Yorkshire tights afternoon spanking
I'd had about 10 - 12 meetings with a chap from yorkshire, not too far from where I am, called Jon,he called over to my place in the afternoons over a period of about 9 month. From the outset we made our intentions, expectations clear as to avoid any surprises. Basically I would wear tights, he would spank me, and thats just how it went for the first couple of times.On the 3rd occasion he masturbated and ejaculated on my spanked backside. I didnt particulary like the bloke to be honest, definitely nothing personal as such, but he tended to outstay his welcome and basically talk nonsense, mostly about benidorm and mundane television programmes, coronation street etc, but I aren't complaining, I wanted it to be an 'uncomplicated' arrangement, but obviously consider myself a friendly enought sort of bloke to be hospitable. On the 4th visit, he spanked me again in tights, over the sofa, I heard him masturbating as I couldn't see anything , then he ejaculated, on the soles of my feet. I thought this a bit odd, but I consider myself a bloke who doesn't judge others, it's a complicated world and if that's what worked for him, fair enough with me.
A week or so later we were chatting online, arranging a visit and he told me he had been tempted to sodomize me on the last occasion, I told him that if that's what he would enjoy doing to do so, he also told me that I made too much noise during the spanking, I told him that I wasn't aware of that, but would try to curb it. Jon said something like 'perhaps I should gag you with some tights'. I thought on this for a second and said something like 'gagged in tights and spanked and fucked, sounds a bit extreme to me'. Jon said ' I think you trust me enough by now to know you're in good hands, a gagging and a bit of restraint might be something you would enjoy', I said 'its up to you really'. Jon said he would bring some ropes and we could see how things developed. Sure enough, on the next occasion he called I found myself over the sofa again, wrists tied loosely behind my back, ankles tied together fairly loosely too. Jon gagged me with some tights and pulled them down over my head. I could have easily escaped from the ropes but I found myself quite enjoying the scenario. Jon spanked my bottom, harder than previous occasions and then sodomized me , it did hurt more than I thought it would, he was large and very erect and in retrospect I think he paid particular attention to spanking my hole, so it would hurt when he buggered me.
Nevertheless it was enjoyable, he pulled out of me and again ejaculated on soles of feet. I simply concluded he had a foot fetish.
This happened a few times after that, same scenario etc. A month or so later
the same was happening, he was analling me and he pulled out and said 'suck'. I
wasn't keen on sucking another mans cock, and especialy not in any way wanting
to taste spunk, but he pulled the gag off, pulled the tights back down over my
head and I found myself sucking his cock, I didn't find it as bad as I thought,
but the thought of spunk was putting me off,but he pulled his bell end out and
went behind me and again squirted his load on soles of feet.
I think the development of the situation had changed things at this point and to
some extent I wish the actual'sex' hadn't become part of the arrangement. I felt
ashamed after he'd left and regretting what
I'd done. I told myself it was time to terminate the arrangement.
A day or two later Jon and I were chatting, I was waiting for an opportunity
to let Jon know that I was calling things a day, I had invented some lie about
'keeping a low profile for a while' due to domestic problems. Jon asked if I was
alone that Friday afternoon, and I was about to 'show my hand', and I thought, '
well, perhaps get friday out of the way and tell Jon to his face afterwards'. So
I said, friday was fine.Jon asked me if I could obtain a black ,head to toe,
body stocking and I said I could, I got a body stocking the following day, but
it wasn't head to toe as such, it stopped at the neck.
This was just before christmas, 2010, the snow was thick on the ground and had
been for weeks. My wife was staying with family in ireland and I had friday, sat
and sunday alone etc. I got in the bath that morning and shaved my legs and
bottom, and also shaved chest, and stomach. I looked a bit ridiculous when I
looked at myself in the mirror, but I put on the body stocking and went
downstairs. Jon called about 13.30 and asked 'how long I had'. I told him 'all
day' and told him about wife being in ireland. Jon then asked if I fancied doing
it upstairs, on bed. I was a bit apprehensive, but agreed.
We went upstairs and Jon asked if it was okay with me if he stripped. I said ' if you want to', but I actually didnt want him to, but figured lifes all about giving and taking. Jon stripped and this was the first time I had seen another man naked, since schooldays. I thought I was a bit of an 'odd' shape, he was a very strange shape, massive belly, thin legs, very hairy, looked like he had tits, very pale. Jon got on the bed where I was and sort of pushed me backwards, before I knew it he was sucking my nipple, I froze, I hadn't expected this, I got my thoughts together and was about to say something, but his hand went between my legs and his fingers were up me, the body stockings had an hole down there. After only a few seconds I found that I had opened my legs wider and he was working my hole effortlessly, I think I had some kind of bizarre orgasm at this point, certainly a sensation never experienced before, Jon was now kissing my neck. I was very surprised, I had never thought that I would be at all interested in any way in any bodily contact with another bloke, but I was wracked with spasming sensations, I was so aroused I said,'fuck me with that big fat cock', Jon was up me, fucking the arse off of me, he pulled out and his cock appeared above my face and Jon said 'suck it you dirty bitch'. I sucked it and Jon shot his load in my mouth, I was so turned on I swallowed it all, without even thinking.
Jon rolled off of me and laid on the bed, panting and said, ' get down there and get gobbling you dirty fucker'. I did, I knelt between his open legs and sucked his cock, licked his balls for ages, I think he fell to sleep at one point, I just kept sucking. Jon said ' you definitely alone all day?', and i said, 'yes, until monday evening', Jon said, 'good'. Jon stood up and left the bedroom and came back with his carrier bag of ropes and the leather strap he used for spanking. It was about 15.00 by now, it was dark outside. Jon tied my wrists behind my back, tighter than any previous occasion, he then used some tights and gagged me again, then pulled some thick black tights down over my head. He had gagged me different this time, pushing the tights into my mouth then wrapping some around face, I couldnt say a word, as such. I was now on my back, arms behind me and head up against the headboard of the bed. I felt a rope go around each of my ankles and then legs being pulled wide open, and pulled back towards headboard, Jon secured one leg first, then the other, then untied first one, pulled rope tighter and then did same with other leg, I was spread very wide and insides of my legs above knees were really hurting. Over the next half hour Jon stapped me really hard with the strap, far harder than any other occasion. I nearly went through the roof as I felt the strap go across the sole of my foot,then down backs of legs, and other sole, alternating all the time, this went on for what seemed ages, and then stopped quite abruptly. I couldnt see much, nor say anything, but I could hear okay and I could hear Jon dressing.
I panicked a bit as a realised how proficently and quickly Jon had got me tied up in this position and I began to struggle but there was no way I was able to get free, then Jon said,' don't panic, you know you're in safe hands, I told you that, I'm off downstairs for a cup of tea for a while, don't worry, you'll be getting another thrashing and a good fucking before I've done'. I heard Jon leave the room and I could hear him downstairs for a while, then I figured he must be sat watching telly or summat. Jon left me like that for at least two hours, my legs were aching, it hurt to even move them slightly. The light was on in the bedroom and I heard Jon coming back upstairs. It was agony as he untied me but I said nothing. Jon left my wrists tied and rolled me onto my stomach, then tied me legs open to the corners of the bed, he strapped me again like this and paid more attention to the soles of my feet. Jon then untied me completely and removed the tights from my head and removed the tights gag. Jon undressed again and turned off the bedroom light and got on the bed. Over the next couple of hours Jon fucked me in different positions, he never touched my genitals once, which didnt bother me at all, he kept calling me bitch, slut, fag, whore and other names, he fucked every ounce of strength I had out of me, which wasn't much, after the spankings. Jon kissed my neck a lot, and at one point he put his mouth over mine and I found his tongue down my throat. I think a person will do anything sexually if they are aroused enough. Jon and I slept in same bed that night, it took me ages to get to sleep, again I had massive shame issues going on in my head.
I woke up early too and went downstairs, Jon came down about half hour later and asked if he could take a shower, I said, yes , obviously. I found it difficult to make eye contact and wondered if Jon felt as ashamed as I did, Jon said ' no sugar in my tea, and get your sucking lips on'. I made a cuppa and got in the shower after Jon had got out, he went downstairs naked and brought his cup of tea upstairs, into bedroom. I used shower to clean my bottom. I hate owt like scat , piss etc. I went into bedroom and Jon said ' tights on bitch, and get over here on this '. I looked and his big cock was sticking up, I didnt know if he meant to suck it or sit on it. I put on some black tights and got on the bed and started sucking Jons cock, he pulled my legs up and started biting soles of my feet and I said 'can I ride it ?'. Jon said 'hell yes, get on it you mucky fucker'. I went to pull tights down and Jon said 'no, pull them up', I do so and Jon ripped a hole in them. I climaxed immediately as I felt his big hot cock going up me, then again as I realised he was fully up me, we spent all that morning fucking, I couldnt get enough, and he was saying horny things all the time, like ' you dirty bastard, you enjoy cock more than women, bet you'd like a big black one to suck on too , wouldn't you'. I said nothing.
Jon tied me up that afternoon and spanked me again, then we went downstairs and he hog tied me on the floor and left me there while he had a wank, it got dark again and he untied me and said 'right, got to go,I'll be in touch. This was in december 2010 and it's now March 2011 and I haven't heard a word from him. I've messaged him a good few times, but he hasn't been in touch. If by some remarkable chance he reads this or anybody knows him, please pass my yahoo messenger ID over, nylonic48 at yahoo dot co dot uk
Mom and I love to run so one day we decided to run together. Then things started heating up... |
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