What A Break
Once a week Jeremy and I will meet at the local pool hall during my lunch break and take advantage of the free pool they offer. He has been known to send the cue ball flying off the table due to the nasty spin he puts on it, especially during his breaks. I am usually very aware of this fact so I keep a watchful eye on the little white ball, but on this particular day I was starving and my juicy hamburger had just arrived.
I dressed it up with ketchup and their famous white sauce and was raising it to my mouth when out of the corner of my eye I saw the cue ball flying right towards my face. I instinctively turned my wrist to cover it as much as possible and in the process exposed it. I felt a pain shoot through my forearm, which seemed small compared to the pain in my stomach when I noticed that my unbitten hamburger was scattered all over the nearby window.
Jeremy wasted no time in coming over to see if I was okay and then proceeded to laugh his ass off at the window art I had created. I took a deep breath and tried to rotate it and when it caused a throbbing pain to shoot through my forearm again; I asked Jeremy if he would give me a ride to the hospital.
On the way there I called my boss and told him what had happened so he reluctantly gave me the afternoon off. Jeremy told me he had to be at work by three so he’d hang around as long as possible and if I wasn’t done by then he’d just leave me his car and take a cab to work...since it was kind of his fault I was here to begin with.
When we arrived at the hospital he took the initiative to fill out all of the paperwork and then dropped it off with the receptionist. He came back with an ear to ear grin on his face and without sitting down said he’d be right back. I thought of asking him where he was going, but knew I’d only be wasting my breath.
Around ten minutes later the elevator doors opened and I saw him holding an Elby’s bag and I instantly smelled the greasy quarter pounders. I was almost in tears as he opened the bag and tossed one my way. I cautiously began to open the first burger as I reminded him that there was no food allowed in the waiting room. He just grinned, told me that I had permission, and then went over to the receptionist and gave her the other bag he had.
After I polished off both quarter pounders and the super sized fries we passed the time by talking about football and women. I joked with him that the only way he could beat me at pool would be if I had a handicap, like a broken wrist. He just laughed and said that I should freak out the nurse by keeping my eyes closed when she’s asking me questions and doing my stats. I was starting to get impatient since we’d been waiting there for over an hour and a half and the throbbing in my wrist wasn’t getting any better. I was about to go ask the receptionist what was going on when Destiny finally came to get us.
She certainly didn’t look like your ordinary nurse, since she was wearing a short miniskirt that showed off her nice long legs. She looked to be close to six feet tall and I would guess she weighed around 125 pounds. She had long brunette hair down to about the middle of her back and these soft brown eyes that captured my curiosity right away. The fact that you could tell she had a nice pair of D sized tits under her smock that snapped shut showing just enough cleavage to accentuate her assets.
Jeremy and I exchanged quick glances and then glued our eyes to that fine little ass even though she was wearing multi colored shoes. She led us to the examination room and I sat down and immediately closed my eyes throughout the entire exam, even during the basic preliminary questions. She told me that she would have to run some x-rays and then motioned for me to follow her out the door.
When we got to the door she abruptly stopped for a couple of moments like she was thinking about something and then turned around and went back to the sink to wash her hands. I exchanged car keys with Jeremy and then we left and quickly walked down the hall towards the x-ray room. I wasn’t surprised that the conversation seemed to focused around Jeremy.
She set everything up and it seemed as though we were ready to go when she excused herself to retrieve her clipboard. I sat there and patiently waited and when the nurse came back, to my surprise, it was not Destiny. The new nurse, Charisma, told me that Destiny went to lunch so she would be taking my x-rays.
As she positioned my arm in many different positions I couldn’t help but wonder what Destiny was doing on her lunch break. She finally finished up my x-rays and slowly led me back to the examination room where I noticed, to no surprise, that Jeremy had picked up a visitor. Charisma told me that it would take about a half hour or so for the results to come back and while we waited she would keep us company.
I looked over by the sink and noticed Destiny’s clipboard and then looked at Jeremy and just smiled. He instantly knew that not only did I know about his visitor, but that he was on his own getting her out of there. He asked Charisma about the Polio poster that was on the wall and positioned himself between her and the back door long enough for Destiny to sneak out unnoticed.
After it was clear that Destiny was no longer a worry to Jeremy he said that he
needed to get to work and warned me to be careful with his car. I looked at
Charisma before delivering my classic line “There’s two things I do very
well...and driving is the other one.” She showed no response to my line so I
shifted into the safety zone and just tried to make small talk.
After the results came back I looked around to see if I could catch a glimpse of
Destiny but it had appeared she was gone. I picked up Jeremy when he got off
work and asked him about what I had seen and in his typical fashion he shrugged
it off and said that he thought the cue ball hit me in the wrist. I responded
that it did and broke it in two places and he laughed and said that I must have
been seeing things that weren’t there...in fact if I needed someone to take me
back to the hospital he’d be more than happy to do it.
I was working the front desk at Garner Hospital when Terrence came in with some
pain in his wrist due to a billiards accident. His best friend Jeremy filled out
all the paperwork for him and naturally was very concerned about the well being
of his friend. After the paperwork was finished he came up to ask me if he could
go get his friend some lunch and before I would say yes I decided to make him
promise me something first.
I had seen Jeremy out a few times at “The Fifty Yard Line” and I knew that he’d be perfect for Danika. I told him that it was very unfortunate that your friend hasn’t eaten, but at the same time I had rules that I needed to follow. After he gave his best argument, I told him that I would bend the rule just this one time on the condition that while the nurse was doing the preliminary check up you let her know that you are interested in her.
He kinda smiled at me and said if he wasn’t interested in her; he wasn’t going to lead her on. He made an excellent point so without missing a beat I reached into my purse and showed him a picture of her. He took a deep breath and said “If I have to take one for the team, I suppose I can.” I thanked him and then handed him a twenty dollar bill, told him what I wanted, and waited until he was out of sight.
I called back to the ER and asked Charisma when Danika would have time to take a new patient. She asked me a few questions before telling me that it would be between forty-five minutes to an hour, but she had an opening right now. I told her that he specifically asked for Danika and it didn’t matter how long they had to wait.
When he came back with the food I subtly warned him that if he didn’t go through
with our agreement, things could be done to ensure he would regret it. As he
went back over to check on his friend I felt really bad for backing him into a
corner, but I knew that everything would turn out. Once Danika showed up and he
saw her live and in color a huge smile showed up on his face and that guilty
feeling quickly disappeared.
Charisma handed me the next patient file while informing me that Heather was up
to her old tricks again. I shook my head and went over to the drawer with all
the extra name tags and decided to trade mine in for...Destiny. As I walked out
to the waiting room I decided that after work I would let Heather know that I
didn’t need her help finding a guy.
As I led them back to the examination room I could feel their eyes glued to my ass, so I gave them a few extra shakes for good measure. When we got to the examination room I motioned Terrence to go ahead of me so I could let Jeremy stare at my ass just a little longer. As he made his way to the extra chair he brushed his hand against my ass and that ensured that he was the one Heather wanted to set me up with.
I regained my composure and sat down next to my patient to ask all the preliminary questions. I noticed that he kept his eyes closed and Jeremy took advantage of the opportunity to make gestures at me ending with questions. I found it very hard to concentrate on my job with him acting the way he was, but even harder to ignore him.
First, he asked if I was single by pointing to his ring finger and when I answered yes he smiled and then licked his lips seductively. I shot a quick look at him and that was all the encouragement he needed to continue. His next question was if I would like to kiss him and when I answered yes he started walking towards me. I quickly shook my head no and he stopped dead in his tracks and simply shrugged shoulders as if to ask why.
I pointed at my patient and he seemed to agree, but then asked for just a small one so I granted his request. He quietly made his way over to me and then gently kissed my forehead. I smiled so he asked for one more, which I also allowed. He bent down to give me another one but instead of the forehead he began to nibble on my earlobe and neck. I felt the goose bumps take over my body as my pussy began to form a thin layer of moisture on it.
He continued to gently nibble on my ear as I finished asking his friend all the questions I had for him. Jeremy stopped the nibbling just long enough to ask if I could check out an abnormal growth. I looked over at him and just smiled which he took as a yes, because without warning he moved my free hand directly onto his now rock hard cock.
If the thin lacey thong I was wearing wasn’t wet before, it was now. I was trying really hard to concentrate on my job, but all I could think of was putting that cock of his in a nice warm, wet place. I took a long deep breath before pulling my hand away from his cock and focusing on my job. He looked at me with his best puppy dog eyes and a look of confusion until he saw that I needed it to take Terrence’s blood pressure.
He continued to nibble my ear and talk dirty to me while I ran my tests and I knew that if I didn’t get his cock soon I would explode. As I was finishing up my last test he went over to his original spot and quietly sat down. He nudged Terrence and asked if he was okay and then told him to stay awake, because he would need x-rays. Jeremy said that it would probably take a while so they should switch keys now so he would be able to use his car.
I knew that if I was going to come back here and ravish his body I would have to think of a way...and quick. When I got to the door it all hit me at once. I turned around suddenly and went back to the sink to wash my hands and set my clipboard on the counter. I looked directly at Jeremy and said that the x-rays wouldn’t take that long so he should just hang out and wait. When my hands were washed I went over to the back door and unlocked it as nonchalantly as possible, and then conveniently left my clipboard on the counter.
As we walked down the hall I knew that if I was going to pull off my little plan I was going to need help, and thought Charisma would be the best option. I got everything ready and then excused myself to go grab my clipboard that I had left with Jeremy. I went to hunt down Charisma so I could tell her that I needed to go to an appointment and ask her to finish things up with Terrence. I explained my situation but she was having trouble hearing me so I followed her into the stairwell.
The unexpected birthday surprise continues... |
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