Holiday with the lads : Part 1
Beep! Beep! Beep! I jumped as the sound of my alarm woke me from a deep sleep. As my eyes began to focus on the room around me and my body moved gently from the position it had been stationary in for the last eight hours, my stomach suddenly began to spin, it was like the ocean crashing into the rocks in my stomach. It couldn't be possible the day had arrived, it had always been in the future and now suddenly it was upon me, my stomach gave another larch. I am usually a fairly confident outgoing person but today i wised i could stay in the warm bed all day.
Slowly i slip my foot to the edge of the bed and checked the temperature of the room, as soon as my toe was exposed from below the covers i quickly snapped it back as the cold air brushed over the skin sending a shock straight to my brain. I was six am, on a saturday, why am i doing this? i thought to myself as i slid my body from beneath the covers of my warm, soft, comforting duvet. As the cool air hit my body i felt goose bumps appear over my semi naked body, i caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, the scar on my leg visible clearly from the rest of my tanned skin. running in a straight line up my calf stopping just short of my tight white boxer shorts an d starting half way above my knee. What would people think? what would they say? seriously is this a good idea? a trip away with the lads for an adventure weekend. Stop this now!! you are just getting yourself worked up about nothing, it would all be fine, the lads are all really nice and aren't the sort to ask questions. they were all going for one reason and one reason only.. to have a laugh.
I quickly got off the bed and crossed the room going straight to the bathroom, locking the door and turning on the shower, letting the room heat up a little with the stream being generated. i ran my hand under the flowing water, it felt like a hot spring waterfall running over my skin, warming it as it flows and runs between my fingers and one droplet choosing its own destination and running down my arm onto my wrist and then dropping into the shower. I quickly took off my boxers and climbed into the shower. It was lovely and hot and soon heated my cold bidy by allowing the hot water to penetrate over my skin. i grabbed the shower gel and began to scrub my body clean, running my hands over my soft skin, starting my arms moving down over my chest and then down the outside of my leg. rubbing the shower gel into the hair only leg, lifting my food and flinching as i tickled my own foot. Climbing my leg again i feel my hand brushing the hairs the wrong way up the inside of my leg, i suddenly slowed as my hand reached he edge of my hanging balls and soft cock, i gently ran my hand over my cock and balls pulling the foreskin back showing my smooth soft cock head. it felt nice and my cock twitched and began to grow slightly. I quickly realized I didnt have time to have a wank and continued to clean the rest of my body.
When the soap had all run off my body i quickly climbed out and wrappy myself in a towel allowing its rough cottin to cling onto my wet skin. I quickly dried myself and walked back to the bedroom and put on the clothes i had layed out, a pair of blue dark demin jeans and grey tee-shirt, i grabbed a hoodie and picked up my packed bag and headed down stairs just in time to hear a van pull up outside. As i walked out the front door and saw the four other lads, all looking so excited and happy, i could help but feel more relaxed. I walked to the back of the van and climbed in. Tom was driving and was first to speak. 'hey buddy, did you sleep ok? you look wrecked already, u gonna be up for all this action?' 'Yeah! im fine, just not use to this time of the morning,' i replied as i looked for the seatbelt and felt the van began to move away.
The van journey seemed to last ages but was probe only two hours, we arrived at a n amazing camp site on the edge of a lake with wooden cabins to one side and hills reaching up towards the sky as their backdrop. the sun was out and it was heating up nicely too. We all jumped out the van and stretched out our legs and arms reaching up to the sky. i couldn't help but yawn and closed my eyes for a second, i turned round to help to get my bag out the van just as Tom came rounf the front of the van. He was wearing grey jogging bottoms and a white tee-shirt which was hugging tightly to his chest and round his biceps.
As he walk towards me with his shades on I couldn't help but notice a large bulge in his joggers, hanging just to the left, i could clearly make out his cock as the joggers pulled tighter over it as he walked. I always thought he would have had a big cock. one of those guys who has an kind of swagger and confidence. He was always a hit with the girls. Being 6'1, blonde haired blue eyed rower with a well paid job he was kind of the perfect guy.
'alright' i suddenly jumped back to reality and averted my eyes as Tom was smiling looking straight at me, i hoped he hadn't noticed me looking at him but i knew he had. 'come on dont want to waste anytime lets get the stuff out the van.' he said in a bubbly manner. We go all our stuff and headed to the cabin we had rented. It was really nice inside too, a massive log fireplace, small kitchenette and two rooms both with double beds. David and James had already gone into separate rooms when Tom suddenly said, 'Lads lets sort out whos crashing where later, i wanna go for a swim in the lake, whose game?' 'i am' said james who has already taken his top off and was rifling though his bag to fing some shorts. He was slightly shorter than Tom at only 5.11 and a bit stockie with a muscled physique, a large chest and the start of a 6 pack showing thought.
Me to, i'm roasting' said David. He was the skinniest of us all but very toned, he did a lot of running and had long slim legs and a flat stomach. I on the other hand was more regular, normal, an active guy who at 6'0ft was perfect in proportion but needed to do a nit more exercises to match the physiques in the room with me.
'Ok let go then, no time to waste' Tom had dropped his joggers as i turned round. he was standing in his white briefs, holding blue swimming shorts in front of his package the turned slowly to face away as he dropped his briefs showing his toned tight ass and pulled on his blue shorts. again these were fairly figure hugging and as he turned back i quickly looked the other way trying to find my shorts in my bag. I looked up again and james was now wearing board shorts that hung low on his waist. I was again drawn to where his cock was bulging out making a dent in his board shorts. 'hurry up Paul' toms said when he realized i still hadn't even found my swimmers, 'go ahead' i said ' i cant find my shorts, i know there are in here somewhere' 'well last one in is cooking tonight' and all three of them ran out the room towards the blue lake 50 meters away.
what am i doing? this is such a bad idea! i got to hold it together, none of them know im bi and they weren't going to find out on this trip either. I say bi but i have actually never been with a guy, just jacked off on camera with other guys, but i knew i liked the idea of a man being naked and blowing eachother.
I could hear them all yelling and screaming as the jumped into the cold lake. I found my shorts and quickly got changed realizing getting in the cold lake might take my mind off staying away with three incredible hot guys.
After about 20minuts we all climbed out the lake and went to lie in the sun and dry off before thinking about what to do the rest of our break away. As i lay, letting the suns warmth penetrate my body i kept thinking about one thing. Tom's cock moving in his jogging bottoms. i slowly rotated my had to look over towards him lying next to me, his wet blue shorts lay tight over his body and showed his package clearly. a wet patch lay over the shaft of his cock and then the shorts tightened around his balls. I couldn't tell how big he was but it was larger than most when soft. i could feel myself getting aroused and adjusted my cock in my shorts to try to cover up tht my cock was growing slowly. Eventually i turned over onto my front and tried to change the thoughts in my head.
we soon made plans for the afternoon and went off cycling around the hills that surrounded the camp. we arrived back about 5 and they all reminded me it was my duty to cook dinner which I did, a pasta bake in the oven whist the others went to get drinks and wood from the van. we lit the fire and sat and ate dinner chatting generally about our lives, jobs, girlfriends and various sports we al played.
'Well i recong a good old fashion drinking game is on order' James announced,
'ok what were you thinking of?' I asked, we were al pretty much merry by this
point, the vodka bottle was just about empty and the tequila was next to be
'well how we go round and you add a word each time, if you get it wrong you drink' we all agreed and started the game it didnt take long before we were all getting them wrong and were getting more and more drunk. We tried a few other games unsuccessfully just drinking more when David said 'truth or dare?' 'ok dare' said tom. 'haha i got good one, streak round the camp site. 'easy' said tom he jumped up took another shot of tequila and headed to the door taking his tee-shirt off. He had been wearing long shorts since cycling and as he faced the door he undid them dropping them too the flow with his white briefs and opened the door and was gone.
The other two jumped up and ran to the door to make sure he was doing exactly what he was asked to do. i slowly stood up and pretended to look but knew if i saw his cock i would get an instant erection. james and David began to yell and shout so i knew he was nearly back. he reached the door, breathing deeply with his hands covering his cock and balls. 'OMG there is an old lady next door who just got an eyeful' Tom started to say when james butted in 'i bet she did! your not small lad are you?' i didn't know what to do, say think, im sure i jumped when he said it. Tom just laughed and smiled knowingly. he pulled his briefs back on and then his shorts that rubber over his bulge as he pulled them up lifting his cock as the got caught below.
We carried on playing and most the time we said truth after that until i said ok lads why dont we play poker? 'Amazing, said Daivd, im great at poker, what we playing for?' as i was about to speak tom butted in 'strip poker it the ony way!' 'ok' david had said before i had the chance.
we got out the cards and began to play, fort to remove one layer was david. such a good player but can not hide the truth. we played for about 30 minutes and everyone removed socks and jumpers, David had lost his teeshirt and James decided to loose his jeans but keep his tee-shirt on.
Oh crap i lost again, as i stood to remove my jeans Tom asked 'what is that scare on your leg? ' ah you should have asked in truth or dare!' and we all laughed and continued playing.
James and i were now just in our boxers, his were baggy and looked like they were silk compared to mine which were fitted jock shorts, David was still in shorts along with Tom. 'Well boys i dont know about you but if either of you loose this hand the boxers are off' we all laughed and continued to play, with all the alcohol i was now more confident and forgotten that i was worried at all. I just couldn't loose this hand. I was sitting directly opposite james when i noticed i could see his nuts hanging down one leg of his shorts. Instantly i remembered and looked away but kept having to look back. they were bigger than most id seen and were obviously low hangers. they looked smooth with very little hair. Tom suddenly nudged me, 'your go' he jsut smiled as i looked at him next to me. he obviously could see too and caught me looking. I needed to win this hand badly.
'Crap' tom stood up and un did his shorts and dropped them to the floor, stepping out of them. i swear you fused that looking at me. I just smiled and tried not to look at his briefs.
with that he lowered his hand and adjusted himself pulling the material off
his cock and lifting his balls up. 'that's better' he proclaimed. i could feel
myself getting aroused again and tried to bite my lip and focus on the game.
'Bed time for me now lads' james said Since I was first in my pants guess i've
lost and Davids the winner since hes got shorts on.'
we all agreed and headed to the rooms david and James went into one room and tom into the other, i waited a minute and then followed him in taking a deep breath. tom was already under the covers, 'crap its cold' he said as i walked in 'what do you sleep in?' he asked. 'just boxers usually' 'me too' he replied 'your are nice, i meant to say earlier' i was a bit shocked but said thanks and got into bed next to him. 'but weird sleeping next to a dude isnt it? you better not fart' i said. he laughed and said 'are you worried about it?' 'no not at all just weird, usually hug girls in bed with a bloke its different, its like you cant move.' 'i guess so never really thought about it.' he then rolled over and faced away from me. i lay there thinking, crap seriously im not going to cope, tom lying next to me, ive seen him almost naked three times and the other twice, im gonna have to blow a load in the morning or gonna be hard all day.
With that tom turned over again and our hands touched, neither of us pulled
away, but a shock ran right through my body. 'how did u get your scar' he asked
gently. 'oh, it was nothing a rugby stud down my leg,'' left a nice scar though'
he added 'yeah i forget its there'
'i saw you looking' he said, my heart stopped, i stopped breathing, what is he
on about? does he know? could he have seen? am i thinking the wrong thing? 'what
do you mean? i tried to say it calmly but it came out much faster than i hope.
With that he moved his hand and put it on my thigh. It was like a lightening
bolt just went straight through my body and i took a sharp breath in. 'you ok?'
he asked an squeezed my leg sending another bolt up my leg straight to my cock
which was now pushing on my boxers inches about his hand.
'yes' i said quietly 'good, did you see james nuts earlier?' i laughed 'yeah,
they r big hanger' Tom suddenly moved his hand off my leg and returned it to his
side of the bed. 'do you want to see?' i wasn't sure what he meant and stumbled
with what to say. he repeated 'do you wanna see mine?' again a shot went though
my stomach straight to my cock and it pushed hard against my boxers lifting the
covers a bit.
Tom giggled as he saw this and slowly climbed out of the bed, and stood up facing me. The moonlight shown into the room but i couldn't make Tom out clealy, just see the shape of his body, lean and muscular with big solid tights an strong calfs. His shoulders were broad with tone biceps adjoining them. i could tell his cock was hard but couldn't see it 'so am i better than james?' he asked. 'i cant really see, its dark' i said and he turned and flicked the light on. the bright lights blinded me for a second but as they came back into focus i saw Tom standing in front of me with only his boxers on with a huge hard cock standing to attention, the head directed to the left pushing the waistband out and pulling the edge of his pant away from his leg, also letting a little bit of his ball hang out. 'wow 'i said' that's massive' 'its not really ' he said griming from ear to ear with his piercing blue eyes looking straight into mine 'do you want to see it properly?' with that he moved his hand over his briefs and pulled where the gap had been made on his leg reweaving his balls, the dropped has he moved the material out of the way hanging low and full. 'wow, i,' tom interrupted 'if you want the rest off you've got to do it yourself!' i looked into his eyes, is this happening? i slowly pushed the covers off exposing myself to him, my cock pushing through the waistband of my boxers at the top. as i stood up he said 'stop, you first, that looks big' i stopped, worried but slowly moved my hand down and pulled my cock out my boxers 'wank yourself first' he said so i started to stroke my cock, very sloly from head to base and back again. 'ive always wanted to see another guy wank, he said 'now you still wanna see this?'
i moved quickly over and pulled his briefs off his cock, it bounced as i pull them off then snapped hard upright as his balls tightened slightly. standing naked in front of me i reached forward and touched his cock, and he shuddered and moaned. i began to run my hand right round his cock and begin wanking him off. he was at leat 9inches in length and very thick. my hand fingers didn't touch around his shaft. i then lowered my other hand and took hold of his haning balls which made him gasp again and throw his head back. his big hands then suddenly grasped my cock and he began to wank my off, i could feel the electricity already and my nuts beginning to tighten. 'slow down, ul make me blow' i said. 'I wanna watch you blow your load, will you show me?' 'yeah' moved back and lay on the bed and he came and stood next me me, i got hold of my cock which felt bigger than usual and very hard, i took 8 1/2inches and began to wank of again, tom watching copying my every stroke on his own cock, leaning forward stroking my leg with the other. suddenly he move his hand all the way onto my nuts, taking them in his hand. as i jumped my cock did too and omg i was about to shoot,' tom, tom, tom i'm gonna' and then one shot came firing out from my cock hitting me in the chest above the nipple, before that landed another has gone into my face and another 6 or 7 shots covered my face and chest. 'fuck fuck fuck' tom suddenly shook and he blew a heavy thick white load at my face hitting me in the cheek, and another on my hair.
I lay there covered in my own cum and now for the first time another guys.
'wow, that was hot' tom said 'this holiday is going to be awesome, do you want a
towel or shall we taste what we have made?' to which i replied 'i already have
tasted it you got a load in my mouth' he then lend down and kissed me on the
lips slipping in tongue in my mouth 'mmm tastes good' he then through a towel
over me and climbed into the bed next to me.
'nite cant wait for tomorrow now'.
A story about a first time anal encounter... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting