Undetached couples 2
Note : This story is completely fictional!
The ever lasting Incest’s story part is this read this amusing story’s end part and write to me.
Strange, Jessica and I reacted as if we were not adults. Jessica went into the bathroom and hid. I went into the bedroom, put on some underwear, and returned to face my mother. I sat down at the kitchen table where Mom was sitting with her face buried in both of her hands I think she was cried.
"I'm just shocked" uttered my mother, "I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I walked in. Do you know that it is wrong to do that with your own sister she is your own blood it is god punish sin if anybody knows or any others see this what was happens? How long have you been doing this? And why you both do this sin?"
Finally I got a pause where I could explain and it was not easy to face my own mother and talk about this particular subject because here I fuck own sister and I should given a explanations about that taboo to my own mother you think what a situations that I face in my life . Trying to be calm, I said, "Mom, I'm sorry that you had to see us that way. Jessica and I have always been close and we love each other. It is more than the way Jessica and I love you, it is hard to describe but it is a true love between us you believe us. We do not want to be with anyone else and we are not ashamed of how we express our love physically. For all purposes, we are like a married couple. Besides, what are you doing back so early?"
Mom looked up and said "I saw those rings on you two but couldn't make the connection until now. I understand what you are saying but it is still wrong and sin it is not allowed between you. I was feeling bad in Sarasota because I missed being with you two and now I came back early, to this I hate this time to came back here."
I got up and walked behind her. I gave her a big hug across her shoulders and
said, "Mom, we love you and we don't want to hurt you. I guess that you would
have found out sometime, not just now. I know that you are shocked right now but
this has been going on since we were young. It is something that we are doing
and are going to do, regardless of what you or anyone else thinks. I wish that
you would feel better about this as we do not want you to be mad at us. We love
My mom looked at me teary eyed and said "I'm having a hard time over this. Everyone is going to bed and think more about it in the morning"
With that, it got very quiet. Mom went into the bedroom and closed the door. I coaxed Jessica out of the bathroom and retold my conversation to her crying face. As if we were children sent to bed early, Jessica and I tried to sleep sitting on the sofa with our feet on the coffee table. It was a restless night for all of us and the next morning, we have coffee and bagels together but the silence was killing Jessica and I. Deciding to change the atmosphere, I suggested that we go to Clearwater and play on the beach for the day. Mom was indecisive about going but I made it clear that we were going there. We changed into our swim suits and put some clothes over them.
The drive to Clearwater was absolute silence from us and thank god the radio was playing some good music. My mother was impressed with the beach there as it was cleaner and whiter than the beaches in California. I rented a beach umbrella and some lounges to keep Mom out of the sun. She camped under the umbrella and read a book that she had brought. Jessica and I spent most of the morning playing in the surf. By mid day, Jessica and I were feeling much better and even Mom was now talking and smiling!
My mother seemed more at ease being on the beach and she so beautiful in her one piece swim suit even under her sunglasses and book. I had never noticed before and maybe the bright sunlight highlighted the porcelain quality of her skin. It wasn't that it was white although she had a fair complexion; it was that her skin was looked so silky smooth.
It was late afternoon and we were getting hungry. I suggested that we go to this casual seafood place on the old beach road that Jessica and I knew about. What a change from last night or this morning, Mom was talkative and friendly as if nothing had happen which put Jessica and me at ease. We arrived at the restaurant and sat in the shade of some outdoor dining with a steel drum band playing in the background. We order some tropical drinks and a bucket of peel and eat rock shrimp. The drinks arrived and after a few sips, Mom had something to say to us kids.
"I guess you know that I'm happier than I was last night" said my mom and we nodded, "I thought long and hard about this and the main thing for me is to see my kids happy. I love the both of you more than you will know and only want the best for you. I know that Ronald will take care of you, Jessica, better than any boyfriend or husband would and vice versa. I couldn't ask anything better than that for my children and besides, regardless what I think about this, you are going to be living as a couple anyway. I guess that I need to stop thinking like a 50's housewife and your father's conservative ways. It's true I was shocked it is natural way of a mother but part of that is because I have never seen anyone making love in front of me and this taboo, not even pictures. I should expect and accept the surprises coming from the love generation."
Jessica and I both reached over and gave our mother a big kiss and a hug. We felt that we could be ourselves around the person who mattered so much in our life who understood the kind of love we have as brother and sister. It was liberating not having to hide our secret from her. She asked if we wanted the bed and she would sleep on the sofa but I insisted that the sofa was too uncomfortable. I would keep the sofa while she was our guest. That being said, we had a great meal and a pleasant drive back to the apartment.
I woke up next morning and smelled coffee being made. Jessica was already up and keeping busy until someone else got up. She had me a cup while a smile and a kiss.
"Mom still asleep?" I asked
"Yeah, I think she is catching up on lost sleep from the other night" Jessica said, "I am so happy that she is seeing things our way. You know she could have stayed mad at us forever."
"I know" I muttered, "Mom still hasn't talked to Aunt Rita in years over that car she sold Dad in the fifties. It is nice to have Mom here for a while. Makes me feel like a little kid again. You remember when we would get in bed with mom in the morning and watch cartoons?"
"Yeah, I remember" smiled Jessica, "Those were the days. Where do you want to take Mom today?"
"I would like to take her back to the beach" I said, "She really enjoyed being there and I think she was able to really relax. It has been a tough year for her."
"Me too" declared Jessica, "but I don't know if I want to go to Clearwater again." Jessica smiled and said, "How about Bluefin beach?"
"the nude beach?" I said laughingly, "You really want Mom to get upset?" I think she will more happy the changes.
"I think Mom wants some new experiences and some new horizons" said Jessica, "I don't think that asking her to go to a nude beach is so drastic. I'd think that she would like it."
"Ok, but you are going to be the one to ask her." I said.
"Ronald, you can be such a chicken sometimes" joked Jessica, "Let's bring Mom her coffee and we can watch cartoons in bed with her, like old times. Except lets get naked first and it will give us a reason to talk about Bluefin beach." I was shaking my head until Jessica guided my briefs around my ankles and she slid out of her sleep T shirt. The next thing I knew, we were walking into the bedroom nude, carrying coffee. We turned on the flat TV and changed to a station that was showing morning cartoons. Then we slipped under the covers next to each side of Mom, and nudged her to wake up.
"Hi Mom" smiled Jessica, "We brought your coffee"
Mom sat up, propped up her pillow, and received the cup that was handed to her. "Cartoons this morning?" asked Mom "We haven't done this since you were little. Nice to have my family with me and I am really having a good time. I loved the beach that we went to yesterday. Can we go again before I have to leave for home on Monday?"
"We thought that you would like to go to the beach again today" said Jessica, "You looked so relaxed and refreshed being there yesterday. I think that we should go to a different one today. You know, see what other beaches around are like."
"Is it as nice as Clearwater?" asked Mom
"Better" smiled Jessica, "It is a private beach, beautiful clean sand, very secluded, and…..it..it ….. is a nude beach"
Mom looked at Jessica and said "I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. This has been a pretty liberating vacation so far but honestly I'd be embarrassed to be naked in front of a bunch of people and we ae a family also. Why would you want to be with an ugly naked old lady with all those cute people to look at on the beach? I don't know."
"Mom" I interjected "You are not ugly. You look very attractive and look about 30 years old. I mean, why did you go through all that surgery if you didn't want people to look at you? Besides, the beach is not busy this time of year. There may only be a few people on the whole beach and no one on the beach will know you. I think you will like the experience as you feel really free and relaxed there.
"I'll try" said Mom, "But I have never been naked in public before so go slow with me. I haven't see you two naked since you were kids except for the other night"
"Well, not exactly Mom" I said as I lifted to the sheets above her head. "You have been with us naked kids this whole morning and it hasn't bothered you at all."
"You guys!" exclaimed Mom as we broke up into laughter. "What am I going to do with you too!" Mom reached over and tinkled us like when we were kids. We got up and now were not being too modest around Mom, got dressed. Since there are no facilities at Bluefin, we brought a cooler, some lounge chairs, and borrowed a beach umbrella from our neighbor. It was a ninety minute drive north of Tarpon Springs to get to Bluefin beach. We had a great time getting there, singing along with the radio. Finally we got there and Mom was getting real nervous as we took the beach stuff to a spot on the beach. This early, the beach was empty which made mother feel better. I set up the umbrella and placed the chairs and cooler underneath it. Jessica and I took our clothes off and folded them next to the cooler.
Mom was too shy and asked us to turn around while she disrobed. She was OK with us seeing her nude but she didn't want us to watch her undress. Jessica and I gave her some space and ran into the surf to play. Mom laid on the lounge and started back on her favorite book. After awhile, a few more people came to the beach in all shapes and sizes. An hour had passed and we went back to the umbrella for a drink. My mother looked absolutely gorgeous in just her sunglasses. While most of the beach visitors were tanned or had some zebra tan, Mom was light skinned all over and really stood out under the umbrella. I had never really seen the boob job that was done on her but her breasts were firm and round like Jessica's. Mom even trimmed her pussy hair to a pleasing strip it is very blood pressuring seen.
"How do you like it so far?" asked Jessica sitting next to Mom.
"I am so relaxed here and the breeze feels so good on me" sighed Mom, "I think that I'm used to being nude here and it doesn't bother me like I thought it would. You kids had the right idea."
I grabbed some sodas from the cooler and handed them out. "See mom" I said, "People come here and you see all types of bodies, some nice and some not. I think that no one compares to you, except may be Jessica."
Mom laughed, "Now who is full of it! I appreciate the compliment though. Thanks for dragging me out here, I'm really feeling peaceful here. Ronald, I was noticing those two over there smoking cigarettes. Why are they sharing it back and forth?"
"Mom" I whispered, "They are smoking pot"
"Is that legal in Florida?" asked Mom
"No, but nobody bothers on this beach" I said, "you see it happen sometimes here
but no one gets upset over it"
"Have either of you ever smoked it?" asked Mom.
Jessica and I looked at each other and looked at Mom. There are no secrets to keep around your naked mother. Jessica said, "We have tried it and enjoyed the feeling from it but it not something that we do often."
"What does it feel like?" asked Mom
"Well", I said, "Its' kinda sore on your throat when you inhale. After awhile, you get real relaxed and you laugh a lot about nothing. Sometimes you get real hungry and sometimes you experience music in a real intense way. It wears off after a couple of hours and no kinda of hangover or anything"
"That doesn't sound so bad" said Mom, "At least not what you hear about it on the news. Maybe I should try that too since you have me trying new stuff."
"Well maybe" I laughed. Jessica and I went back into the water and Mom went back to her reading. The day passed away so fast and soon it was time to leave. Mom was so relaxed that she hated to leave but grudgingly we dressed and headed back. No one felt like cooking and we ordered a pizza to be delivered. We talked about how day of a day we had over pizza and decided to go back tomorrow. Our very shy mother was all for it. I turned on the TV as soon the Sonny and Cher show would be coming on. Jessica loved this show almost as much as Mary Tyler Moore and didn't miss a show.
Jessica looked over and asked Mom, "You mind if Ronald and I get a shower? We still have salt water dried on us."
"Go ahead" said Mom, "I'll just watch TV for awhile besides it is your place, you don't need my permission."
Jessica took me by the hand and led me to the bathroom. We undressed and got in the shower. With the hot water running, we soaped each other, and got the chance to sensuously touch each other. It was the first intimate contact we had since Mom had walked in on us which we didn't get to finished what we started.
While Jessica was stroking a soapy hard cock, she asked "You want to smoke a joint with Mom? I think I have one left from the last party we went to."
My hand was fondling her pussy as I responded, "I don't know if she was teasing or serious about trying pot. We can bring the subject up and if she agrees then lets smoke. If she doesn't, let's pretend that we were joking with her."
I could have stayed in the shower forever with Jessica but she shut the water off after we had rinsed. We stepped out of the shower and dried each other. Still nude, we opened the bathroom and went to sit with our mother at the kitchen table.
"Enjoy your shower?" smiled Mom
"They are never long enough" Jessica smiled back, "Before my show starts, I thought we could sit around and smoke some pot."
"I'm ready" said Mom, "show me what I'm supposed to do"
With a feeling of relief, I watched Jessica go into the bedroom and come back out with a joint in her hands. She lit a match and held it to the joint while deeply inhaling. She held her breath for a moment and while exhaling handed it to Mom. We told her how she was to inhale, hold, and release. She coughed the first time but did it right the second time and handed it to me. I repeated the actions and the joint was passed around until it could not be held in your fingers anymore. Everyone was starting to relax and laugh.
"This is a very nice feeling" said Mom, "I think that if I had this at home, I'd smoke it every night" We laughed at the thought of Mom smoking pot all the time. "I think I'm going to join you two and get comfortable." With that, Mom started to remove her clothing and then it was just the naked three of us laughing around the table.
"Hey, my show is on. Thanks for not reminding me" exclaimed Jessica. Jessica got up and took Mom by the hand and led her to the sofa. They sat at each end of the sofa with their feet on the coffee table.
I looked over and said, "Where am I supposed to sit?"
"Right here" said Mom slapping her thighs and Jessica's. "You can lay across us. It will be like when you were little with your head in my lap"
Everyone was high now and I wobbled over to the sofa and eased face up onto the laps of my mother and my sister. It was very calming to lay there like when I was a child. Mom was watching the TV and playing with my dark hair. I think that she was finding it very soothing also. Looking up I had a great view of Mom's white round breasts.
The Sonny and Cher Hour was on and after doing their little comedy dialogue they started to sing The Beat Goes On. Jessica was moving her shoulders to the song and tapping the beat with her hands on my thighs. Unconsciously, Jessica started to flop my cock from one hand to the other while keeping the beat. My cock grew stiff over that attention.
Mom looked over and said, "Jessica! Do you know what you are doing?"
Jessica came back to reality and looked down. "Oh, I really wasn't paying to much attention but I like what I see" laughed Jessica. Mom started to laugh too but Jessica continued to touch my cock and begin to very slowly stroke it. "Ronald's cock is so beautiful, was Dad's like this?"
Mom smiled back and said, "Sorta when your Dad was younger except I think that Ronald's cock head is bigger and he is circumcised. Your father had that skin around his head."
Jessica asked, "Did you like to suck him?" Normally I would died hearing Jessica ask that question but I was too relaxed to care and only smiled.
Mom paused, "Well your father didn't believe in that. He thought that only queers got blowjobs. Maybe it was something from his Navy days, I don't know but we never did that stuff. I would have done it if he wanted. I would have done anything for him"
Jessica broke into a mischievous grin and said, " Watch this." Jessica moved aside and lower her head. She held my cock in one hand and lathered her tongue over the head of my cock. She softly and slowly stroked my shaft while placing the head of my cock in her mouth. Mom was watching intently and started to move her hands across my chest. Jessica sucked on it and pulled back with a string of precum stretching from my head to her lips. She sat up and licked her lips. Looking at Mom, Jessica said "What do you think of that? Ronald liked it and he hasn't turned queer yet"
Mom laughed, "No, he looks straight to me. It looks very pleasurable. Too bad your father wasn't into that. I think that I would have enjoyed it."
Jessica giggled and with her hand pointed my cock in Mom's direction and said, "Want a taste?"
Jessica and I were still teasing and joking about this but Mom took her up on that offer. She slid her hips out from under my head and eased me back on the couch. She kneeled on the floor next to me and rested her breasts on my left thigh. Jessica just leaned back and watched while Mom took her hands and felt my cock moving over my balls. I don't think that she had her hands there since I was an infant but her hands felt so smooth, almost like silk brushing over me. Mom looked over to me and smiled as she placed my cock in her mouth. Mom did not do much at first as she was feeling a cock in her mouth for the first time. Jessica had slid her hand under my right thigh and started to finger herself while watching us.
Mom has fondling my shaft while licking around the head of my cock and under the head and behind the glans. She run two fingers up the back side of my cock and squeezed out a splash of precum. She licked it and savored it across her tongue. She smiled as the taste agreed with her. Jessica was starting to squirm with her first orgasm and Mom placed her lips around my cock head and started to slide up and down my cock. Feeling Jessica's legs jiggle underneath me, she looked up and could the smile that her orgasm has brought.
"Jessica honey, I think you need to finish what you were doing last night" smiled Mom.
I really didn't want Mom to stop but she stood up and smiled at us. She went over to the refrigerator and cracked open a soda. Jessica very slowly had me sit up and she picked up the sofa cushion and placed it on the coffee table. Jessica laid face down on the cushion with her knees on the carpet. I didn't need to be told what next to do. I was getting between Jessica's legs as Mom sat back on the sofa. I started to guide my cock into Jessica's pussy and looked over to see Mom touching herself.
I was very excited at this point and pushed into Jessica really hard. She gasped as I usually start slowly but everything that went on today, being nude with Mom and her sucking on me, was driving me wild. Each thrust of my cock pushed hard and deep into Jessica as she was enjoying a little rougher treatment. She started to moan out "fuck me, fuck me" and moved her hips to meet mine. Mom was watching intently and her hand rubbed faster and sounded like she was sucking for air. Our hips were pounding faster and faster until I felt the hot cum shoot out of me. I leaned on top of Jessica's back as I was feeling my orgasm move through me. Jessica was shaking too from the orgasm she was having. Through the fog in my head, I could hear Mom say "Oh" loudly and assumed she had got off too.
I was very comfortable on my sister's back for what seemed an eternity. I straightened myself up and backed away from Jessica only to bump into Mom. She was kneeling next to me. I looked into her eyes and she gave me a very lovingly kiss.
"That was so beautiful" said Mom, "I can see that you two really love each other. You know it has been over a year since I had some good loving. Do you think Jessica would mind sharing you? You have some any stamina left in you?"
Jessica got up and blew me a kiss while heading for the bathroom. Mom moved on her knees over to the edge of the coffee table. I got behind her and with the side of my face against the middle of her back, my hands reached around and held her breasts. How nice and firm they were. Her nipples harden as my fingers caressed them. I lowered Mom onto the sofa cushion and positioned my cock along her clit.
I was stroking my cock along her clit and moved up placing my cock head at the entrance of her pussy hole. Jessica had come back and was sitting on the sofa watching. Her hands reached down to her pussy as I slowly slid into Mom's pussy. It was a different feeling than being in Jessica and diffent between mother and sister but it was warm and felt good. I though to myself this is what it must feel like to return to the womb and it felt so right to be fucking my mother. Feeling this sexual high, I started to rock my hips and slide my cock in and out of her pussy. Mom was moaning as the cock pumping got more intense.
Jessica had this blissful smile on her face as she had two fingers grinding in her pussy. Mom started to make little sounds like a cat mewing and between deep breaths of air she said, "fuck me, fuck your momma!" Those words spurred me on to pump faster and faster. The sweat was pouring down my face and back while the friction of our fucking was beginning to burn. The next thing I knew Jessica was behind me.
She whispered in my ear, "Give it to her Ronald, pump your cum in our Mom!" With that, Jessica gave my balls a gentle squeeze and I jerked forward and pushed deep in my mother. I stayed in that deep position feeling the cum shoot through my dick. The world around my dick was hot, damp, and sticky as I collapsed on Mom's back. Time passed as Jessica pushed her face to mine with that cat grin told me to get up before I crush Mom on the table. I slowly eased away and very wobbly stood on my feet. We helped Mom into the bedroom where we laid down with her in bed. It seems that we had all fallen asleep as the next thing I remember was the sun was already up and shining through our curtains.
The few days before we tearfully waved goodbye to Mom on her trip home, we went to the beach every day and made love every night. Mom did leave with a smile of satisfaction on her face and I got a rest. All were comfortable with having incest and we enjoyed every minute of it. Jessica had told me later that she always had a fantasy of seeing Mom and I together. While it wasn't planned or anything, she couldn't believe that her fantasy came through. Life returned to what was normal for us. Jessica and I resumed college that semester and lived like husband and wife. During our years of college, Mom would visit us or we would go home for a visit. During those visits, our incestuous relationship with our mother would arise but those stories of love are for another time.
The End...
How me and my brother came to be romantically involved... |
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