Tony's Transformation
Chapter 4
The problem of Megan
It was quite late that evening when I eventually left Liz and Megan that evening and I must admit that I was quite intrigued with Megan and the interest she had shown in me. I knew she would be part of my dreams that night. It was quite obvious the fact that I was a Transvestite did not seem to revolt her as it would most girls, in fact it seemed to be the reverse, and seemed to be more of a “come on” to her. I was glad that Liz was there. The fact that Megan was ‘coming on’ to me was to say the least a little ‘off putting‘, as I would probably have been interested in the granny flat, but I was more than a little wary of getting involved in some way with Megan living in the same house as her and having her so close to me I knew could be a recipe for disaster..
Over the years I had avoided affairs of the heart, as I had never met a girl that lived up to my expectations. I had developed very much into a ‘love them and leave them’ sort of guy. In short I had never met a girl that could tempt me into marriage. I knew that where Megan was concerned that once again she was never going to be the woman for me and if anything did happen, it would only be a short term affair. Whilst I enjoyed her company I knew that I would have to gently dissuade her from any notion of marriage if that is what she was aiming at. I naturally hope that at her age her fancy would change to someone else in due course.
The next morning Aunt Katie woke me early with a list of vacant apartments that were available in the local newspaper, and in the locality of the school. I had just finished breakfast when a knock at the door announced the arrival of a Megan full of bounce and enthusiasm. She was an immediate hit with Aunt Katie, and announced that she had come to help me in the hunt for an apartment. I could hardly refuse her offer, even had I wished to do so.
It was not a day of wasted effort as each apartment we saw seemed highly
suitable, but we then reached a house with an apartment on the side of the house
well screened from being overlooked. It suited me down to the ground. The rent
was reasonable, and I decided that I wanted it and signed the lease and paid the
deposit on the spot. Eventually I took Megan for lunch and I said
“Look Megan your Granny flat would have suited me, but It would not be good for
your sister or for me to be seen as living in the same house.. She is the Head
Teacher after all.“
Megan initially seemed to accept that explanation to my relief.
I went on “Look Megan I really appreciate your help, but we can not have any sort of close relationship, not yet anyway. I am going to be your teacher and this is my first job. I think you are really lovely, and if circumstances were different then that would probably be a different matter.”
She looked at me and I could see the shock and disappointment in her eyes.
“You are telling me that you don’t love me then Tony? I looked at her quite
“Do you think we have that type of relationship already then Megan. In less than
24 hours?”
“Of course Tony, as soon as I met you I knew that you were the man I had been
waiting for. You are fun, you are not frightened to take risks, and think of it
I will have you to shop for as well as myself and I love shopping.”
“But Megan that’s not a good enough reason for the type of relationship that you want, and if we were to have a sexual relationship it will not be until you finish university, and that I am afraid must be final. I am not averse to having you as a girlfriend, I think you are lovely but it could not be made public, and I think it would be impossible to keep it a secret. Can we just be special friends for the time being, and see what happens?”
I decided at that point I would have to talk to Liz about it, I knew that I would be going home for the next two weeks to get my gear packed up, and to move into my new apartment. I hoped her ardour would cool while I was away.
I planned to be back and give myself a week to settle in before term commenced. Megan reluctantly and very sadly agreed to keep our relationship at a distance, and I breathed a sigh of relief and not to get into a close involvement with each other. We went to her home for dinner, and I told Liz about our conversation and how I felt, and I told her that it was imperative while she was in my class at school, we must keep at a distance. Liz said when Megan had left the room “You know that she is absolutely sure that she is deeply in love with you, and don’t ever make the big mistake that she has given up on you..”
“I know I like her a lot, and if things were different I would want to see more of her, but unless I set the rules this will be an impossible situation for all three of us.”
I had planned to go home for two weeks then come back for a week before term started. My mother was over the moon at my getting the job and she tried to get me to go and live with Aunt Katie, but I was adamant that I wanted my own place. I did however, suggest she came to stay with Aunt Katie for a house warming party. My worst fears were confirmed when Megan rang me at home every day, sometimes twice, and told me her plans for my apartment. I warned her I did not have too much money, and yet I did agree some purchases over the phone. I got rather concerned as the tone of our conversations was in the context almost as though she was planning to move in and live with me, which had me more than a little concerned especially, after what I thought we had agreed and her sisters words about Megan being hard to shake off kept coming back to haunt me.
I tried to ease Megan out of the preparations for the flat warming, but my two weeks absence seemed to have made her even more determined than ever. I tried to talk to her about her ex boy friend Kenny, but she just ignored all my comments, just as if she had gone stone deaf.
In moving into my apartment I had one suitcase for Toni and another for me. With a spare bedroom I planned the one room to have all my femme clothes in, and the other for me to sleep in. Megan was continuously excited about the house warming party, but I played it cool and did not let her get too involved. I did not let on that my mother and Aunt Katie were coming. She was a little suspicious at the amount of food that I had bought, but I just insisted that it could always be eaten afterwards.
Liz warned me that she thought that Megan had been making plans to stop the night with me. Liz and Megan had subsequently fallen out badly over her attachment to me, so much so that Liz tried to forbid her from the idea of staying overnight. In passing I said that my mother would be staying with me for the few days that she was here, and she would be able to have the spare bedroom. I just thought that Megan would take the hint and change her mind. The worrying thing was that Megan I had foolishly let Megan have a key to the apartment and could let herself in any time.
Aunt Katie hinted that there could be a special house warming surprise for me if it arrived in time. The evening went well, and both my mother, Aunt Katie and Liz came together with Megan. It was quite a quiet affair really, but we had a few glasses of wine and it as quite a jolly little party. My mother complimented Megan on her choice of draperies that she had been instrumental in purchasing.
After it was all over Megan insisted that she would stop and help me clear up the mess. I was conscious of a warning look from Liz but I could not create a scene and insist that she went and spoil the whole evening so I gave in. Megan insisted on doing all the clearing away and washing up and putting the left over food into the fridge.
Afterwards Megan and I were sat having a drink, and I was sweating a bit about how I was to dispose of Megan. I knew my own weaknesses, and I knew that if she came on to me too much, I would probably give in and have sex with her. I knew I was not strong enough to resist. I had previously, had a word with Aunt Katie about my problems with Megan and the threat of her trying to stay the night with me, and Aunt Katie had laughed and said. “Don’t worry honey I think I can bail you out. I hope!”
I was about to suggest that it was time for Megan to go as I was tired when the
front door bell rang. I opened it to see Aunt Katie, my mother and Julie hugging
a small child. Immediately Julie and I went into a clinch as we were so glad to
see one another .
Aunt Katie said “I have brought Julie and our little Timmy to come and stop with you as I am full up at home. Immediately a sense of relief coursed through my body and I turned to introduce Megan to Julie but I was just in time to see her disappear through the front door, her face set in a rage, as her plans were obviously frustrated by the arrival of Julie and her baby.
It was a long time since I had seen Julie an we had a lot to talk about. As soon
as my mother and Aunt Katie had gone Julie turned to me.
“I invited you to my wedding - but why did you not come?”
“I could not bear to see you married to another man and that is the truth.”
“Tony dear I needed you there, but the marriage was a big mistake. I missed you
so much, and it was all my fault that our marriage collapsed. I still love you
Tony and every time I slept with Mick I was thinking about you, but eventually
reality set in, there can never be anyone else for me. The only good thing from
the marriage is that I have Timmy”
It was the early hours of the morning before we both went to bed, but we still had much to talk about. The next day Julie told me that she still had to finish her medical training before she could practice, and she had decided that she was going to apply to the local University Hospital for a place. I said that she could stay with me if she wished, as we had two bedrooms, and I would be available to look after Timmy when she was working late.
The next day was the Saturday before school re-opened and I called on Liz, as I wanted to speak to Megan. At first she would not speak to me but eventually Liz managed to get her to come and see me. I explained to her that Julie was my cousin and that we had been close since we were young children, and the situation was in no way altered, and that I still wanted her to be my special friend, and that nothing had changed.
Megan cheered up quite a bit and I invited her to come and meet Julie and Timmy - she did that day and they both got on well. I was a bit relieved because in a funny way I was very fond of Megan, and I enjoyed her company if only she would abide by our agreement. I think Megan was a bit relieved and Julie agreed that I had probably handled the situation in the best way possible for us.
My start at Hazlehurst Grammar got off to a flying start with the news that my Doctorate had been confirmed. The students were great fun and Megan was the soul of discretion, and so we got away to a good start. The only problem was that a toilet had to be found for me and it meant that the ladies in the “Hen House” had to be a little more discreet in changing their clothes or adjusting their bra’s when I was around.
I was about five days after Julie had arrived when temptation overtook us and
Julie joined me in bed.
I was half asleep the night when Julie slid her naked body slid into my bed. I
put my arms around her and hugged her naked body close to mine.
“I’m sorry daring but I have dreamt about sleeping with you again, all the time
I was married. I remembered that one night we had together, and you have spoilt
me for other men. If I can‘t have you I don‘t ever want another man.”
I hugged her close “”Welcome home Julie - why do you think I have never married?
Then I opened my arms and pulled her warm naked body tightly against me and gave
her a big hug. Julie giggled happily. She smelt nice and I could feel my cock
protruding out in front of me. She shifted her body slightly and let it run
between her legs so that my cock rubbed against the lips of her vagina, letting
her warm wetness spread over my cock.. I held her close, enjoying the feel of
her against my body, her breasts pressing into me and her arms tight around my
neck , her soft hair tickling my ear and her lips having little nibbles of my
I mimicked the fucking movement so my cock was rubbing against her clit. She enjoyed this and I could feel the warmth of her breath increase as our passions grew. After a few moments of this, I turned her around and knelt down and started running my tongue along her pussy. She placed her hands on my shoulders and I held her buttocks as I worked my tongue inside her vagina lips. She tasted so sweet and felt so tight as I pushed my tongue inside. I could feel her shudder slightly as my tongue worked her little cunt over.
After a few minutes I could feel her whole body tense, and she started moaning; I knew she was having a powerful orgasm. After her body jerked in a few more spasms she finally relaxed and I stood up and kissed her on the lips. Her eyes were big and she was trembling as she nodded her head when I asked if she liked what we had just done. She nodded and murmured something .
We lay down on the bed again our arms round each other and I stroked her hair, I positioned myself over her and gently pushed in. The head of my cock slipped inside just a little and Julie gasped, her arms tightened round me slightly, but her murmurs were the murmurs of a contented woman. I went very slow, being very gentle I could feel the lips of her vagina stretch and form around my cock. Julie looked up at me with her big brown eyes and softly whispered, "I’m alright darling, don’t worry just make love to me now Tony please."
With a gentle but steady stroke I slipped fully inside, she let out a gasp.
“That is lovely Tony.”
As I started gently stroking in and out of her, going inside a little more each
time letting her juices have time to lubricate the way. This was the night we
had both waited for and I wanted her to enjoy this as much as possible.
Finally I was fully inside her as far as I could go; Julie's moans were getting quite loud as I thrust into her, and she started responding with enthusiasm. She wrapped her legs round me and she was now pulling me into her with each thrust. I felt her body start that familiar trembling and then tense up, I knew she was cumming. This caused me to cum with her as I started pumping my cum deep into her soft tender body with long powerful thrusts.
Afterward we both lay there holding each other as we tried to catch our breath. Then she whispered softly. “ Darling I want to live with you as my husband for ever and ever. - Can we manage it?“ I could feel my cock starting to swell again as Julie started to wiggle around enjoying the feeling of my cock inside of her. I reached around under her and I ran my finger around her anus and gently pushed it in, she wiggled again, causing me to become fully hard again and I started slowly stroking my cock in and out of her once more.
I lost count of the time we made love that night and I awoke in the early morning at first light with Julies head on my shoulder , and a contented smile on her lips. Just as Timmy awoke ready for a feed and called for his mother.
We agreed that Julie could be sterilized if necessary, so that we could not
reproduce and that we would live together. Behind closed doors and as far as the
outside World was concerned we were cousins living together, but we did decide
to tell our parents. To say they were shocked was to put it lightly - they were
horrified. But eventually my mother said . “ I know who your father was Julie -
he told me everything but she turned to Aunt Katie and said.
”I knew that Tonys father was going to sleep with you to make a baby before he
actually did. I have never said anything, as I thought it was best to let
sleeping dogs lie. I wanted you to be happy Katie dear and I know that he loved
me so I did not mind. So now it is a case of Brother and Sister living together,
and as far as I am concerned as long as you are both discreet and you don‘t
conceive. I wish you both the best of luck and much happiness“.
Aunt Katie stood up and took my mother in her arms - “ I am so lucky to have you
as a sister and as you shared your husband with me it is only fair that I share
my grandson with you.”
It was about a month later that Liz told me that Megan had made it up with her
ex boyfriend Kenny and now she was a bit worried about telling me. So all was
well in the end.
The End
As a suprise to wife I got hold of a viagara pill... |
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