Training a slave- part two
After detaching the pole from its heavy base we both set about carrying the two halves downstairs, panting with the exertion and making frequent stops to catch our breath. Finally we had the device reassembled and placed about a foot in front of my shackled slaves pelvis.
Ignoring her frightened whimpers, after lightly greasing the pole with Vaseline, Chris and I took a leg each and lifted her bodily in the air, pulling her pelvis forward, arching her back and slowly began to lower her on to the pole. At the first sensation of the cold steel touching her, Debbie began to wriggle, the only effect of this being to assist its insistent path deeper into her protesting body.
We stood back to admire our handiwork, me viewing the device critically, Chris giggling uncontrollably at the sight of the young girl impaled upon the metal spike She was completely immobilised by it and the positioning of it in relation to the ring that secured her hand-cuffs meant her hips and pubis were thrust unnaturally towards us. Her toes scrabbled desperately at the concrete floor, trying and failing to gain enough purchase to push herself up and off the unwelcome, bulky, cold intrusion
Her pelvis remained as motionless as the pole that held it however and Chris replaced her surgical gloves and began her exercise once more.
First, she stooped to wipe Debbie’s clitoris with antiseptic and a mild anaesthetic, carefully working the fluid into the folds of skin around her pink nub, before repeating the process on each nipple, Debbie’s face a picture of embarrassment as the fluid was massaged into the most private areas of her body.
Finally satisfied that the areas were sterile, she wiped down the leather punch, paying special attention to the sharp round blade between its jaws.
“Ok,” she informed, “ we’re ready”
On her instruction I pinched a piece of skin both at the top and bottom of the flesh just behind her left nipple and pulled them apart stretching the skin taut and bloodless.
I looked up as Chris positioned the punch, keen to see my slave’s reaction to the pain.
Her eyes were already screwed up, and her teeth clamped tightly together, determined not to give us the satisfaction of screaming, but as I heard the sickening pop of the jaws as they cleanly sliced a circle in her soft flesh and forced the eyelet through the resulting hole into its backing, her expression changed dramatically
Debbie could contain herself no longer and screamed, the high-pitched noise causing me to wince, and cause Chris to begin giggling again.
The shiny round eyelet was positioned exactly, not through her actual nipple, but directly behind it in the flesh of her areola.
The skin surrounding the metal had begun to swell swiftly around its circumference, but such was the speed and efficiency of the tool that not a trace of blood could be seen on either her nipple or the punch. Viewing her breast from the side, it was possible to look right through, the operation having created a perfect steel lined perforation.
Transfixed, I reached in my pocket and producing one of the padlocks I had bought, I passed the hasp of it right through, clicking it shut with a definite click.
Ignoring her pleas for mercy, Chris was preparing to repeat the operation on the other side, impatiently prompting me to hold the flesh taut as she gleefully clamped the handles together once more.
As perfectly situated as the last one, I passed through another padlock, tapping it with my finger and smiling as I watched it swing.
Finally we both stooped to complete the final piercing.
Handing me a pair of small tweezers, and spreading the flesh of her subject’s labia in order that I might gain easier access, she described how she would like me to get a firm grip on the tip of Debbie’s clitoris with and pull out as hard as I was able.
She had loaded the punch with its steel eyelet and stood by in readiness, poised to puncture the skin as soon as she felt the position was right.
I did as I was asked, listening with some concern to the rasping short breaths coming from above me. Debbie had ceased to struggle now, the agony created by grinding herself onto the wide steel pole being almost as bad as the pulsing waves of dull pain coming from her violated nipples.
Acting as a team, at the instant I pulled violently on the tweezers, Chris moved in with her device, squeezing the handles together with both hands, relishing in the tearing sound and the resulting scream from above.
Again I passed small padlock through the hole and clicking it shut, allowed the labia to fall back and stood back to admire our work.
It was almost comical. The two padlocks behind her nipples swung in tandem as her body writhed in the torment her damaged clitoris was producing.
The third hole was sited in a way which meant the padlock that passed through it pulled the pink nub unnaturally away from her body, preventing the protective hood from retracting back over it, and leaving it on permanent display, sore and swollen.
Collecting some thin, but strong chain from my accessories across the room, I unlocked her third padlock and passed it through the last link of the chain before snapping it shut.
I now effectively had her on a lead, free to lead her wherever I wished, the slightest tug on the chain causing immense pain in her lower abdomen.
Satisfied with the results of our mornings work, We lifted her off the restrictive pole with an audible sucking noise and un-cuffing her, I half carried her weeping, limp form back to her cell, each step binging fresh moans of pain from her tortured body.
More out of principal than out of necessity, I locked the other end of the chain to the bars at the far end of her cell and shut the door behind me, walking back to join Chris, who was rummaging in her handbag.
“Make sure you apply this regularly every morning and at night ”, she said, producing a small tube of ointment,
“And get her to take one of these every four hours” she handed me a small bottle of pills.
I looked at her enquiringly
“They’re antibiotics,” she explained, “They should help to prevent any serious infection” I placed the medicine in my pocket
“And remember, don’t pull on them until the swelling goes down or her body may decide to reject the metal.”
She turned to go “See you then”
“Thanks Chris “ I said following her up the stairs
“NO, thank you” she said with sincerity as she stepped out in to the sunlight
“Its been, a thoroughly entertaining morning. You must keep me up to date with her progress”
I waved as she walked off, and turned to go back in doors.
I walked slowly down to the cellar, feeling almost sorry for the huddled figure
in the corner of her cell, shaking like a frightened animal.
“How do they feel?” I asked, gently
“They h- hurt so much” she stammered, between sobs,
“They’ll be there for ever, won’t they” she asked, obvious distress in her
“Yes,” I informed truthfully “ Even if you managed to get the eyelets out, the
holes would remain, they’re two wide to heal.
She began sobbing in earnest, the permanence of the violation we had imposed
upon her beginning to sink in
“ But as well as giving me a completely secure method of shackling you, it also
provides a constant reminder of you slavery” I said, watching her as she gently
stroked the swollen, angry flesh around one of her nipples
“Every tiny move you make will cause a pull on your clitoris, reminding you of
your Master and the ownership I have over your body,” I said
“Can I trust you not to try and pull the eyes out?” I asked,
“You wouldn’t succeed, they’re too tight, but you might create an infection by
“I...I…cant touch them, “ she sobbed, trying and wincing instantly at the
resulting pain.
“I will be watching anyway,” I informed her, pointing at the small camera
mounted on the opposite wall. Her head dropped and her shoulders slumped yet
further. It seemed that she had no choice but to accept this intrusive,
unwelcome addition to her body,
With this I left her chained to the cell door, sat on the cold concrete with her
legs splayed so as not to disturb the padlock between her thighs, the short
chain creating a graceful arc between her sex and the bars of her prison.
A girl falling in love for the first time... |
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