our chocolate milkshake. as i got out i felt all my tension from sitting on my legs instead of on my ass so i stretched and reached up like i was going to go off like a rocket i felt my shirt start to rise but i didn't think anyone would notice when of course a car came rolling through that i immediately recognized as a guy i went to school with that had been very mean to me. He pulled up next to us and parked.
He surprised me by getting out of the car he came over to me and began to grin like a moron and said well hey big tits nice to see your big fine ass out and about without even blinking i kneed him in the balls and slapped him he rose up and grabbed my arm and swung me around were his mouth was at my ear. This happened in a matter of a minute, Hale jumped out of the car and shouted once, hey asshole! and everyone on the lot froze. Blaine didn't realize hale was with me i really thought he was going to shit himself because Hale had beat his ass once before because he'd said the wrong thing to me.
Before letting go blaine grabbed me tight and rubbed his hand along my ass and said one day i'm gonna have you all to myself you goody two shoes bitch and then there wont be anyone to stop me from fucking taking you, anyway i want it. He let me go and as i slumped toward the ground i felt Hale scoop me up and put me in the car i heard a scuffling sound and a strangled yelp then hale got into the car and we took off , fast. When we were a distance down the road he pulled over to check on me but i couldn't stop the tears because i was so angry and shaken by what he'd said.
Hale looked at me and said Ames do you wanna tell me what he said please? I slowly looked up and i saw the pain flash across his face when he saw that i was crying he said what, did, he say Amelia tell me now because i will kill him! i just sighed and said he's not worth killing he is full of shit he interrupted me and said beautiful women don't speak that way you know and i had to laugh because thats what our mother would always say to me as a kid but as i looked into his eyes i realized that he meant it. i said sorry. . so i cleared my throat and started again he isn't worth it he is just a jerk that isn't happy with himself He stopped me again what did blaine say to you as i was coming round the car?
I bit my lip and told him and he was so still that i thought something was
wrong because the blood drained rom his face and then he turned red and then he
cursed and punched the wheel and said a few things i had never heard of then
looked at me i must have been cowering a bit because in one swift move he pulled
me into his lap and hugged me really hard and said don't worry ill always
protect you from asshole like him i'm trying really hard not to go kill that
He let out a pent up sigh and lifted my chin up and looked me in the eyes and said are you ok? As he spoke i realized just how beautiful Hale was with his bright green eyes and freckled cheeks even with his tan his hair always clean and side swept a little he i just couldn't help myself i kissed his cheek and hugged him and said don't worry i'm fine its just well you know embarrassing.
Hale sort of shifted and sat me in my seat and said yeah i know we were right there in front of people. I said, no its embarrassing because he thinks he can say all those things and do all those, . . . things and that i would be ok or even like it if he, (i swallowed and said the word) fucked me anyway he wanted. But the truth is i wouldn't even be able to tolerate him kissing me. i want it to be nice special even not cheap and nasty. Well at least not cheap if i really loved someone i might you know get wild , at that point i was giggling hysterically, and Hale just looked at me with his eyes sort of bugging out of his head.
When he finally let a gust of air out and said, Whoa, ok so you're a virgin good to know Ames but why haven't you. . . decided to take that step? I mean you are by far the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. I was stunned into silence id never even thought about it so i said just that. well Bubsi i've never thought of making love, having sex, or what ever else you guys call it. I figure that when it feels right ill just let it happen i did kiss a boy once "he-he" i just sort of grabbed him by the collar and went in for it he was stiff at first then he kissed me back, it was neat because he was nice to me and played board games with me and talked to me just like any other person.
I was like sixteen and we were at adventure camp. Hale just looked at me and smiled he said well i was 19 and i was at prom with Chelsea Dandridge
she grabbed my face and kissed me so i kissed her back and that was that it was nice but nothing special. I kissed one other girl during my first year of college but she wanted to do a lot more than kiss. I just wasn't into it she had all of her clothes off and just sort of stood there looking at me like ok now you, and i just couldn't do it. I was speechless i couldn't believe it my big strong handsome sexy even, brother is a virgin! Wow Hale thats cool that you wanna wait until you are ready and everything now i don't feel like such a prude, i well . . . never mind . . . .
Hale could tell that i was clamming up after the download of info so he pushed the button and the top rose up and enclosed us in the nights warmth and Hales cologne it was heady all of a sudden so i adjusted the window and we took off down the road again in silence. I was fidgeting with the thought forming in my head like someone had flipped a switched inside me i didn't know how to sort through it all i kept seeing different scenarios in my head play out were i'm in different states of undress and i'm being kissed rubbed down and well lots of other things i'm too scared to let happen in my mind or fear of bursting into flames.
All of a sudden Hale slammed on the brakes and said look Amelia you obviously have something on your mind please talk to me. I love you, just because its a tough subject doesn't mean that we can't work it out like we have everything, else i mean i helped you with your period for christ sakes. I laughed nervously and watched as he pulled onto this side road and drove slower like he was too afraid to go faster, or stop the car either. So i broached it easily at first Have you ever wanted to do other things besides what you have? Hale glanced my way and said well not exactly not up until recently and he stopped talking at once.
I continued well me too i was just thinking about what it would be like to slowly take off all my clothes and ease into a nice hot bath with someone and just kiss and touch and do you know other things. I stopped talking because there was a lump in my throat. Hale slowed to a stop thank goodness we were on a back road in the middle of the night because he just stared at me like i was hell come to earth. He had a huge range of emotions on his face from fear to anger to hunger i was didn't want to examine that to closely. He said well. . he cleared his throat that sounds really hot i mean you know good.
i wish i knew how to be smooth like that but i wouldn't be able to be myself when if i were naked in front of a woman like that. I nodded and said yeah same here i've barley kissed a boy much less been naked. I said quickly before i lost my nerve, Hale kiss me i know its weird but i admire you and love you and i want to know what its like to kiss someone because i never have i lied when i told you i had i'm sorry if you could do this for me id be so grateful it could be our secret i just need to know. . . . . . ( i said the last in a whisper ) whats it would be like to kiss you.
He pulled off our back road and into this dense wooded area where i was pretty sure his Audi r8 Spyder wouldn't or shouldn't go it is his baby. When he stopped the car he killed the engine but let the radio play in the background ill never hear we belong together by Mariah Carey the same way again. He deliberately didn't look at me for the longest time and when he did it scared me i thought he was angry but before i could blink he scooped me up into his lap and he wrapped his arm around my back and said Ames i would do anything for you but why this i'm more confused and honestly conflicted than i've ever been in my life.
i just looked at him and with all the honesty i could show i said Hale if i can choose who i could have my first kiss with i want it to be you because you've never called me names been mean spiteful or rude you are a beautiful person inside and out. its what id like . . i trailed off because the lump in my throat was back and as my tears threatened to spill over i just looked at him because he was actually the one person i could trust and he'd always said i was beautiful smart and all these lovely things.
So when he looked up at me he lifted his hand from my back to my neck and slowly brought my face to his not sure what to expect i closed my eyes and pursed my lips and he slowly kissed a trail from my cheek to my chin and to my other cheek he then puled back and smiled at me because my eyes were at this point like saucers and i said no i mien like . . and he stopped me and said if you want me to kiss you you have to be still and quiet because i'm going to make this the most magical beautiful sensual first kiss in the history of kisses.
my breath caught in my chest on he leaned in as if to kiss my mouth and instead he moved my hair from my face and he began kissing my neck and along my jaw bone it started then in the pit of my stomach this warm tingle and it began to rise slowly as his kisses went lower to my throat and up again to my ear lobe it was getting harder for me to catch my breath.
He slowly began to rub circles down my arm as he brought me closer to his body his mouth slowly reached mine and he kissed my lips slow and easily and then stopped. I looked at him and we just knew that there was something more there but in that moment Hale didn't care, he began kissing me again and this time it was still so soft but it was deeper the fire ignited but not yet burning he slowly began to caress my neck and shoulders as if his hands were trying to be greedy for my skin then as he moved lower to my shoulders he slid my straps down on my top and exposed my nude lace and satin bra to his finger tips he didn't poke and prod but he just looked at me like a starving man being given food for the first time.
Hale began kissing me at once he was everywhere all at once. he started to part my lips with his tongue when i reached down and slid my hand under his polo to rest my hand on his rock hard stomach when he froze and lightly grabbed my hand to stop me. I froze feeling a little ashamed when he saw my face he said no, no Ames don't be upset its me i can't we cant do this you are truly my very best friend i didn't think i could do this with anyone and i never thought of you in this way. Why would i ruin what we have now when we are so perfect like we are?
The lump in my throat quickly becoming anguish i choked out as i swiftly pulled my top right again, you're so right we shouldn't it wouldn't be right yes . . . . as he composed himself in his seat he watched me arrange myself just so and he laughed just a little like he normally would and whispered my sweet sweet delicate flower. How could i be so lucky to be your first kiss.
I looked u in shock not sure what to say and he leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips and then as quickly as it happened it was over and we were back on the main road on our way back to my parents to sleep and get ready for our trip i knew from that moment no matter what i would never be the same . . . . . . . . . . . . to be continued
I met a delish guy and after gettin to know him better I found that he had a monster cock! |
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