Twins 4 Ever - Twins 4 Life
Note: This Story Is Completely Fictional!
My sister and I are twins. We were born in a small town just outside of Brisbane, Australia. We grew up and had a great child hood together. We were inseparable. People would always tell our mum and dad how cute we were. Our brother is a little older than us and would always tease us. He would call us sick lovers. I never knew it at the time but he was mainly jealous, but eventually that would change. I love my sister very much and still do. I want to write you a story about our lives and the stages we went through.
We had the same room as each other until we moved into a four bedroom house. That was at the age of 5. Mum didn’t want us to be in the same room anymore as people might start to talk. If you have ever lived in a small town you would understand. So we moved into a four bedroom house. The funny thing was I would still sneak into my sister’s room at night or she would come into mine. We hated been separated. We were like this until we both started getting older and both having our own friends. This was about the age of 10-11 I cannot really remember.
Throughout high school we slowly drifted apart. This was due mainly to her failing in year 9 and was held back. She started hanging around a different group. They were the outsiders. There was a reason for that, they would steel drink at a very early age, bully everyone in the school even some of the teachers were afraid of them. It was hard to watch the sister that I loved so much grow so far apart.
I still remember when it happened. It was the night of our 18th birthday. My sister had her friends over and they were just being themselves. Dad asked them to move on. My sister fought with my dad and he told her that she wasn’t going anywhere. Well as usual that demand fell on deaf ears. She still went anyway. It was early in the morning when I woke. I had a really funny feeling that something was wrong. Then about 4am in the morning we got a call from the police. They had told us that there had been a really bad accident and we would have to come down to the hospital as Jamie had passes away and that we would have to come and identify the body.
I still remember the walk down to that corridor in the hospital. I always wondered why they made it so dark and gloomy. When we stood in the room and they wheeled her out mum couldn’t take it. She started crying and she had to leave the room. Dad went with her and my brother and I stayed. The doctor asked me if I wanted to leave but I knew that I had to see her. They lifted the cloth and I started to cry tears of happiness. It wasn’t Jamie. It was her friend Donna. The only I.D that she had on here was a forged School pass to say that she was 18. It was Jamie’s.
After the Accident Jamie had to have a lot of treatment. It was always in the city. That was about 6 hours drive all the time. Mum was getting tired, we all took turns. Then one day my work asked me if I wanted to go work in the City’s franchise as an Assistant Manager. They were going to help me with relocation expenses and a place to rent. I didn’t want to leave my sister behind. I told my parents and they thought that it would be a wonderful opportunity for me.
My sister didn’t want me to go. We had become the friends that we use to be. Then I came up with the Idea of Jamie coming to live with me. As it would have it the rehab place was 200m from my apartment. At first mum and dad said no. They eventually came around.
It was hard at first because my sister would depend on me a lot. My favourite thing though was putting her to bed. I would lie next to her and talk until she would fall asleep. I use to sit there and watch her sleep for a while until I would go to bed. There were few occasions where I would still be sitting in the chair when she would wake in the morning. She thought I was a sweet brother. One morning she slowly got out of bed and said “Thank you for staying with me last night”. Then she kissed me on the lips.
I felt funny. I haven’t bothered about a relationship with anyone. As you could imagine with my sister being sick, the move to the city and starting my promotion. I never had time for anything or anyone. I instantly started to get hard. I was embarrassed. I couldn’t move. I had tried to look away from my sister as she walked out of the room. I just couldn’t. When she walked out through the doorway with the sun coming through the window you could see through her silk nightie. You could tell that there was nothing underneath. I have never felt this way before what was happening.
Things started to become different. I found myself staying in her room more. Sometimes even falling asleep next to her. Hoping that she would hug me through the night or even more spoon against me (I know I hate that word to). I would never do this to her as I didn’t want to invade her personal space. I wanted her to make that choice. This went on for several weeks. I thought that it was time to put this to a stop. So that night when I put her to bed. I walked straight out of the room. Jamie wouldn’t allow it. She asked me in a sweet voice “John. Please can you stay with me tonight? I had a really hard day at rehab and would like it if you stayed with me tonight”.
I climbed into bed next to her. She rolled over and put her head on my chest. A million thoughts went through my head. What was I suppose to do. I just kept thinking to myself. Just be cool, this is your sister, your twin sister. She just wants someone to be with her and comfort her. This was crazy. I just slowly ran my hands through her hair telling her stories about what my friends and I use to get up to through high school. Mainly about the years when she wasn’t around. She finally went to sleep and I just laid there looking at her. I couldn’t believe the thoughts that were going through my mind.
It was the middle of the night when I woke to noises. My sister was mumbling in her sleep. But what had my attention the most was her thigh. It was hooked over my leg and rubbing against me. I couldn’t believe the feeling, the burning desire that this was causing me. I could feel myself getting ready to cum. I had to move. I closed my eyes when I did just in case Jamie woke up. I didn’t want her to know that I was awake. I turned towards her. Her leg fell down and it must have hurt a little as she woke up. She started whispering my name to me to see if I was awake. I was frozen with fear. Because if she looked down right now she would see that I was Hard, very Hard.
She put her hand on my face and whispered again “I love you John. Thank you for being here for me”. I couldn’t believe I was hearing this. I wanted to tell her the same thing. I wanted to wake and scream it from the rooftops. “I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU” but I just couldn’t. Then something strange happened. She kissed me. It wasn’t just a kiss on the lips. She kissed me and held it there for a while. About 5-10 seconds. I couldn’t help myself. I started to kiss her back as well. Then the intensity grew, but Jamie never backed down. I had to break it off. I woke pretending that I was asleep still and didn’t realise what was happening. I apologised over and over again. Telling her that I was so sorry and that I cannot believe that I just did that. I told her that I was having a dream about a woman. She stopped me and told me that it was O.K that she wasn’t mad at me at all.
When I woke in the morning Jamie seemed to look a lot better than she has been in a while. She told me that she felt great and wanted to go and see the city. She has been here now for 8 months and the only part of the city that she knows is the 200m form our apartment to the rehab centre. She wanted me to call in sick. My boss was always fantastic when it came to me and my sister he had no problems with it.
We went everywhere. We left around 8.00am and didn’t arrive back home until around 9pm that night. I could see that Jamie was very tired. This was the most walking she has done since the Car accident. She was complaining about her legs hurting and the back of her calf muscles were aching. She gave me her lotion that she uses in rehab when her legs begin to hurt too much. She asked if it would be alright, if I didn’t feel too weird if I could rub this into her legs. I couldn’t see there being a problem with it. Yeah right. I knew once I would touch her I wouldn’t be able to control myself. I told myself over and over it’s your sister. If this is going to help her then get over it and just do it.
I sat on the chair in front of her bed and she lifted her leg to me for me to start rugging the lotions into her muscles on her legs. We were talking about the day’s events when she just rolled over onto the bed and asked me to do the back of her legs where it hurt the most. I repeated it again over and over. As soon as I placed my hand on the back of her legs I knew that things were never going to be the same again between Jamie and me. When I started rubbing harder and harder she moaned a little. I think she was a bit embarrassed. This just made me do it more and more. I kept going and it was making her more voicestrous. Then she just stopped and so did I.
Jamie sat up and looked at me. I felt uncomfortable. I wanted to look away but I thought that this might upset her. Jamie spoke “You have been so nice and kind to me, when we were growing up we were best friends then over the last few years I have treated you not like a brother but like an outsider that I had to live with. Why do you put up with me? Why do you help me even though I did what I did?” I didn’t even hesitate to answer the question. “Because no matter what happens between us you are my twin. I will always be there for you. I love you”. Then it happened. She placed her hand on my face and kissed me.
I wanted to stop but couldn’t. I remembered how the kiss felt the other night
and wanted more. We started to embrace during our kiss. Our tongues were
fighting together our hands wondering over each other’s bodies. Jamie broke off
the kiss and looked at me and told me that she loved me too. That over the last
several months that her feelings for me have changed and she has looked at me
different. She then said something that would change the course of our lives
together. “I want you to make love to me”. I couldn’t believe what I just had
heard. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to but this was my sister. Now that I
was getting what I had finally wanted was I taking this too far? I had to ask
“Are you sure. Is this what you really want?” Jamie had tears coming down her
checks when she nodded yes.
I slowly laid her back down on the bed and stood there looking at her. She slowly unbuttoned her shirt and lifted it over her head. I could see her flesh it looked so soft and smooth. I had done the same. I slowly lay down next to her and we started kissing again. This time the intensity was electrifying. My hands cupped her breast but she still was wearing her bra. I didn’t hesitate. I unclipped it and leaned back and watched as my sister took it off. She could tell that I liked what I was seeing. I leaned forward and started kissing her nipples. I then began to tongue them both. This was sending her over the edge.
I had to stop and look at her again for approval. She smiled again at me and then kissed me again, I took this as the approval that I needed. I positioned myself above her and slowly kissed my way past her neck down to her breast. Back to her nipples again. I had so many thoughts running through my head at this stage and just couldn’t think straight. I kept making my way down. Part of me just wants to rip off her underwear and please her. But the more I knew she wanted me too, the more I kept lingering around her navel and waist line area.
After what must have seemed an eternity I made my way down. I obviously didn’t go straight for the kill. I kissed and licked the inner of both of her thighs, down to the back of her knees. This I found was her favourite spot. I slid my hands up to her underwear and slide them down. I slowly pulled them past her feet making her arch her back. As she did this I finally got my first sight of her. I was in awe. She just looked fantastic. I couldn’t believe I was about to make love to her.
This time I didn’t hesitate. I worked my way right down her leg and once I was there I wanted to please her. I was doing everything that I could to make her feel great. I was using my fingers in and out while circling my tongue around her Clit. The juices that Jamie was generating were unbelievable. I have to admit and I am not saying this because it is my sister or maybe I might have been lost in the moment. But I have never tasted anyone better. By this time as you could imagine I was beyond hard. I wanted to just fuck her then and there no more foreplay no more teasing. I just wanted to have my way with her.
Jamie must have sensed this as she started to push herself faster and faster with the rhythm of my hand. Then she grabbed the back of my head and pushed me down and I heard her say something that almost made me cum before she even touched me. “That’s it big brother. Lick me, Lick me right there. Don’t stop. That’s it right there JOHN (I couldn’t believe it my sister was Cumming and I was making her do it and she was saying my name).” She just kept repeating my name over and over again. Then she lost control. Pushing my head really hard against her. I had my tongue buried as far as I could inside her. It was like a fountain. She started Cumming everywhere, the whole time my face never left her vagina.
She was spent. With the light from the lamp shining on her I couldn’t begin to describe how hot she actually looked. She pulled me up to her and couldn’t stop kissing me. She told me latter that she loved kissing guys after they had gone down on her as she loved the taste. I could see that we might have done too much as she looked really tired and I was afraid that if we went any further I might hurt her. She proved me wrong.
She pushed me on her back and started kissing me. I knew this was going to be payback for what I had done to her. Well I was wrong. She looked at me and said “I will have to make you pay another time. You have made me so horny I cannot wait.” With that she took the rest of my clothes of and smiled when she saw my penis. She grabbed it and looked straight at me and licked it from the base to the top. She used the tip of her tongue on the eye of my cock. It drove me insane. I wanted to grab her and push her down like she did to me. But she told me not touching her in any way will make this better for me. So without hesitation she got up out of bed and walked away. I was disappointed. She only walked to the wardrobe and pulled out some socks and tied me to the bed.
After she had done this she went back to work. Licking from top to bottom. She would lick and suck on my balls while she masturbated me. That was an awesome feeling. Then it happened. She opened her mouth and the head of my cock slowly slid in. She was a master. She would do a little, then a lot. She would go fast and then go slow. But I loved it the best when she would look at me as she was sucking me. That tongue of hers was fantastic. I knew I wouldn’t be able to take it much longer and I started to get restless and could feel the build up. I didn’t want this to happen now. This was the best feeling that anyone has ever given me. Then I felt it. She places her middle finger at my anus and rammed it in. I didn’t have time to think. I just started bucking and Cumming in her mouth. I couldn’t believe that just happened. My twin sister Jamie and just given me head.
The next part I didn’t like. Some people do but it didn’t appeal to me. She came up and wanted to kiss me. She told me to try it you will never know. To make her happy I did. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but I didn’t really want to do it again. But it seemed to turn Jamie on more. She started grabbing me again and pumping me. She was whispering in my ear “I bet you want to fuck me now with this cock of yours” (Was this my sister. Trust me if you knew her and heard her say this you too would be stunned.) All I could do was just nod. She still had my hands tied to the bed.
I begged her to release them but she kept laughing. She was on a mission now. She started sucking me again and licking me. The site alone should have made me hard again, but it just wasn’t happening. Then came the cheeky grin. I still remember it to this day. She put my cock back in her mouth and started really sucking, I knew what was coming next when she slide her hand behind me. She slide her middle finger back in again. This time she would hold it in there and twist it a little. I tell you this I was hard within seconds. WOW what a trick.
She then got back on top and hovered above my dick. The anticipation was killing me. I wanted her to untie me and wanted her to fuck me I wanted to cum inside her. I just wanted anything. Then in one motion she slid straight down on me. I don’t care what anyone say’s to you. Once you have the feeling of taboo go through your body, you will never experience anything like it again. I could also see this in her eyes. She became very playful. She kept jumping up and down, she would reach her hand around and tickle me balls. My favourite part was when she would instruct me to look down as she was riding me and should would be rubbing herself to make herself cum.
I again begged her and told her that I was going to cum soon and that I wanted to hold her as I did. She started to untie me and I grabbed her body. I lied. I was nowhere near Cumming. Usually once I cum that’s it for me. I just wanted to hold her and really and I am sorry about how I word this but it is how I felt at the time. I just wanted to fuck the shit out of her. I place her in doggie position and could not stop pumping in and out of her. I pulled her body back against mine as I continued the onslaught. I flipped her over and place her legs way past her head and kept going. I could not stop. I continued this position until she wanted to change.
I have to describe this position because it was the best ever. She laid against the bed on the floor but upside down. She had her legs around her head on the floor. Now her pussy (pink shaved and beautiful) in the air against the bed. Now I come in from the opposite way and slide it in and fucked her like crazy (I love my sister and care for her deeply and would hate it if anyone would talk about my sister the way I am but when we are together I go crazy.) She was screaming my name and didn’t want me to stop. Then something really weird happen.
No I am not gay, at the most Bi-Sexual; as there are some things I have done with men because I wanted to know what things felt like. Because I was leaning over the bed and could not see behind me because of the position that we were in this is what she did. When she was on the floor she could see a brush under the bed. She reached in obviously put a lot of saliva on it and placed it between me but cheeks and pushed it in. It caught my attention because it was definitely bigger than a finger. With me pumping away and the new sensation that I was feeling I didn’t care. It felt fantastic.
I could feel myself Cumming and had to stop. Jamie didn’t like me doing this but I told her that this is the first time that we were having sex and I wanted it to be also special. I wanted to look into her eyes when I was Cumming. (I know what you are thinking, you big girls blouse. But I love my twin sister more than anyone and this is how she made me feel.) I placed her on the bed positioned myself back inside her and started getting faster and faster again.
She told me that she was Cumming and wanted me to cum at the same time. I was going as hard and as fast as I could, then she came. My god. She was screaming I had to cover her mouth. She leaned in and said cum, cum with me now. With that and her pussy clamping down on me as she came was all that I needed. Pushed hard one last time and held it there. I could feel it pumping inside my Twin Sister Jamie and I didn’t care. I was in love with my Sister.
We fell into each other’s arms and just laid there. I was exhausted and must have fallen asleep. I woke to an empty bed. I thought to myself that we went too far. She didn’t feel the same way as I did. Please don’t tell me that I have ruined my relationship with my sister. I put my shorts on and walked into the kitchen were Jamie was cooking breakfast.
All my fears were flushed away when I walked around the corner and there was Jamie laying naked on the table with scones, jam and cream placed on her private parts. “Would you like seconds” is all she said. That was all I needed to know that this relationship even though would be frowned up but also would be one that I was going to cherish forever.
A woman surrenders to her desire to be a sex slave... |
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