Tony in Space

(Part 1 from 7)

The Valley : Chapter 1, By Sirdar

It was a normal hot sweaty dawn, typical of east Africa; even the early morning breeze had that hint of early morning stillness in it, promising another sweltering day ahead of us. I sat at breakfast on the veranda in my shorts and white shirt ready for another days work, as I gazed with utter loathing across the breakfast table at my wife Lydia. I could feel my hate for her welling up into my throat, and spoiling my appetite Yes, I had to admit she was beautiful, and today she seemed particularly so. She had just told me that today she was going to Mombassa for a few days shopping with Mandy and Dick some close friends of ours. I really could not care less; in fact I was very pleased to be free of her for a few days.

Our marriage was now an utter sham, and on my own I could enjoy a few days alone relaxing with my Jammarree our lovely African housemaid. Jammarree had appeared six weeks ago just as our previous maid had disappeared for no apparent reason. It had all happened when my wife was away on one of her extended shopping trips, so I had no hesitation in hiring her, and within a few hours she was, I was glad to say in my bed fucking my brains out.

Jammarree was still a total mystery, she was about 5, 6” tall slim with perfectly moulded features and spoke almost perfect English with no hint of a native accent. She had lovely aquiline features with a perfect copper coloured skin. She moved almost effortlessly and seemed to materialize from nowhere just when you needed her. It fact it was almost uncanny how she seemed to anticipate my every need, whatever it may be... She would meticulously avoid any questions about her personal life, and when I persisted in questioning her she would smile enigmatically, and just move away.

The other mystery where Jammarree was concerned was that I had no doubt that since we had been making love my cock seemed to have grown longer and thicker. There was no logical medical reason for that to have happened. Its size and girth was now at times embarrassing and was creating a problem for me to hide those unexpected erections which most men have from time to time and always seemed to happen in awkward circumstances and without warning. I also seemed to have developed an increased level of stamina, which was something I did appreciate very much, and which with Jammarree I needed and very much enjoyed.

I knew what I was talking about, because originally I had qualified in medicine just before my parents had died. I had practiced as general Practitioner in the UK for a few years, but following the reading of my parents will and having inherited a small fortune. I decided to take up flying as a career, and founded my own flying school and plane hire facility here in Africa. I had a good team of managers and it largely ran itself.

My wife Lydia and I had for the past few weeks been sleeping in different rooms, a good distance apart from one another in our large home. Our marriage once very happy, had suddenly deteriorated so rapidly that I could not put a finger on what, and when the deterioration had started. Suddenly, it was as though we hated the sight of each other, and could not stand to be in the other persons company.

Every night now after the house had settled down I would find the beautiful Jammarree slipping into bed with me; sex with her had taken me to new heights of ecstasy, and each night she always seemed to produce something new in her sexual repertoire. This morning just before she left me to get breakfast she had informed me that she was having my child. This was quite a shock, but as I had no children from my marriage with Lydia, and it seemed fairly clear to me at this stage, that our marriage was doomed to failure I was not particularly upset.

The final breakdown had occurred shortly before Jammarree had appeared. Lydia had increasingly been spending more and more time away from me, and like today she would take a plane from my hire fleet, and fly herself down to Mombassa and stay with one or other of our many European friends.

That day at breakfast we barely spoke, she had driven away to the airport for her jaunt to Mombassa without any goodbyes. I followed shortly afterwards, just in time to see her plane take-off. I checked that her flight plan had been lodged, and I took off in my own Cessna to Nairobi and another day’s work.

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