True Reality: My Daughter
100% fiction!
There are many authors writing erotica these days. It appears that the majority of stories written rush from the setting of the story to the erotic parts in as few sentences as possible. The setting of the story needs to have all of the pertinent elements that lead up to a plausible outcome, regardless of what that outcome is. Incest erotica, no matter who it’s between, needs to be believable.
Jim Hawthorn sat quietly at the table on his outside deck, drinking coffee and thinking. He was raised fairly strict growing up. He attended church for most of his life, had strong morals, and he believed in hard work. At 17 he let passion overtake his judgment one night and the girl ended up pregnant. He married Alice when he turned 18, they named the baby Jenny after his grandmother and she was already 6 months old when they married. Alice had turned 18 a month before Jenny arrived. Her parents disowned her, Jim’s parents were ashamed and disappointed in their son.
Jim found a job at an auto parts store and worked hard. At 19, Jim became the assistant manager and shortly after, life became a blur. In rapid succession, Alice and Jim moved 900 miles away from their parents, found a good deal on a very nice home and Alice was involved in a head on collision. Alice died instantly.
Jim was devastated. He took care of Jenny, worked hard, and somehow he made it through the next two years. On whim, Jim bought a lotto ticket and hit the jackpot for $68 Million. Life became much easier; Jim found a much bigger and nicer home and bought out the auto parts chain of 8 stores in 3 states. Over the 18 years, Jim invested wisely, increased his business to 34 stores, and now lived comfortably with Jen.
Now at barely 18, Jenny – or Jen as she liked to be called, was an all A student with an exceptionally high IQ, drove a brand new car, and looked like a fashion model. At 5’2” all, 134 pounds, long light brown hair and a 34/26/34 figure, she was a knockout. She looked, acted and dressed like she was 20. She had many of her dad’s qualities: down to earth, high morals, frugal, and competitive nature.
Jim raised Jen by himself. Although he dated occasionally, he never was
seriously interested in any woman. Jim had survived Jen’s puberty, getting her
period, her first bra and the “sex talk” without any problems. Since the age of
12, Jen and her dad had many debates about world events, current local events
such as elections and zoning issues. Jen always did her research first so she
could “win” her debate with her dad. They grew close over the years and Jim
loved her with all his heart. Jen loved him as much.
Now Jen was 18 and already a senior in high school. In less than 6 months she
would graduate with a 4.0 GPA.
Jim had asked her that morning casually, “So honey, what are your thoughts
about college?” He’d asked. Jen relied just as casually, “College? That’s not in
my plans, dad.”
“Really? Then what are your plans Jen? You really should go to college; you have
a lot of talent.” Jim replied. His daughter smiled at him and said, “I’m almost
ready to sit down with you and reveal all of my plans, but you need to agree
with me – promise me- three things first.” She stated.
Jim laughed, another debate in the making. “So what are your three demands?”
He said smiling back.
Jen walked over to her father who was sitting at the deck table, placed his head
in her hands and said in the most serious voice and face he’d ever seen her
with, “ One, you will remain calm during our conversation and not get angry.
Two, you will keep an open mind while I speak, and three; you will not hate me
or stop loving me after I tell you my plans. I sincerely and honestly want you
to see things my way and understand my reasoning and my ideas and it will
probably be the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life.” Then she
kissed him softly on the lips and hurried away for school. “I love you Dad!
We’ll talk tonight! Bye!” she said as she headed for her car.
Jim sat stunned for a few moments. First, she’d never kissed him on the lips, second, she’d never been that serious about anything judging by the look on her face and how her voice had deepened when she spoke. Jim had no idea what she had for plans, but it worried him a bit about her 3 conditions. What the hell was she thinking? He’d find out soon enough.
The rest of Jim’s day was his usual. He went out for a couple of meetings,
picked up some groceries and returned home around 4PM to find Jenny stating
“Hi honey” Jim said as he walked into the kitchen. “Hi dad, glad you remembered
to pick up veggies” she replied as she took the bags and emptied the groceries
on the counter. For the next 45 minutes dad and daughter talked about their
usual topics, and then Jim spoke up about their morning conversation. “So what
are your plans, honey, the suspense is killing me.” He said with a grin.
“I’ve been waiting for that question and the answer is I’m not finished with
my research yet and therefore I’m not quite ready to discuss my plans. Since
it’s my future we’re talking about and it’s very important to me, I need to have
all my research completed and have all my facts verified and re-verified. You
taught me that.” She said with a big smile. Jim could only sigh, she was exactly
right and he’d have to wait. Jim laughed and said, OK, let’s eat”
As they ate in their dining room, Jenny brought up a subject for discussion.
“Dad, you remember our talking about relationships a few weeks ago?” She
“Sure hon, what about it?” He asked.
“Well, my advanced psychology class is covering human emotions and I have a lot
of questions without answers. Maybe you can help?” She asked.
“Sure Jen, fire away and I’ll see if I can answer them for you.” He replied.
“Good. I define emotions as love, fear, anger, happy, and sad. What’s your
opinion?” She asked.
“That’s what I’d call the root word list. All emotions are pretty much derived
from them except greed and lust.” Jim acknowledged.
“Well greed could be from fear and lust from love, couldn’t they” Jen asked.
“It could be. One emotion can generate another, it all depends on the person and
the reason for the emotion.”Jim explained.
“Ok, let’s go down my list, one word at a time. I want your definition of love.”
Jen stated.
“Ok, where do we start? There’s family love, spousal love, love of sports, cars
and pets.” Jim offered.
“Ok, let’s talk about spousal love. How did you know you were in love with mom?”
she asked.
Jim smiled as he answered, “Falling in love is exhilarating. Your mom and I hit
it off the second our eyes met and grew from there. We grew to know each other
completely, trust each other completely and we loved each other 125%. It’s an
emotion, a feeling like no other. True love is like no other emotion in the
world. It starts deep inside your mind and overtakes every part of your body,
mind and soul. The first time your mom and I made love, our souls touched and as
a result, you were born from that night. You were created out of love.” Jim
“Yes dad, you’ve told me that all my life. But how did you know it was love and
not lust?” She inquired.
“Honey, lust is a feeling initiated by sexual desire and even though I was
strongly attracted to your mom physically, I was attracted to her mind and who
she was more than just sex. Sex accounts for about 10% of a healthy
relationship.” He said.
“So falling in love happens slowly after the initial sexual attraction then?”
Jen asked.
“Yes Jenny, as you get older and start dating seriously, you’ll better
understand that a solid relationship is built over time and effort on both you
and your boyfriend and not just a giddy lustful night. Substance is trust,
caring about the other person as much or more than yourself, honesty, and
communication and so much more. It’s not just a flash in the pan that happens in
one night. new love is giddy a bit, exhilarating and wonderful to feel, but the
true test is long term.” Jim replied.
“I understand being in love is beneficial to the human body whereas anger is
detrimental” Jen stated.
“Yes, people in love have lower blood pressure and overall happier lives. Angry
people raise their BP and generally are unhappy.” Jim said.
“Moving to anger, what good is anger?” his daughter asked.
“Anger is normal to feel, what people do with it determines whether they have a
problem that requires treatment. Each of us is responsible for what we do with
anger. Chances are, 80% of any anger we feel is a waste of time and could be
handled differently.” He answered.
With dinner over, the conversation ended and the rest of the evening was
their usual quiet time and watch TV. Jenny went to bed at 10PM as usual after a
shower. As she kissed her dad on the cheek good night, Jim asked, “So when will
we discuss your plans?”
Jen smiled and asked her father, “You have to agree to my three conditions
before I say a word. Do you agree?”She asked.
“Yes, sure.”He answered quickly.
“You promise to stay calm and not get angry with me?” She said firmly as she
looked into his eyes.
“You promise to keep an open mind and understand my point of view as well as try
to see my reasoning?” She asked.
“Yes Jen.” He said.
“And you promise with all your heart you will not hate me after I tell you my
plans?” She asked.
“Jen I promise! Besides, I could never, ever hate you! I love you more than
anyone else on this planet. I promise I will still love you no matter what you
have going on in your head.” Jim answered.
“Good. This is very important to me. As for when we talk, all I can say is it
will be very soon, my research is just about finished.” Jenny said.
With that last remark, Jenny was gone. Jim was left wondering. “Whatever it is”
he thought, “I’ll be a duzey!”
Jim showered and was in bed by 10:30 which is usual for him. He turned out the light beside his bed and within five minutes he was in deep sleep.
Jenny had put on a see through negligee, and waited until 11PM before she quietly slipped into her fathers bedroom. Quietly she got into bed and lay beside her dad. Her heart was beating so hard she wondered if it would come out of her chest. She snuggled up against her father, waiting for him to awake, he didn’t. Jenny rubbed his shoulder, then his belly and there was no response. She reached down and softly brushed Jim’s limp cock. Slowly she brushed her hands over is cock several times and each time his cock started to get a little bit harder. Jenny’s nipples were rock hard and started to ache. She felt wetness between her legs as she became aroused. Jim never moved, his breathing was slow as he slept deeply. Jenny thought “Well dad, here goes.” And she slowly lowered her head to Jim’s cock. Grasping it gently, she slowly put her mouth on the head of his cock and started to suck him off.
Within a minute she had his whole 7” in her mouth and she started sucking him
faster. The taste of his cock and knowing it was in her mouth was heaven to her.
She had wanted this for so long.
Jenny kept sucking her dad and within just afew minutes, she knew he was going
to climax. Excited at tasting his juices, she kept sucking like a pro. Just as
Jim was about to climax, he awoke with the most wonderful feeling of getting a
blowjob and starting to have a long overdue climax. All he could do is groan and
moan and enjoy the waves as he convulsed with each of three climaxes, each more
intense than the one before. As the final drops of cum were sucked out of his
now soft cock, Jim realized it was his daughter who had just given him such a
tremendous and wonderful climax. He froze as she moved up beside him and hugged
him, without saying a word.
With his mind in a panic, thoughts about incest hit him hard. He wanted to
get angry at Jenny, he wanted to scream filthy things at her, yet all he could
do is pull her almost naked body closer to him and calmly ask “Honey, why did
you do that?”
“Because I love you more than anyone in the world.” She answered softly.
“But honey, that’s called incest and although I just had the best blowjob ever
on planet earth, it’s still wrong”. Jim tried to explain calmly.
Jenny sat up in his bed and said, “You asked me what my plans were for the
future” She stated, “Well I’m telling you now what they are. You promised to
stay calm, not get angry and keep an open mind. Let me explain what I need to
say, then you can say what you want. Remember, you promised.”
“Wow.” Jim said aloud. “This is all so unexpected! I don’t know what to say
Jen.” He almost stammered.
“Good. Then let me explain my way, and when I’m done maybe you’ll have an
opinion.” She replied.
Jenny then peeled off her negligee and laid back down snuggling her father.
“I know I’m only 18 dad, but I do have a 190 IQ. I know I love you with all
my heart and soul. Tonight, I want to give you my body as well. The ultimate is
making love and I want you to make love to me and I to you.”She said.
Jim felt her warm soft body now on top of him. His hands instinctively moved to
her back and he caressed her softly. He felt her soft boobs touching his skin
and setting him on fire. He felt her soft mound of pussy hair touching his cock
and he had a desire he’d not had since her mother died. His desire made him
light headed. He fought to clear his head.
Jenny’s lips met his softly yet firmly and she kissed him deeply. Jim’s lips
parted and their tongues found each other and began making love on their own.
They kissed for a few minutes and He rolled her over onto her back. Slowly and
silently, Jim kissed her nipples, then her belly, then her soft mound of hair.
His lips found Jennys pussy and her scent filled Jim with desire. He licked her
pussy, then her clit, then shoved his tongue as deep as he could into her pussy.
Jenny responded and began to moan and groan. The feelings she’d never known
before were now real and she quickly rose to a climax. Jim held onto her pussy
and licked her and drank every drop of her delicious juice as she climaxed over
and over several times. When she finished, she collapsed onto the bed exhausted.
Jim climbed up beside her and held her close.
After several minutes, Jenny whispered, “That was the most incredible and
beautiful feeling I’ve ever had.”
She reached for his cock and found it was hard again.
“Make love to me, please honey! I’m on the pill so I won’t get pregnant. I want
you to be my first. Don’t say a word, just make love to me.” She said in a husky
Jim responded and fingered her pussy, then got between her legs and started
to mount her ever so slowly. Jenny felt the head of his cock enter her. She felt
her pussy being opened by his hard cock, slowly going in deeper and deeper, then
it stopped at her hymen.
“Push in hard and fast, push!” She begged.
Jim pulled back a little and then with one thrust, he broke her hyman and
filled her with all of his cock. He held it still as Jenny squealed in pain. “Ok
dad, I’m ok, don’t stop.”
Jim started a rhythm that Jen soon matched. It was slow and steady and as they
made love, they kissed deeply, tongue to tongue. Several minutes later they both
climaxed together as they kissed and that’s when their souls touched. The
feeling of being just one being when they climaxed, the feeling of perfection
and perfect love. When their climaxes ended, they stayed coupled for several
more minutes. They held each other as they drifted off to sleep.
The first morning light began to show through Jim’s bedroom window as he awoke.
Jenny was still sound asleep and he instantly remembered the night before. He
looked at her beautiful young body, the one he’d enjoyed the night before. Jen
stirred and slowly opened her eyes. “Good morning” she said softly.
“Good morning honey.” Jim replied as softly, “Well you did make quite a point
last night.” He added.
“All except the part where I want to be your wife and make love to you forever”
Jenny replied.
Jim kissed her warmly and said, “We have so much to discuss.” As he stood and headed for the shower. “Are you coming?” He called to her…
A British Submarine ace is asked to defect to Nazi Germany to steal Nazi codes... |
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