Two couples in the summer cottage
It was the beginning of the second week at the cabin that belonged to Sheila’s family. It was in June, and Sheila and Don had scored the use of it for the whole month and had invited Jill and myself to share it with them. Both broods of kids were still in school, so the slightly cooler days of June were the price we paid for having the place to ourselves. We had three more weeks to go, free except for the simple food we ate, and the beer. The lake was a bit nippy, the water was still high, but it was bearable. All four kids were good at going to sleep by seven, eight at the very latest, and our evenings were almost as much fun as our days.
Sheila and I had been an item briefly in high school, but it was a horribly platonic affair, just two nerdy kids going together because that’s what girls and boys did. Sheila was really quite cute, and I wasn’t hard to look at, but we were both, for want of a better term, dumb. Nursing school for Sheila had mercifully parted us, and the next I saw of her was when her new husband was transferred back to town. I had in the meantime married Jill, and now we each had two kids at three and five years.
Sheila and Jill had actually met at a post natal fitness class, and were good
friends before they uncovered my connection with Sheila. They still went to
classes, and it showed, and Don and I both appreciated it very much. We all
loved skiing and running, so we spent a lot of time together, but not that much
of it talking, just chucking the shit, so to speak. This month at the cabin had
already changed that, and we were far from talked out. The fire had gone out in
the cookstove, but the evening was warm, the mozzies had got lost, and we were
sitting in the dark looking at the moon on the water.
“We went for a skinny dip after you were asleep last night, “Sheila offered, “If
was great, chilly but so pretty out on the raft. We even dived in to come in” I
had a picture of Sheila’s nude body covered in goose bumps, and her nipples
standing at attention under the moon.
“The best part was the sex. Have you ever had sex in cold water, just hanging
on to a ladder?” Don added dreamily.
“Don, that’s more information than they need,” chided Sheila, “You guys don’t
listen to him.”
“Isn’t it true? Didn’t we?” countered Don. “Its okay, we’re married, remember?”
I sucked in my breath, “We’ve never done that. Doesn’t the cold make you, you
know, a bit shrivelled up? And how about slippery? It can’t be slippery?”
Jill giggled, “Mike, you’re asking them how they fucked. That’s their business,
not ours.”
“But if we want to try it, we should know these things. It can’t be easy.”
“Its not that cold when you’re worked up,” continued Don..”Go and try it. It’s a warm night again. What have you got to lose? Its fun.”
I looked at Jill, and she had an impish look on her face, and I felt my cock
twitch. It wasn’t just trying a new way, it was our friends knowing we were
doing it. I stood up and held a hand out to my wife, who after only a moments
hesitation stood up too. Don and Sheila bade us goodbye, said they would be
waiting up, so don’t be late. We took our towels and bravely walked down to the
beach. We stood with our feet in the water, and I think Jill had second
thoughts, but when I slipped out of my shorts she did the same and hand in hand
we marched in. The water was high, and the raft had to be swum to, but we were
full of adventure as Jill hooked her elbows into the ladder and I moved between
her knees. My cock stood the cold, as Don had said. I was hard enough to push it
home, but there was no lube. I did penetrate, but it hurt Jill, and we didn’t
see a way around it. We said bugger it and swam to shore.
“Fifteen minutes, “ observed Don, “Bit of a quicky”
We were bundled in extra towels. We had managed our shorts and tees, but
underwear was too much work to get back on. After a minute, I admitted that we
hadn’t been able to pull it off and Don guffawed, “Okay, so it isn’t the best,
but just having the old boy somewhere warm is a win, isn’t it? By the way, nice
white bum, Jill.”
We weren’t put out, if anything we were glad it wasn’t our fault we had failed.
You read of sex in the surf, but I think its mainly science fiction, or involves
a guy who doesn’t mind if he hurts his lady. That’s not me, and I’m glad its not
Don. But the episode set the tone for further talk. I told of shagging Jill in a
corn field last summer, not in the corn, but in our hatchback. We had a bed
waiting at home, but the field was there, and there was a foamy in the back, and
we seized the moment.. It was a first for both of us in a car.
“Surely you must have nailed Sheila in your car. You went together quite a
while, didn’t you?” Don said teasingly. I had to admit that I had in fact not
nailed Sheila anywhere, being too stupid and backward.
“That wasn’t it , at all,” protested Sheila, “I was a nice girl, and I wouldn’t
have done it.”
“You mean if I wasn’t clumsy and stupid, you still wouldn’t have fucked me? I
had no hope at all , even if I was smooth as greased glass?”
“Maybe if it was greased glass, but I was still a nice girl, and I would have
made you work.” Sheila giggled, “It was just as well you never tried your luck.”
“Oh, kid, if you knew of the times I had to help myself to sleep with your body
in my mind. You were certainly fucked in absentia. You were good, too.”
Jill broke in after listening thoughtfully to the exchange, “You know, I had always assumed you two had screwed as kids. Sheila told me Don wasn’t the first, and I know I wasn’t the first for you, so I thought you must have got Sheila. My apologies to you both.”
“No, no, angel, I’m flattered beyond words that you thought I was that kind
of mover. Nice girl or not, I think I could get into her pants now, but not
then. But thank you.” I had never actually claimed any scores to Jill, I just
hadn’t denied having a few. The fact is, she was my first, just as I was hers,
but that wasn’t a cool thing for a guy to tell a girl. She just assumed I had
lots of experience, and I was cool with that. If she wasn’t a virgin herself,
she probably would have known I was.
“So your wild oats came after Sheila.?”
I was skating on thin ice. I would lie if I had to, but I preferred not to.
“And her wild oats came after me.”
Don gave Jill a wide grin, “By the way, in your mind were these two good
Jill reddened, “I had always thought they would have been, yes.”
I caught and held Sheila’s eye. “The real heartbreaker is, Jill is right and we
would have been good together, nez pas?”
Sheila threw a pillow at me, “How can a dumb dork and a nice girl be good
“But consider, if we had been fucking, I wouldn’t have been dumb and you
wouldn’t have been nice. A win-win situation. And now I’m smooth as greased
glass and you’re not a nice girl anymore, but we’re married to other people. Oh,
the vagaries of life.”
Sheila laughed, “You’re not that smooth and I am so a nice girl. Otherwise we
could find a way around the married thing.”
“You know,” mused Don, “Its not the sort of thing you grill you new wife on, but
I had always assumed you two had go it on too...Not that there’s anything wrong
with that, but I didn’t think Sheila would want to talk about it, not after we
got to know you again.”
We called it a night shortly after that. We spent a lot of time outdoors,
were up early with the kids, and our long evenings weren’t really that long.
“No swim tonight?” I asked with a stretch, When Sheila grimaced and shook her
head, I added, “Maybe Don could go with Jill and show her the trick.”
I got a cuff, but only a friendly one. Jill and I went quickly to sleep, but it
was only a cabin, and sounds of sex soon roused us. We listened quietly, the
juices rising in both of us, but neither was willing to miss any part of the
game being played out. They weren’t being noisy, but the night was quiet. The
frogs had gone to bed, and our ears were straining. Their bed springs were
squeaking in a controlled, slow tempo.
Don’s voice came through the walls in a stage whisper, “Are you thinking of
After a pause for a couple more squeaks of the springs there was a breathless, “Yeah”, then, “Good, a couple mumbled words and, “Jill”. Then the springs picked up their chorus and we could hear no more. My cock had jumped when the episode had started and a boner was now pressing against Jill’s ass as I hugged her bum into me. She was as horny now as me, and she lifted her leg to let me explore her pussy. We were still listening to the love making across the house as we got ready to fuck ourselves, and now Sheila was cumming, muffling her moans into something, but the effect was to make the sounds even more frantic. The squeaks changed tempo, slower but harder, sometimes missing a beat altogether, and it was easy to imagine Don rigid as he filled his wife with his cum. It was even more sensuous having the idea that he was doing it in my stead.
As the sounds died, Jill crawled onto me, and lowered her pussy over my cock. She sat up tall, and the moon through the screen showed a goddess perched on my manhood, taking her pleasure from me. The futon made no sound effects, but soon squeaky sound began escaping from Jill’s throat, and there was the sound of gentle slaps from our thighs, much like waves on a gravel beach, but faster. I could hear no other sound from the house, and wondered if the other couple was now listening to us. They couldn’t have failed to hear Jill’s vocals, and now she was rocking her pelvis madly. The voice had died, but the futon was being moved on the board floor with her energy, making little scraping sounds. Then she was still, and clung to me as I lifted her over onto her back, then there was the sound of my balls slapping her bum, and the futon did give up a sort of distant drumming sound.
The cabin was quiet now, as we lay semi-comatose. A few crickets chirped, but they just made the gaps quieter. There was a giggle from the other room, and a “Wow” and we both giggled to think that the ‘Wow’ might have been for us.
The kids were up early, but they were happy, and it was easy to coax them
through breakfast. They wanted to be outside, except our little Marnie, so the
adults never got a chance to let the sparks from last night strike again. But
soon the other toddler missed her, and joined her inside, so I found myself
outside with the big ones and Don, who was splitting firewood. We talked, but
without the girls, the subjects were dull, baseball, engines, the weather. Lunch
came and went. The two little ones went down for a nap quickly and quietly. Even
in the cabin the air had that effect on everyone here. There was the threat of a
late afternoon thunder storm showing over the lake, and the big kids were
excited over that.
Presently Don offered to take them for a walk down the road a see if they could
see distant lightning and hear the thunder. Jill was restless, so when he looked
for a volunteer to go with them, she jumped up, and they were gone.
The cabin was quiet without them. One of the kids made little murmurs in her
sleep, we could hear a dog barking, and from the other direction, maybe a mile
away, a squirrel scolding. That’s how still it was. There was still no sound of
thunder, but the air was getting close and sticky. Sheila put down her book and
gave me a sly smile.
“You guys had quite a romp last night. We thought you might take the floor out.”
I feigned indignation, “It was you that got us going. We were asleep when you
started up. No body could not get horny listening to you”
Her eyes opened wide, “Did you hear us? I thought we were so quiet. Was it the
I wanted to tell her about hearing her say ‘yeah’ to Don’s question, but that
would have been using a weak moment against her So we just laughed it off, and
went on, but the atmosphere between us was cosier now, like we had learned to
trust each other.
“The guys have been gone longer than I thought they would be. I didn’t think
the kids would last more than a half hour, and its been double that. The little
ones will be awake soon.” I noticed that as Sheila stretched her tit was
unrestrained against the thin knit of her shirt, and I was sure she didn’t
normally go without a bra.
“Maybe they wanted to give us time if we had mischief on our minds,” I cocked an
eyebrow at her. She tried to give me a severe look of reproof, and failed.
“I learned early never to get into sex with sleeping kids in the house. There is
nothing more frustrating aa coitus interruptus.” She had turned a pretty shade.
“So if we were alone, I would have had a chance?” My cock was stirring with the
subject matter, and I shifted to hide it. I wanted to tell of her of hearing her
“yeah”, but knew the moment had passed. She hadn’t answered my last thrust, and
I decided to push on further.
“When Jill was sitting on me last night, and I asked her if she would like to
sit on Don, do you know what she said?”
Sheila examined hy face, looking for a clue that I might be referring to Don’s
question, but saw only an open smile. “What did she say?” she asked finally.’
“She said,’Ohhh , that would be fun’, then she screwed the ass off me”
Sheila shivered, and was rescued by a peep from the kids room, and we both
hustled as the other stirred in response. Both were dry, which was nice, and
after they were nibbling on cookies and milk, she suddenly smiled back at me.
“You know how we were talking just now, like we were just about to have an
affair. Can you imagine what Jill and Dan might have been talking about while
the kids were looking at beetles?”
“Do you think they have any idea what we might have talked about?”
Sheila looked soberly at me, “Maybe we shouldn’t be alone. You really are
smooth as greased glass. Sorry I’m still a nice girl”
Then the door caved in, and two kids were telling us that the storm was coming
and the grownups were making sure the car windows were up. Soon we were all
sitting on the screened deck, on the futon Jill and I used and some ancient
wicker chairs, watching lightning strikes on the hills across the lake, and
feeling the first drops of rain being blown through the screens at us. Once a
bolt hit an island in the lake and the kids started to get a bit uneasy. Then it
was just rain with rolling thunder, and it was a good show. Dinner was hot dogs
and bagged chips and milk and beer eaten on the spot. Family wise, it was the
high point of the vacation. As it got dark, the weather eased, and I noticed the
five year old on my lap was asleep, and the other was groggy.
A True Story of my first gay sex encounter... |
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