Tour into 3-somes

(Part 1 from 1)

Today was the beginning of a long 3-day weekend, and the last thing I wanted to do was lay around the house, or clean all weekend. It was a payday, plus being a 3-day weekend made it even more appealling to get away. I zipped home and grabbed a small overnight bag and threw in enough clothes for the weekend, plus my slinkiest bikini and a comfy pair of thongs. I planned on spending most of the weekend lounging by a pool, or better yet, snuggled up to "JJ" If I had my way! I called my parents and told them that I'd be out of town for the weekend and I'd call them when I got back. I then drove to the tour bus station to wait and see IF "JJ's" bus had come in yet from his morning tour. I walked up to the counter and asked If Mr. Johnson's bus had returned yet from his morning tour. The attendent informed me that he wasn't due in for about another 30 minutes, but I was welcome to sit in the terminal and wait. I deposited the seventy-five cents necessary for a cool soda and went to the rows of seats to wait for the returning bus. Nobody questioned as why I was sitting there waiting; I was just another passenger waiting on the bus. 

James Johnson was the driver, and every morning and afternoon on my way to work we'd pass one another as he was coming in to prepare his bus for the group of tourists that he'd deliver to the local casinos. I'd honk and he'd wave, or he'd wave and I'd honk in response. We met formally once in the coffee shop, and that day I knew that I had to have him. He had chiseled shoulders, probably from years of weight lifting, a heavy chest which went down to a narrow waist, which probably hid firm 6-pack abs, and the tightest thighs I've ever seen in blue work dickies. He made me ooze molten lava from my pussy everytime I saw him reaching to clean or adjust the mirrors on the bus and when he bent over to put something inside the luggage compartment my mouth watered seeing his crotch strain against his pants.

The announcer called over the loud speaker that bus number 17 was pulling into the station and unloading at dock four. I went to the marked door and waited outside the terminal to see the bus pulling in. "JJ" smiled when he saw me standing there as he wasn't expecting me inside, he was expecting me to be driving by and again honking at him, or him honking at me. After all the passengers unloaded he stepped down from the bottom step and smiled at me and tipped his hat. I just grinned and melted. I stammered a 'hi' and blushed like a schoolgirl with a crush on her teacher. "You taking a tour with one of the other buses?" JJ asked. "NO, I just thought since I had a 3-day weekend that I might hit a casino and spend the weekend." I answered. "HMMM sounds nice", I've got the weekend off too...need some company?" he smiled. I again blushed and pictured him in a hot tub holding my hips against his crotch and rubbing the cheecks of my butt with the other hand. "Let me clean up this bus and get it all checked in and ready for the next days' shift, and we'll go somewhere and make plans." "Ok" I said, "Mind If I hang around here and watch you work, or IF it's ok I'll help you make the work go a bit faster.." "I can't let you do the work" JJ said, "but you can sit on the bus and keep me company IF that's ok.' He held out a hand and helped me to step upon the last step and I climbed aboard the bus and took the first seat behind the driver's seat and turned so that we could chat while he was cleaning the floors and checking for lost or misplaced items left on the bus. He had a small wastepaper baske that he was stuffing papers and pamphlets left in the seat pockets. While he was walking down the isle I couldn't hear what he was saying, and I kept repeating 'what, or huh' so I got up and followed him down the isle. When he turned to come back down the isle, he ran into me and pressed his warm chest against my breasts making my nipples stand up and take notice. We both blushed and mubbled "Sorry." I backed up the isle and as I was walking down the isle I caught my heel on one of the legs of the seats, and almost fell into the isle. JJ reached out and caught my arm and helped me right myself back up again. He pulled me close and our lips touched in an electric kiss which made my clitoris tingle and my juices start to run. He didn't blush, but again apologized and said "I should have asked before doing that." "No, it's perfectly alright," I said. "IF you hadn't done it I would have found sometime to do it myself. JJ said that he needed to go get the broom and mop to finish up the bus and he would be right back. "Find a seat and make yourself comfortable while I'm gone." "I'm gonna push the door shut, just so nobody sees you sitting there" he said before leaving to get the mop and the broom. I leaned back and laid my head on the seat rest, and closed my eyes as I waited for JJ's return. A few minutes later I heard the gas charge of the door swoosh and JJ climbed back on the bus with broom and mop in tow. "Napping?" he said. "No, just enjoying the comfortable seat." I giggled. He pushed the button and the door swung shut again, and he started back towards the rear of the bus to sweep and mop the floors. Just then there was a tremdous bang, bang, bang, on the glass of the door, and both JJ and I crooked our heads to see who was doing the banging, all we saw was the barrell of a gun and a stocky man with a heavy jacket pulled up around his neck. "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR, OR I'LL SHOOT AND I DON'T CARE WHO I HIT IN THE PROCESS!" 

JJ raced to the front of the bus and hit the lever for the door and it swung open framing a dirty transient looking male in his early 40's. "You the driver of this heap?" he asked rocking back and forth on his feet. "Yeah I am" JJ answered, but I'm not on the clock until Monday morning. "I don't care, this isn't a paid trip for you anyways...we are going on a little excersion" JJ backed away and tried to plead with the transient to let me off the bus, but he waved the gun and said, "No we are gonna take Goldilocks here on our excersion, we might need her for something along the way. Now get over there and get this tub running and let's go!" When the bus started up the annoucer came over the radio. "Where do you think you're taking that bus, it's not to be moved until Monday JJ." At that the transient shot the radio and sparks flew against the window. "I said drive, and I mean drive now.....We'll discuss where once we get started!" So JJ put the bus in gear and we turned out of the terminal and headed down to the first light. 

"Get us on the freeway and let's burn this town!" the man holding the gun said. "and you pretty, come sit by me!" He waved the gun to the seat beside him and I looked at the back of JJ's head and he crooked his head to me and gave me a look as to say 'cooperate with this man, and I'll do whatever I can to get us safely outta here.' I slide onto the seat beside him and he pulled a pair of handcuffs from his jacket pocket and clicked one onto my wrist and the other onto the arm of the seat, and glarred at me. He was missing his incisors on both sides...."that will guarantee that you don't pull no funny stuff until I'm good and ready for some fun!" He grabbed my neck and pulled me close to him and locked his lips on mine. He forced my lips open and tried to get me to tongue wrestle with him, but his breath was foul and I squeeled and pulled away, and he backhanded me and said "NOW BE NICE, OR I CAN GET ugly TOO!" So I leaned over and kissed him on the lips and he again grabbed me by the back of the neck and wrestled me closer biting my lower lip. "I like it rough", he sneared, and grabbed a handful of my breast and squeezed hard. "OWWWW, I grimmished, "Not so hard!" "Just a sample of what I'm gonna do once we get where we are going", he said. JJ glared in the mirror at him and gave me a worried look, and I just smiled slightly at him and mouthed that I was OK. "Take this heap down I-17 and head for the hills....we are gonna hide up there for a while and have ourselves a little party, but first stop and get me a bottle." "I can't just pull into a liquor store in this bus", JJ said...the police are gonna be looking for it." "Pull along side the liquor store and send your little friend here in and remember I'll have this gun pointed at your head the whole time, so she better not waste any time in doing what I want, and she better not say anything to the clerk, Sawvey??" I shook my head in agreement and JJ pulled the bus along the curb. He undid my handcuff and I got out and went into the liquor store I picked up a bottle of whiskey and with shaking hands carried it to the checkout. "I need to see your ID" the clerk said. "I'm sorry I don't have it with me...can't you let me slide this once, I'm kinda in a hurry" as I looked over my shoulder to see IF the man with the gun was watching. "Sorry lady, but you don't look 21 and I can loose my job IF I don't check." "Ok, I'll be right back." I went back to the alley where the bus was parked and the transient jumped as soon as I came back. "Why don't you have the bottle?" "I need my ID" I mumbled. He threw my purse at me and I went back into the store. I prayed that while I was back in the store the clerk would see the terror in my eyes and maybe follow me out. The clerk put the bottle in a brown paper bag and smiled, without a clue of the trouble I was in and the fear I was hiding. I went back to the bus afraid that IF I didn't return he would follow through with his threats and kill JJ. When I climbed back into the bus, he grabbed the bottle from my hands and slapped my butt as I turned to sit back down. "What a nice little bitch we got here, ready to do anything to keep you from getting shot. Now drive again." JJ signaled and pulled the big bus away from the curb and swung back onto the freeway. We drove for about 3 more hours and then the man with the gun motioned JJ to change lanes at an unlit exit and follow it down a country path. He pointed to a farm house with a large barn in the back and explained that this is where we would spend the night. He again ordered me to get out and open the doors to the barn and JJ was to park the bus in the barn and he'd decide where we were gonna go in the morning...but tonight we'd spend it here and have ourselves a little party inside the bus. I cringed at the thought of his party. JJ pulled the bus into the barn and after shutting off the engines he sat in the seat across from me and watched as the man tipped the bottle up and chugged the brown liquid down his gullet. He handed me the bottle and said "here honey, don't want to start this party alone....have a drink!" I shook my head, but he pointed the gun at my face, and said "DRINK, I don't want my woman to not feel all warm and happy." I took a long drink and fought to swallow it all without spitting it up. He laughed and said"I'll have you swallowing more than whiskey before the night is up!" and rubbed his dirty hand over his crotch. I again cringed thinking of the crude way he was treating me. JJ and I sat and looked at one another thinking about what was gonna be happening before the night was over.

With the next movement of his hand he grabbed my hair and pulled me down into the floor and slammed me on my knees. He undid his belt and the button on his pants and pulled them aside. "Suck my dick!" he ordered. "What's your name??" he questioned. "Nnnnancy..." i studderred...."Well Nnnancy, I said suck my my dick, and IF you bite it you can kiss your ass goodbye!" He turned the barrell of the gun to JJ and warned, "Make any false move and I'll shoot your pretty girlfriend here, and then I'll kill you too....I'm not scared of any police or any other offical they wanna send up here." JJ sat back not knowing what to do or any attempt to make to free me from this idiot who was holding us hostage. "Don't make yourself so comfortable there buddy, get down here and help Nancy girl get hot and get me off....I haven't had a good sucking since I left the last prision I was in." I cringed thinking about this guy having some other inmates' lips wrapped around his cock and now my mouth was gonna be in the same predictament. JJ kneeled behind me and reached around my hips to unhook my pants and slide them and my panties down to my knees. His fingers found my pussy lips and spread them apart and started tapping my clitoris. I felt the first tingles of an impending orgasim spreading through my pussy walls as I moaned around the prisioners' hardening cock. "Like that huh, Nancy" I bobbed my head in his lap. Not that I liked the foul taste of his crotch, but admiting that yes I liked the feel of JJ's fingers spreading my wetness across my lips and over my clit. "Now slide yourself in her hot box there, and slam it home!" he ordered. JJ moved a couple of inches closer to my hips and spat on the palm of his hand, and inched the tip of his pulsing cock towards my bubbling pussy lips. When he made contactwith my throbbing lips, they grabbed hold of his cock head and sucked it in like it had a vacuum attached. I could hear him exhale and looked back over my shoulder to make contact with his eyes. "Impale yourself...come on buddy, show her what a stud you are with that horses' shaft you got there." I looked down between my knees and saw JJ's full balls and long staff sliding into my wet pussy as he inched more and more meat into my warm pussy. I was salavating up and down the vile piece of meat that I had in between my lips, wishing that it was JJ, and not this putrid meat that I had my lips wrapped around. I felt the veins in his cock filling and knew that he'd soon be emptying his load in my mouth and hopefully he'd give up or pass out from drinking so much whiskey. When he did empty his load in my throat he held my head as I bucked against JJ in my hot pussy and fighting to keep from passing out from lack of air around the vile cock. JJ grabbed my hips and pulled me down impalling himself deeper into me and yelled "Forgive me....I'm gonna cummmmmmmmmmmmmm!" I braced myself for a torrent of boiling cum splashing against my pussy walls. JJ slumped forward on my back as he continued to pump jets of hot cum up inside me. My pussy was kissing the tip of his penis with each jet that it released. "MY GGGODDDDD!" JJ said. "I've never cum so hard in my entire life." I just smiled back at him and looked up at the man who held our lives in limbo inside this bus. JJ backed away and sat on his haunches waiting for our next orders to come from the transient. 

"Suck your boyfriend back to hardness and then I want to see you straddle him while I'm fucking that pretty little ass of yours!" I turned to JJ's waist and pulled against the handcuff to get closer. "Here let me undo that....but no funny stuff, hear??" I again nodded and held my arm up so he could unlock the cufff with the key he produced again from his jacket pocket. I rubbed my wrist once the handcuff was relased, and again turned and kneeled over JJ"s hips lowering at the waist to envelope his beautiful tool in my lips. I heard the familar sound of a hand rubbing against skin and looked over my shoulder to see the man feriously rubbing his crotch and bringing himself back to erectness. When he had himself to a full erection he stood and moved towards JJ and I and grabbed my hips and raised them to his waistlevel. "Ok Missy, you got him ready yet?" he asked. I looked at JJ and he nodded in affermation, and then the man said, "Ok fella, lay down and Missy you straddle him and ride him hard and deep, I want that pretty little ass of yours!" JJ lay down and I crawled up and straddled his waist and pointed his penis towards my wet slit. Once it touched my lips again, my pussy again responded by sucking it back into the depths of it. I moaned a deep ahhhhhhhh as he sunk home and I relished in the feel of JJ being sunk balls deep. The man held my hips and lined his erect cock with my puckered hole and with one shove sunk it home. I sucked my breathe in as he slide it back our, and the walls of my rear end pulsed and gave way even though he entered me dry without benefit of any lubrication. 

Just as he was getting ready to shoot his load up my anal passage we heard a loud crash and felt the whole bus jolt forward. The bus was surrounded by men in uniforms and welding shotguns. "Come out with your hands up and throw any weapons out the door, or we'll come in shooting!" The man spun his head around and looked for his own gun. He had laid it on the seat and couldn't find it when the police yelled. I grabbed the gun and pointed it at the convict. He slumped forward and let his cock slump from my rear. He stepped forward and shoved his wet cock back into his pants. He looked back at me and lumbered out the bus door like a child who had been punished and was being sent to his room. Twenty police officers surrounded him and one stuck his head inside the bus and asked "You guys ok in here?" JJ and I chuckled and looked at one another with me still sitting on him his penis softening inside my warm mound. We gave the police officer a thumb's up sign and he backed back out of the bus to give us time to straighten up and disembark from the bus. I kissed JJ on the lips and said "Nice weekend we had, do you think we could repeat this alone?" "No problem! and next time it won't be in a bus!"

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He was crying and moaning at the same time but with my cock completely inserted within him... if only we would had given it more thought