White Wife
*** Chapter One
Jake Daniels jumped up and cheered along with a thousand other fans of the Thunderbirds as the new forward made a, “nothing but net” three point shot from the corner. Watching the Thunderbirds play basketball was about the most exciting thing to do in Fargo, North Dakota. The CBA team was struggling in the standings of the small league that had declined and now consisted of only five teams.
Jake always bought general admission seats on a per game basis. No season tickets for him. As he looked down across the floor at the Thunderbirds bench, he wondered again how Clyde Monroe could afford seats on the floor, the best in the auditorium. After all, they both worked in maintenance at the Air Force Base and made about the same money, which wasn’t very much. Unless Clyde had won the lottery, Jake couldn’t see how he could do it. He told himself that at halftime he would have to ask Clyde to share his secret. At the midway point in the game, the Thunderbirds were leading the Albany Patroons by 10 points.
Jake loved the game of basketball, especially as a spectator. In high school he wasn’t tall enough to go out for the team, or so he told himself. The CBA put on as good a show as the NBA because all of the players and the coaches wanted to be called up to the big league so they played their hearts out. They played for the love of the game and the hope of being recognized for their talent, determination and enthusiasm just so they had a slim chance of being called up. They sure didn’t play for the money. They were paid poverty level salaries. The player’s wives and girlfriends couldn’t travel with them because they stayed in a rundown apartment building with two men sharing a tiny studio room and just a small fridge and a microwave for cooking. However, the team’s owner did have to spend a small fortune renovating the 7 apartments to accommodate the giants that lived in them. Seven foot beds, higher doors than normal. Each bathroom had handicapped toilets because they too were higher and could accommodate frames that were nearly seven feet.
At the concession stand Jake worked his way through the crowd until he was standing next to Clyde. “How’s it going, man?”
“Great,” Clyde answered. “Tell me what you want to eat and drink Jake. It’s on me. I don’t pay for anything here.” He boasted.
“A hot dog and a Coors Light would be great.”
“You got it.”
When the order was filled they found a table for two squeezed into a corner. “I love the Thunderbirds,” Jake said.
“Me too, the team coming to town was about the best thing that could have happened to this place.” He took a bite of his hotdog and then washed it down with a swig of beer. “I never miss a game.”
“I try to catch several home games during the season but I sure can’t see everyone. Costs too damn much with parking and food. Emily, I think you’ve met my wife, would like to come but that just about doubles the price of everything so I usually come by myself.”
“Fuck man, that’s no fun.” Clyde seemed like he was thinking about what he wanted to say next to Jake. The mention of Emily, Jake’s unbelievably beautiful wife, caused a stir in his pants and made him wonder if he should tell Jake more than common sense told him he should.
“I can’t afford these nights out any more than you my friend.” Clyde paused, leaned a little closer to Jake then said, “Truth is, I don’t pay a cent for the floor seat, parking, any food or beer. I don’t pay for anything period.”
“Okay. You’ve got me. Tell me the secret so that I can join your exclusive club.”
“Wish I could, but I’d get my ass in a sling if I told you what’s going on.”
“Oh no you don’t,” Jake said, “You can’t tell me that you go to every home game, sit in the best seats in the house, get free parking, food and beer and then not tell me how you do it. That’s just not fair.”
“You’re right. You’re right. However, I think if I told you everything you want to know you wouldn’t think very much of me.”
“What are you talking about Clyde?” He thought about what Clyde had said and then asked him, “Is what you’re doing illegal?”
“I don’t think so.” Clyde responded with a puzzled look. It seemed as if this was the first time he had wondered about the legality of whatever it was he was doing. “No, I think it’s legal but a lot of people, probably you too Jake, might say what we’re doing is just plain wrong.”
“Come on Clyde. We’re not getting anywhere. I don’t judge people. Whatever you do is your business. It’s none of mine. Tell me what’s going on.”
“You’ve got to promise to keep what I tell you to yourself. You can’t tell anyone, including your wife.” He said in a lowered voice.
“I Promise. Now go on.”
“This arrangement involves others, not just me. Actually, I’m the least of those involved. It’s all about the players, the coaches and one other person. You know that they play for peanuts with a chance, not much of a chance, but a chance to make it big if they get called up. Hell, I’ve heard of a player going from $7,000 for a season to $700,000 a year later and the sky’s the limit after than.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“So these guys move here for the season. They stay at that crummy apartment building and have to leave their wives and girlfriends back home.”
“I know that,” Jake said bordering on being irritated by how long Clyde was taking but intrigued.
“Well, they get lonely. They players and the coaches I mean. Remember Jake, these are guys that got all the pussy they could handle in college. If they were in the NBA, or even a major city, they would be mobbed by beautiful women, usually white women.”
Jake sat up straighter, leaned toward Clyde who now had his interest. Where the fuck was this going he asked himself. To Clyde he just urged, “Go on.”
“Well, you’ve seen my wife. Maybe she can’t be compared with Emily, hell who can, but most people think she’s really cute. At the beginning of the season I brought her to the very first game. We sat in the general admission section across from the Thunderbird’s bench, about where you’re sitting tonight. There weren’t many women watching that game and none that could be compared with Liz. She was smokin hot.”
Jake’s mouth dropped open but he didn’t say anything.
Clyde went on. “After the game, as we were leaving, a young trainer who couldn’t have been a day over twenty came up to us and said, “Got a minute?” Liz and I looked at each other and I said, “Sure. What’s on your mind?”
“I’m Brad, by the way.” He said with a huge smile showing perfect snow-white teeth as he stuck out his hand.
“We’re Liz and Clyde,” I told the young man.
“Let me get right to the point,” said the energetic youthful trainer. “The coach, and several of the players, saw the two of you in the stands and asked me to come and talk with you.” He paused for just a second, cleared his throat and went on with a little less self assurance than when he first approached them. “The life that these guys lead here is far from the glamour of the NBA or even when they were big men on college campuses.” He started walking away from the crowd and indicated that we should follow him. “This is more private. I don’t want the whole world to hear what I want to tell you.”
“Well Brad,” Liz said a little annoyed, “What do you want to talk about?”
“I like that,” Brad said turning to Clyde, “a woman who gets right to the point. Okay, I will too. The players and the coaches are alone here. Let’s face it Fargo isn’t the excitement capital of the world. These guys don’t know anybody here except each other and they don’t know each other very well. The black population in Fargo is essentially non existent. They don’t have their wives or girlfriends with them. Obviously, they get very lonely, so one of the under the table benefits that we try to provide for the team and the staff, is special companionship.”
Both Liz and I were trying to digest what Brad had told us. “What does that have to do with us?” I asked him.
Without missing a beat he said, “Like I told you, some of the players and the coaches saw you tonight in the stands across from our bench.” He turned to me and said, “They think Liz is hot. I hope you take that as a compliment and not an insult. They would like to get to know her better while they’re here.”
“I remembered that several times during the game, players sitting on the bench would look our way, sometimes point and whisper something to the player on their right or left. I didn’t pay much attention to it at the time nor did I say anything about it to Liz but I did like the idea of them looking at her.”
“There it was.” Clyde said to Jake. “Brad the trainer was a messenger sent to ask both of us if Liz would be willing to fuck the team. I think we were both so shocked we didn’t know what to say. Should we be offended? Should Liz have slapped him? Should we just storm out indignantly?”
“So, what do you think?” Brad asked Liz and Clyde while flashing his boyish smile at them.
“I saw that Liz was beet red and looking uncomfortably at her shoes. We’re small town people Jake. Hell, you know that. We’ve never fucked around.” Clyde lowered his voice and said to Jake, “Liz had been with two guys before me but they didn’t amount to anything. I’m sure she was faithful during our marriage. Now, she had just been asked to consider fucking ten players and two or three members of the staff, most of them black men.”
I turned to Brad and said, “We’re both shocked. I don’t know what to say.”
I intended to say more but Brad cut me off. I sensed this wasn’t the first time he had approached a couple. “Of course you’re shocked. I’d be surprised if you weren’t. The woman that provided the companionship before just left with her husband. He was transferred by the Air Force. Look, let me give you my card with my cell phone number on it. Talk it over and give me a call. If this is something you would like to do we can comp you seats on the floor, free parking and free food and drink. I really hope you’ll consider it Liz and Clyde.” He handed me his card with the cell number underlined.
“Thanks for listening to me. I’m sure it sounds kind of crazy but believe me you can have a lot of fun with these guys. Look, I’ve got to run but I sure hope we’ll see each other again.” And, just like that he was off.
Jake had almost forgotten about his hot dog and beer. This was the most amazing and unbelievable thing he had ever heard. He took a swig and said, “Clyde, I’m not a rocket scientist but because of your seats and privileges I assume that you took him up on his offer. Is that right?”
“We did. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done but it wasn’t easy. Oh, I like the free stuff here but that’s not what I mean. Liz is like a different woman. You can’t even imagine what it’s done for her. She had no real sexual experience except with me, like I told you and hell I know I’m no stud. Now she’s fucked all of these big black jocks with cocks that go places in her pussy mine could never go. She gets all the sex she wants which is a lot. She’s hotter with me than she’s ever been and I get all the goodies. She’s not going to fall in love with any of them. Hell, who even knows who is going to be here next week? The roster on a CBA team changes faster and more frequently than a hooker changes her panties.”
“I have to tell you, Jake the ride home after we left Brad was quiet. We were each lost in our own thoughts. We didn’t talk about the proposition until we were under the covers in our bed. I didn’t know what to say. Can you believe it? She’s the one who brought it up.”
“Wasn’t that about the craziest thing you ever heard?” Liz asked me.
“What exactly do you mean babe?” I asked her.
“I mean to think that the players would be interested in me. I’m older than any of them. I’ve had three kids. My boobs are starting to sag. These guys could get any woman they want. I wonder if there’s a catch.”
“I don’t think there is a catch. Let’s face it Liz, you’re great looking.”
“Maybe for my age but they could choose from any of the ten Thunderbird dancers. I’ll bet none of them are more than 22.”
“I would guess that all of the dancers are looking for a husband, not a fuck. Wouldn’t you think that the players would know that? Brad told us that many of the players are already married. I would guess that they are married to someone that they love who may be the mother of their kids. Liz, you can bet that they don’t want some little dancer in Fargo to fuck things up for them no matter how horny they get.” I admit I was surprised that she seemed to be considering Brad’s proposition so I flat out asked her, “Liz, are you thinking about doing this?”
“Oh no, not really, I guess I’m flattered that out of all the women that were
there tonight, Brad was asked to approach me, I mean approach us.”
“Could you do something like that? Liz, could you go to the apartment building and go to bed with the players and the staff? Could you?”
“Emotionally, no I couldn’t.” She said without any real conviction. “Physically, since all women are built pretty much the same, I guess I could. What about you, Clyde, what do you think of the idea?”
“You know me, Liz. I’m just an old horn dog. I’ve told you a hundred times I’d love to see you fuck another guy or for us to get involved in swinging. I never thought we would have a chance to do something like this right here in Fargo. I thought that if anything like this could ever happen to us it would have to be when we were on a trip, the farther away the better. But, hell, yeah, I’m cool with it if it’s something you want to try.”
“I’ll have to think about it some more. It would be horrible for the kids if they were to find out that their mom was fucking the basketball team. I’m a big girl and know how to make sure I don’t get knocked up or sick. It’s more about us. I think it would change us.”
“The talking stopped. Liz had something else on her mind. She attacked me. Fuck man, she raped me. I must have been inside her cunt more than a thousand times before but that night it was hotter, wetter and better than ever. I knew that it wasn’t me that brought all of that out, it was the thought of all that strange black cock and what the owners of those cocks wanted to do to her.”
“By the next morning Liz agreed to do it though I could tell she was terrified. She asked me to call Brad on his cell and tell him he had a deal. The rest is history. This has been going on for more than a month. Liz must have been fucked more than a hundred times by the guys. Also, while Brad hadn’t mentioned it to us, out of town teams also get lonely. If they know the right trainer, sometimes that loneliness can be forgotten for an hour or two.”
“Wow! That’s unbelievable Clyde. How many other women are there?”
“Oh there a couple of young girls but the guys hate them. They’re immature and just silly little groupies. Basically Liz is doing all the heavy lifting by herself.”
By now, Jake was becoming a little suspicious. He had warned me not to tell anyone about what he would tell me. He wondered now if that was true. “So, Clyde, why did you tell me this?”
“Shit man. You kept pressing me.”
“But you went into detail that you didn’t have to. Is there something more that I need to know?”
Clyde looked down at the table. He played with his nearly empty beer glass before he looked at me. “As great as Liz is. As hot a fuck as she’s become. She’s told me that some of them would like someone new. Recently, a couple of players have asked Liz if she has a friend? She told them she would have to think about it.”
“Well Jake, what about Emily? Do you think this is something she might enjoy?”
Jake guessed that most husbands would have been highly insulted by such a suggestion but he wasn’t. There were many ways he could have answered Clyde’s question. Deep down, in a place that only Emily had recently discovered, the truthful answer would have been Jake hoped his wife would enjoy all that big black cock because that’s exactly what he have been thinking about for a couple of years. But he didn’t tell Clyde that.
“If I told Emily what you had suggested, Clyde, she’d have my head. My guess is my bag would be packed within about ten minutes. I would be shown the door. She would file for divorce.”
“You just might be surprised. Liz told me that all women think about fucking other men and especially big black men. Look at the size of these guys, Jake. Their cocks match the rest of them. Hell, they’re the best conditioned athletes in the world. Endurance, stamina moves you couldn’t imagine and they can go on forever. Trust me my friend, you would be doing Emily a big favor.”
“Not a chance.” Jake didn’t say this out of sheer ignorance. For more than a year he had told her how much he wanted to see her get fucked by another man. At first that just made her furious. After a couple of months went by they used it as a fantasy and it made both of them hot. Nevertheless, no matter how hard Jake tried, with porn tapes, dildos and promises she said that was something she just couldn’t do. She was his wife and no one elses. Sex was between a husband and a wife. His crazy thinking was counter to everything she had been taught.
“Well, let’s go enjoy the second half. It’s probably already started. Come sit with me. That won’t be a problem for just the rest of this game.” Clyde said as he stood up.
He talked with someone at the Thunderbird bench and a padded chair was placed right next to Clyde’s. Clyde insisted that Jake sit next to the bench. The players were all friendly to him. He couldn’t help but notice that the distance from the soles of their feet to their knees must have been six inches higher than on my leg. The coach came over and introduced himself. He too was a black guy. Jake had no idea if Clyde had said something to them about him and especially about Emily but he might have.
The rest of the game was really a blur to Jake. He couldn’t concentrate on strategy and the score. All Jake could think about was these giant athletes fucking Clyde’s wife. Before the game ended, he was also imagining them between Emily’s beautiful long legs.
Clyde and Jake said their goodbyes. Clyde had preferred parking so they parted at his dusty old pick up truck. Before Jake left Clyde said, “Buddy, I really think this might be as good for you and Emily as it has been for Liz and me. Don’t say no. Just say you’ll think about it. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
The drive home was on auto pilot. Jake remembered none of it. He assumed he had stopped at all of the stop signs and red lights. Obviously he made all of the correct turns because before he knew it he was pulling in his driveway.
“Honey, I’m home.”
“We’re watching TV,” she said.
When Jake walked in the den she put a finger to her lips to warn me that the kids weren’t really watching television because they had fallen asleep. “How was the game?” She whispered.
“Great,” was the same answer he always gave her.
“Who won?” She asked.
Jake was stumped. He couldn’t remember who won and didn’t know what to tell her.
She sensed something was wrong and said, “Jake all I asked was who won. I didn’t ask if you had cheated on me,” She said with a smile.
“We did. I’m going up to take a shower and hit the sack.” He told her hoping that they really had won and if they hadn’t she wouldn’t bother to check it out.
When she slipped in bed naked, as always, and snuggled up next to him it was just too much for Jake. He rolled over to her and pressed my lips to her moist ones. Our tongues touched gently at first and then more intently, her hand slid down his chest to his tummy, and then lower. His cock was hard as stone. Jake didn’t need any help but their ritual seemed to require that she engulf my throbbing cock in the oral cavity that my tongue had just been probing.
“Oh baby, take it easy, I’ll come in ten seconds.”
“Wow! That must have been some basketball game.”
“It was just a game,” Jake said, catching his breath as his oozing glans hit the back of her throat.
Jake’s fingers went exploring and found her fine, sparce pubic hair. When his index finger touched her cleft and then went lower until it gently touched her swollen clit, she moaned around his pulsing cock. His finger went lower and discovered that while she is always moist, tonight she was drenched.
“Wow! That must have been some television show.” They both laughed.
Jake couldn’t wait any longer. She lay on her back with her legs parted and bent at the knees as He moved between them. He rubbed the head of his dick up and down her slit from her little asshole to her swollen clitoris. And then he pushed into her all the way in a single motion until she engulfed him and their pubic hairs mingled. As he lay down on her they kissed again. Her arms held him tightly as they slowly began to move in the familiar way that husbands and wives do after they have been married for more than fifteen years.
This was always the time that Jake would start his chatter at least for the last year. By now she expected it. He just didn’t know if she liked it or if she was humoring him. He broke the kiss looked down at her and smiled. “Baby you are so beautiful when you’re fucking. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. I love to be inside you. I love to feel the inside of your cunt, your moisture that you produced just so you could get fucked by a big dick.”
“Oh yes baby. Fuck me with that big dick.”
“My cock’s not so big. Average I would say.”
“It’s big to me. I love it. I love it in me. I love it in me anywhere.”
“I love to watch you fuck. I love to hear the little sounds that you make when we get closer to cumming. I would love to watch another guy fuck you so I could take in the whole picture. When I’m part of it, it’s just not the same.”
“How would you know?”
“You know that’s about all that I think about. If I had a more demanding job I’m not sure that I could do it because all I think about is you, your beautiful body, your gorgeous face, your perky boobs, your snatch that is without equal on the planet. That’s what I think about.”
They kept moving slowly. They each adjusted and altered their pace. She just kept getting wetter and wetter. “Emily, I’m not kidding when I tell you I’m sure you are the greatest fuck on earth. I really mean it.”
“Jake, baby,” she gasped, “you’re so sweet but every adult who is healthy or not bound by some religious prohibition fucks. They fuck just like we do. They fuck like we are fucking now. Some more often than others and some more intently but trust me, they all fuck.”
He smiled at her use of the word “fuck.” Until a year ago she hardly ever cursed and never used the “f” word. Now when they were making love she used it a lot because she knew how hot Jake got when she talked dirty.
“I don’t think so.” Jake said. She was about to pull his semen right through him but he held back as best he could. “It’s not me. I’m pretty average. It’s you. You know you’re extraordinarily beautiful. You know you come every time and most women can’t say that. You know you could always go for more when I’m empty and exhausted. No, my love it is you. I think you know it.”
That must have taken her over the edge. “Fuck me Jake. Pound me. Tear my pussy up. Fill me up. Never stop, never stop, never stop.” she screamed as she had a huge orgasm.
Of course, he was so close that he did all of those things she asked him to do to her.
Before Jake drifted off to sleep he said, “Emily, I want what’s best for you. I want you to be sexually satisfied like no woman has ever been. I want you to experience variety of every kind imaginable.”
“You’re all I need my love.”
“Maybe that’s what you think now. But if you won’t do it for yourself, I mean if you won’t fuck other guys for you,” He paused then said something that he had never said before knowing that he was about to cross another line in is effort to get her to fuck other guys, “Emily, then do it for me.”
There was dead silence from her side. Jake wasn’t even sure that she was breathing. Finally, in a soft voice she said, “I’ll think about it,” as she slightly wiggled her bare ass still wet from his semen that had oozed out of her pussy against his cock still wet from the juices.
Two strangers enjoy each other at office party but not alone... |
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