What happens in Vegas
As I sat in the passenger seat of the rented cherry red BMW 650 convertible biting my already nubby nails in anticipation of the event soon to come, I took a moment to silently thank the universe for my sisters. God could not have created a more symbiotic foursome had we been borne of the same parents. Ling was driving. She was always the chosen one on road trips lasting over an hour because she the focused responsible one. She accepted no phones call interruptions and rarely even spoke when she was driving, but she must have sensed me staring at her.
“You nervous?” Ling asked, her right foot pushed down on the accelerator
slightly, causing my new heart to jump a bit. It was her feeble attempt to jolt
my fingers out of my mouth. Ling smiled her perfect China doll smile; her eyes
never leaving the road.
“Damn skippy,” I announced failing to sound all of my twenty-eight years. I
looked back at Rosita, whose perfectly sun tanned skin looked painted on, as she
let out a loud hardy laugh.
“Thank you guys for this,” I said seriously while trying not to make the mood
too heavy.
“It is our pleasure. But don't be nervous. You should be excited Jazz,” my
sister Rosita announced.
“I'm not nervous.”
“Oh yeah, you're just munching on your nails because they taste so good,” Ling
“She can be excited and nervous at the same time. I know that's what I would
be,” Lilly added.
I smiled at Lilly and thought that she should never be seated next to Rosita in the summer time. The contrast was just too great. But she was right. I was both nervous and scared along with being thrilled and anxious and a whole hosts of other emotions. But my greatest emotion was fear; fear that I had placed way too high of an expectation on this moment than was warranted.
Still there was an undeniable feeling of joy at the realization that my three sisters had spent the last six months planning this weekend just for me. Ling had flown in from New York, Rosita from Chicago and Lilly took the forty minute drove from Los Angeles to pick me up from Palmdale California to help me on my crusade. The joy that finally I was now able to take my very first adult vacation and to a place affectionately known as “sin city” no less. I was, after way too long, now going to be part of the conversation instead of just a voyeur. I was going to be fucked for the very first time.
I remembered the feeling of envy whenever one of my sisters would come home and tell me tales of the outside world that I could only view from my window or imagine in the movies. After years of being confined to the safe sterility of my home due to a defective heart, I am finally going to be one of the gang. I think it was their tales of sexual exploits that kept me hanging on until the right heart came along. I didn't want to die a virgin. I wanted to feel what seemed to bring them so much joy. Now that I've passed all the necessary tests and my new ticker is good-to-go I want to fuck before I get hit by a bus, accidentally caught in a cross fire, fall down a flight of stairs or catch the H1N1. I would be one pissed off spirit if I got this close to getting laid and in an instant it was gone. That was another reason Ling was driving.
“I remember my first time,” Ling reminisced.
“Me too,” I mumbled under my breathe. I remembered all of their first times.
“It was Danny...or David...no Danny something.”
“Danny Monroe. You were sixteen. It was June 5th. A Tuesday.”
The entire car load burst into laughter. It took me a minute to realize why
but when I did, I chimed in. Those were special moments for me. At the time I
didn't think I'd ever have a moment of my own so I held on tight to theirs as if
they were my own.
“Okay Missy, who was mine?” Rosita asked.
That was an easy one. “Jose Ramirez. The only non-Spanish speaking Mexican in
Palmdale. He dumped you when he found out you weren't a white girl with an
awesome tan.”
“He was such a puto....”
“What about me? What about me?” Lilly questioned excitedly.
“Ms. Jungle Fever herself. You broke the rules with Rashad.”
“No fucking your brothers or sisters!” Everyone sang in unison.
“He didn't count. He was leaving the next day anyway.”
I felt a warm tingle inside my chest where my new heart throbbed. Life was really good. My rainbow family and I had been through thick and thin over the years; most of it thick but now everything seemed brighter and I was looking forward to doing something that I had been dreaming about for more than ten years and I had my sisters with me to make sure I didn't chicken out. They needn't worry. There was no way I was going to back out of this. I was more than ready to have my cherry popped. Popped and sucked. Popped and sucked and tickled and kissed and well...you name it. That's what I want.
We arrived on the Vegas strip just as the sun was beginning to set. The
red-orange fire ball in the sky seemed to announce our arrival. My sisters had
arranged a luxury suite for us at the Hard Rock Hotel. We arrived to lobby
jammed packed with people. H
“There must be a convention.”
It didn't matter. There could have been a thousand more people in the room and still I would have noticed him instantly. It wasn't just that he was tall, well over six feet, and his caramel brown head was shaved sparkling clean or that his goatee was perfectly manicured around his full delectable lips. It was much more than that and instantly I knew I had found what I had come here for. I think he noticed me too. There was a smile, a beautiful smile displaying large dazzling white teeth. I think the smile was directed at me, but there were too many people around to be sure. Ling grabbed my arm before I could return the smile and pulled me over to the check-in counter. B by the time I turned to lock eyes with him, as I read was customary in these situations, he was gone.
We finished checking in and I quickly surveyed the lobby for another prey. Although there were many men in the lobby, good looking me at that, not one of them gave me that spark that the one with the beautiful smile had managed to ignite within me. A flash of doubt came over me. I began to wonder if I was going to be able to fulfill my wish now that the bar had been set so high. What if he was the only man I was attracted to? Could I do it with someone I wasn't attracted to? This was supposed to be easier than this. How difficult could it be for a young girl to get laid in Las Vegas?
“This is going to be so much fun,” Rosita squealed.
“I sure hope so,” I said nervously. I wasn't so sure anymore.
“I'm sure it will,” a deep raspy voice chimed in behind me. I turned quickly to
see this mammoth of a man towering over me. There was that smile again and this
time I was sure that it was directed at me. There was an instant tingling
sensation happening between my legs and I felt the moisture begin to build. I
marveled at the sudden arousal for a moment, enjoying every flutter from my head
to my toe. My smile met his smile and there were so many things going on in my
head that I needed to organize them properly before I released one of them.
“Oh my God!” Rosita squealed “You're...You know who you are? You play for...Oh
my God!” She pointed and jumped up and down like a school girl..
“Shhh.” the man said silencing Rosita. “I'm here on the D.L. They're throwing
me a retirement party here tonight, but until then I want to keep it hush-hush.”
“What sport do you play?” I questioned curiously. By looks of all the faces
surrounding me I don't think I arranged my thoughts very well before they left
my lips.
“Don't mind her,” Lilly said quickly. “My sister doesn't get out much or watch
much television or read any magazine.”
I nudged her hard in the ribs. She was making me sound like an idiot.
We all looked at him as if he'd just got off the big yellow bus and then we realized what he was seeing. My petite mocha hued 5”5 frame was standing next to my alabaster 5”11 blond sister Lilly who was standing next to a barely 5” China doll Ling who was standing next to the wild haired olive skin thick hipped Rosita.
“Yes. We're all sisters,” Lilly defended.
“Different father?” He quested with a smile. We all burst into laughter that
lasted slightly longer than necessary.
“And mother,” I answered. “we're adopted.”
The man smiled coyly. “Cool. Very cool. So what are you girls here for?
Business or pleasure or is your business pleasure?”
I didn't get it, but my sisters didn't seem at all pleased with the question.
Rosita, as usual, was the first to retort.
“Listen Mr. Big Time Football player.” the moment her index finger began
pointing in his direction and her neck found it's rhythmic motion, I knew that
the meaning behind what he had said was really, really bad. Mr. Big Time
Football Player didn't let her finish her statement. He held up his hands in
“I apologize. That was inappropriate.”
“Damn skippy,” Rosita spat.
The man reached into his pocket and handed us several passes.
“Listen ladies, I'd like you all to be my quest tonight.“
“Well maybe we already have plans,” Rosita said. She was unwilling to give him
an inch.
“Of course. But if you should get a few minutes out of your schedule, it would
be my pleasure the have you grace my farewell event with your presence.”
God, I wanted to do him right then and there. His voice was so smooth it made
my vajaja vibrate. I knew then that I was not going to find anyone more
perfectly suited to be my first.
“Well I plan on doing you tonight.” The words were not supposed to come out of
my mouth. They were only supposed to be spoken in my head, but once out in the
universe there was no taking them back.
Rosita slapped me on the hand like a misbehaved child.
“Ouch!” I screamed, but at least I knew why she hit me. Still I didn't want to
take it back. I wanted to make my intention clear so that there would be no
misunderstanding so that when I got to the party tonight I wouldn't have to cunt
block all of the other females that were sure to be there wanting what I
“We might be there,” Rosita said as she pulled me away.
“Jazz, what is wrong with you?”
“That was a bit much huh?”
Ling joined in. “Ya think? Don't you know who that is?”
“I don't care who it is. He looks very fuckable to me and I think he would say
the same about me. That is my purpose for this weekend isn't it? To get fucked?”
“Jazz, this is your first time. Don't you think you need to start with someone a
little less...well experienced?”
“No. There is no need for both of us having no idea what to do. All I have is
what I've read. He can let me know if my interpretation is correct. If I go with
some neophyte who is just so glad to get a little piece so he can go back to
Kansas and brag about it my mission is in vein.”
“Jazz there is a lot space between experienced and ineptitude. All we're saying
is let's start in the middle.”
“How do you know how much experience he has anyway?”
“Jazz, he's six-foot-six, he's gorgeous, he's a rich and famous football player
who has dated actresses, models and even two playboy playmates at the same time.
I might be wrong but I think the odds are he has a little more experience than
you can handle at this stage of the game.”
“Is he married?” I questioned.
“No,” they are answered.
“Then I don't see the problem. He could probably teach me a lot. I'm here to
“We're not going to the party tonight,” Ling said firmly. “If you can meet one
man three minutes after we arrive, then I'm sure they'll be more. We've got the
whole weekend. Let's take our time.”
“That's easy for you to say,” I pouted. Even though I knew they were right, I
couldn't help being disappointed.
“But what if I don't find anyone else.”
“You will. Trust me.”
I was still not convinced but was willing to give it a try.
“Please Jazz it is for your own good.”
I looked around at my sisters and they all seemed to be so worried. They knew things I did not. I should trust them. Of course they were right. What was I thinking? So what if I'd studied thousands of porno movies in anticipation of this moment? So what if I had practice all forty nine kamasutra positions. It was bound to be different with an actual partner. It was all theoretical; none of it put into practice. And like anything else you do, you don't want to start off beyond your experience level. I was almost thirty and had never been kissed let alone fucked. I should start off slower. I should find some young guy who looks inexperienced or someone less endowed as I imagined the man with the perfect smile was. Just the thought of him made my juices flow. But of course my sisters were right. I needed to lower my expectations.
For the next three hours I tried my best to get that man out of my mind. I had to be realistic after all. By now he probably had countless women offering to do things to him that I'd only read about in books. I might be cute, but I'm no actress, model, or playboy bunny. I'm only a twenty-eight year old virgin in desperate need of some superb dick. I was beginning to think that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Maybe I should head back to Palmdale, go out on a date with a nice young man and have sex with him. After all that is what normal people do. Normal people don't head out to Vegas for their first time; at least not women. The only problem there was I'd run the risk of getting too attached to my first. I didn't want that. I didn't want to eventually find out that my first was a dick-head, like all my sisters describe their first. I wanted my first to remain a fantasy.
After a three hour spa treatment I was feeling awkwardly sexy an anxious to carry out my mission. It was the first time I'd ever wanted a drink. I felt I needed something to calm my nerves, but I had promised the universe that I would not to put anything in my body that would harm any of my organs in exchange for the chance to have sex and I always keep my promises.
My sister's had worked their magic on me. Ling picked out my sleek metallic mini dress with matching five-inch Jimmy Chu strappy sandals. It was both sexy and comfortable. Lilly did my make-up just like the model on the cover of Vogue and Rosita quaffed my hair into shoulder length, parted in the middle, bone straight, face molding, easily manageable do.
“How about him?” Lilly questioned, pointing to a very young looking dark haired middle eastern gentleman sitting at the craps table. He was looking at me as if I were a piece of steak; a piece of Kobe steak. He appeared decent enough, so I smiled. He instantly took that as a signal and got up from the table headed in my direction. Before he got within ten feet Lilly yelled out “Get out of here!”
“What was that about?” I asked.
“He's married,” they all said at once.
“How could you guys possibly know that.”
“So much to teach, so little time,” Rosita laughed.
The next two hours were spent going through a series of hits and misses. I
was getting totally discouraged and I needed a break. This was all way more
complicated than I had dreamed it would be.
“Okay guys,” I announced. “This is not how I planned this. You guys are so
worried about me you're not having any fun.”
“This trip is for you, not for us.”
“But I can't have any fun if you guys aren't having any fun. I'll tell you
what,” I said as I looked at my watch. “It's ten forty five now. Let's say we
meet back here at midnight. I'll send you a text every half hour to keep you
updated. If I haven't found anyone by then maybe it's just not meant to be and
then we can all take the pressure off and just enjoy Vegas.”
I knew twenty minutes before I made the suggestion what my plan was. As soon as we parted I was taking my ticket and heading to the private party to find my future virginity taker. I had not anticipated the crowd. There were hundreds of people crowded into the dimly lit party hall. Even with my five-inch hills on, it appeared that everyone stood well above me and I could barely see as I made my way through the room in search of my intended. It was hopeless. After a half an hour I began to question whether or not I would even recognize him if I saw him again. I looked down at my watch. It was time for my first text. “Oh well,” I told myself. “It was just not meant to be.”
The moment I started to send the text I spotted him. I was wrong. I recognized him immediately. Seated in the V.I.P. Section with a pretty brunette clinging to his arm and kissing the nape of his neck was the man I wanted to screw. I surprisingly enough, was not intimidated at all. I walked up to the roped off seating area and it only took a second for him to acknowledge my presence. There was that smile again. I returned the smile. He motioned the big burley security guy to let me in.
“Where are your sisters.”
“They couldn't make it.”
“But you're here?”
“Well good for you,” said a voice of a slightly younger, slightly smaller, man
at the table. “why don't you join us.”
I did.
“What can I get you to drink?” asked the slightly younger man.
“I don't drink.”
“Really,” he said as he placed his hand on my bare knee. I instantly looked over
at my smiling Adonis for assistance. The woman by his side forced his gaze from
mine to hers. She placed her newly French manicured fingers on his cheek and
geared his face toward him and she gave him a tongue led kiss. I then turned my
attention to the young man whose hand was quickly inching up my dress. He froze
when he caught my piercing stare. He removed his hand and I got up to leave. I
was nearly out the door when I felt the hand grip my wrist. I knew before I
turned around who it was. The volt that ran through my body was unmistakable. I
turned to face him wanting desperately to be mad but unable to pull it off..
“I told you this was my retirement party.”
“And the guy back there is the quarterback.”
“And?” I had no idea where this conversation was going.
“The new fifty-million dollar quarterback.”
Oh. I got it and this time I didn't have to pretend to be upset. The look on
my face said it all.
“Oh my goodness,” he said, almost shocked. “You really don't follow sports.”
He stared down at me for what seemed like ten minutes. I knew exactly what he
was thinking and I was thinking the exact same thing.
“Can we go to your room?” I asked.
He flashed those pearly whites and shook his head yes. I texted my sisters to
meet me at the hotel bar.
“Hi guys,” I said with my biggest warmest smile. “You've all met,” I said
dragging my hunk by the arm. “I'm going up to his room which is...” I nudged
“Room 1816.”
“Yes. Room 1816. I want you guys to go have fun. We'll talk later,” I said as I
rushed my hunk to the elevator before any protest could be made.
Once the elevator doors had closed I realized that an important step had been
missed. I held out my hand. “My name is Jazzmine.”
He grabbed my hand and I felt my knees buckle. “It is a pleasure to meet you
I pumped his hand and waited for what I thought should be instantaneous but have
ten seconds did not come. “And what is your name?”
He chuckled. “I forgot, you don't know who I am.”
“I know what I'd like to call you but I don't think that would be appropriate.”
He bent down and whispered in my ear. “My name is Joe.”
His breathe on my neck created an instant gush between my legs. I wrapped my
arms around his massive body and stood on the tips of my toes until our lips
met. I kissed him hard on the lips. My very first kiss.
“It is so very nice to meet you Joe.”
The moment the room door slammed behind me, he pinned me against the wall so
that his rock-hard cock was making a clear indentation into my stomach. I
remembered this scene from one of my porno movies. I clumsily reached for his
pants zipper. He decided to save me some time. He undid his zipper and let his
pants fall to the floor. He reached down and pulled his penis out of his
underwear and then moved his hands down between my legs. When he found my
panties he pulled them down. Everything was going so fast; too fast. I wanted to
slow it down. I wanted to enjoy every moment of this first time. I wanted to see
him naked.
“Wait. Wait,” I said.
He stopped instantly. “What's the matter?”
“Nothing. I was just wondering if we could turn the lights on.”
“Sure. Of course,” he said excitedly.
Seconds later the room was flooded with light. He stood there with his pants
wrapped around his ankles, his underwear still on and his straight pointing dick
hidden by his long white cotton shirt.
“Can you take off your clothes for me?”
He didn't answer. He simply quickly shed all of his clothes and I stood there in amazement. He was perfect or at least the most perfect I'd ever laid my eyes on. There was simply no substitute for the in-person version of the male form. There was an aroma that accompanied the vision that added immensely to its eroticism. I moved in close to him and placed my hand on his chest. I didn't know when or if I would ever experience anything like this again, so I wanted to savor the moment. I ran my fingers slowly down his chess to his one, two, three, for, five, six pack of stomach muscles. I stood back to take him all in again. I walked slowly around to the back of him. He was a masterpiece. I ran both my hands down his broad shoulder down to where they narrowed at his hips. I kissed him at the center of his back. When I heard him moan, instinct took over. I swept my tongue up and down the base of his back. I felt his arm reach around and gently tug me around to the front of him. I knew what he wanted and I was more than willing to oblige. I slid down to my knees and admired the bulging instrument before me. I smiled and inhaled deeply taking in it's hypnotic aroma.
“I hadn't expected it to smell so good.” I closed my eyes and ran my tongue
around the tip of his dick.”Or taste so good.” I took him in my mouth as I had
seen so many women do in the movies. I grabbed his ass and we synchronized our
in and out slow rhythmic motion. He reached down and each index finger chose a
nipple to gently sweep. The sensation flowed through me like a mellow wave and I
let out a soft moan. As his right hand continued to tease my nipple, his left
hand rose to find it's way to the base of my neck directing the motion which
began to take on a more fevered pace. With each thrust his cock went deeper and
deeper inside my mouth.
“Can you handle it?” he questioned.
I was hoping he didn't want an answer. My mouth was full and I was determined
to go the distance. I looked up at him and the sight of his pleasure heightened
my already exhilarated senses. I grabbed his butt tighter and rammed it as far
back in my throat as it would go.
“Oh shit!” he screamed.
All that cucumber practice had really paid off. I was a natural. He looked
down at me clearly please and excited. It made me feel good. I was aware that
his already large cock expanded more in my mouth. I could feel the veins
throbbing against my tongue.
“Oh baby!,” He screamed. “Oh baby this is soooo good.”
His hand left the base of my neck, and returned to my breast. He looked down at me and with the tips of his fingers began to pinch my nipples. This was like a bolt of lightening piercing my body. I nearly lost my concentration as my body convulsed into uncontrollable burst of inertia. I held on tight to his ass, determined that his dick remain in my mouth until he exploded. It didn't take long. Moments later he released a monsoon into my mouth and I was proud that only tiny bits escaped. I collapsed backwards on the floor. Seconds later he picked me up and placed me on the bed.
I wasn't sure exactly what the protocol was next. I still hadn't actually lost my virginity which, after all, was my mission for the trip, but I had had an extraordinary orgasm; two in fact, and if nothing else happened that would not be the end of the world. Besides, after seeing the size of his massive rod I was a little worried. I mean, of course, the cucumber was used for more than practicing oral sex but then I was always in control. I had no idea how it would be in real life.
We lay next to each other listening to nothing other than the sounds of our
breathing, which was rather soothing. After I while I wasn't sure if that meant
that he was too nice to tell me that it was time for me to go or if he wanted me
to stay. I didn't want to wonder.
“Umm...thank you,” was the only words I could think of and I got up to leave.
“You're leaving?”
“Listen, this is all new to me. I don't know the protocol.”
“Well let me teach you,” he began. “The protocol is if I get undressed for you,
then you get undressed for me. You had a taste of me and now I get to have a
taste of you.”
He knew just the right thing to say. He stood up and removed my dress. I
started to remove my shoes.
“No,” he said. “Please leave those on.”
He led me back to the bed and placed me on my back. He spread my legs and
just stared.
“You are beautiful,” he murmured.
I felt him massage into my thighs the moisture that had trickled down my
thighs during my orgasm. While I wasn't nervous at all about giving head for the
first time, I was terrified now. I tried to control my trembling thighs but they
wouldn't cooperate. I had no idea what to expect.
“It's okay,” he chuckled, “I know what I'm doing.”
He spread me open wider. I felt the tips of his fingers reach the lips of my vagina and open them. Then I felt the gentle breeze of his wind blowing up and down my pussy. It felt nice. Then he wrapped his lips around my clitoris and for a moment the lights went out; at least they did in my head. The sensation made me spring straight up. I hadn't anticipated such a sensation. There was no book or movie that could have prepared me for the sensation of hundreds of minuscule warm moist buds traveling together upon an orifice now exploring the folds of my most hidden treasure. It was more than I thought I could handle.
“What happened?”
“Nothing,” I managed.
He looked at the expression on my face which must have given away what I was
trying so desperately to hide
He laughed. “You've never had someone do this to you before.”
“No. I never have had anyone do this to me before.”
“Oh,” he said as he lifted my lower torso up so that my upper torso was forced back upon the bed. “Then lay back and relax because you are in for a treat.”
I did and he was correct. I was treated to sensory overload as he dinned on my pussy, sucking the juices as the flowed freely from my body; gripping my thighs so that I was forced to accept all the pleasure that he was giving me. The sound of his pussy eating made my head spin in a tizzy. I was so afraid that at any moment I would wake up to find that this was all a dream. Nothing, I thought, nothing real could possibly feel this good. I wanted desperately to hold onto this feeling. I didn't want it to end. I didn't care if I never came. The journey was all that I needed. But my body wasn't listening to my head. My body was building steadily upward to the point of explosion. I was no longer in control. There was nothing I could do to stop it. I grabbed his head and in an animalistic display of pleasure and in an unapologetic craze began to hump his face. He seemed to revel in my inhibition. He sucked harder and stuck his tongue deeper inside me. He gripped my hips tighter as he aided me as I pumped my hips into his face hard wanting to engulf his entire head into my pussy, He rotated his head in a clockwise motion making sure that every piece of my cunt receives equal attention.
“Holy shit!” I whaled so loud it scared me. It scared me mainly because I was sure that the scream would awake me from this dream. But my dream continued.
“This is real! This is real!” I shrieked. At that moment I couldn't think of a time in my life when I had been happier or so filled with joy. In my exuberance I realized Joe was having trouble breathing but I couldn't bring myself to care enough to remove the vice grip my thighs held on his clean shinny dome. All I could think of was working his big bald head deep inside my pussy. I didn't want him to stop. I was on the verge of coming again. I had no idea when or if I would ever feel like this again and I didn't want anything to get in the way. I held his head tighter and pumped harder until my entire body erupted into a sea of ecstasy. I released him and I heard him come up for air. As I lay there on the bed shivering, Joe sat up next to me an took a moment to catch his breath. Finally, he leaned over and began to kiss my still trembling stomach, then my breast, my neck and then my lips. I could taste myself. I liked it. My mind was racing and there was so much to say but my vocabulary was lost. How could anything be better than this? It was at that point that I knew that there was no way I was leaving that room a virgin.
“You've never had a man do that to you before?”
It took me a moment to respond. “No.”
“So it's always been a one way street with you?” He asked, as he caressed my
arm. I was unsure how to handle this. I didn't want to scare him away, but I
felt no desire to lie. He bent over and kissed my breast. “I can't see any man
not wanting to experience all of you.”
“Actually,” I started slowly, “you're the first man to have any of me.”
Joe bolted out of the bed before I could finish the statement.
“Shit! How old are you?” He said as he jumped off the bed as if he were sure I
had coodies.
“Joe, I'm twenty-eight.”
He didn't look convinced, He started pacing the room. I grabbed my purse and
took out my wallet and showed him my I.D. He examined the I.D. but still looked
“Joe,” I said, pointing to the scar on my chest. “I was born with a bad heart.
I've spent most of my life in bed and not in a good way,” I laughed. He didn't.
“Last year I got a new heart and a new lease on life. I'm twenty-eight years old
and still officially a virgin and I am hoping that you will change all that.”
“You can't be a virgin? There is no way you can suck a guys dick like that
and not have him want to fuck you.”
“You're the first guy I've ever given a blow job to. You're the first guy I've
ever kissed.”
He was in shock. “But you were so good.”
“I owe it all to many hours of porno and hundreds of dollars in cucumbers.”
We both laughed until our stomachs ached.
Joe sat on the edge of the bed looking at me periodically and then back down
at the floor.
“I'm headed to Miami in a couple of hours.”
“We will probably never see each other again.”
“I know.”
“I just wouldn't feel right...afterwards...just leaving.”
“You shouldn't feel bad. I'm a big girl. I knew what I was getting into when I
walked into this room. I feel too good to have any regrets.”
“But your first time should be with someone you love.”
“No, my first time should be with someone who respects me enough to risk
suffocation to eat my pussy and hesitate at the prospect of being the first cock
to pop my cherry.”
He let out a small laugh. “Are you sure?”
I knelt on the bed behind him, wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on
his shoulders. “Joe,” I said kissing the nape of his neck. “I don't want to be a
virgin anymore. I want you to be the first. I want to feel you inside me.” I
reached around him and found his dick which confirmed that he wanted me as badly
as I wanted him. “Please fuck me Joe.”
“Joe, I think that is what you want too.” I felt his body shiver. “Joe, most
women's first time is a disaster.”
I reached for my purse and pulled out a condom and proceeded to roll it up Joe's
rod. “Joe, you can make my first time a dream come true.”
He turned around and he kissed me gently. He lay me down on the bed as if I
where a precious piece of china.
“I don't want to hurt you.”
“Sometime the end justifies the means.”
He spread my legs apart. “Are you sure about this?”
I nodded yes and he slowly entered me. My pussy welcomed him. There had been no preparation for the sensation of a live person entering me. My mouth literally began to water. There were no words to describe it. I had seemingly lost track of time and space. Sensing that his weight upon me would be too much, Joe effortlessly rolled over and lifted me up and without missing a stroke rose to his feet and found an empty wall space on which to position my back. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waste and my arms around his neck as he squeezed my ass and fucked fucked me. His mouth found my nipple and he sucked hard causing a rush of sensations to flood me.
“Yes!” I screamed. “More!”
“Whose pussy is this?” He demanded as his dick pounded deeper inside me.
“Yours,” I answered.
“My what?”
“Your pussy Joe. This is your pussy.”
He removed his hands from around my ass and massaged my breast. He gripped
them tightly together and took both into to his mouth. He sucked as if expecting
juice to emerge.
“I never thought anything could feel this good,” I screamed.
He stopped pumping and looked up at me. “Me either,” he said softly before he
returned to suckling my breast.”Me either.”
He walked me back over to the bed and placed me on my knees. He ran his hands
up and down my back as he stood behind me. He spread my pussy lips open.
“I want to get a real good look at my pussy,” he said. “My pussy.”
After he finished admiring he once again placed is cock inside me and began
to pump. Once again my mouth began to water as still yet another sensation
arose. His large hands gripped my ass as he fucked me dogie style. I reacted by
backing up as far as I could onto his dick, enjoying the thrill it gave me when
that certain spot was hit. He wiggled his dick around all the parameters of my
pussy walls and suddenly tapped me on my ass.
“Oooooh!” I shivered.
“Tell me again Jazzmine. Tell me again.” His voice was strained and uneven. I
knew he was almost there. I also knew what he wanted and I was more than happy
to accommodate.
“It's your pussy Joe. All your pussy.”
He gripped my ass tighter and began thrusting his cock into me with
lightening speed.
“It's your pussy Joe. Take it.”
Just when I thought he couldn't fuck me any harder, like a jackhammer hammering concrete, Joe's dick rammed into my pussy at an inconceivable pace. It was at that point that body and mind separated. His hands held my body into place as we both reached the heights of ecstasy no more than one second apart. There was no thinking; only feeling; and that feeling was one of complete bliss.
We collapsed on the bed, breathing heavy for what seemed like ten straight
minutes then we simply laid there next to each other not knowing what to say.
The silence was interrupted by my cell phone ringing. I knew who it was before I
saw the name.
“I'm okay,” I said before the inevitable question was asked..
“You sure?” It was Ling.
“I'm sure. I'm on my way to the room.”
I got up and started to get dressed.
“I'm leaving for Miami tomorrow,” Joe announced.
“I know. You mentioned that before.”
“I was thinking we could see each other again and maybe talk next time.”
I looked at him suspiciously. “There is no need to feel guilty or obligated.
I'm a big girl.”
“I don't know what I feel, but I know it's not guilt or obligation. I can't
promise anything, but I know I want to get to know you better. I've had just sex
with lots of women and this wasn't just sex.”
That is what I was afraid of. I knew it the moment our eyes locked. There was something between us and I was terrified to find out what it was.
A housewife takes a job stocking shelves on the third shift and hot sex becomes a reality... |
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