Tony in Space
Without any prodding from me she began fucking herself on the end of my cock as fast and as hard as she could in the throes of her orgasm. While she began fucking me, I grabbed onto a tit with each of my hands and just held on for dear life. Felicity for the next two minutes was a woman possessed as she rapidly fucked herself on my long, thick cock. It was obvious that she was getting extreme pleasure from our love making as of course was I. After she slowed down, signifying that her orgasm had died down, I took over control of our movements, forcing her to time her thrusts with mine.
By now I was pushing my long, thick cock fully into her cunt, my prick head continually bottoming out inside of her. While previously I had just latched onto her breasts, I was now grasping tightly her engorged nipples, pinching, pulling and twisting them viciously. I had only shot off into her once, at the very end of our marathon fuck session. When I did finally blow, she had another intense, orgasm and then seemed to pass out from the sheer intensity of it.
When she came to, I was laying on the bed next to her, still trying to catch my breath. She looked down at my still fully erect cock, now covered with both of our sex juices and she said, straight from her heart” “Thank you Tony!"
She turned and put her arms across me. “Look honey tomorrow we go together to meet Jammarree. Now you go and make sure that your Angie can run your business for a few weeks without you, and then come straight back to me.”
I wondered briefly how she knew that my P A was called Angie and how she seemed to know so much about me. But somehow I did not really care if I was to be together with my beloved Jammarree.
After an hour with Angie sorting out the business, I met Felicity as arranged, but this was a different Felicity, no longer was she the brazen African whore of earlier in the day. She spoke now like a well educated woman, she was decisive about everything she did. Her dress sense had completely changed from being sluttish to wearing a light grey ladies business suit and her make up was applied sensibly and not overdone.
It was a long pleasurable night for both of us, and it was about 10.00 am the next morning when we took off from Nairobi airport. I had filed my flight plan under Felicity’s instructions for Mombassa indicating that I would be landing on a private air strip and so I had headed in that direction. We had been airborne for about twenty minutes when Felicity told me to go on automatic pilot and leave the controls. I took some convincing and very gingerly I let go convinced that I would have to take control again quickly and then to my amazement I realised the plane was flying itself. Reluctantly I joined Felicity in the cabin
After a further ten minutes I saw a valley opening up below me. It was something I had never seen before and as far as I knew was not on any charts I had ever seen, and then to my amazement the plane without anyone at the controls began to ease down to an airstrip which seemed to have just appeared.
The plane landed quietly and efficiently without any help from me, and taxied to come to a halt in font of what appeared to be a hanger. We disembarked, and then as I watched the Cessna taxied forward into the hanger the doors shut quietly, and I turned to look in amazement at Felicity. When I looked back the hanger and the runway had disappeared.
“Welcome to Tyros Earth Station Tony.” Felicity said looking up at me with a smile on her face. Your Princess will be with us shortly I wondered what was happening to me, and I felt little tremors of expectation going through my body. I could not believe that Jammarree would wish to hurt me, or come to that Felicity either.
The sun was shining brightly yet the temperature was not excessively hot. There was a cool breeze and it was quite pleasant. I became aware of a slight humming and within seconds a small space craft had landed just a few feet away. A door appeared in the side and a sort of ramp appeared and then I saw Jammarree appear she walked towards me with her arms outstretched. She hugged me and kissed me as if we had not seen each other for months.
I noticed that her belly seemed more swollen than when I had last seen her.
“Tony dear welcome to Tyros Earth Station.
“Tyros Earth Station?” I asked feeling a little surprised.
“Yes darling and we have colonized this beautiful valley as our earthly home.
Come darling and I will take you to the home here on Earth that we have made for
ourselves.” As she spoke she was leading me up the steps of the shuttle craft
and led me to a seat next to her own. Felicity sat in the front next to another
glamorous black girl who was the crafts pilot.”
Next Chapter 2
Chapter 2
The flight took about half an hour and then the craft came into land in what appeared to be a lovely green park. There were deer grazing on the luscious grass, and rabbits and other furry animals running around and they took no notice whatsoever of us. There was a fast running stream coming off the cliff face and several animals were at the pool drinking the cool water.
Jammarree kept hold of my hand and we walked towards the surrounding cliff, suddenly it seemed to me that the cliff face opened and a large doorway appeared. We entered a large well lit cavern and it was really refreshing to enter the cool of the cliff out of the hot African sun.
We were greeted by 18 young smiling black ladies, all of which seemed to be in their late teens and early twenties. They were dressed very simply in highly coloured sarongs; they clapped and sang a song of welcome, one of the girls came forward with a long cooling refreshing drink for each one of us.
Princess Jammarree held up her hand for silence. “Ladies I bring you Dr. Tony
Nash the father of my child. He knows nothing at all about our mission, but I
welcome him to our Earth Station. I am sure that Tony will help us to fulfill
our mission, but now it is my duty to explain everything to him.”
I admit by now I was a little confused, but as the atmosphere was one of
friendliness, and Jammarree was obviously the boss, I was feeling very relaxed.
Princess Jammarree took me to her quarters, which was a comfortably furnished room cut into the face of the rock and a meal was brought in with some drinks. I had previously noticed that Jammaree’s pregnancy was showing, and I asked her about it. “Yes Tony the very first night together did the trick, but of course I hid it when your wife still was with you, for obvious reasons. But now I have a lot to explain to you.”
“We are from the planet Tyros which is a sister planet of the planet Zircon. Both planets are very similar and both are faced with destruction in the near future from a comet which will strike us, and move us into an orbit nearer the sun. Soon the heat from the sun will kill all living objects on both planets, so we have to find ourselves a new home. Tyros are a planet inhabited by mainly black people. For a time we had an iniquitous ruler who was eventually overthrown and my mother took the throne.”
“How long have you got?” I interrupted.
“Our best estimate is about twenty years, but we need to move our people well before that time arrives, as living conditions will become quite unbearable long before the end. In addition we have another problem the planet Zircon wanted to adopt certain racial purity principles, which excluded mentally handicapped, deformed or coloured people. One of our previous rulers stupidly adopted the same principles of racial purity. Scientists on Zircon developed a product, a type of vaccine that when injected aborted any fetus which appeared to be deformed, unfortunately it was not properly tested, and over the past two centuries the effects have spread through the whole female population on both planets with the result that now every woman who is pregnant with a male child, automatically finds that it is aborted at about twelve weeks.”
“Surely you have carried out research to rectify the situation.” I asked.
“Yes, but unfortunately we have been unable to find a remedy, so we are on a
double course for extinction. Additionally we have been at war with Zircon for
the past twenty years, as their Queen as a form of reprisal authorized the army
to start raiding Tyros to capture any breeding males they could find and of
course we had to defend ourselves. ”
“My mother has been trying to make a peace with Zircon so that we can work
together to solve the problem, but too much blood has been shed and sensible
negotiations are almost impossible.”
“Where do I come in?” I asked.
“I identified you some months ago, as you have a certain blood type which is a
match for ours and you are also a qualified doctor. Coincidently, I found out
that your wife was planning to leave you, and so you were absolutely the idea
candidate. I got rid of your maid, and took her place. Now I am carrying your
son, and there are a number of tasks which we would ask you to carry out on our
“Which are,” I asked.
“I want you to impregnate all these girls, and also initiate negotiations with
your leaders here on Earth which will allow us to settle permanently on Earth.
We will be happy to set up here in Africa or in the USA or in Europe as it is a
multi-cultural society.”
“But you are black and I am white?”
“I know but we also want to include the population of Zircon in our
negotiations. I have been in touch with their Princess Zoe and she is
sympathetic and largely agrees with our aims. They should be here shortly, and
in due course if all goes well you will be expected to fertilise some young
Zircon girls as well. If you were black, I somehow doubt whether we could expect
them to join us.”
It was the very next morning that a small space craft landed with twelve blonde white girls led by a young glamorous blonde lady who introduced herself as Princess Zoe of the planet Zircon. She seemed relieved to see me perhaps gaining confidence that I was white, but I sensed a very tense atmosphere between the two princesses. Jammarree welcomed them all and soon the young girls started introducing themselves to each other. Princess Jammarree had previously arranged that each accommodation should be mixed with black girls and white girls sharing each cave. The girls from both planets were generally mingling and getting used to one another quite quickly, while I joined the two Princesses in the negotiations in Jammaree’s room.
Both girls were adamant that they wanted an end to the stupid feud between the planets despite opposition from their respective parents. The main sticking point came when Princess Zoe seemed to resent the fact that Jammarree and I were married. I suggested that I could be married to both of them and that as they were starting a new life they could make new laws and rules to govern their existence.
This was agreed, together with an agreement to change some of the accommodations. The two Princesses agreed to share accommodations with each other as were their followers. I started to institute a small medical station, but I was soon reminded by Jammarree that she was pregnant and Zoe was not, and I was invited, or rather instructed to remedy that situation.
The girls were living two to an accommodation with one white girl and one black girl, and I was instructed forcibly by my two wives that I was to spend nights in the accommodations with the girls. The rota was worked out by finding out which girls were in their fertile period. I expected that I would soon exhaust myself with all the sexual activity being forced on me, but I soon found that the extra stamina with which Jammarree had somehow endowed me with stood up to the rigors of my task.
This went on for several weeks, the girls worked well together and outline plans were being made to increase and improve the accommodation. I learned a lot about medical techniques and medicines used on the planets and I acquired the services of a black nurse called Mandy. She was one of the three girls who had not become impregnated during my stay there. But Mandy loved sex and would insist on sexual interludes whenever we had a chance.
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