Home : Interracial Stories : total 10 reviews.

What To Tell My Daughter Part 2 reviews

Posted by shane
whens the next part about the husband findin out his daughter's been fuckin niggers n his wife bein unfaithful i can just imagin now him ditchin that whore family in the cold no money no home forced to actually SELL their bodies sad thing is that sort of thing happens all to often in the real world
Posted by sindie
wow!! u must be the worlds best mom!! i would love to have that much black cock up my pussy and ass im jus got so wet just by reding this story!!
Posted by June
It's so great to read about moms allowing and encouraging their daughters to fuck black men. It's fuckin hot when a lot of men all dump their sperm into young unprotected white pussies and young girls sucking and swallowing black sperm
Posted by David
sounds like you need to make a part 3 but i liked it
Posted by salman
loved it to bits
Posted by Bill hape
I would be so proud of my two sluts, they can tell me anything and we should be able to discuss their sexual adventures.
Posted by Bi cocksucker
That's right, you should be a whore for blacks and your daughter too! I will bring black guys to my future wife and daughter so that they fuck them very hard, destroy them and use them as sex dolls slaves, I will always feed on male sperm from their cunts!
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