Home : Lesbian Stories : total 5 reviews.

Wishful thinking reviews

Posted by Melanie
Wow! This was so very erotic. love the anticipation.
Posted by Clouie
she felt the same , but i resisted ceabuse i wanted the friendship .But in that wasn't enough , so she choose to see a lesbian woman who I thought was a friend and they were sleeping together for a month before it came out in july this month , such were my emotional connection to her i felt she was with another woman straight away , she also is engaged ,,,, but now is having problems with her fiance, although she created it . exactly the reason i did not want us to be sexually commited,I ache for her daily , never knew my feelings were so strong till i found out! , thank god my man is away for a month before her returns it at-least gives me time to heal . as he could see i was in love with the other woman three years ago and i confessed ,i love him two so much but cannot understand why i have been cursed with this confusion . that i don't want ..So better to be in the situation you in at least your half way there , and with your love , lm torn , and that is not a happy situation ,
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When Dereck refuses to be coerced into doing a strip tease for the rugby club his newly found dandy boyfriend agrees to stand in for him. But when he does the 'undress' rehearsal things get a bit out of control...