Vicky and Torri (2)

(Part 1 from 1)

This story is complete fictional : never try to do it in real life!

Vicky lingered in bed after her husband Richard left for work. She would wait until she heard either her daughter Torri or or son Mark stirring and get up and start their breakfast. She had not realized that she had dozed off again until she felt little Torri's hand touching her shoulder.
"Mommy, are you awake?"
Vicky's eyes popped open to see her daughter sitting on the edge of the bed looking at her. "Uh, yes, baby," she whispered. "What is it?"
"Mommy, remember how you showed me how to make myself come when I had my period last week? Well, mommy, I just can't seem to get enough of doing that, like five or six times a day."
Vicky was awake now and slid up on the bed, propping herself up on some pillows. The sheet now only covered her upper legs and the thick curls of her pubic hair crept over the top. She was still naked from the hot fucking she and her husband had enjoyed last night. She could see her daughter's eyes admiring her large, pendulous breasts. She felt her nipples begin to swell under the gaze.
"I know, baby," Vicky said. "I expected that; it's a family condition, maybe even in our genes, but I know something that helps." She reached for Torri with open arms, and her daughter responded by moving into her mother's embrace. As their lips met, Vicky slid her hand between Torri's legs and began to fondle her virgin pussy.

Vicky soon had the little girl moaning and writhing under her touch. The loving mother pulled off the girl's nightgown. Then she slid down and pushed her face against Torri's dripping cunt and began to lave it with her tongue.
"Oh god, mommy," Torri shrieked. "What are you doing to me? It feels so good... please, don't... stop... please... Aaaagghh!"
Vicky knew that her daughter had not begun to feel the pleasure that her oral stimulation would shortly bring. She continued to mouth the sopping cunt and slipped a finger into Torri's vagina. The little girl began to bounce uncontrollably on the bed, moaning and gasping.
Finally, Torri's body became as rigid as a board. She let out a long, low-pitched wail, indicating that she had finally reached her climax. Vicky did not stop, but pushed her daughter on to two smaller orgasms before she pulled her face away. Vicky moved upwards and gathered Torri into her arms, gently hugging her against her own naked body. She felt the racing beat of Torri's little heart slowly abate and the panting reduce to normal breathing.
"Mommy, that was... almost too much!" Torri finally gasped.

"I know, baby, but now you will be able to relax and enjoy your new sexuality better. You won't feel the pressure to masturbate so often for a while, and then we can do this again to calm you down."
Torri looked at her mother shyly. "Do you want me to do to you what you... you know... what you just did to me?"
"No, baby, I'm ok right now. Your father's big penis was in me last night and I still feel it in my vagina. Maybe next time I can show you how we can do each other at the same time."
"Does daddy do that to you, mommy?" Torri asked.
"All the time, baby. He ate my pussy for an hour last night. I thought that I would go crazy." Vicky rose quickly from the bed, her heavy breasts swinging. "I bought something for you, baby, a little toy that will help you." She opened a drawer in the bottom of her bureau and took out a small package.
"Here you are, Torri honey." the opened the package and showed her daughter a small, slender vibrator. "This is for you, and I already put the batteries in it. See, here is the switch."

Torri switched her new toy on and instinctively began to slip it into her slippery twat. "Oh... Ohhhh... OH YEAH!" she exclaimed.
Vicky got up and took one of her own vibrators from the bureau and showed Torri various ways to use such devices to bring pleasure. Her daughter became quite adept during the next half hour. Afterwards the lay back in the bed cuddling.
"Mommy, What did you mean about the 'family condition' that you mentioned earlier?" Torri asked.
"Almost all our family members have a really strong sex drive, and, as soon as they reach puberty, it can run out of control, especially in girls, like you and me. When I was your age, I had to have sex with my father at least once each day or I just could not keep my hands out of my panties."
"You had sex with granddad?" Torri asked with an amazed look on her face. "Am I going to have sex with daddy?"
"Not for a while, baby. I think that you and I can take care of each other, and you will be ok. Your daddy's penis is very big, and I want your little pussy to get some experience with our toys before he puts his thick cock into you."

"Oh," replied Torri.
Vicky continued. "My great grandfather met a man who suggested that family sex might be the answer to our family condition. Of course, as you already know, we must keep this a secret. People just would not understand our ways."
"Do you think other families have sex with each other?" the little girl asked. "Are other families practicing incest?"
"I'm sure that incest is more common than people want to admit," Vicky answered, "but no one will talk about it."
Torri was silent for a while; then she asked, "What about Mark? He is older than me and he seems to have no problems."
"As I said, the girls are affected more severely, but Mark has some problems too, and I need to do something about it." Vicky was silent for a few minutes. Vicky had found where her son, now fifteen years old, had stashed magazines with illustrations of naked, lascivious sluts. She realized, by carefully observing him, that he was jerking off several times a day. It was definitely time to deal with him.

"You know, baby, maybe you can help me with your brother."
"I can, mommy?"
Vicky and Torri discussed how they would help Mark. Then they dressed and went down to prepare breakfast.

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