Home : Fetish Stories : total 8 reviews.

Trapped me to become their sex slave reviews

Posted by saurav
Posted by Taylor
This story is okay,but it is written horrible grammar.
Posted by perkle
Very sexy story. Would love to read more!
Posted by Lin
From my observation and eceerienxps, pornography consumption is just an attempt to fill an empty void and gratify one's self because REAL life just doesn't cut the mustard.Babies defecate in their diapers, and that's just a natural function too. Does it make it okay to give in to every natural urge we have?Why is porn and every other alternative to monogamy okay-ed as natural by you folks claiming to have your feet wet in science? And yet, anyone who objects to pornography in their relationships because of the natural feeling they get that porn is a violation of something human within us all is called prude , uptight , and insecure by you degreed morons?Where in your mind did you pervert having scruples and morals with being anti-scientific and insane?Dr. Rob: Such aggression for what seems to be a pretty balanced take on the topic. And during the holidays no less. So sad
Posted by robert white
you can move here with me in crescent city?
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The thought of drinking all night with my sister streamed endless fantasies about getting her drunk and fucking her. As I stood in the shower fantasying about this I heard a knock on the door...